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Physical Sciences and Mathematics Commons

Open Access. Powered by Scholars. Published by Universities.®


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Articles 631 - 660 of 12617

Full-Text Articles in Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Stability Condition Of A Retrial Queueing System With Abandoned And Feedback Customers, Amina A. Bouchentouf, Abbes Rabhi, Lahcene Yahiaoui Dec 2015

Stability Condition Of A Retrial Queueing System With Abandoned And Feedback Customers, Amina A. Bouchentouf, Abbes Rabhi, Lahcene Yahiaoui

Applications and Applied Mathematics: An International Journal (AAM)

This paper deals with the stability of a retrial queueing system with two orbits, abandoned and feedback customers. Two independent Poisson streams of customers arrive to the system, and flow into a single-server service system. An arriving one of type i; i = 1; 2, is handled by the server if it is free; otherwise, it is blocked and routed to a separate type-i retrial (orbit) queue that attempts to re-dispatch its jobs at its specific Poisson rate. The customer in the orbit either attempts service again after a random time or gives up receiving service and leaves the system …

The Fuzzy Over-Relaxed Proximal Point Iterative Scheme For Generalized Variational Inclusion With Fuzzy Mappings, Rais Ahmad, Mijanur Rahaman, Haider A. Rizvi Dec 2015

The Fuzzy Over-Relaxed Proximal Point Iterative Scheme For Generalized Variational Inclusion With Fuzzy Mappings, Rais Ahmad, Mijanur Rahaman, Haider A. Rizvi

Applications and Applied Mathematics: An International Journal (AAM)

This paper deals with the introduction of a fuzzy over-relaxed proximal point iterative scheme based on H(-, -)-cocoercivity framework for solving a generalized variational inclusion problem with fuzzy mappings. The resolvent operator technique is used to approximate the solution of generalized variational inclusion problem with fuzzy mappings and convergence of the iterative sequences generated by the iterative scheme is discussed. Our results can be treated as refinement of many previously-known results.

On Calculation Of Failure Probability For Structures Designed Based On Magnitudes Of Historical Event, Farzad Noubary, Reza Noubary Dec 2015

On Calculation Of Failure Probability For Structures Designed Based On Magnitudes Of Historical Event, Farzad Noubary, Reza Noubary

Applications and Applied Mathematics: An International Journal (AAM)

During their operational life, structures may be subject to various types of live load caused by events such as earthquakes, high speed winds, etc. Given the design life of a structure, the probability for a specific live load to cause a failure depends on the magnitude of the load structure it is designed to withstand (designed load). In this article, methods are developed for calculation of the failure probability for structures designed to withstand loads comparable to historical loads at the site of interest.

Group Decision Making Using Comparative Linguistic Expression Based On Hesitant Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Ismat Beg, Tabasam Rashid Dec 2015

Group Decision Making Using Comparative Linguistic Expression Based On Hesitant Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Ismat Beg, Tabasam Rashid

Applications and Applied Mathematics: An International Journal (AAM)

We introduce a method for aggregation of experts’ opinions given in the form of comparative linguistic expression. An algorithmic form of technique for order preference is proposed for group decision making. A simple example is given by using this method for the selection of the best alternative as well as ranking the alternatives from the best to the worst.

Hierarchical Segmentation Of The Malawi Rift: The Influence Of Inherited Lithospheric Heterogeneity And Kinematics In The Evolution Of Continental Rifts, Daniel A. Lao-Davila, Haifa S. Al-Salmi, Mohamed G. Abdel Salam, Estella A. Atekwana Dec 2015

Hierarchical Segmentation Of The Malawi Rift: The Influence Of Inherited Lithospheric Heterogeneity And Kinematics In The Evolution Of Continental Rifts, Daniel A. Lao-Davila, Haifa S. Al-Salmi, Mohamed G. Abdel Salam, Estella A. Atekwana

Geosciences and Geological and Petroleum Engineering Faculty Research & Creative Works

