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Physical Sciences and Mathematics Commons

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Full-Text Articles in Physical Sciences and Mathematics

The Role Of 3d Printing Technology In Achieving Egypt’S Vision For Sustainable Development 2030, أسماء أحمد عزه صبحي, مي مدكور Jul 2024

The Role Of 3d Printing Technology In Achieving Egypt’S Vision For Sustainable Development 2030, أسماء أحمد عزه صبحي, مي مدكور

Journal of Engineering Research

هذه الدراسة تركز علي فهم تأثير تكنولجيا الطباعة ثلاثية الأبعاد علي مجال العمارة والبناء المستدام، مع التركيز على جوانب الاستدامة البيئية الاقتصادية والاجتماعية كما توضح الدراسات السابقة المعتمده علي التحليل النقدي أن الطباعة ثلاثية الأبعاد بديلاً مستدامًا مع ما يصل إلى 49% أقل من البصمة البيئية و78% أكثر فعالية من حيث التكلفة مقارنة بتقنيات البناء التقليدية وتواجه صناعة البناء في جمهورية مصر العربية مجموعة من التحديات مثل عدم دمج تقنيات الطباعة ثلاثية الأبعاد في صناعة البناء في مصر بما توفره من إمكانيات تساعد في الوصول لمباني أكثر استدامة بما يحقق متطلبات رؤية مصر 2030 للتنمية المستدامة بالاضافة الي ضعف ملائمة …

A Comparative Analysis In Energy Efficiency In Buildings To Support Clean Energy Transitions In Architecture, Nourhane M. El-Haridi Jul 2024

A Comparative Analysis In Energy Efficiency In Buildings To Support Clean Energy Transitions In Architecture, Nourhane M. El-Haridi

Journal of Engineering Research

Over the past few decades, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of energy efficiency policies in designing buildings for supporting clean energy transitions. Buildings account for a significant share of global energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, and improving their energy efficiency in the design phase can reduce energy use and emissions, while also providing numerous other benefits such as cost savings, improved comfort and health, and job creation. Many countries have already implemented energy efficiency policies in buildings, such as building codes, standards, labeling schemes, and financial incentives in addition to governmental regulations. Since the governments …

Activating Urban Spaces To Achieve Social Sustainability In Closed Residential Communities, ولاء أحمد نو زة صبحي السقا , أحمد السيد الشناوي , سارة حسني شعلان Jul 2024

Activating Urban Spaces To Achieve Social Sustainability In Closed Residential Communities, ولاء أحمد نو زة صبحي السقا , أحمد السيد الشناوي , سارة حسني شعلان

Journal of Engineering Research

تماشيا مع توجهات الجمهورية الجديدة و رؤية مصر 2030 من أجل خلق مجتمعات سكنية مستدامة تلبي احتياجات سكانيها الاجتماعية .وقد ادي انتشار المجتمعات السكنية المغلقة الي وجود مشكلة اجتماعية لسكانها من عزلة و انحصارهم داخلها وانفصالهم عن المجتمع المحيط بهم وعن سكان باقي المدينة وبالتالي ظهرت مشاكل اجتماعية مثل العزلة و الشعور بالوحدة وفقدان الانتماء الاجتماعي وزيادة الانفصال.لذلك يتناول البحث تفعيل دور الفراغات العمرانية وتاثيرها علي العلاقة الاجتماعية بين ساكني تلك التجمعات المغلقة والتاكيد علي ضرورة تطبيق تلك المعايير التصميمية لتلبية احتياجات السكان الاجتماعية. لما للفراغ العمراني من دور مهم في ممارسة الانشطة و الفاعليات التي من شانها تحقيق التواصل …

Evaluation Of The Built Environment Performance In Light Of Sustainable And Universal Design: Criteria And Methods, N.A.Mohamed E. A. Morghany, M. E. Khalil Jul 2024

Evaluation Of The Built Environment Performance In Light Of Sustainable And Universal Design: Criteria And Methods, N.A.Mohamed E. A. Morghany, M. E. Khalil

Journal of Engineering Research

Egypt's Vision 2030 for Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS) emphasizes social inclusion and accessibility. The concept of Universal Design (UD) is crucial in achieving the goals of SDS by facilitating utilization and access to the built environment for all.

