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Physical Sciences and Mathematics Commons

Open Access. Powered by Scholars. Published by Universities.®

All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023

Publication Year

Articles 841 - 870 of 1427

Full-Text Articles in Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Climatology Of Upper Thermospheric Daytime Neutral Winds From Satellite Observations, John T. Emmert May 2001

Climatology Of Upper Thermospheric Daytime Neutral Winds From Satellite Observations, John T. Emmert

All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023

We studied the global climatology of mid- and low-latitude F region daytime neutral winds using extensive measurements by the Wind Imaging Interferometer (WINDII) instrument on board the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS). Quiet-time winds are mostly poleward and westward during the day, and are generally 5-20 m/s smaller in the longitudinal sector closest to the magnetic pole, compared to longitudinally averaged winds. The pre-noon zonal winds are less westward with increasing solar flux, while the post-noon meridional winds are less poleward. Our quiet-time results are in good agreement with the NCAR Thermosphere-Ionosphere- Electrodynamics General Circulation Model (TIEGCM).

We computed residual …

The Efficacy Of Plant Residue Degradation Products On Phosphorus, Iron, Iodine, And Fluorine Bioavailability To Plants, Cheryl L. Mackowiak May 2001

The Efficacy Of Plant Residue Degradation Products On Phosphorus, Iron, Iodine, And Fluorine Bioavailability To Plants, Cheryl L. Mackowiak

All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023

Plant and animal wastes degrade in soils to form relatively stable humified compounds, which form ion complexes that affect the bioavailability of elements in the soil solution. Hydroponic studies with wheat and rice were conducted to characterize the effect of humic acid (HA) on phosphorus (P), iron (Fe), fluorine (F), and iodine (I) bioavailability. Ferrihydrite [Fe(OH)3] precipitation was greater on root surfaces without HA or synthetic chelates. Oxides such as ferrihydrite strongly adsorb P and provide exchange sites for metals. HA reduced this precipitate and increased P and Fe uptake.

Humic acid had no effect on F toxicity …

Mean-Square Error Bounds And Perfect Sampling For Conditional Coding, Xiangchen Cui May 2000

Mean-Square Error Bounds And Perfect Sampling For Conditional Coding, Xiangchen Cui

All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023

In this dissertation, new theoretical results are obtained for bounding convergence and mean-square error in conditional coding. Further new statistical methods for the practical application of conditional coding are developed.

Criteria for the uniform convergence are first examined. Conditional coding Markov chains are aperiodic, π-irreducible, and Harris recurrent. By applying the general theories of uniform ergodicity of Markov chains on general state space, one can conclude that conditional coding Markov chains are uniformly ergodic and further, theoretical convergence rates based on Doeblin's condition can be found.

Conditional coding Markov chains can be also viewed as having finite state space. …

Late Quaternary Glacier Fluctuations And Vegetation Change In The Northwestern Ahklun Mountains, Southwestern Alaska, Yarrow L. Axford May 2000

Late Quaternary Glacier Fluctuations And Vegetation Change In The Northwestern Ahklun Mountains, Southwestern Alaska, Yarrow L. Axford

All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023

This research examines moraine and lacustrine records of glacier fluctuations, in combination with palynological records of vegetation change, from the previously unstudied northwestern Ahklun Mountains in southwestern Alaska.

Moraine mapping reveals that ice-cap outlet glaciers in the study area extended ca. 60 km from the center of the Ahklun Mountians ice dome during the early Wisconsin (sensu lato), and ca. 40 km during the late Wisconsin. Correlations with well-studied moraines in the southern Ahklun Mountains indicate an asymmetry of glaciation over the range, with ice-cap outlet glaciers more extensive to the south. This asymmetry was more striking during …

Responses Of Sphagnum And Carex Peatlands To Ultraviolet-B Radiation, And A Meta-Analysis Of Uv-B Effects On Vascular Plants, Peter S. Searles May 2000

Responses Of Sphagnum And Carex Peatlands To Ultraviolet-B Radiation, And A Meta-Analysis Of Uv-B Effects On Vascular Plants, Peter S. Searles

All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023

The severity of stratospheric ozone depletion in the temperate and polar latitudes has raised concerns about the sensitivity of terrestrial vegetation and ecosystems to solar ultraviolet (UV-B) radiation. This dissertation examined the responses of plants and microbes to solar UV-B for 3 years in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina (55° S). This region is under the influence of the Antarctic "ozone hole" during the austral spring. Additionally, a quantitative review of the UV-B literature was conducted using a set of statistical techniques known as meta-analysis.