We used detailed analysis of Shuttle Radar Topography Mission-digital elevation model and observations from aeromagnetic data to examine the influence of inherited lithospheric heterogeneity and kinematics in the segmentation of largely amagmatic continental rifts. We focused on the Cenozoic Malawi Rift, which represents the southern extension of the Western Branch of the East African Rift System. This north trending rift traverses Precambrian and Paleozoic-Mesozoic structures of different orientations. We found that the rift can be hierarchically divided into first-order and second-order segments. In the first-order segmentation, we divided the rift into Northern, Central, and Southern sections. In its Northern Section, …

Using Protoplanetary Disks To Weigh The Youngest Stars And Constrain The Earliest Stages Of Stellar Evolution, I. Czekala, S. Andrews, Eric L. N. Jensen, K. Stassun, D. W. Latham, D. Wilner, G. Torres Dec 2015

Using Protoplanetary Disks To Weigh The Youngest Stars And Constrain The Earliest Stages Of Stellar Evolution, I. Czekala, S. Andrews, Eric L. N. Jensen, K. Stassun, D. W. Latham, D. Wilner, G. Torres

Physics & Astronomy Faculty Works

Mass is the fundamental property that determines the fate of a star. In particular, the masses of young stars are of great relevance to many astrophysical problems, including star and planet formation. We have developed a novel approach that combines spatially resolved sub-millimeter spectral line imaging and optical/near-infrared high resolution spectroscopy to derive the fundamental properties of a young star: mass, temperature, and radius. By applying our technique to a sample of pre-main sequence stars, we are mapping out a dynamically-calibrated Hertzsprung-Russell diagram for the express purpose of evaluating pre-main sequence evolutionary models. Looking forward, ALMA is poised to deliver …

Hybrid Sol–Gel Glasses With Glass-Transition Temperatures Below Room Temperature, Andrei Jitianu, Guadalupe Gonzalez, Lisa C. Klein Dec 2015

Hybrid Sol–Gel Glasses With Glass-Transition Temperatures Below Room Temperature, Andrei Jitianu, Guadalupe Gonzalez, Lisa C. Klein

Publications and Research

Melting gels are hybrid gels that have the ability to soften and flow at around 100 ° C for some combinations of mono- and di-substituted alkoxysiloxanes, where substitutions are either all aromatic or all aliphatic. In this study, melting gels were prepared using phenyltriethoxysilane (PhTES) and dimethyldiethoxysilane (DMDES), meaning both an aromatic and aliphatic substitution. Differential scanning calorimetry was performed to identify glass-transition temperatures, and thermal gravimetric analysis coupled with differential thermal analysis (TGA-DTA) was performed to measure weight loss. The glass-transition temperatures ( T g ) ranged from – 61 ° C to + 5.6 ° C, which are …

Siguria E Rrjetave Kompjuterike, Blinera Ahmeti Dec 2015

Siguria E Rrjetave Kompjuterike, Blinera Ahmeti

Theses and Dissertations

Shpërndarja e internetit në përmasa më të mëdha filloi në fillim të viteve 1980. Qysh në këtë fillim lindi edhe nevoja për sigurinë e rrjetave kompjuterike, menjëherë pas shfaqjes së sulmeve të para që shkaktuan dëme në informacionet dhe sistemet kompjuterike. Ndryshimet shumë të shpejta në botën e kompjuterikës, aplikacioneve mobile dhe rrjetave pa kabllo kanë ndryshuar plotësisht tiparet e sigurisë së rrjetave. Qysh nga ajo kohë, sado që ka pasur zhvillime tepër të mëdha në botën e internetit, ende ka shumë ngecje në zhvillimin e metodave të sigurisë së rrjetave.