Palm Agricultural Residues As A Sustainable Local Construction Material For Siwa House: One Click Life Cycle Assessment Perspective, Nader Mohamed Gharib, Jul 2024

Palm Agricultural Residues As A Sustainable Local Construction Material For Siwa House: One Click Life Cycle Assessment Perspective, Nader Mohamed Gharib,

Journal of Engineering Research

This study focuses on conducting a life cycle assessment (LCA) of using green agricultural waste as a sustainable local building material compared to conventional materials. Agricultural residues present a major waste management issue, however they can be repurposed as renewable construction resources. The aim is to quantify the environmental impacts of an experimental palm midribs roof design versus a traditional reinforced concrete roof. by using One Click LCA software to model the two design scenarios and analyze key sustainability indicators including carbon emissions. By comparing the LCA results, the study benchmarks the global warming potential and identifies opportunities to promote …

Opportunities And Challenges For Achieving Sustainable Architectural Education In Egypt, In Light Of Universal Design Approach., مي عيد خليل أحمد م/ هناء شعبان حسن Jul 2024

Opportunities And Challenges For Achieving Sustainable Architectural Education In Egypt, In Light Of Universal Design Approach., مي عيد خليل أحمد م/ هناء شعبان حسن

Journal of Engineering Research

الملخص يعتبر التعليم الجامعي هو المفتاح لتغيير الثقافة المهنية في مجالات التصميم، لذا يقع على عاتق المؤسسات التعليمية مسؤولية التعليم والتثقيف للطلاب الجامعيين، حيث يقدم التعليم المعماري حلولاً مجدية للقضايا الدولية الملحة من خلال تحقيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة والتي صاغتها الأمم المتحدة، يمكن التغلب على هذه القضايا من خلال تطبيق مفهوم التصميم العالمي (الشامل) UD والذي يسعي لتبسيط الحياه علي الجميع وتحقيق الوصول والاستخدام اليسير للجميع بغض النظر عن القدرات البدنية والأعمار.

The Role Of Interior Architecture In Developing Sustainable Educational Building Spaces And Its Impact On Users In University Institutions, زينب ناجي¹ ريم الحداد Jul 2024

The Role Of Interior Architecture In Developing Sustainable Educational Building Spaces And Its Impact On Users In University Institutions, زينب ناجي¹ ريم الحداد

Journal of Engineering Research

يهدف البحث الى تسليط الضوء على أهمية الاستدامة في التصميم وما تحققه من جوانب ايجابية على الفرد والمجتمع، حيث أن أبنية العمارة المستدامة هي التي يتم تصميمها وإنشاءها بطرق ومواد البناء المحلية والتي لا تؤثر سلبيا على البيئة وصحة المستعملين والقائمين بالبناء وتحافظ على حقوق الأجيال القادمة، وتتناول الأبنية المستدامة العديد من الإعتبارات ومنها إستعمالات الأراضي والتأثير على الموقع والبيئة المحيطة وإستنزاف الطاقة والمياه. و يصبح المبنى الذي يبنى على أساس العمارة المستدامة مفيد لأنه يعتمد على تحسين كفاءة الطاقة المستخدمة وبالتالي توفير المال، والحد من التلوث بزيادة نقاء الهواء الذي يوفر لمستخدمي المبنى بيئة صحية سليمة بالإضافة الى المحافظة …

The Impact Of Digital Twin On Real Estate Marketing, نوران عاطف محمد غانم Eng, مروة أحمد قمر الدولة أ.د أحمد عبد الوهاب أحمد رزق Jul 2024

The Impact Of Digital Twin On Real Estate Marketing, نوران عاطف محمد غانم Eng, مروة أحمد قمر الدولة أ.د أحمد عبد الوهاب أحمد رزق