For the field studies in Tierra del Fuego, plots were established in a Sphagnum moss peatland …

Holocene Tephrostratigraphy, Southern Kenai Peninsula, Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska, Kathleen J. Lemke May 2000

Holocene Tephrostratigraphy, Southern Kenai Peninsula, Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska, Kathleen J. Lemke

All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023

This thesis describes the results of a study of 33 tephra layers found within two peat sections near Anchor Point and Homer, Alaska, on the lower Kenai Peninsula. Numerous lower Cook Inlet volcanoes have been active through the Holocene. Tephra layers found at these two sites provide a partial record of their eruptive activity. The hazards that accompany this activity have increased as populations and commercial activities expand and air traffic over the region increases. The tephras analyzed for this study provide an initial geochemical database for the lower Cook Inlet volcanoes. The database is available in electronic format at …

Comparing Nonlinear And Nonparametric Modeling Techniques For Mapping And Stratification In Forest Inventories Of The Interior Western Usa, Gretchen Gengenbach Moisen May 2000

Comparing Nonlinear And Nonparametric Modeling Techniques For Mapping And Stratification In Forest Inventories Of The Interior Western Usa, Gretchen Gengenbach Moisen

All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023

Recent emphasis has been placed on merging regional forest inventory data with satellite-based information both to improve the efficiency of estimates of population totals, and to produce regional maps of forest variables. There are numerous ways in which forest class and structure variables may be modeled as functions of remotely sensed variables, yet surprisingly little work has been directed at surveying modem statistical techniques to determine which tools are best suited to the tasks given multiple objectives and logistical constraints. Here, a series of analyses to compare nonlinear and nonparametric modeling techniques for mapping a variety of forest variables, and …

Theoretical Studies Of Penetration Of Magnetospheric Electric Fields To The Ionosphere, Stanislav Sazykin May 2000

Theoretical Studies Of Penetration Of Magnetospheric Electric Fields To The Ionosphere, Stanislav Sazykin

All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023

Ionospheric disturbance electric fields of magnetospheric origin play an important role in determining the global morphology and dynamics of the ionosphere of the Earth. In this work, we present a number of numerical simulations of the transient electric fields in the middle and inner magnetosphere and the ionosphere equatorward of the auroral zone caused by idealized changes in the magnetospheric driving parameters. For these studies, we use the Rice Convection Model (RCM), a large computer code of the magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling which consistently computes the electric fields, currents, and plasma densities in the magnetosphere and the electric field and currents in …

Debris-Flow Activity In Canyon Of Lodore, Colorado: Implications For Debris-Fan Formation And Evolution, Jennifer A. Martin May 2000

Debris-Flow Activity In Canyon Of Lodore, Colorado: Implications For Debris-Fan Formation And Evolution, Jennifer A. Martin

All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023

Large-scale characteristics of Ladore Canyon debris fans are dependent upon the bedrock and lithology of the mainstem and tributary canyons. The largest fans occur in the widest section of the mainstem canyon, which typically correlates with the location of large faults. The steepest fans are found at the mouths of tributaries where cliffs are formed by resistant lithologies. Smaller-scale fan characteristics are dependent upon the magnitude and frequency of events from the respective drainage basin, which is controlled primarily by climate. Three distinct deposit ages (oldest, intermediate, youngest) were distinguished on individual fans and were tentatively correlated throughout the canyon …

The Sequence Stratigraphy Of The Middle Cambrian Wheeler Formation In The Drum Mountains Of West Central Utah, Loren P. Schneider May 2000

The Sequence Stratigraphy Of The Middle Cambrian Wheeler Formation In The Drum Mountains Of West Central Utah, Loren P. Schneider

All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023

The majority of the Middle Cambrian Wheeler Formation in the Drum Mountains was deposited during a single 3rd order sequence. Superimposed onto this sequence are three indistinct 4th order cycles and twenty distinct 5th order cycles. These higher order cycles were likely deposited within short intervals of geologic time (204 to 405 ky).