Problemet me sigurinë më së lehti dhe më së …

Implementimi Dhe Adaptimi I E-Commerce Në Kompanitë E Vogla Në Zvicër, Drilon Tahiri Dec 2015

Implementimi Dhe Adaptimi I E-Commerce Në Kompanitë E Vogla Në Zvicër, Drilon Tahiri

Theses and Dissertations

Qëllimi i këtij hulumtimi është të shqyrtojë implementimin dhe adaptimin e e-commerce në kompanitë e vogla në Zvicër . Ky hulumtim përshkruan të gjitha përfitimet dhe pengesat me të cilat ballafaqohen kompanitë e vogla gjatë procesit të implementimit të e-commerce. Një hulumtim cilësor është kryer. Po ashtu është kryer edhe një intervistë me një menaxher të një kompanie të vogël në Zvicër.

Ky studim tregon se kompanitë e vogla në Zvicër kanë përparësi në implementimin dhe adaptimin e e-commerce në krahasim me vendet e tjera të Evropës, por ende ka pengesa të cilat mund të përmirësohen në të ardhmen.

Përfitimet …

Programimi Paralel Me Gpu, Kujtim Kërqeli Dec 2015

Programimi Paralel Me Gpu, Kujtim Kërqeli

Theses and Dissertations

No abstract provided.

Zgjidhja E Problemeve Të Transportit Në Rrjetat Telekomunikuese Duke Kaluar Në Ran-In E Bazuar Në Ip, Meriton Ahmeti Dec 2015

Zgjidhja E Problemeve Të Transportit Në Rrjetat Telekomunikuese Duke Kaluar Në Ran-In E Bazuar Në Ip, Meriton Ahmeti

Theses and Dissertations

Operimi i Radio paisjeve (Antenat) të operatorëve të ndryshëm të telefonisë mobile dhe ndërlidhja e tyre me Rrjetën Bërthamë (Core Network) mundësohet nga RAN (Radio Access Network) i cili jo domosdoshmërisht është i njejtë për operator të ndryshëm mobil.

Përgjatë viteve të zhvillimit të Telekomunikacionit në përgjithesi dhe të Komunikimeve mobile në veçanti, janë zhvilluar teknologji të reja për ta tejkalur problemin e diversitetit në mes të teknologjive të aplikuara në rrjetën e një operatori të telefonisë mobile por edhe për të tejkaluar kufizimet e ndryshme teknike.

Në aspektin e dizajnimit të rrjetës së operatorëve të telefonisë mobile gjithmonë kalimi …

Krahasimi I Teknologjive Për Implementimin Dhe Përkrahjen E Videove Në Ueb, Rinor Svarça Dec 2015

Krahasimi I Teknologjive Për Implementimin Dhe Përkrahjen E Videove Në Ueb, Rinor Svarça

Theses and Dissertations

Në këtë punim diplome jemi munduar të analizojmë dy teknologjitë më të përdorura për lansimin e videove në internet Adobe Flash dhe HTML5, edhe pse nuk janë të ngjashme kanë të përbashkët mundësinë e shfaqjes së videove në ueb faqe, ku dhe jemi fokusuar më shumë në këtë të përbashkët të këtyre dy teknologjive. Gjithashtu kemi hulumtuar për historikun, zhvillimin, ngjashmëritë dhe dallimet që kanë, kemi analizuar edhe problemet e tye dhe si ka ardhur deri te zëvendësimi i Flash me HTML5 për një kohë mjaftë të shkurtër. Jemi munduar t’i krahasojmë të gjitha pjesët e përbashkëta dhe kemi paraqitur …

Krahasimi I Cms Platformave, Wordpress Dhe Umbraco Për Ndërtimin E Ueb Faqeve Të Korporatave, Shpëtim Rashiti Dec 2015

Krahasimi I Cms Platformave, Wordpress Dhe Umbraco Për Ndërtimin E Ueb Faqeve Të Korporatave, Shpëtim Rashiti

Theses and Dissertations

Në ditët e sotme përdorimi i ueb faqeve është shëndruar në një element shumë të rendësishëm për çdo kompani apo korporat, ku për çdo njërën është e rëndësishme që të kenë një ueb faqe përmes së cilës do të mund të prezantonin punën e tyre apo të shisnin produkte online. Këto ueb faqe apo sisteme kanë mjaft shumë përmbajtje dhe kërkojnë punë për tu realizuar për këtë arsye është shumë e rëndësishme që këto ueb faqe të ndërtohen duke përdorur ndonjë CMS (Content Management System) Platformë. Në praktikë egsistojnë mjaft CMS platforma mirëpo në këtë punim ne do të krahasojmë …

Modification Of Cellular Dna By Synthetic Aziridinomitosenes, Chris M. Mallory, Ryan P. Carfi, Sangphil Moon, Kenneth A. Cornell, Don L. Warner Dec 2015

Modification Of Cellular Dna By Synthetic Aziridinomitosenes, Chris M. Mallory, Ryan P. Carfi, Sangphil Moon, Kenneth A. Cornell, Don L. Warner

Chemistry and Biochemistry Faculty Publications and Presentations

Two synthetic aziridinomitosenes (AZMs), Me-AZM and H-AZM, structurally related to mitomycin C (MC) were evaluated for their anticancer activity against six cancer cell lines (HeLa, Jurkat, T47D, HepG2, HL-60, and HuT-78) and tested for their DNA-modifying abilities in Jurkat cells. Cytotoxicity assays showed that Me-AZM is up to 72-fold and 520-fold more potent than MC and H-AZM, respectively. Me-AZM also demonstrated increased DNA modification over MC and H-AZM in alkaline COMET and Hoechst fluorescence assays that measured crosslinks in cellular DNA. Me-AZM and H-AZM treatment of Jurkat cells was found to sponsor significant DNA-protein crosslinks using …

Direct Observation Of Photoinduced Charge Separation In Ruthenium Complex/Ni(Oh)2 Nanoparticle Hybrid, Yu Tang, Brian Pattengale, John Ludwig, Abderrahman Atifi, Alexander V. Zinovev, Bin Dong, Qingyu Kong, Xiaobing Zuo, Xiaoyi Zhang, Jier Huang Dec 2015

Direct Observation Of Photoinduced Charge Separation In Ruthenium Complex/Ni(Oh)2 Nanoparticle Hybrid, Yu Tang, Brian Pattengale, John Ludwig, Abderrahman Atifi, Alexander V. Zinovev, Bin Dong, Qingyu Kong, Xiaobing Zuo, Xiaoyi Zhang, Jier Huang

Chemistry Faculty Research and Publications

Ni(OH)2 have emerged as important functional materials for solar fuel conversion because of their potential as cost-effective bifunctional catalysts for both hydrogen and oxygen evolution reactions. However, their roles as photocatalysts in the photoinduced charge separation (CS) reactions remain unexplored. In this paper, we investigate the CS dynamics of a newly designed hybrid catalyst by integrating a Ru complex with Ni(OH)2 nanoparticles (NPs). Using time resolved X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XTA), we directly observed the formation of the reduced Ni metal site (~60 ps), unambiguously demonstrating CS process in the hybrid through ultrafast electron transfer from Ru complex to …

Computational Analysis Of The Sir Mathematical Model For The Dengue Fever, Joseph Phillip Diaz Dec 2015

Computational Analysis Of The Sir Mathematical Model For The Dengue Fever, Joseph Phillip Diaz

Theses and Dissertations

Dengue fever is a disease affecting people in more than 100 countries. Here we consider a host and vector model for the transmission of dengue fever. This SIR model consists of three compartments of susceptible, infective and removed for host (human) and two compartments of susceptible and infective for vector (dengue mosquitos). These five compartments yield five coupled nonlinear ordinary differential equations (ODEs). After non-dimensionalization, we have a system of three nonlinear ODEs. Reproductive number and two equilibrium points are calculated for various cases. Simulation is carried out for susceptible, infective and removed and the results are presented in graphical …

Decomposition And Nitrogen Dynamics Of Turtle Grass (Thalassia Testudinum) In A Subtropical Estuarine System, Monica Delgado Dec 2015

Decomposition And Nitrogen Dynamics Of Turtle Grass (Thalassia Testudinum) In A Subtropical Estuarine System, Monica Delgado