Journal of Engineering Research

يتناول هذا البحث أولا الدراسات النظرية الأكثر حداثة التي تناولت تقنية التوأمة الرقمية وعلاقتها بالعقارات وتسويقها ونشأتها ومفهومها ومكوناتها، ثم انتقلنا الي الدراسات المخصصة لاستخداماتها في قطاع العقارات وأهميتها، ومن بعد تناولنا استخدامتها في التسويق العقاري بصفة خاصة من حيث المشاريع والبرامج. ومن ثم وضحنا أهمية تقنية التوأمة وتأثيرها علي التسويق العقاري من حيث العملاء والشركات والأسواق، وبعد ذلك تناولنا تطبيق للتسويق العقاري باستخدام تقنية التوأمة الرقمية علي التخطيط العمراني وكيفية تأثيره علي تسويق المشروع. ومن خلال القيام بدراسة استبيان لقياس أهمية تأثير تقنية التوأمة الرقمية علي أراء العملاء وتفضيلاتهم في اتخاذ القرارات واختيارهم للشركات حين ذاك، وربط تقنية التوأمة …

Challenges Of New And Renewable Energy In The Face Of Climate Change: An Introduction To Evaluating The Egyptian Experience, نهي أحمد عبد المنعم السيد, شاهيناز محمد علي طايع Dr, Nevine Gado Dr. Jul 2024

Challenges Of New And Renewable Energy In The Face Of Climate Change: An Introduction To Evaluating The Egyptian Experience, نهي أحمد عبد المنعم السيد, شاهيناز محمد علي طايع Dr, Nevine Gado Dr.

Journal of Engineering Research

أصبحت التغيرات المناخية وما يترتب عليها من المخاطر البيئية قضية من القضايا الحيوية والتي عقدت لها عدة مؤتمرات دولية مثل مؤتمر المناخ العالمي COP 27 والذي استضافته مصر في عام 2023 لوضع الحلول لتلك الأزمة. ومن أجل ذلك أصبح مردود الطاقة الجديدة والمتجددة احدى اليات وادوات التعامل مع هذه القضية الحيوية كبديل مستدام وصديق للبيئة.

Sensory Garden Preferences For Autism Spectrum: Insights From Psychologists And Urban Designers, Maram Adel Ebaid Jul 2024

Sensory Garden Preferences For Autism Spectrum: Insights From Psychologists And Urban Designers, Maram Adel Ebaid

Journal of Engineering Research

Sensory gardens are outdoor environment that stimulate the senses and promote well-being for people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In Egypt, there is an absence of gardens, compounded by a limited understanding of the design principles aligned with the needs of people with ASD. The research explores sensory garden features and the specific challenges faced by people with ASD. To bridge this gap, the methodology depends on qualitative approach through interviews with psychology and urban design experts. The results highlight the correlation between prevalent strategies among people with ASD and the elements of sensory gardens, considering both soft and hard …

Incorporation Of Bim Techniques In The Architectural Engineering Curriculum, Ahmed Ahmed M. Saleh, Sherif S. Abdalla Jul 2024

Incorporation Of Bim Techniques In The Architectural Engineering Curriculum, Ahmed Ahmed M. Saleh, Sherif S. Abdalla

Journal of Engineering Research

In this era, the age of the digital revolution, Egyptian engineering universities and academies compete by integrating new technologies such as building information modeling (BIM) inside the educational curriculum. The research aims to examine and integrate BIM techniques within the course specifications in Egyptian universities and academies, majoring in architectural engineering pathing through the four levels of credit hours system so that, teaching the BIM courses is not limited to one or two only. Furthermore, the current situation of BIM maturity levels, dimensions, and tools implementation in some architecture universities and academies curriculum will be determined and monitored. As a …

Operating Efficiency In Accommodation Units And Its Impact On The Design Of Comprehensive Single Patient Rooms In Hospitals, نهال نبيل محمد مصطفي ، احمد هلال محمد محمد ، نادي مصطفي عبد الكريم Jul 2024

Operating Efficiency In Accommodation Units And Its Impact On The Design Of Comprehensive Single Patient Rooms In Hospitals, نهال نبيل محمد مصطفي ، احمد هلال محمد محمد ، نادي مصطفي عبد الكريم

Journal of Engineering Research

هناك الكثير من التحديات التشغيلية والتنظيمية التي تواجهها المجموعات المهنية المختلفة داخل وحدات الإقامة في المستشفيات بسبب عدم كفاية معايير التصميم الموضوعة بالاحتياجات المطلوبة خاصة بغرف المرضي، ومن اهم التحديات التي يواجهها الاطباء وفرق التمريض والفنيين وغيرهم. القدرة السلسة على دخول غرفة المريض والتفاعل مع عناصر الغرفة بشكل واضح دون حدوث تصادمات او احتكاكات، كذلك القدرة علي القيام بالأعمال التحضيرية المتعلقة بالأنشطة التمريضية المطلوبة داخل غرف المرضي وتشمل كافة الأنشطة التي يقوم بها الشخص المهني سواء اكان طبيب ام تمريض ام فني منذ لحظة دخوله غرفة المريض وحتي اداءه المهمة المطلوبة. ويجب ان تتم هذه المهام بشكل مريح وباستجابة سريعة …

Early Frasnian (Upper Devonian) Genundewa Event In The Bolshaya Nadota River Section Of The Subpolar Urals (Russia), Marina Soboleva, Denis Gruzdev, Dmitry Sobolev, Andrey Zhuravlev Jul 2024

Early Frasnian (Upper Devonian) Genundewa Event In The Bolshaya Nadota River Section Of The Subpolar Urals (Russia), Marina Soboleva, Denis Gruzdev, Dmitry Sobolev, Andrey Zhuravlev

Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences

Evidence of the Frasnian Genundewa Event at the FZ 2 – FZ 3 boundary interval has been detected in the facies of the isolated carbonate platform in Subpolar Urals. The preserved traces of the Genundewa Event represent micritic microlaminated carbonates, which manifests a short-term deepening episode in an extremely shallow water background. From the onset of this deep-water deposition there is a dominance of Polygnathus, Ancyrodella, and Mesotaxis whereas in the underlying shallow water deposits, the genus Polygnathus clearly predominated. No specific features of the Genundewa Event were observed in the C-isotope record. The mean δ13Ccarb value is approximately 2‰ …

Tectonic Geomorphology Of The South-Eastern Section Of The Burdur-Fethiye Shear Zone, Western Taurides: Morphotectonic Framework Of The Eşen Basin, İrem Eli̇tez, Cenk Yaltirak Jul 2024

Tectonic Geomorphology Of The South-Eastern Section Of The Burdur-Fethiye Shear Zone, Western Taurides: Morphotectonic Framework Of The Eşen Basin, İrem Eli̇tez, Cenk Yaltirak

Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences

The Eşen Basin is a transtensional basin located in the south-eastern section of the Burdur-Fethiye Shear Zone and includes a part of the Western Taurides to the east. This tectonically complex area is bounded by the back-arc region of the Hellenic Arc, the offshore Anaximander Mountains, the offshore Rhodes and Finike basins, the extensional Western Anatolian region, and the compressional regions of the Western Taurides. In this study, in order to characterise the recent tectonic activity of the Eşen Basin, 101 drainage basins and 41 mountain fronts were analysed in terms of the longitudinal river profiles and the application of …

Eocene Magmatism Related To Postcollisional Extension In The Eastern Pontides (Ne Türkiye): 40ar-39ar Geochronology, Geochemistry, And Whole-Rock Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf Isotopes, Emre Aydinçakir, Cem Yücel, Abdullah Kaygusuz, Özgür Bi̇li̇ci̇, Si̇nan Yilmazer, Gilles Ruffet Jul 2024

Eocene Magmatism Related To Postcollisional Extension In The Eastern Pontides (Ne Türkiye): 40ar-39ar Geochronology, Geochemistry, And Whole-Rock Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf Isotopes, Emre Aydinçakir, Cem Yücel, Abdullah Kaygusuz, Özgür Bi̇li̇ci̇, Si̇nan Yilmazer, Gilles Ruffet

Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences

The mineral chemistry, whole-rock geochemistry, 40Ar / 39Ar dating and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopes of the Eocene Narman (Erzurum) Volcanic rocks in the southeast of the Eastern Pontides Orogenic Belt (EPOB, NE Türkiye) were investigated. The Narman Volcanites consist of basaltic dyke, basaltic lava, and basaltic volcanic breccia facies. Volcanites contain plagioclase (An34-80), clinopyroxene (Wo38-47En41-50Fs5-18), and olivine (Fo68-90) as phenocrystals with magnetite/titanomagnetite microphenocrysts. New 40Ar-39Ar ages suggest that these volcanic rocks erupted between 44.5 ± 0.1 and 43.4 ± 0.1 Ma, within the Middle Eocene (Lutetian). Narman Volcanites have calc-alkaline character, with medium-high K content. Volcanites are enriched in large ion lithophile …