The lower sequence boundary zone occurs within the Swasey Formation. The Transgressive Surface is the contact between the Swasey and Wheeler Formations. The Maximum Flooding Surface is located near the top of the lower Wheeler Formation, which also approximates the base of the Ptychagnostus …

Rotational Structure Of Extremely Floppy Van Der Waals Complexes: Adiabatic Separation Of Angular And Radial Motion, P. Daniel Ward May 2000

Rotational Structure Of Extremely Floppy Van Der Waals Complexes: Adiabatic Separation Of Angular And Radial Motion, P. Daniel Ward

All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023

The adiabatic or Born-Oppenheimer approximation is often used in molecular calculations to simplify the solution to the Schrödinger equation. The basis of the approximation is the large difference in the relative motions of the nuclei and electrons in the molecule—the electrons are able to respond almost instantly to the movements of the nuclei. Thus, the nuclei may be regarded as being fixed in a certain position and the Schrödinger equation can then be solved using the potential obtained by solving the electronic problem at fixed nuclear configuration.

A similar argument can be used to decouple the angular and radial motions …

Positive Solutions Obtained As Local Minima Via Symmetries, For Nonlinear Elliptic Equations, Florin Catrina May 2000

Positive Solutions Obtained As Local Minima Via Symmetries, For Nonlinear Elliptic Equations, Florin Catrina

All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023

In this dissertation, we establish existence and multiplicity of positive solutions for semilinear elliptic equations with subcritical and critical nonlinearities. We treat problems invariant under subgroups of the orthogonal group. Roughly speaking, we prove that if enough "mass " is concentrated around special orbits, then among the functions with prescribed symmetry, there is a solution for the original problem.

Our results can be regarded as a further development of the work of Z.-Q. Wang, where existence of local minima in the space of symmetric functions was studied for the Schrödinger equation. We illustrate the general theory with three examples, all …

A New Perspective On Classification, Guohua Zhao May 2000

A New Perspective On Classification, Guohua Zhao

All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023

The idea of voting multiple decision rules was introduced in to statistics by Breiman. He used bootstrap samples to build different decision rules, and then aggregated them by majority voting (bagging). In regression, bagging gives improved predictors by reducing the variance (random variation), while keeping the bias (systematic error) the same. Breiman introduced the idea of bias and variance for classification to explain how bagging works. However, Friedman showed that for the two-class situation, bias and variance influence the classification error in a very different way than they do in the regression case.

In the first part of …

Studies On The Roles Of Atp In Nitrogenase Catalysis, Wei Wu May 2000

Studies On The Roles Of Atp In Nitrogenase Catalysis, Wei Wu

All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023

Nitrogenase is the enzyme that catalyzes the reduction of nitrogen to ammonia in a reaction requiring MgATP hydrolysis. Two component proteins of nitrogenase are the iron protein (Fe protein) and the molybdenum-iron protein (MoFe protein).

Nitrogenase contains two nucleotide binding sites. During catalysis, the Fe protein binds two MgATP first. The conformational changes induced upon MgATP binding allow the Fe protein to associate with the MoFe protein. After the formation of the Fe protein-MoFe protein complex, a single electron is transferred from the Fe protein to the MoFe protein, an event that is coupled to MgATP hydrolysis in the Fe …

Evaluating Snowmelt Runoff, Infiltration, And Erosion In A Sagebrush-Steppe Ecosystem, Eric K. Duffin May 1999

Evaluating Snowmelt Runoff, Infiltration, And Erosion In A Sagebrush-Steppe Ecosystem, Eric K. Duffin

All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023

Production of low-level radioactive waste (LLRW) has created a need for safe storage facilities. These facilities must be capable of isolating radioactive waste and preventing contamination from physical or biological intrusion until the waste material is isotopically stable. At the present time, managers of the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) have a substantial database characterizing rainfall events and the subsequent impact on integrity of shallow land burial sites used for storage of LLRW. Little information has been gathered describing the processes of snow accumulation/ablation and the resulting impact on storage facilities. This study examines snowmelt runoff, infiltration, and …