Theses and Dissertations

Seagrass beds are pivotal in the functioning of coastal ecosystems in terms of productivity, organic matter turnover and nutrient cycling. Aiming to document decay and nitrogen (N) dynamics of turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum) in a subtropical estuarine system, decomposition patterns of leaves and rhizomes were characterized and compared. Nitrogen usage during decomposition of tissues, and of live tissues and epiphytes growing on live leaves, was also quantified and compared. Stable isotope ratios allowed tracing N within the seagrass bed, following N incorporation into seagrass tissues from the surrounding media (water, sediment). Leaves had a higher N content and decomposed at …

First Astrophysical Observations With The Low Frequency All Sky Monitor, Emma Youmans Handzo Dec 2015

First Astrophysical Observations With The Low Frequency All Sky Monitor, Emma Youmans Handzo

Theses and Dissertations

The Low Frequency All Sky Monitor (LoFASM) is a radio telescope that consists of dipole antennas. It is sensitive to the frequencies of 10-88MHz. The primary science goals of LoFASM are to detect and study low frequency radio transient events and to develop and test low frequency interference (RFI) mitigation techniques.

Once a telescope starts collecting data, it is necessary to calibrate the telescope to convert the data into standard units. This will allow for scientific deductions to be made from the data. Once the calibration of a telescope is complete it is necessary to determine what astrophysical sources are …

Spatiotemporal Patterns Of Ring-Width Variability In The Northern Interior West, R. Justin Derose, John D. Shaw, James N. Long Dec 2015

Spatiotemporal Patterns Of Ring-Width Variability In The Northern Interior West, R. Justin Derose, John D. Shaw, James N. Long

Wasatch Dendroclimatology Research

A fundamental goal of forest biogeography is to understand the factors that drive spatiotemporal variability in forest growth across large areas (e.g., states or regions). The ancillary collection of increment cores as part of the IW FIA Program represents an important non-traditional role for the development of unprecedented data sets. Individual-tree growth data from increment cores were paired with plot-level variables from the inventory to investigate the spatiotemporal growth patterns for Douglas-fir, ponderosa pine, common pinyon, and limber pine over the northern portion of the Interior West (Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado). Based on dendrochronological theory proposed over 50 …

Estimation Of Cold Plasma Outflow During Geomagnetic Storms, S. Haaland, A. Eriksson, M. Andre, L. Maes, L. Baddeley, A. Barakat, R. Chappell, V. Eccles, C. Johnsen, B. Lybekk, K. Li, A. Pedersen, Robert W. Schunk, D. Welling Dec 2015

Estimation Of Cold Plasma Outflow During Geomagnetic Storms, S. Haaland, A. Eriksson, M. Andre, L. Maes, L. Baddeley, A. Barakat, R. Chappell, V. Eccles, C. Johnsen, B. Lybekk, K. Li, A. Pedersen, Robert W. Schunk, D. Welling

All Physics Faculty Publications

Low-energy ions of ionospheric origin constitute a significant contributor to the magnetospheric plasma population. Measuring cold ions is difficult though. Observations have to be done at sufficiently high altitudes and typically in regions of space where spacecraft attain a positive charge due to solar illumination. Cold ions are therefore shielded from the satellite particle detectors. Furthermore, spacecraft can only cover key regions of ion outflow during segments of their orbit, so additional complications arise if continuous longtime observations, such as during a geomagnetic storm, are needed. In this paper we suggest a new approach, based on a combination of synoptic …

Predictive Formula For Electron Range Over A Large Span Of Energy, Anne C. Starley Dec 2015

Predictive Formula For Electron Range Over A Large Span Of Energy, Anne C. Starley


A model developed by the Materials Research Group that calculates electron penetration range of some common materials, has been greatly expanded with the hope that such extensions will predict the range in other, perhaps, more interesting materials. Developments in this extended model aid in predicting the approximate penetration depth into diverse classes of materials for a broad range of energetic incident electrons (10 MeV, with better than 20% accuracy). The penetration depth—or range—of a material describes the maximum distance electrons can travel through a material, before losing all of its incident kinetic energy. This model has started to predict a …