Evaluation Of Gis-Based Spatial Interpolation Methods For Groundwater Level: A Case Study Of Türkiye, Ni̇lüfer Ti̇rol Kirçi̇çek, Alper Baba, Ayhan Koçbay, Murat Mert Toklu Jul 2024

Evaluation Of Gis-Based Spatial Interpolation Methods For Groundwater Level: A Case Study Of Türkiye, Ni̇lüfer Ti̇rol Kirçi̇çek, Alper Baba, Ayhan Koçbay, Murat Mert Toklu

Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences

Groundwater is a valuable and universally distributed resource on Earth. Understanding the spatial and temporal dynamics of groundwater is of utmost importance for effective management. Normally, groundwater levels are recorded at arbitrary points, but groundwater modeling requires interpolating the measured values at specific grid nodes. The aim of this study was to identify and evaluate the geographical variations of groundwater levels in Türkiye using three geostatistical interpolation techniques. Data from 355 groundwater wells from 1970 to 2019 were used for this purpose. In addition, an investigation of changes in annual average temperature and precipitation was conducted for two different time …

Facies Architecture And Depositional Evolution Of The Middle Eocene Mass Flow-Dominated Fan Delta Complex In The Multifeeder Areas: Elazığ Marine Basin (Eastern Türkiye), Onur Alkaç Jul 2024

Facies Architecture And Depositional Evolution Of The Middle Eocene Mass Flow-Dominated Fan Delta Complex In The Multifeeder Areas: Elazığ Marine Basin (Eastern Türkiye), Onur Alkaç

Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences

The mass flow-dominated fan delta complex is developed by the rapid deposition of coarse-grained materials in front of uplifted areas under the influence active tectonism. This is important for providing clues about the first opening stages of marine basins. The study aims to shed light on the fact that mass flow-dominated fan delta complexes play an active role in determining the characterization of tectonism controlling basin opening. In the study area, mass flow-dominated deposits of the Deliktaş Fan Delta Complex (DFDC) represent the first deposits of the southern part of the Middle Eocene Elazığ Marine Basin, whose development is controlled …

Microplastic Accumulation In The Marsh Periwinkle (Littoraria Irrorata), Sarah Keaton, Hannah Lukhard, Eli Windy, Manar Hasan Jul 2024

Microplastic Accumulation In The Marsh Periwinkle (Littoraria Irrorata), Sarah Keaton, Hannah Lukhard, Eli Windy, Manar Hasan

DePaul Discoveries

Contamination of oceans by microplastics (mm) currently poses a major threat to aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems worldwide. Recent attention towards this issue has raised questions about the extent to which microplastics have accumulated in the environment, and has led to an increase in studies on the effects of microplastics in various organisms. However, levels of contamination in protected natural areas are still largely unexplored, yet can offer an important empirical perspective on the issue. In addition, little is known about the potential effects of microplastics on behavior in the field. This research was conducted within the protected ACE Basin National …

Detection And Quantification Of Acetaminophen In Aquatic Samples From Cádiz, Spain, Hannah R. Desmarais, Michelle N. Mikos Jul 2024

Detection And Quantification Of Acetaminophen In Aquatic Samples From Cádiz, Spain, Hannah R. Desmarais, Michelle N. Mikos

DePaul Discoveries

Pharmaceutical contaminants in water are becoming increasingly prevalent. This could have potentially harmful effects on human health and aquatic environments, even at low concentrations. Acetaminophen, the active ingredient of Tylenol ®, was the target compound for this study, and the aim was to determine is presence and concentration in various aquatic samples in and around the city of Cádiz, Spain. It was predicted that acetaminophen would be detected in low concentrations in river water, drain outflow, University of Cádiz saltwater flow, and lagoon water, but undetectable in the University of Cádiz sink water and fountain water. The presence and concentration …

Spatial And Temporal Analysis Of Pm 2.5 Concentrations In Chicago Along The Lakefront Trail Using Wearable Air Quality Sensors, Jacob A. Johnson Jul 2024

