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Physical Sciences and Mathematics Commons

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Full-Text Articles in Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Restricted Three-Body Problem Under The Effect Of Albedo When Smaller Primary Is A Finite Straight Segment, Shipra Chauhan, Dinesh Kumar, Bhavneet Kaur Dec 2018

Restricted Three-Body Problem Under The Effect Of Albedo When Smaller Primary Is A Finite Straight Segment, Shipra Chauhan, Dinesh Kumar, Bhavneet Kaur

Applications and Applied Mathematics: An International Journal (AAM)

This paper addresses the dynamics of the infinitesimal body in the restricted three-body problem under the effect of Albedo when the smaller primary is a finite straight segment and bigger one is a source of radiation. The measure of diffusive reflection of solar radiation out of the total solar radiation received by a body is Albedo which is measured on a scale from 0 to 1. The equations of motion of the infinitesimal body are derived and it is found that there exist five libration points, out of which three are collinear and the rest are non-collinear with the primaries. …

Statistical Methods To Account For Gene-Level Covariates In Normalization Of High-Dimensional Read-Count Data, Lauren Holt Lenz Dec 2018

Statistical Methods To Account For Gene-Level Covariates In Normalization Of High-Dimensional Read-Count Data, Lauren Holt Lenz

All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023

The goal of genetic-based cancer research is often to identify which genes behave differently in cancerous and healthy tissue. This difference in behavior, referred to as differential expression, may lead researchers to more targeted preventative care and treatment. One way to measure the expression of genes is though a process called RNA-Seq, that takes physical tissue samples and maps gene products and fragments in the sample back to the gene that created it, resulting in a large read-count matrix with genes in the rows and a column for each sample. The read-counts for tumor and normal samples are then compared …

Zgjerueshmëria E Infrastrukturës Përmes Metodave Të Virtualizimit Të Aplikacioneve Në Nivel Të Sistemit Operativ, Altin Ukshini Dec 2018

Zgjerueshmëria E Infrastrukturës Përmes Metodave Të Virtualizimit Të Aplikacioneve Në Nivel Të Sistemit Operativ, Altin Ukshini

Theses and Dissertations

Zhvillimi dhe menaxhimi i aplikacioneve fleksibile dhe të zgjerueshme lehtë është një sfidë operacionale dhe e dizajnimit të infrastrukturës kur kemi të bëjmë me aplikacione dhe platforma të mëdha. Virtualizimi i aplikacioneve në nivel të Sistemit Operativ (konteinerizimi) ka bërë bujë në përdorim tek infrastrukturat dhe serverët në cloud, si dhe në mënyrën se si sot zhvillohen softuerët që të jenë të zgjerueshëm në aspekt të infrastrukturës dhe fleksibilitetit të zhvillimit. Në këtë punim shtjellohet veçmas për teknologjitë e ndryshme të konteinerizimit të aplikacioneve dhe për rëndësinë që ka sot kjo teknologji në zhvillimin e softuerit dhe dizajnimin e arkitekturave …

Krahasimi Në Mes Spring Boot Framework Dhe Jee Framework, Astrit Berisha Dec 2018

Krahasimi Në Mes Spring Boot Framework Dhe Jee Framework, Astrit Berisha

Theses and Dissertations

Në këtë punim ne do të bëjmë dallimin dhe ngjajshmerin në mes dy framework se cila prej këtyre dy framework mundëson zhvillimin e shpejtë të aplikacioneve, zvogëlon nevojën për programim si dhe sa janë të sigurta. Meqë përdorimi i këtyre dy framework është për zhvillimin e aplikacioneve, atëherë edhe përdorimi i tyre është po aq i rëndësishëm, të cilat na tregojn se çfarë lloj programesh mund ose duhet të ndërtohet dhe si do të ndërlidhen. Gjetjet janë të bazuara në një rishikim të historisë së të dy framework, dhe veçanërisht në atë se si kane ardhur deri te zhvillimi për …

