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Physical Sciences and Mathematics Commons

Open Access. Powered by Scholars. Published by Universities.®


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Articles 1141 - 1170 of 11462

Full-Text Articles in Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Analiza Forenzike E Regjistrit Të Windows-It, Avdush Jashari Nov 2013

Analiza Forenzike E Regjistrit Të Windows-It, Avdush Jashari

Theses and Dissertations

Kjo temë do të prezantoj data bazën e Windows Regjistrit dhe do të shpjegojë se sa është e rëndësishme në ekzaminimet forenzike kjo data bazë për ekzaminuesit e fushës së forenzikës digjitale. Në esencë tema do të diskutoj disa lloje të ndryshme të gjurmëve të regjistrit dhe do të hulumtojmë se çfarë informacione të rëndësishme mund të marrim duke bërë një ekzaminim forenzik.

Gjithashtu do të diskutohet edhe për shumë çelësa të regjistrit (Registry KEY) të cilët janë shumë të domosdoshëm në një ekzaminim. Forenzika Kompjuterike (Forenzika Digjitale) është aplikimi i teknikave të hetimit dhe analizimit për të mbledhur dhe …

Përmbledhje E Teknologjive Për Mbrojtjen E Privatësisë Online, Driton Tahiri Nov 2013

Përmbledhje E Teknologjive Për Mbrojtjen E Privatësisë Online, Driton Tahiri

Theses and Dissertations

Me zhvillimin e hovshëm teknologjik, gjithnjë e më shumë është shtuar përdorimi i shërbimeve të ndryshme online. Me këtë, edhe shpërndarja e të dhënave personale të shfrytëzuesve tek ofrues të ndryshëm të shërbimeve ka bërë që shfrytëzuesit të humbin gjithnjë e me shume kontrollin ndaj të dhënave të tyre personale, shpesh edhe pa dituri të mjaftueshme. Në këtë mënyrë, privatësia e shfrytëzuesve është vënë në rrezik gjithnjë e më të madh.

Për këtë arsye, në këtë punim të bachelor, kam vendosur që të sjell një përmbledhje të teknologjive që kanë për synim vënien e të dhënave personale në kontroll të …

Implementimi I Gps Sistemit Në Pajisje Mobile, Emin Hyseni Nov 2013

Implementimi I Gps Sistemit Në Pajisje Mobile, Emin Hyseni

Theses and Dissertations

Në dekadën e fundit popullariteti i përdorimit të GPS në pajisjet mobile është në rritjen eksponenciale të numrit të përdoruesve anë e banë botës. Ky numër kaq i madh i pajisjeve mobile e bën më të përdoshëm GPS në të gjitha sferat e jetes. E tëra kjo është si pasojë e zhvillimit të madh të teknologjis së telefonave mobil. Java si gjuhë e lartë programuese mundëson lidhshmërinë në mes të pajisjeve haduerike(hardware) të telefonave të mençur me aplikacionet e sistemit operativ. Java është gjuha e vetme e që është shkruar sistemi operativ ANDROID. Njëhiherit edhe aplikacionet e tjera duhet të …

Siguria E Aplikacioneve, Fatjon Shala Nov 2013

Siguria E Aplikacioneve, Fatjon Shala

Theses and Dissertations

Me lindjen e internetit dhe rritja gjithnjë më e madhe e kompleksitetit të softverit dhe sistemeve, nevoja për aplikacjone të sigurta është bërë urgjente. Megjithate organizatat përballen me sfida të ndryshme për ti mbajtur programet e tyre të sigurta edhe pse kërcenimet evoluojn kohë pas kohë. Pra interneti ofron mundësi të shumta për një sulmues (haker) për tu lidhur me aplikacjon e për ta shkelur sigurin e ti. Pavarsisht nga shqetësimi në rritje rreth kërkesave për aplikacjone të sigurta me personele të përfshir si zhvillues, administrator planifikues të projekteve etj. megjithate e kanë të vështir të gjejn mënyra për të …

Cloud Computing Dhe Teknologjia E Gjelbër, Yll Konjufca Nov 2013

Cloud Computing Dhe Teknologjia E Gjelbër, Yll Konjufca

Theses and Dissertations

No abstract provided.

Rrjetet Sociale Si Mundësi Për Të Bërë Marketing, Valon Rexhepi Nov 2013

Rrjetet Sociale Si Mundësi Për Të Bërë Marketing, Valon Rexhepi

Theses and Dissertations

Në vitin 2003, dy rrjete sociale u lansuan që më vonë do ta ndryshonin përgjithmonë mënyrën që ne komunikojm me njëri tjetrin: Facebook dhe MySpace. Në atë kohë askush nuk do të mund ta imagjinonte sa sa produktive dhe influencuese do të bëheshin këto rrjete sociale.

Megjithatë, gjatë dy viteve në vazhdim dy shërbime tjera do të lansoheshin që do ta zgjeronin edhe më shumë arritjen dhe rëndësin e rrjeteve sociale: Youtube (2005) dhe Twitter (2006). Me këto dy zbulime të reja, përdouresit tani më do të mund të kalonin në një fazë tjetër, e cila e kalon komunikimim me …

Sources Of Nutrient And Fecal Microbe Pollution In Otter Creek, Madison County, Kentucky, Kandice L. Smith, Walter S. Borowski Nov 2013

Sources Of Nutrient And Fecal Microbe Pollution In Otter Creek, Madison County, Kentucky, Kandice L. Smith, Walter S. Borowski

EKU Faculty and Staff Scholarship

We measured nutrient (nitrate, ammonium, phosphate) and fecal microbe concentrations in surface waters of the Otter Creek watershed, Madison County, Kentucky to access sources of these contaminants. The watershed is approximately 12.5 miles long covering ~169 km2 (41,832 acres). The watershed includes East Fork, West Fork, and Dreaming Creek, all tributaries to the main trunk of Otter Creek. The upper portion of the main trunk and Dreaming Creek drain urban areas of Richmond, but 85% of total watershed area is agricultural land, used mainly for grazing cattle. Rural residential areas and woodlands also occur.

The principle contaminants are nutrients …

2114-2251_Nir_Gnirs, Michael C. Liu Nov 2013

2114-2251_Nir_Gnirs, Michael C. Liu

Publications and Research

No abstract provided.

0112+1703_Nir_Gnirs, Michael C. Liu Nov 2013

0112+1703_Nir_Gnirs, Michael C. Liu

Publications and Research

No abstract provided.

Solution Scattering And Fret Studies Of Nucleosomes Reveal Dna: Unwrapping Effects Of H3 And H4 Tail Removal, Kurt Andresen, Isabel Jimenez-Useche, Steven C. Howell, Chongli Yuan, Xiangyun Qiu Nov 2013

Solution Scattering And Fret Studies Of Nucleosomes Reveal Dna: Unwrapping Effects Of H3 And H4 Tail Removal, Kurt Andresen, Isabel Jimenez-Useche, Steven C. Howell, Chongli Yuan, Xiangyun Qiu

Physics and Astronomy Faculty Publications

Using a combination of small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) measurements we have determined the role of the H3 and H4 histone tails, independently, in stabilizing the nucleosome DNA terminal ends from unwrapping from the nucleosome core. We have performed solution scattering experiments on recombinant wild-type, H3 and H4 tail-removed mutants and fit all scattering data with predictions from PDB models and compared these experiments to complementary DNA-end FRET experiments. Based on these combined SAXS and FRET studies, we find that while all nucleosomes exhibited DNA unwrapping, the extent of this unwrapping is increased for nucleosomes …

Access Control In And For The Real World, Sara Sinclair Nov 2013

Access Control In And For The Real World, Sara Sinclair

Dartmouth College Ph.D Dissertations

Access control is a core component of any information-security strategy. Researchers have spent tremendous energy over the past forty years defining abstract access-control models and proving various properties about them. However, surprisingly little attention has been paid to how well these models work in real socio-technical systems (i.e., real human organizations). This dissertation describes the results of two qualitative studies (involving 52 participants from four companies, drawn from the financial, software, and healthcare sectors) and observes that the current practice of access control is dysfunctional at best. It diagnoses the broken assumptions that are at the heart of this dysfunction, …

What You Want Is Not What You Get: Predicting Sharing Policies For Text-Based Content On Facebook, Arunesh Sinha, Li Yan, Lujo Bauer Nov 2013

What You Want Is Not What You Get: Predicting Sharing Policies For Text-Based Content On Facebook, Arunesh Sinha, Li Yan, Lujo Bauer