Spatial And Temporal Analysis Of Pm 2.5 Concentrations In Chicago Along The Lakefront Trail Using Wearable Air Quality Sensors, Jacob A. Johnson

DePaul Discoveries

Mass urbanization and transportation practices have resulted in high amounts of air pollution. Air pollution can have detrimental effects on human health causing respiratory issues as well as other health complications. Certain areas of cities experience more exposure to air pollution which can also cause them to have more health issues and lower life expectancy. These areas are often associated with disinvestment and minoritized communities of color. This research explores patterns of air quality related to environmental justice areas using low-cost wearable air quality monitoring sensors attached to a bicycle. Data was collected along the Lakefront Trail stretching from Irving …

A Seasonal Decomposition Comparison Between Forest And Turf Habitats: Implications For Climate Change, Amanda Shirmer Jul 2024

A Seasonal Decomposition Comparison Between Forest And Turf Habitats: Implications For Climate Change, Amanda Shirmer

DePaul Discoveries

Decomposition is an essential ecosystem service in which microorganisms breakdown organic matter. This process improves soil health and acts as a vital step in global carbon cycles. In this study, we examined decomposition rates and associated soil properties in turf and forest habitats across summer and fall seasons in order to determine how land management practices and climate change may be altering local decomposition regimes. Our study determined that there was a statistically significant difference between decomposition rates in turf and forest ecosystems (P=0.003) and a significant difference in decomposition rate across season (P

Postweaning Skull Growth In Living Didelphid Marsupials: The Case Of Gracilinanus Agilis And Cryptonanus Chacoensis, Iveth A. Villalobos Guerrero, Noé U. De La Sancha Jul 2024

Postweaning Skull Growth In Living Didelphid Marsupials: The Case Of Gracilinanus Agilis And Cryptonanus Chacoensis, Iveth A. Villalobos Guerrero, Noé U. De La Sancha

DePaul Discoveries

Ontogeny is described as the history of an organism through its lifetime including development, growth, and allometry. The ontogenetic approach in cranial dimensions has proved useful in interpreting evolutionary patterns. Among the largest Didelphidae family of Neotropical marsupials, the species of Gracilinanus agilis and Cryptonanus chacoensis are poorly known. In this study, we address three questions; Is there sexual dimorphism in these species? What is the pattern of allometry? Which allometric patterns best describe the patterns in the skull and mandible? We applied geometric morphometrics to describe and test these differences using MorphoJ. A discriminant function analysis was performed to …

The Impacts Of Urbanization On Soil: The Effect On Decomposition Rates And Microbial Communities, Maximus C. Halekakis Jul 2024

The Impacts Of Urbanization On Soil: The Effect On Decomposition Rates And Microbial Communities, Maximus C. Halekakis

DePaul Discoveries

The anthropogenic impacts of industrialization have left many ecosystems polluted. Soil, being an imperative actor for ecosystem functions, is important to observe under anthropogenic change. My study examined soil organic matter decomposition, microbial biomass carbon(MBC) and the fungal to bacteria ratio(F:B) across an urban-suburban-exurban landuse gradient in San Luis Obispo, California. A cotton strip assay as well as microBIOMETER® testing was performed on three geographic locations in and outside of the city. The cotton strip decomposition acts as an indicator for organic matter breakdown as microorganisms break down the cellulose in the strips causing them to lose mass and tensile …

Disentangling Drivers Of Metacommunity Structure For Small Mammals Throughout Paraguay, William T. Szromba Jul 2024

Disentangling Drivers Of Metacommunity Structure For Small Mammals Throughout Paraguay, William T. Szromba

DePaul Discoveries

Paraguay is home to a unique precipitation gradient, receiving progressively more precipitation from east to west. It has previously been suggested that metacommunity structures for order Chiroptera assemble along precipitation gradients such as this one. Metacommunities have also been shown to assemble along other bioclimatic gradients such as temperature. This study seeks to expand upon other findings by using a larger dataset, partitioned bioclimatic variables, and more mammalian orders. It also seeks to determine how metacommunities assemble along this gradient in Paraguay, investigate the differences between different ecological metacommunity assemblages, and to further understand which bioclimatic variables have the greatest …