Aplikimi I Internet Of Things Në Smart City, Genita Tahiri Dec 2018

Aplikimi I Internet Of Things Në Smart City, Genita Tahiri

Theses and Dissertations

Që kur u prezantua koncepti i një Smart City, Internet of Things është konsideruar infrastruktura kryesore në një smart city. Studimi aktual përshkruan rëndësinë e teknologjive IoT në teknologji udhërrëfyesi (TRM) të një smart city. Për më tepër, rreth 200 ekspertë hulumtojnë rëndësinë dhe thelbin e komponentëve të detajuar të teknologjive IoT për një smart city. Aplikacionet e reja të IoT janë duke bërë të mundur iniciativat e Smart City në të gjithë botën. Ai siguron aftësinë për të monitoruar, menaxhuar dhe kontrolluar pajisjet në distancë, dhe për të krijuar njohuri të reja dhe informacion të zbatueshëm nga rrjedhat masive …

Siguria E Të Dhënave Në Implementimet E Iot Në Sistemet Ehealth, Iliriana Shala Dec 2018

Siguria E Të Dhënave Në Implementimet E Iot Në Sistemet Ehealth, Iliriana Shala

Theses and Dissertations

Në jetën tonë të sotme ne gjithmonë duhet të merremi me informacionin që luan një rol të rëndësishem në jetën tonë.Njëra nga burimet kryesore të informacionit është padyshim interneti.Gjërat që na rrethojnë po veprojnë me zgjuarsi dhe po e bëjnë jetën tonë njerëzore më të mençur.Këto gjëra veprojnë me zgjuarsi pasi janë të lidhura me internetin dhe kështu quhen “Internet of Things (IoT)”.Pajisjet e IoT mbledhin dhe i shpërndajnë informatat direkt me njëra tjetrën në cloud platforma, duke e bërë të mundur grumbullimin, ruajtjen dhe analizimin e të dhënave më shpejtë dhe më saktë.IoT ofron një premtim të madh në …

Analizimi Dhe Implementimi I Kornizave Të Testimit Të Automatizuar Selenium Dhe Sahi, Kaltrina Baftiu Dec 2018

Analizimi Dhe Implementimi I Kornizave Të Testimit Të Automatizuar Selenium Dhe Sahi, Kaltrina Baftiu

Theses and Dissertations

Testimi është bërë pjesë integrale e ciklit të zhvillimit të softuerit (SDLC). Përmes mjeteve të automatizuara të testimit me burim të hapur, kostoja e tërë procesit të testimit, si dhe koha që duhet për të kryer procesin e testimit, është zvogëluar ndjeshëm. Qëllimi kryesor i këtij materiali hulumtues është të analizojë mjetet e testimit të internetit Selenium dhe Sahi për të krahasuar karakteristikat e tyre dhe performancën në mënyrë që një përdorues i veçantë të mund të zgjedhë një mjet që është i përshtatshëm në aspektin e përdorshmërisë dhe karakteristikat e kërkuara për një detyrë specifike. Zgjedhja e një kornize …

Menaxhimi I Rrezikut Të Sigurisë Së Informacionit, Valon Perçuku Dec 2018

Menaxhimi I Rrezikut Të Sigurisë Së Informacionit, Valon Perçuku

Theses and Dissertations

Ky punim është përpjekja ime për ta trajtuar çështjen e menaxhimit të rrezikut të sigurisë së informacionit si dhe aspektin se si rreziku perceptohet nga organizatat. Gjatë punimit nuk kam bërë ndonjë dallim të theksuar nga ajo se si organizatat apo kompanitë lokale në Kosovë operojnë krahas atyre ndërkombëtare; kjo sepse, ka pak dallim në mënyrën që operojmë. Si në Kosovë ashtu edhe ndërkombëtarisht organizatat janë të vëna përballë një rreziku që ka formën ndoshta edhe natyrën e njëjtë, përveç probabilitetit që mund të jetë më i madh bazuar në natyrën e organizatës dhe perceptimit global që ka, edhe në …

Three-Dimensional Bedrock Channel Evolution With Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics, Nick Richmond Dec 2018

Three-Dimensional Bedrock Channel Evolution With Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics, