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Physical Sciences and Mathematics Commons

Open Access. Powered by Scholars. Published by Universities.®


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Full-Text Articles in Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Një Studim I Fizibilitetit Për Komunikimet E Sigurta Midis Lokacioneve Të Largëta, Elvis Krasniqi Nov 2017

Një Studim I Fizibilitetit Për Komunikimet E Sigurta Midis Lokacioneve Të Largëta, Elvis Krasniqi

Theses and Dissertations

Rrjetet Private Virtual (VPNs) janë një pjesë përbërëse e mbrojtjes së komunikimeve të një kompanie, mbrojtjes nga shikimi i paautorizuar, dhe manipulimit të paautorizuar.

Në mënyrë që punonjësit të kryejnë biznesin apo detyrat në distancë në mënyrë efektive dhe të sigurt nga një vendndodhje të degës së kompanisë ose gjatë udhëtimit, rrjetet private virtuale mund të shihen si një domosdoshmëri absolute.

Duke filluar me një grup të caktuar të kërkesave të komunikimit në rrjet, hipoteza jonë për projektin ishte se zbatimi më i përshtatshëm VPN për institutin bankar (një institut bankar fiktiv që ne krijuam) do të ishte një IPSec …

Siguria Dhe Privatesia Ne Healthcare Sistemet, Gentijan Gjecbitriq Nov 2017

Siguria Dhe Privatesia Ne Healthcare Sistemet, Gentijan Gjecbitriq

Theses and Dissertations

Siguria dhe privatësia e informacionit në sektorin e kujdesit shëndetësor (“Healthcare”) është një çështje me rëndësi në rritje. Miratimi i shënimeve digjitale të pacientëve, rritja e rregullimit, konsolidimi i ofruesve dhe rritja e nevoja për informacion në mes të pacientëve, ofruesve të shërbimeve dhe paguesve, të gjitha tregojnë për nevojën e madhe që duhet ne cilësinë e sigurisë dhe privatësise së të dhënave. Ne kritikuam në mënyrë kritike literaturën kërkimore mbi sigurinë e informacionit dhe Privatësia në kujdesin shëndetësor, botuar në të dy sistemet e informacionit, disiplina të sistemeve jo informative Duke përfshirë informatikë shëndetësore, shëndetësinë publike, ligjin, mjekësinë dhe …

Ndërtimi I Qendrave Në Internet Përmes Platformes Intranet, Iliriana Krasniqi Nov 2017

Ndërtimi I Qendrave Në Internet Përmes Platformes Intranet, Iliriana Krasniqi

Theses and Dissertations

Motivi i këtij projekti është të krijojë një rrjetë intranet i cili mundëson përdoruesit të përdorin funksione të tilla si pranimin dhe dërgimin e të dhënave përmes kësaj rrjete dhe përdoruesve u mundëson qasje në mënyrë të kontrulluar. Kështu u siguron përdoruesve dhe punëdhënësve mjete më të lehta për komunikim dhe administratës gjithashtu ofron objektin për të manipuluar më lehtë me të dhëna duke u mundësuar siguri shumë të lartë.

Ky rrjet që e kam zhvilluar një komunkim në mes dy regjioneve të ndryshme duke mundësuar lehtësimin e punëve ndërmjet tyre. Së pari kam konfigurar një kompani të voglë në …

Online Reklama, Kujtim Zenelaj Nov 2017

Online Reklama, Kujtim Zenelaj

Theses and Dissertations

Zhvillimi i teknologjive në ditët e sotme kanë bërë rrëmujë dhe kanë paraqit ngritje eksponenciale në zhvillimin e sistemeve të ndryshme dhe komplekse, këto teknologji përveç që mundësojnë zhvillimin e sistemeve kanë karakter të ofrimit të zgjidhjes së problemeve me natyrshmëri të ndryshme si për menaxhim të të dhënave ashtu edhe për metodologji interaktive të ndërveprimit me sistem.Të dhënat përveç që janë të shpërndara ato në kombinim dhe përpunim mund të paraqesin informacione.