Molecular Characterization Of Soil Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria Based On The Genes Encoding Ammonia Monooxygenase, Jose Javier Alzerreca May 1999

Molecular Characterization Of Soil Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria Based On The Genes Encoding Ammonia Monooxygenase, Jose Javier Alzerreca

All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023

Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) are chemolithotrophs that oxidize ammonia/ammonium to nitrite in a two-step process to obtain energy for survival. AOB are difficult to isolate from the environment and iso lated strains may not represent the diversity in soil. A genetic database and molecular tools were developed based on the ammonia monooxygenase (AMO) encoding genes that can be used to assess the diversity of AOB that exist in soil and aquatic environments without the isolation of pure cultures. The amo genes have excellent potential as molecular markers; since AMO is only found in the AOB and is essential for their metabolism, …

Tertiary Stratigraphy And Structural Geology, Wellsville Mountains To Junction Hills, North-Central Utah, Kathryn M. Goessel May 1999

Tertiary Stratigraphy And Structural Geology, Wellsville Mountains To Junction Hills, North-Central Utah, Kathryn M. Goessel

All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023

This study integrates detailed mapping of Tertiary deposits along the divide between the lower Bear River basin and the Cache Valley basin with several other techniques to generate a depositional model, define extension-related structures, and compile a geologic history for this part of the northeastern Basin and Range province. The study area is situated along the topographic divide between Box Elder and Cache Counties, Utah, from the Wellsville Mountains north almost to Clarkston Mountain. These ranges are cored by folded and thrusted Paleozoic rocks. They are bound on the west by normal faults of the Wasatch fault zone and on …

Prediction Of Suburban Encroachment On The Ethan Allen Firing Range And Camp Johnson, Chittenden County, Vermont, John D. Calandrelli May 1999

Prediction Of Suburban Encroachment On The Ethan Allen Firing Range And Camp Johnson, Chittenden County, Vermont, John D. Calandrelli

All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023

Suburban encroachment is a growing concern for many National Guard training installations. The Ethan Allen. Firing Range and Camp Johnson, Vermont, are either experiencing or are completely enclosed by urban encroachment. The objective of this study was to analyze the trends of suburban growth within Chittenden County, Vermont, to evaluate growth and explore future training site viability of the Ethan Allen Firing Range and Camp Johnson.

This study focused on historical data, recent real estate transactions, population projections, and county plans for growth. Using historical and contemporary data, I developed a predictive model of suburban encroachment on Camp Johnson and …

Investigation Of The Determinants Of African Savanna Vegetation Distribution: A Case Study From The Lower Omo Basin, Ethiopia, Catherine A. Schloeder May 1999

Investigation Of The Determinants Of African Savanna Vegetation Distribution: A Case Study From The Lower Omo Basin, Ethiopia, Catherine A. Schloeder

All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023

The Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Organization has little information on the extent and ecological determinants of plant species composition and distribution in Omo National Park. Elsewhere, the determinants of African savanna vegetation dynamics have been the focus of numerous investigations, yet our understanding of the hierarchical nature and relative importance of any relationships remains very general. As well, our ability to derive predictions about vegetation responses is limited to extreme generalizations. African savanna landscape ecotones have received even less attention than most landscapes. In this dissertation, I test hypotheses about plant species distribution-determinant relationships in Omo National Park, a park that …

Ultraviolet-B Radiation: Effects On Pollen Of 34 Taxa, And Inheritance Patterns And Carryover Of Radiation Response In Arabidopsis, Javad Torabinejad May 1999

Ultraviolet-B Radiation: Effects On Pollen Of 34 Taxa, And Inheritance Patterns And Carryover Of Radiation Response In Arabidopsis, Javad Torabinejad

All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023

Although considerable research has addressed effects of elevated ultraviolet-B (UV-8) radiation on vegetative plant structures and processes, the reproductive biology and patterns of inheritance of UV-B tolerance have received much less attention. I examined the effects of UV-B radiation on pollen of 34 taxa. I also addressed questions concerning the patterns of inheritance of UV-B tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana and examined potential cumulative carryover effects of UV-B exposure through multiple generations of this species.