Predictive Formula For Electron Range Over A Large Span Of Energy, Anne C. Starley, Jr Dennison Dec 2015

Predictive Formula For Electron Range Over A Large Span Of Energy, Anne C. Starley, Jr Dennison

Senior Theses and Projects

A model developed by the Materials Research Group that calculates electron penetration range of some common materials, has been greatly expanded with the hope that such extensions will predict the range in other, perhaps, more interesting materials. Developments in this extended model aid in predicting the approximate penetration depth into diverse classes of materials for a broad range of energetic incident electrons (<10 eV to>10 MeV, with better than 20% accuracy). The penetration depth—or range—of a material describes the maximum distance electrons can travel through a material, before losing all of its incident kinetic energy. This model has started to predict …

Differentialgeometry In Brno, Ian M. Anderson Dec 2015

Differentialgeometry In Brno, Ian M. Anderson


This page will provide files supporting Ian Anderson's presentations in Brno, December 2015. The files can be found and downloaded from "Additional Files", below.

The files include:

(1) DifferentialGeometryUSU.mla: This is the Maple Library Archive file which provides all the DifferentialGeometry functionality. Here are Installation Instructions.

(2) : this is the latest version of the DifferentialGeometry documentation. Copy this file to the same directory used for DifferentialGeometryUSU.mla (from step (1)).

Designing, Building And Testing A Solar Thermoelectric Generation, Steg, For Energy Delivery To Remote Residential Areas In Developing Regions, Yacouba Moumouni Dec 2015

Designing, Building And Testing A Solar Thermoelectric Generation, Steg, For Energy Delivery To Remote Residential Areas In Developing Regions, Yacouba Moumouni

UNLV Theses, Dissertations, Professional Papers, and Capstones

New alternatives and inventive renewable energy techniques which encompass both generation and power management solutions are fundamental for meeting remote residential energy supply and demand today, especially if the grid is quasi-inexistent. Solar thermoelectric generators can be a cost-effective alternative to photovoltaics for a remote residential household power supply. A complete solar thermoelectric energy harvesting system is presented for energy delivery to remote residential areas in developing regions. To this end, the entire system was built, modeled, and then validated with LTspice simulator software via thermal-to-electrical analogy schemes. Valuable data in conjunction with two novel LTspice circuits were obtained, showing …

Investigation Of Groundwater Quality Of Al Hayer Area, (North Of Al Ain City) Using Hydro Geochemical Approach, Mohammed Hosny Ibrahim Gadalla Dec 2015

Investigation Of Groundwater Quality Of Al Hayer Area, (North Of Al Ain City) Using Hydro Geochemical Approach, Mohammed Hosny Ibrahim Gadalla


Al Hayer is located in the northeast of Al Ain area, Eastern region of the United Arab Emirates. Groundwater abstraction for domestic, agricultural and industrial uses has led to major depletion in the aquifer resulting in groundwater quality deterioration. This study aims to identify the factors affecting the groundwater quality in this area, and to determine the recharge mechanism for the study area to understand the behaviour of major ions in regional groundwater by using hydrogeochemical and isotopic approaches. The hydrochemical analysis of 37 collected samples of groundwater revealed that the groundwater is characterized by moderate salinity and high concentrations …

Assessment Of Current And Future Generated Selected E-Waste Quantities In Abu Dhabi, Khaleel Ibrahim Al Nasseri This Dec 2015

Assessment Of Current And Future Generated Selected E-Waste Quantities In Abu Dhabi, Khaleel Ibrahim Al Nasseri This


E-waste is a term used to describe electrical and electronic products that enter the waste stream. Currently, it is the fastest growing stream of municipal waste. Informal disposal of E-waste may cause serious health and pollution problems to humans as well as the environment. Although E-waste may represent less than 5% of the total waste discarded into landfills, yet it includes more than 70% of overall toxic waste. Not only the exact amount of E-waste generated in the UAE is unknown, but it is continuously increasing with the advent of new electronic products. Therefore, the main aim of this thesis …