Në këtë punim është paraqitur një zhvillim i një aplikacion i uebit interaktiv më qëllim të ofrimit të informacionit mbi kompanitë të cilët mundësojn punimin e reklamave …

Zhvillimi I Web Dhe Android Aplikaciont “Deluxe Car” Dhe Implementimi I Web Shërbimeve Të Bazuara Në Rest Dhe Soap, Dëfrim Hasani Nov 2017

Zhvillimi I Web Dhe Android Aplikaciont “Deluxe Car” Dhe Implementimi I Web Shërbimeve Të Bazuara Në Rest Dhe Soap, Dëfrim Hasani

Theses and Dissertations

Gjatë këtij punimi jemi fokusuar në shpjegimin e konceptit të shërbimeve të web-it, rëndësisë së tyre si dhe mënyrën e implementimit në teknologji të ndryshme. Krahas shpjegimit të këtyre koncepteve, kemi analizuar dy lloje të web shërbimeve në pika të ngjashme dhe të njëjtat janë implementuar në aplikacione reale që shërben për menaxhimin e procesit të dhënies me qira të makinave “Rental Car Management System – Deluxe Car”. Pas zhvillimit të tri projekteve në teknologji të ndryshme, dhe realizimit të komunikimit të tyre duke u bazuar edhe në temën e diskutimit të këtij punimi që ishin vetë web shërbimet, saktësisht …

Lithology And Depositional Environments Of A Portion Of The Clays Ferry Formation (Middle And Upper Ordovician) Exposed At Silver Creek, Madison County, Kentucky, Autumn Murray, Walter S. Borowski Nov 2017

Lithology And Depositional Environments Of A Portion Of The Clays Ferry Formation (Middle And Upper Ordovician) Exposed At Silver Creek, Madison County, Kentucky, Autumn Murray, Walter S. Borowski

EKU Faculty and Staff Scholarship

We measure, describe, and interpret a carbonate stratigraphic section within the Clays Ferry Formation (Middle and Upper Ordovician) cropping out in Madison County, Kentucky (USGS Kirksville 7.5” quadrangle). Outcrops are exposed within the bed of Silver Creek along Ky 876 (Barnes Mill Road) from ~100 m downstream of where a bridge crosses the stream, then upstream and upsection for a distance of ~300 m over several sets of falls until bedrock exposure becomes sporadic to absent. We sampled the stratigraphic section at approximately half-meter intervals, also taking samples at lithology changes. We collected a total 18 samples, all of which …

Nutrient Contamination From Non-Point Sources: Dissolved Nitrate And Ammonium In Surface And Subsurface Waters At Eku Meadowbrook Farm, Madison County, Kentucky, Reid E. Buskirk, Hunter R. Evans, Walter S. Borowski, Jonathan M. Malzone Nov 2017

Nutrient Contamination From Non-Point Sources: Dissolved Nitrate And Ammonium In Surface And Subsurface Waters At Eku Meadowbrook Farm, Madison County, Kentucky, Reid E. Buskirk, Hunter R. Evans, Walter S. Borowski, Jonathan M. Malzone

EKU Faculty and Staff Scholarship

Agricultural activities often contaminate watersheds with excess nutrients leading to poor water quality and eutrophication. We assayed dissolved nutrient levels in surface and subsurface waters of Eastern Kentucky University’s Meadowbrook Farm in order to assess levels of dissolved nutrients leaving its farmland and draining into the Muddy Creek watershed. The Farm raises both crops and livestock so that nutrient sources include fertilizer and manure. We sampled springs, runoff, and subsurface pipe drainage as well as Muddy Creek on six days from May to August 2016 under a variety of weather conditions. Using established, standard colorimetric methods, we measured nitrate (NO …

Patterns Of Nutrient Export For A Typical Non-Point Source, Meadowbrook Farm, Madison County, Kentucky, James Scott Winter, Walter S. Borowski, Jonathan M. Malzone Nov 2017