In the first study, a significant reduction in pollen germination occurred in only five species, but pollen tube growth in more than half of the species …

Construction And Analysis Of A Family Of Numerical Methods For Hyperbolic Conservation Laws With Stiff Source Terms, Cinnamon Hillyard May 1999

Construction And Analysis Of A Family Of Numerical Methods For Hyperbolic Conservation Laws With Stiff Source Terms, Cinnamon Hillyard

All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023

Numerical schemes for the partial differential equations used to characterize stiffly forced conservation laws are constructed and analyzed. Partial differential equations of this form are found in many physical applications including modeling gas dynamics, fluid flow, and combustion. Many difficulties arise when trying to approximate solutions to stiffly forced conservation laws numerically. Some of these numerical difficulties are investigated.

A new class of numerical schemes is developed to overcome some of these problems. The numerical schemes are constructed using an infinite sequence of conservation laws.

Restrictions are given on the schemes that guarantee they maintain a uniform bound and satisfy …

Chemical And Hydrostratigraphic Characterization Of Ground Water And Surface Water Interactions In Cache Valley, Utah, J. Mike Robinson May 1999

Chemical And Hydrostratigraphic Characterization Of Ground Water And Surface Water Interactions In Cache Valley, Utah, J. Mike Robinson

All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023

A series of five east-west and two north-south hydrostratigraphic cross sections were drawn from drillers' logs of water wells within the southern half of Cache Valley, Utah. These cross-sections demonstrate that ground water flow to streams is restricted by a continuous low- II permeability layer, nearly 100-feet thick. This layer was correlated to the lake-bottom deposits of the Bonneville (30,000 -13,000 years ago) and Little Valley (140,000 - 90,000 years ago) cycles of the ancient Lake Bonneville.

The most productive aquifers in the valley, collectively termed the principal aquifer , are in the southeast corner , approximately between Smithfield and …

Cenozoic Structural And Stratigraphic Evolution Of The Southeastern Salmon Basin, East-Central Idaho, James J. Blankenau May 1999

Cenozoic Structural And Stratigraphic Evolution Of The Southeastern Salmon Basin, East-Central Idaho, James J. Blankenau

All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023

The southeastern Salmon basin (SB) of east-central Idaho is a complex east-dipping half graben containing four unconformity-bounded sequences of Tertiary volcanic, alluvial fan, lacustrine, and fluvial deposits. From oldest to youngest these are the Challis volcanic group, sedimentary rocks of Tendoy (new name), sedimentary rocks of Sacajaweja (new name), and Quaternary-Tertiary deposits . The thick sequence of volcanic rocks was deposited in a southeast-trending paleovalley . New mapping, cross-cutting relationships, 40Ar/39Ar age determinations, and angular unconformities show that the SB has experienced at least four episodes of extension, and that it lies in the core of an …

Sequence Stratigraphy And Paleoecology Of The Middle Cambrian Spence Shale Member Of The Langston Formation Of Northeastern Utah And Southeastern Idaho, Scott H. Wright May 1999

Sequence Stratigraphy And Paleoecology Of The Middle Cambrian Spence Shale Member Of The Langston Formation Of Northeastern Utah And Southeastern Idaho, Scott H. Wright

All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023

The Middle Cambrian Spence Shale Member contains meter-scale, shallowing-up cycles (parasequences) and record approximately 360 ky of deposition. These meter-scale cycles are nested within transgressive systems tracts (TST) and highstand systems tracts (HST) which reflect different stages of a lower-order, higher-magnitude sea-level excursion.

Fossil assemblages are located in stratigraphic positions within the Spence Shale Member that can be predicted on the basis of sequence architecture. The cycle architecture, taphonomy, and geochemistry of the Spence parasequences confirm synthetic sections and theoretical models of meter-scale cycles developed in other studies. Delineation of meter-scale cycles, based on taphonomic and sedimentologic criteria, allows high-resolution …

The Role Of Iron And Reactive Oxygen Species In Particulate Air Pollution-Dependent Biochemical And Biological Activities, Kevin Richard Smith May 1999

The Role Of Iron And Reactive Oxygen Species In Particulate Air Pollution-Dependent Biochemical And Biological Activities, Kevin Richard Smith

All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023

Particulate air pollution is known to exacerbate respiratory diseases, such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, in humans. It has been proposed that transition meta ls from inhaled particles may play a role in this exacerbation by generating radical species leading to damage in the lungs.

The aim of this research was to determine the role that iron from particulate air pollution played in the generation of reactive oxygen species and subsequently the induction of inflammatory mediators in cells in culture. The production of reactive oxygen species by particulate air pollution was found to be dependent on the mobilization …

A Social Analysis Of Grazing Management On National Forest Lands: A Case Study In Catron County, New Mexico, Alexis S. Watts May 1999

A Social Analysis Of Grazing Management On National Forest Lands: A Case Study In Catron County, New Mexico, Alexis S. Watts

All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023

The rural west in this country faces increased national pressure concerning the management of natural resources on public lands. Issues regarding natural resource management are becoming more important as they continue to affect rural communities and capture the attention of a variety of interest groups. Natural resource managers are increasingly required to consider social dimensions of resource use and management. Lack of consideration in these areas can lead to dissatisfied, and even hostile, local residents and interest groups. Often land managers face criticism from many groups at once as a result of management decisions.

This study analyzed a particular resource …

Measurement Of Angle-Resolved Secondary Electron Spectra, Robert Davies May 1999

Measurement Of Angle-Resolved Secondary Electron Spectra, Robert Davies

All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023

Theoretical formulations of secondary electron emission over the past 20 years have exceeded the confirming ability of available measurements. An instrument has been developed and tested for the purpose of obtaining simultaneous angle- and energy-resolved (AER) secondary and backscattered electron measurements for energetic electrons incident on conducting surfaces. The instrument is found to be in good working order and the data quality found to be excellent for nearly all angles and energies investigated. A representative set of AER measurements has been acquired for 1500 eV electrons normally incident on polycrystalline gold. The data have been used to construct angle-resolved (AR) …

Vessiot: A Maple Package For Varational And Tensor Calculus In Multiple Coordinate Frames, Charles E. Miller May 1999

Vessiot: A Maple Package For Varational And Tensor Calculus In Multiple Coordinate Frames, Charles E. Miller

All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023

The Maple V package Vessiot is an extensive set of procedures for performing computations in variational and tensor calculus. Vessiot is an extension of a previous package, Helmholtz, which was written by Cinnamon Hillyard for performing operations in the calculus of variations. The original set of commands included standard operators on differential forms, Euler-Lagrange operators, the Lie bracket operator, Lie derivatives, and homotopy operators. These capabilities are preserved in Vessiot, and enhanced so as to function in a multiple coordinate frame context. In addition, a substantial number of general tensor operations have been added to the package. These include standard …

On The Model Selection In A Frailty Setting, Jill F. Lundell May 1998

On The Model Selection In A Frailty Setting, Jill F. Lundell

All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023

When analyzing data in a survival setting, whether of people or objects, one of the assumptions made is that the population is homogeneous. This is not true in reality and certain adjustments can be made in the model to account for heterogeneity. Frailty is one method of dealing with some of this heterogeneity. It is not possible to measure frailty directly and hence it can be very difficult to determine which frailty model is appropriate for the data in interest. This thesis investigates three model selection methods in their effectiveness at determining which frailty distribution best describes a given set …

Perceived Fairness And Effectiveness Of Rangeland Collaborative Processes, Kimberly J. Richardson May 1998

Perceived Fairness And Effectiveness Of Rangeland Collaborative Processes, Kimberly J. Richardson

All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023

Involvement in collaborative partnerships in natural resource management has become a popular method for natural resource management agencies to collect public input, cope with conflicts, and develop ecosystem management plans. This thesis evaluates various collaborative processes, emphasizing multiple-owner partnerships. Qualitative interviews of 46 landowners in Utah were conducted to reveal concerns and suggestions regarding multiple-owner landscape-level collaborative partnerships. Landowners were concerned about private property rights infringement and losing control of their private land. Landowners were primarily concerned about the fairness and effectiveness of any partnership in which they were involved.

However, they were willing to consider participating if certain procedural …