Increasing The B-Chromatic Number Of Complete Bipartites By Deleting Edges, Daniel Gawel Jul 2024

Increasing The B-Chromatic Number Of Complete Bipartites By Deleting Edges, Daniel Gawel

DePaul Discoveries

A b-coloring of a graph, G=V,E〉, is a proper coloring in which each color has at least one vertex that is adjacent to every other color. The b-chromatic number for G, denoted φ(G), is the largest number of colors you can use to make a b-coloring. For most graphs, φ(G), is around the m-index, an upper bound for φ(G) based on the graph's degree sequence. However, for the complete bipartite graph Km,n, φ(Km,n)=2 even though the m-index can be arbitrarily large. In this paper …

Exploring Total Graphs Of Complete Bipartite Graphs, Dominic L J Morgan Jul 2024

Exploring Total Graphs Of Complete Bipartite Graphs, Dominic L J Morgan

DePaul Discoveries

In a proper vertex coloring for a graph G, we call a vertex a b-vertex whenever this vertex is adjacent to at least one vertex of every color class. The b-chromatic number of a graph is defined to be the greatest integer k such that there exists a proper coloring on the graph with k colors where there is at least one b-vertex in every color class. This paper is on the b-chromatic number of the total graphs of complete bipartite graphs. We find bounds of the b-chromatic number for the total graphs of complete bipartite graphs and provide …

The B-Chromatic Number Of Super Cycles, Blair E. Johnson Jul 2024

The B-Chromatic Number Of Super Cycles, Blair E. Johnson

DePaul Discoveries

The b-chromatic number, a characteristic studied in graph theory, was introduced less than 25 years ago, and while some statistics have been gathered of its properties, the b-chromatic number has yet to be explored in many graphs and circumstances. Before the Undergraduate Summer Research Program, I had no exposure to graph theory, let alone b-colorings. Throughout the program, I developed a fundamental understanding of the subject and began to pursue my own research inquiries. While this objective was difficult to attain at the beginning, I learned strategies and methods to hone my ability to delve into different graphs, and soon …

B-Chromatic Number Of The Graph Power Of The Star Graph, Erik Dahlen Jul 2024

B-Chromatic Number Of The Graph Power Of The Star Graph, Erik Dahlen

DePaul Discoveries

In this paper we focus on the newly introduced b-colorings of a graph G. A b-coloring is a proper coloring such that for each color class, there exists at least one vertex which is adjacent to every other color. The b-chromatic number of a graph G is the largest number k such that G admits a b-coloring with k colors. This paper will introduce the b-chromatic number of some interesting graphs. Several operations of graphs are defined, and the b-chromatic number of those operations are found. All graphs in this paper are simple, connected, …

Human Second Metacarpal Nanocrystal Analysis, William Abramovich Jul 2024

Human Second Metacarpal Nanocrystal Analysis, William Abramovich

DePaul Discoveries

Female human bones dated to the 6th - 8th century CE were uncovered in Greding Germany after archaeologists discovered a medieval cemetery. Age-at-death estimates have been determined, and data from several techniques are currently being analyzed to learn more about these samples. The purpose of this project is to study the diaphyses of the second metacarpal (mc2) bones excavated using wide-angle x-ray scattering data collected at beamline 1-ID of the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory. The diffraction data were refined using the Rietveld method to obtain lattice (‘a’ and ‘c’) parameter values …

Natural Dialectics: Māori & Sioux Ecosophy Encounters The Rule Of Law, Robert T.F. Downes Jul 2024

Natural Dialectics: Māori & Sioux Ecosophy Encounters The Rule Of Law, Robert T.F. Downes

The Journal of International Relations, Peace Studies, and Development

In the age of intensifying anthropogenic climate change, an ecosophical shift is required in the epistemological and ontological comprehension of the interrelations between the human and non-human worlds. This shift is essential for refining existing social scientific approaches to investigating and adjudicating questions of environmental governance, environmental justice, environmental sovereignty, in addition to advancing democratic counters to the effects of ecological degradation and environmental catastrophe that move beyond rigid political-economic constraints. This essay constitutes a novel engagement with discourses of radical democracy and radical ecology that applies the philosophical method of dialectical naturalism to an ecosophical interpretation of the human-nature …