Research Collection Lee Kong Chian School Of Business

As the amount of content users publish on social networking sites rises, so do the danger and costs of inadvertently sharing content with an unintended audience. Studies repeatedly show that users frequently misconfigure their policies or misunderstand the privacy features offered by social networks. A way to mitigate these problems is to develop automated tools to assist users in correctly setting their policy. This paper explores the viability of one such approach: we examine the extent to which machine learning can be used to deduce users' sharing preferences for content posted on Facebook. To generate data on which to evaluate …

Establishing Normative Data For The Visual Skills Of Gaelic Footballers, Valerie Kennelly Nov 2013

Establishing Normative Data For The Visual Skills Of Gaelic Footballers, Valerie Kennelly


Although sports vision procedures have been implemented in many sports worldwide, no rigorous scientific investigation of the visual skills trends of Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) participants has been carried out in Ireland to date. The aim of this study was to identify the visual skills required to play Gaelic football and to establish normative data for those skills which can be used to classify, superior, above average, average, below average and inferior visual performance. Hardware visual skills including high and low contrast vision, stereo acuity, colour vision, and contrast sensitivity and software skills including eye hand co-ordination, dynamic fixation and …

A Study On The Correlation Of Bivariate And Trivariate Normal Models, Maria Del Pilar Orjuela Nov 2013

A Study On The Correlation Of Bivariate And Trivariate Normal Models, Maria Del Pilar Orjuela

FIU Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Suppose two or more variables are jointly normally distributed. If there is a common relationship between these variables it would be very important to quantify this relationship by a parameter called the correlation coefficient which measures its strength, and the use of it can develop an equation for predicting, and ultimately draw testable conclusion about the parent population.

This research focused on the correlation coefficient ρ for the bivariate and trivariate normal distribution when equal variances and equal covariances are considered. Particularly, we derived the maximum Likelihood Estimators (MLE) of the distribution parameters assuming all of them are unknown, and …

City Of Tampa Urban Forest Management Plan, Robert J. Northrop, Kathy Beck, Rob Irving, Shawn M. Landry, Michael G. Andreu Nov 2013

City Of Tampa Urban Forest Management Plan, Robert J. Northrop, Kathy Beck, Rob Irving, Shawn M. Landry, Michael G. Andreu

School of Geosciences Faculty and Staff Publications

No abstract provided.

Finding Specifications Of While Statements Using Patterns, Aditi Barua, Yoonsik Cheon Nov 2013

Finding Specifications Of While Statements Using Patterns, Aditi Barua, Yoonsik Cheon

Departmental Technical Reports (CS)

A formal correctness proof of code containing loops such as while statements typically uses the technique of proof-by-induction, and often the most difficult part of carrying out an inductive proof is formulating a correct induction hypothesis, a specification for a loop statement. An incorrect induction hypothesis will surely lead to a proof failure. In this paper we propose a systematic way for identifying specifications of while statements. The key idea of our approach is to categorize and document common patterns of while statements along with their specifications. This is based on our observation that similarly-structured while statements frequently have similarly-structured …

Preferential Scattering By Interfacial Charged Defects For Enhanced Thermoelectric Performance In Few-Layered N-Type Bi2te3, Pooja Puneet, Ramakrishna Podila, Mehmet Karakaya, Song Zhu, Jian He, Terry M. Tritt, Mildred S. Dresselhaus, Apparao Rao Nov 2013

Preferential Scattering By Interfacial Charged Defects For Enhanced Thermoelectric Performance In Few-Layered N-Type Bi2te3, Pooja Puneet, Ramakrishna Podila, Mehmet Karakaya, Song Zhu, Jian He, Terry M. Tritt, Mildred S. Dresselhaus, Apparao Rao


Over the past two decades several nano-structuring methods have helped improve the figure of merit (ZT) in the state-of-the art bulk thermoelectric materials. While these methods could enhance the thermoelectric performance of p-type Bi2Te3, it was frustrating to researchers that they proved ineffective for n-type Bi2Te3 due to the inevitable deterioration of its thermoelectric properties in the basal plane. Here, we describe a novel chemical-exfoliation spark-plasma-sintering (CE-SPS) nano-structuring process, which transforms the microstructure of n-type Bi2Te3 in an extraordinary manner without compromising its basal plane …

Molecular Mechanisms Of Disease-Causing Missense Mutations, Shannon Stefl, Hafumi Nishi, Marharyta Petukh, Anna R. Panchenko, Emil Alexov Nov 2013

Molecular Mechanisms Of Disease-Causing Missense Mutations, Shannon Stefl, Hafumi Nishi, Marharyta Petukh, Anna R. Panchenko, Emil Alexov


Genetic variations resulting in a change of amino acid sequence can have a dramatic effect on stability, hydrogen bond network, conformational dynamics, activity and many other physiologically important properties of proteins. The substitutions of only one residue in a protein sequence, so-called missense mutations, can be related to many pathological conditions, and may influence susceptibility to disease and drug treatment. The plausible effects of missense mutations range from affecting the macromolecular stability to perturbing macromolecular interactions and cellular localization. Here we review the individual cases and genome-wide studies which illustrate the association between missense mutations and diseases. In addition we …

High-Resolution Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Of Hd 100546. Ii. Analysis Of Variable Rovibrational Co Emission Lines, Sean D. Brittain, Joan Najita, John S. Carr, Joseph Liskowsky, Matthew R. Troutman, Greg W. Doppmann Nov 2013

High-Resolution Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Of Hd 100546. Ii. Analysis Of Variable Rovibrational Co Emission Lines, Sean D. Brittain, Joan Najita, John S. Carr, Joseph Liskowsky, Matthew R. Troutman, Greg W. Doppmann


We present observations of rovibrational CO in HD 100546 from four epochs spanning 2003 January through 2010 December. We show that the equivalent widths of the CO lines vary during this time period with the v = 1–0 CO lines brightening more than the UV fluoresced lines from the higher vibrational states.While the spectroastrometric signal of the hot band lines remains constant during this period, the spectroastrometric signal of the v = 1–0 lines varies substantially. At all epochs, the spectroastrometric signals of the UV fluoresced lines are consistent with the signal one would expect from gas in an axisymmetric …

Substrate-Dependent Dynamics Of Udp-Galactopyranose Mutase: Implications For Drug Design, Leonardo Boechi, Cesar Augusto F. De Oliveira, Isabel Da Fonseca, Karina Kizjakina, Pablo Sobrado, John J. Tanner, J. Andrew Mccammon Nov 2013

Substrate-Dependent Dynamics Of Udp-Galactopyranose Mutase: Implications For Drug Design, Leonardo Boechi, Cesar Augusto F. De Oliveira, Isabel Da Fonseca, Karina Kizjakina, Pablo Sobrado, John J. Tanner, J. Andrew Mccammon

Chemistry Faculty Research & Creative Works

Trypanosoma cruzi is the causative agent of Chagas disease, a neglected tropical disease that represents one of the major health challenges of the Latin American countries. Successful efforts were made during the last few decades to control the transmission of this disease, but there is still no treatment for the 10 million adults in the chronic phase of the disease. In T. cruzi, as well as in other pathogens, the flavoenzyme UDP-galactopyranose mutase (UGM) catalyzes the conversion of UDP-galactopyranose to UDP-galactofuranose, a precursor of the cell surface b-galactofuranose that is involved in the virulence of the pathogen. The fact that …

Directed Search For Continuous Gravitational Waves From The Galactic Center, J. Aasi, Marco Cavaglia, For Full List Of Authors, See Publisher's Website. Nov 2013

Directed Search For Continuous Gravitational Waves From The Galactic Center, J. Aasi, Marco Cavaglia, For Full List Of Authors, See Publisher's Website.

Physics Faculty Research & Creative Works

We present the results of a directed search for continuous gravitational waves from unknown, isolated neutron stars in the Galactic center region, performed on two years of data from LIGO's fifth science run from two LIGO detectors. The search uses a semicoherent approach, analyzing coherently 630 segments, each spanning 11.5 hours, and then incoherently combining the results of the single segments. It covers gravitational wave frequencies in a range from 78 to 496 Hz and a frequency-dependent range of first-order spindown values down to -7.86 x 10-8 Hz/s at the highest frequency. No gravitational waves were detected. The 90% …

Ct Angiography In The Detection Of Carotid Body Enlargement In Patients With Hypertension And Heart Failure, Sreejit Nair, Ajay Gupta, Marat Fudim, Christopher Robinson, Vinay Ravi, Sandra M. Hurtado Rua, Zoar Engelman, Kyungmouk S. Lee, C. Douglas Philips, Akhilesh K. Sista Nov 2013