Patterns Of Nutrient Export For A Typical Non-Point Source, Meadowbrook Farm, Madison County, Kentucky, James Scott Winter, Walter S. Borowski, Jonathan M. Malzone

EKU Faculty and Staff Scholarship

Excess nutrients are found in watersheds originating from active farmland often causing poor water quality and eutrophication in natural waters. Use of fertilizer and animal husbandry can contaminate both surface water and groundwater. Eastern Kentucky University’s Meadowbrook Farm raises crops and livestock and is typical of farms that contribute excess nutrient contaminants to watersheds as non-point sources. An instrumented weir is positioned within a key sub-watershed of the Farm that empties into Muddy Creek, a tributary of the Kentucky River. This drainage is the largest outlet from the Farm that is representative of the Farm’s collective activities.

We measured flow …

The Extratropical Transition Of Tropical Cyclones. Part I: Cyclonic Evolution And Direct Impacts, Clark Evans, Kimberly M. Wood, Sim D. Aberson, Heather M. Archambault, Shawn M. Milrad, Lance F. Bosart, Et Al. Nov 2017

The Extratropical Transition Of Tropical Cyclones. Part I: Cyclonic Evolution And Direct Impacts, Clark Evans, Kimberly M. Wood, Sim D. Aberson, Heather M. Archambault, Shawn M. Milrad, Lance F. Bosart, Et Al.


Extratropical transition (ET) is the process by which a tropical cyclone, upon encountering a baroclinic environment and reduced sea surface temperature at higher latitudes, transforms into an extratropical cyclone. This process is influenced by, and influences, phenomena from the tropics to the midlatitudes and from the meso- to the planetary scales to extents that vary between individual events. Motivated in part by recent high-impact and/or extensively observed events such as North Atlantic Hurricane Sandy in 2012 and western North Pacific Typhoon Sinlaku in 2008, this review details advances in understanding and predicting ET since the publication of an earlier review …

Neutrino Pair Cerenkov Radiation For Tachyonic Neutrinos, Ulrich D. Jentschura, Istvan Nandori Nov 2017

Neutrino Pair Cerenkov Radiation For Tachyonic Neutrinos, Ulrich D. Jentschura, Istvan Nandori

Physics Faculty Research & Creative Works

The emission of a charged light lepton pair by a superluminal neutrino has been identified as a major factor in the energy loss of highly energetic neutrinos. The observation of PeV neutrinos by IceCube implies their stability against lepton pair Cerenkov radiation. Under the assumption of a Lorentz-violating dispersion relation for highly energetic superluminal neutrinos, one may thus constrain the Lorentz-violating parameters. A kinematically different situation arises when one assumes a Lorentz-covariant, space-like dispersion relation for hypothetical tachyonic neutrinos, as an alternative to Lorentz-violating theories. We here discuss a hitherto neglected decay process, where a highly energetic tachyonic neutrino may …

Electron Parallel Transport For Arbitrary Collisionality, Jeong-Young Ji, Gunsu S. Yun, Yong-Su Na, Eric D. Held Nov 2017

Electron Parallel Transport For Arbitrary Collisionality, Jeong-Young Ji, Gunsu S. Yun, Yong-Su Na, Eric D. Held

All Physics Faculty Presentations

Integral (nonlocal) closures [J.-Y. Ji and E. D. Held, Phys. Plasmas 21, 122116 (2014)] are combined with the momentum balance equation to derive electron parallel transport relations. For a single harmonic fluctuation, the relations take the same form as the classical Spitzer theory (with possible additional terms): The electric current and heat flux densities are connected to the modified electric field and temperature gradient by transport coefficients. In contrast to the classical theory, the dimensionless coefficients depend on the collisionality quantified by a Knudsen number, the ratio of the collision length to the angular wavelength. The key difference comes from …

Electron Parallel Transport For Arbitrary Collisionality, Jeong-Young Ji, Gunsu S. Yun, Yong-Su Na, Eric D. Held Nov 2017