Environmental Controls On The Diversity And Distribution Of Endosymbionts Associated With Phacoides Pectinatus (Bivalvia: Lucinidae) From Shallow Mangrove And Seagrass Sediments, St. Lucie County, Florida, Thomas Walters Doty Dec 2015

Environmental Controls On The Diversity And Distribution Of Endosymbionts Associated With Phacoides Pectinatus (Bivalvia: Lucinidae) From Shallow Mangrove And Seagrass Sediments, St. Lucie County, Florida, Thomas Walters Doty

Masters Theses

Lucinid bivalves are capable of colonizing traditionally inhospitable shallow marine sediments due to metabolic functions of bacterial endosymbionts located within their gills. Because lucinids can often be the dominant sediment infauna, defining their roles in sediment and pore fluid geochemical cycling is necessary to address concerns related to changes in coastal biological diversity and to understanding the sensitivity of threatened coastal ecosystems over time. However, there has been limited research done to understand the diversity and distribution of many lucinid chemosymbiotic systems. Therefore, the goals of this thesis were to evaluate the distribution of Phacoides pectinatus and its endosymbiont communities …

Experimental Limestone Dissolution And Changes In Multiscale Structure Using Small- And Ultra Small- Angle Neutron Scattering, Chad Alan Novack Dec 2015

Experimental Limestone Dissolution And Changes In Multiscale Structure Using Small- And Ultra Small- Angle Neutron Scattering, Chad Alan Novack

Masters Theses

Small angle neutron scattering (SANS), ultra-small angle neutron scattering (USANS), and backscatter electron (BSE) imaging, along with neutron computed tomography (NCT) were used in this study to experimentally quantify pore size, distribution, and connectivity of dissolved limestone geometries. Eight samples of Indiana limestone of two different initial permeabilities (2-4 mD and 70 mD ) [millidarcy] were reacted with HCl [hydrochloric acid] solutions at differing pH (2 and 4), and flow rates (0.1 and 10 cm3/min) [cubic centimeters per minute] to describe a broad range of parameters that affect limestone dissolution. NCT was first used to image the dissolution …

Late Tertiary Tectonic Uplift In The Southern And Central Appalachians, Mary Sheela Biswal Dec 2015

Late Tertiary Tectonic Uplift In The Southern And Central Appalachians, Mary Sheela Biswal

Masters Theses

The exposed Appalachian Mountains extend about 2500 km from Newfoundland to Alabama with the highest peaks >2000 m above sea level. The last orogeny that affected Appalachian crust was the 325-260 Ma Alleghanian. Even with minimal erosion rates, it is highly unlikely that the Appalachians could have sustained such elevations for over 200 m.y., suggesting that recent tectonic uplift has produced today’s mountainous topography. The multiple phases of Tertiary uplift are related to poorly understood processes, but a large amount of data from today’s mountain chain and the adjacent Coastal Plain indicate the present high topography is anomalous and clearly …

Siloxane And Silane-Functionalized Polynorbornenes As Membranes For Passive Carbon Dioxide Separation, Eunice Koheun Hong Dec 2015

Siloxane And Silane-Functionalized Polynorbornenes As Membranes For Passive Carbon Dioxide Separation, Eunice Koheun Hong

Masters Theses

In 2012, carbon dioxide (CO2) [carbon dioxide] accounted for approximately 82% [percent] of all U.S greenhouse gas emissions.1 These excessive CO2 levels have been attributed to climate changes that have a range of negative effects on human health and welfare.1 In an effort to decrease these emissions, polymeric membranes consisting of silane- and siloxane-functionalized norbornene units have been targeted as a potential solution for the passive separation of CO2 from other non-greenhouse gases. These substituted norbornene-based polymers were synthesized via vinyl-addition polymerization. Through a series of catalyst trials, commercially available palladium and nickel catalysts were compared along …