Ct Angiography In The Detection Of Carotid Body Enlargement In Patients With Hypertension And Heart Failure, Sreejit Nair, Ajay Gupta, Marat Fudim, Christopher Robinson, Vinay Ravi, Sandra M. Hurtado Rua, Zoar Engelman, Kyungmouk S. Lee, C. Douglas Philips, Akhilesh K. Sista

Mathematics and Statistics Faculty Publications

Introduction: The carotid body (CB) has previously been found to be enlarged and hyperactive in various disease states such as heart failure (HF), hypertension (HTN), and respiratory disease. Evaluation of CB size in these disease states using imaging has not been performed. The purpose of this case–control study was to compare CB sizes in patients with HF and HTN with those of controls using CT angiography. Methods: A retrospective review was performed on 323 consecutive patients who had neck computed tomography angiography (CTA) exams in 2011. Following extensive review, 17 HF and HTN patients and 14 controls were identified. Two …

Core-Leaf Onion-Like Carbon/Mno2 Hybrid Nano-Urchins For Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Batteries, Ye Wang, Zhao Jun Han, Siu Fung Yu, Ran Ran Song, Huai He Song, Kostya (Ken) Ostrikov, Hui Ying Yang Nov 2013

Core-Leaf Onion-Like Carbon/Mno2 Hybrid Nano-Urchins For Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Batteries, Ye Wang, Zhao Jun Han, Siu Fung Yu, Ran Ran Song, Huai He Song, Kostya (Ken) Ostrikov, Hui Ying Yang

Australian Institute for Innovative Materials - Papers

A hybrid nano-urchin structure consisting of spherical onion-like carbon and MnO2 nanosheets is synthesized by a facile and environmentally-friendly hydrothermal method. Lithium-ion batteries incorporating the hybrid nano-urchin anode exhibit reversible lithium storage with superior specific capacity, enhanced rate capability, stable cycling performance, and nearly 100% Coulombic efficiency. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of designing hybrid nano-architectures with uniform and isotropic structure, high loading of electrochemically-active materials, and good conductivity for the dramatic improvement of lithium storage.

2014 Weed Control Recommendations For Kentucky Grain Crops, Jonathan D. Green, James R. Martin Nov 2013

2014 Weed Control Recommendations For Kentucky Grain Crops, Jonathan D. Green, James R. Martin

Agriculture and Natural Resources Publications

The use of herbicides suggested in this publication is based on research at the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station and elsewhere. We have given what we believe to be the most effective herbicides, with the most suitable rates and times of application. Use of trade or brand names in this publication does not imply approval of the product to the exclusion of others which may be of similar or suitable composition.

Herbicide registrations and labels are constantly being revised and changed; therefore, herbicides recommended in this publication were registered for the prescribed uses when the publication was printed. If the registration …

Diabetes Care Management During Cancer Treatment, Gregory R. Harper Md, Phd, Janelle M. Sharma Dnp, Crnp, Cara Habeck Rn, Cde, Cathy A. Coyne Phd, Mph, Hope Kincaid Mph, Cph, Roya Hamadani Mph, Ada M. Rivera Mba, Cph, Gretchen Perilli Md, Nicole R. Sully Do Nov 2013

Diabetes Care Management During Cancer Treatment, Gregory R. Harper Md, Phd, Janelle M. Sharma Dnp, Crnp, Cara Habeck Rn, Cde, Cathy A. Coyne Phd, Mph, Hope Kincaid Mph, Cph, Roya Hamadani Mph, Ada M. Rivera Mba, Cph, Gretchen Perilli Md, Nicole R. Sully Do

Department of Family Medicine

No abstract provided.

Classification In P2p Networks With Cascade Support Vendor Machines, Hock Hee Ang, Vivekanand Gopalkrishnan, Steven C. H. Hoi, Wee-Keong Ng Nov 2013

Classification In P2p Networks With Cascade Support Vendor Machines, Hock Hee Ang, Vivekanand Gopalkrishnan, Steven C. H. Hoi, Wee-Keong Ng

Research Collection School Of Computing and Information Systems

Classification in Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks is important to many real applications, such as distributed intrusion detection, distributed recommendation systems, and distributed antispam detection. However, it is very challenging to perform classification in P2P networks due to many practical issues, such as scalability, peer dynamism, and asynchronism. This article investigates the practical techniques of constructing Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifiers in the P2P networks. In particular, we demonstrate how to efficiently cascade SVM in a P2P network with the use of reduced SVM. In addition, we propose to fuse the concept of cascade SVM with bootstrap aggregation to effectively balance the …

Caratterizzazione Dell’Ambiente Marino Dei Campi Flegrei. Risultati Preliminari Della Campagna Oceanografica Ricamar 2013, M. Grassi, C. Carmisciano, L. Cocchi, L. Dialti, M. Filippone, Matteo Guideri, Roberta Ivaldi, Giuseppe Masetti, F. Muccini, M. Pratellesi, E. Ricci, Paolo Stefanelli Nov 2013

Caratterizzazione Dell’Ambiente Marino Dei Campi Flegrei. Risultati Preliminari Della Campagna Oceanografica Ricamar 2013, M. Grassi, C. Carmisciano, L. Cocchi, L. Dialti, M. Filippone, Matteo Guideri, Roberta Ivaldi, Giuseppe Masetti, F. Muccini, M. Pratellesi, E. Ricci, Paolo Stefanelli

Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping

The caldera of the Phlegraean Fields (also known as Campi Flegrei) is one of the most dangerous and populated volcanic area in the world, covering an area that comprises the western part of Naples and the Gulf of Pozzuoli. The main peculiarity of current volcanic activity is the gradual and periodic lift (positive or negative) of part of the Earth's surface (bradyseism) combined, only during the positive phase, with a strong sismicity and surficial hydrotermal activity. Deformative models, calibrated using land-based measurements, highlighted the Gulf of Pozzuoli as the area with the largest deformation. Although the network of monitoring sensors …

Alb Evaluation For Noaa Charting Requirements, Gretchen Imahori, Shachak Pe'eri, Christopher E. Parrish Nov 2013

Alb Evaluation For Noaa Charting Requirements, Gretchen Imahori, Shachak Pe'eri, Christopher E. Parrish

Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) acquires hydrographic data around the coasts of the US and its territories using in-house surveys and contracting resources. Hydrographic data are primarily collected using sonar systems, while a small percent is acquired via Airborne Lidar Bathymetry (ALB) for nearshore areas. NOAA has an ongoing requirement, as per the Coast and Geodetic Survey Act of 1947, to survey nearshore areas as part of its coastal mapping activities, including updating nautical charts, creating hydrodynamic models and supporting coastal planning and habitat mapping. NOAA has initiated a project to investigate the potential use of ALB data …

High-Resolution Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Of Hd 100546. I. Analysis Of Asymmetric Ro-Vibrational Oh Emission Lines, Joseph Liskowsky, Sean D. Brittain, Joan R. Najita, John S. Carr, Greg W. Doppman, Matthew R. Troutman Nov 2013

High-Resolution Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Of Hd 100546. I. Analysis Of Asymmetric Ro-Vibrational Oh Emission Lines, Joseph Liskowsky, Sean D. Brittain, Joan R. Najita, John S. Carr, Greg W. Doppman, Matthew R. Troutman


We present observations of ro-vibrational OH and CO emission from the Herbig Be star HD 100546. The emission from both molecules arises from the inner region of the disk extending from approximately 13 AU from the central star. The velocity profiles of the OH lines are narrower than the velocity profile of the [O i] λ6300 line, indicating that the OH in the disk is not cospatial with the Oi. This suggests that the inner optically thin region of the disk is largely devoid of molecular gas. Unlike the ro-vibrational CO emission lines, the OH lines are highly asymmetric. We …

The Update, November 2013, University Of Northern Iowa. College Of Humanities, Arts And Sciences. Nov 2013

The Update, November 2013, University Of Northern Iowa. College Of Humanities, Arts And Sciences.


Inside this issue:

-- Meet the Artists - GBPAC Collaboration: Kristallnacht, Night of Broken Glass
-- Department News
-- Stephen Gaies
-- Sex and Death in Eighteenth Century Literature
-- School of Music Events
-- Featured Organization: Actuarial Science Club
-- Featured Organization: SAACS
-- Alumni Spotlight: Earth Science: Scott Beason
-- Electronic Media Alumni Achievements
-- New 3D Printer for Metal Casting Center
-- Student Spotlight: Language & Literatures: Sam Bass
-- In Memoriam: Clifton Chancey