Electron Parallel Transport For Arbitrary Collisionality, Jeong-Young Ji, Gunsu S. Yun, Yong-Su Na, Eric D. Held

All Physics Faculty Publications

Integral (nonlocal) closures [J.-Y. Ji and E. D. Held, Phys. Plasmas 21, 122116 (2014)] are combined with the momentum balance equation to derive electron parallel transport relations. For a single harmonic fluctuation, the relations take the same form as the classical Spitzer theory (with possible additional terms): the electric current and heat flux densities are connected to the modified electric field and temperature gradient by transport coefficients. In contrast to the classical theory, the dimensionless coefficients depend on the collisionality quantified by a Knudsen number, the ratio of the collision length to the angular wavelength. The key difference comes from …

Econometric Estimation Of Groundwater Depth Change For The High Plains Aquifer, Jonathan R. Sims Nov 2017

Econometric Estimation Of Groundwater Depth Change For The High Plains Aquifer, Jonathan R. Sims

Department of Agricultural Economics: Dissertations, Theses, and Student Research

This article presents a new method for estimating changes in depth to groundwater at a yearly, county level and incorporates these estimates as the dependent variable of econometric models for the High Plains aquifer. The High Plains (Ogallala) aquifer underlies eight states in the central United States and is the primary source of irrigation water for this large food producing region. The stock of groundwater is a finite, non-renewable resource with minimal recharge in most areas. Many fields of study, including hydrology and agricultural economics, are interested in depth to groundwater changes because they serve as a proxy for estimating …

Single-Reference Coupled Cluster Theory For Multi-Reference Problems, Johannes T. Margraf, Ajith Perera, Jesse J. Lutz, Rodney J. Bartlett Nov 2017

Single-Reference Coupled Cluster Theory For Multi-Reference Problems, Johannes T. Margraf, Ajith Perera, Jesse J. Lutz, Rodney J. Bartlett

Faculty Publications

Coupled cluster (CC) theory is widely accepted as the most accurate and generally applicable approach in quantum chemistry. CC calculations are usually performed with single Slater-determinant references, e.g., canonical Hartree-Fock (HF) wavefunctions, though any single determinant can be used. This is an attractive feature because typical CC calculations are straightforward to apply, as there is no potentially ambiguous user input required. On the other hand, there can be concern that CC approximations give unreliable results when the reference determinant provides a poor description of the system of interest, i.e., when the HF or any other single determinant ground state has …

Business-It Alignment In Higher Education Institutions: United Arab Emirates University Case Study, Nayla Salem Ali Al Khateri Nov 2017

Business-It Alignment In Higher Education Institutions: United Arab Emirates University Case Study, Nayla Salem Ali Al Khateri


This thesis addresses the importance of Business-IT alignment in higher education institutions. Business-IT alignment is defined as applying IT in a suitable and timely manner, in harmony with business strategies, goals and needs. Business- IT alignment is an ultimate goal of governmental and non-governmental organizations that requires close attention and continuous monitoring. UAE university has a well-defined business strategy augmented with a well-defined IT strategy. So, to get the most benefits of acquiring and using IT in the university, the IT need to be aligned with the core business and the supporting services. The main objective of this thesis is …

Exact Localized Solutions Of The Nonlinear Dirac Equation, Yaser Hasan Sabbah Nov 2017

Exact Localized Solutions Of The Nonlinear Dirac Equation, Yaser Hasan Sabbah


The nonlinear Dirac equation is a relativistic classical field theory that describes the behavior of a system of self-interacting spinor fields. According to this theory, the interactions among spinor fields are represented by additional Kerr-nonlinearity added to the Dirac equation, which justifies and models the noticed solitonic behavior of the systems. There are various models of the nonlinear Dirac equation which differ from each other in the factors taken into account in the modelling, especially the mode of the coupling among the spinor fields as well as the nature of the system represented by the model. In this present thesis, …

Evaluation Of Functionalized Magnetite Nanoparticles For The Removal Of Heavy Metal Ions From Aqueous Media, Khaula A. Ai Jahoushi Nov 2017

Evaluation Of Functionalized Magnetite Nanoparticles For The Removal Of Heavy Metal Ions From Aqueous Media, Khaula A. Ai Jahoushi


Sorption is one of the most efficient techniques for the removal of heavy metal ions from waste water. It involves the use of solid materials, known as sorbents, which can be natural of synthetic in origin. Recently, synthetic nanomaterials of various compositions have been used as sorbents. Among these materials, calcium phosphate; also known as hydroxyapatite (HAp), and magnetite were previously investigated as potential sorbents. In the current study, commercial HAp, and magnetite nanoparticles as well as their physical and chemical mixtures were investigated as potential sorbents for the removal of Cd2+ ions from simulated wastewater. A comparison is made …

Tetragonal Diiodotetrapyridinedicopper(I): Structure, Luminescence, And Computational Modeling, Andrew W. Kelly, Joseph V. Handy, Aaron D. Nicholas, Et Al., Robert D. Pike Nov 2017

Tetragonal Diiodotetrapyridinedicopper(I): Structure, Luminescence, And Computational Modeling, Andrew W. Kelly, Joseph V. Handy, Aaron D. Nicholas, Et Al., Robert D. Pike

Arts & Sciences Articles

We report on a new crystal modification of (CuIPy2) n (Py = pyridine), a compound first reported by White et al. In contrast to White’s orthorhombic structure, which is comprised of rhomboid iodide-bridged dimers, Cu2I2Py4, our new tetragonal crystal structure in space group P41212 is disordered and can be interpreted as either iodide-bridged dimers or helical chains. To determine the structure type, variable temperature X-ray diffraction and luminescence measurements were carried out. The photoluminescence spectrum shows a distinct cluster-centered transition at high excitation energies which is consistent with the dimer structure. DFT and TD-DFT calculations were performed to explain …

Comparative Degradation Of Emerging Pollutants Using Chemical And Enzymatic Approaches, Khadega Abobaker Abudullarhman Al-Maqdi Nov 2017

Comparative Degradation Of Emerging Pollutants Using Chemical And Enzymatic Approaches, Khadega Abobaker Abudullarhman Al-Maqdi


Organic pollutants, especially those found in water bodies; pose a direct threat to various aquatic organisms as well as humans. A variety of different remediation approaches, including chemical and biological methods have been developed for the degradation of these organic pollutants. However, comparative mechanistic studies of pollutant degradation by these different systems are almost non-existent. In this study, the degradation of two emerging pollutants an antibiotic pollutant, Sulfamethoxazole (SMX) and a model thiazole pollutant, Thioflavin T (ThT), was carried out using advanced oxidation process (AOP), using UV+H2O2 or a peroxidase enzyme system. Optimization conditions for Sulfamethoxazole degradation by peroxidase enzyme …

A Field Study On Treating Wastewater Using Bioretention And Permeable Pavement Systems, Rubab Ammad Nov 2017

A Field Study On Treating Wastewater Using Bioretention And Permeable Pavement Systems, Rubab Ammad


The wastewater treatment study was conducted as a part of the efforts initiated by the UAE government for combating water shortage in the country by adopting the strategy of water conservation and reuse. This study investigated the performance of two water sensitive urban design systems, the Permeable Pavement and the Bioretention System, in improving the wastewater quality from fish tanks. Conventionally, these systems are used for storm water treatment but as UAE is situated in an arid climatic zone and experiences minimal rainfall, the two systems in undertaken study have been used in treatment of wastewater to gage their performance …

Private Life Safety Provision In Digital Age, Olga Anatolyevna Kuznetsova, Natalia Bondarenko Nov 2017

Private Life Safety Provision In Digital Age, Olga Anatolyevna Kuznetsova, Natalia Bondarenko

Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law

Digital technology nowadays covers all the spheres of life of an individual and society’s activities. With this, it is not a secret that it can be used both for the benefit and to the detriment of the person. In digital age, private life is becoming most vulnerable to arbitrary interference. This article considers various violations of the rights to privacy, communication safety and inviolability of privacy security brought in by the digital revolution. The article concludes that the most important task in the sphere of private life safety is to find a balance of interests of the state, the society …

Climatic Control On Icelandic Volcanic Activity During The Mid-Holocene, Graeme T. Swindles, Elizabeth J. Watson, Ivan P. Savov, Ian T. Lawson, Anja Schmidt, Andrew Hooper, Claire L. Cooper, Charles B. Connor, Manuel Gloor, Jonathan L. Carrivick Nov 2017

Climatic Control On Icelandic Volcanic Activity During The Mid-Holocene, Graeme T. Swindles, Elizabeth J. Watson, Ivan P. Savov, Ian T. Lawson, Anja Schmidt, Andrew Hooper, Claire L. Cooper, Charles B. Connor, Manuel Gloor, Jonathan L. Carrivick

School of Geosciences Faculty and Staff Publications

Human-induced climate change is causing rapid melting of ice in many volcanically active regions. Over glacial-interglacial time scales changes in surface loading exerted by large variations in glacier size affect the rates of volcanic activity. Numerical models suggest that smaller changes in ice volume over shorter time scales may also influence rates of mantle melt generation. However, this effect has not been verified in the geological record. Furthermore, the time lag between climatic forcing and a resultant change in the frequency of volcanic eruptions is unknown. We present empirical evidence that the frequency of volcanic eruptions in Iceland was affected …

Propagation Of Probabilistic Uncertainty: The Simplest Case (A Brief Pedagogical Introduction), Olga Kosheleva, Vladik Kreinovich Nov 2017

Propagation Of Probabilistic Uncertainty: The Simplest Case (A Brief Pedagogical Introduction), Olga Kosheleva, Vladik Kreinovich

Departmental Technical Reports (CS)

The main objective of this text is to provide a brief introduction to formulas describing the simplest case of propagation of probabilistic uncertainty -- for students who have not yet taken a probability course.

Thermodynamic And Kinetic Aspects Of Hen Egg White Lysozyme Amyloid Assembly, Tatiana Miti Nov 2017

Thermodynamic And Kinetic Aspects Of Hen Egg White Lysozyme Amyloid Assembly, Tatiana Miti

USF Tampa Graduate Theses and Dissertations

Deposition of protein fibers with a characteristic cross-β sheet structure is the molecular marker associated with human disorders ranging from Alzheimer's disease to type II diabetes and spongiform encephalopathy. Given the large number of non-disease related proteins and peptides that have been shown to form amyloid fibrils in vitro, it has been suggested that amyloid fibril formation represents a generic protein phase transition. In the last two decades it has become clear that the same protein/peptide can assemble into distinct morphologically and structurally amyloid aggregates depending on the solution conditions. Moreover, recent studies have shown that the early stage, oligomeric …

User Preferences For Flood Alerts (Risk Communication And Public Engagement In Sea Level Rise Resilience Research Series, Paper No. 2), Juita-Elena (Wie) Yusuf, Carol Considine, Michelle Covi, Donta Council Nov 2017

User Preferences For Flood Alerts (Risk Communication And Public Engagement In Sea Level Rise Resilience Research Series, Paper No. 2), Juita-Elena (Wie) Yusuf, Carol Considine, Michelle Covi, Donta Council

Occasional Paper Series

Working with faculty and staff from Old Dominion University’s Center for Coastal Physical Oceanography, we developed a “straw man” website for users to sign up to receive flood alerts. The flood alert is based on tidal projections for the Sewell’s Point tide gauge available from the National Weather Service through the meteorological development laboratory ( and sends alerts for projected water level. We recruited study participants for one-on-one interviews. Participants were asked to interact with the flood alert signup interface and respond to specific questions about their preferences for flood alerts. We used findings of the one-on-one interviews to create …

Separating Markup From Text, Ronald I. Greenberg, George K. Thiruvathukal Nov 2017

Separating Markup From Text, Ronald I. Greenberg, George K. Thiruvathukal

Computer Science: Faculty Publications and Other Works

As more and more online versions of Humanities texts are created, it is becoming commonplace to embed elaborate formatting, for example, through the use of HTML. But this can interfere with computerized analyses of the original text. While it may seem, at first, straightforward to simply strip markup from text, this is not the reality. Many digital texts add things that appear to be legitimate content according to the markup syntax, for example, line numbers, and even apart from this issue, existing tools for stripping markup produce inconsistent results. Apart from adopting and enforcing strict conventions for adding markup to …

Search For High-Energy Neutrinos From Binary Neutron Star Merger Gw170817 With Antares, Icecube, And The Pierre Auger Observatory, A. Albert, Marco Cavaglia, For Full List Of Authors, See Publisher's Website. Nov 2017

Search For High-Energy Neutrinos From Binary Neutron Star Merger Gw170817 With Antares, Icecube, And The Pierre Auger Observatory, A. Albert, Marco Cavaglia, For Full List Of Authors, See Publisher's Website.

Physics Faculty Research & Creative Works

The Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo observatories recently discovered gravitational waves from a binary neutron star inspiral. A short gamma-ray burst (GRB) that followed the merger of this binary was also recorded by the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (Fermi-GBM), and the Anti-Coincidence Shield for the Spectrometer for the International Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory (INTEGRAL), indicating particle acceleration by the source. The precise location of the event was determined by optical detections of emission following the merger. We searched for high-energy neutrinos from the merger in the GeV-EeV energy range using the Antares, IceCube, and Pierre Auger Observatories. No neutrinos …

Hybrid Extended Kalman Filtering And Noise Statistics Optimization For Produce Wash State Estimation, Vahid Azimi, Daniel Munther, Seyed Abolfazl Fakoorian, Thang Tien Nguyen, Daniel J. Simon Nov 2017

Hybrid Extended Kalman Filtering And Noise Statistics Optimization For Produce Wash State Estimation, Vahid Azimi, Daniel Munther, Seyed Abolfazl Fakoorian, Thang Tien Nguyen, Daniel J. Simon

Mathematics and Statistics Faculty Publications

Food-borne diseases associated with fresh produce consistently cause serious public health issues. Although sanitization measures are utilized to enhance the safety of fresh produce, strategies that neglect the dynamic nature of commercial wash processes are limited, creating the potential for pathogen cross-contamination and major disease outbreaks. In light of this risk, there is an urgent need for new control approaches during produce washing to reduce the probability of outbreaks. As an important step in this direction, a hybrid extended Kalman filter (HEKF) and particle swarm optimization (PSO)-based noise statistics optimization are designed for a produce wash system. The HEKF uses …

Biomarkers Of Cardiovascular Disease, Ying Huang, Kailash Gulshan, Truc Nguyen, Yuping Wu Nov 2017

Biomarkers Of Cardiovascular Disease, Ying Huang, Kailash Gulshan, Truc Nguyen, Yuping Wu

Mathematics and Statistics Faculty Publications

No abstract provided.

Bonneville Basin Data, Larry V. Benson Nov 2017

Bonneville Basin Data, Larry V. Benson

United States Geological Survey: Datasets

In the Bonneville Basin folder, all data were reported in: Benson, L.V., Lund, S.P., Smoot, J.P., Rhode, D.E., Spencer, R.J., Verosub, K.L., Louderback, L.A., Johnson, C.A., Rye, R.O., Negrini, R., 2011. The rise and fall of Lake Bonneville between 45 and 10.5 ka. Quaternary International 235: 57-69.

General Comment: in most cases an age model based on 14C analyses is not included with the data sets although ones were created for the original publications. Given the general problems with 14C ages in the lakes of the Great Basin, age models based on paleomagnetic secular variation (PSV) are …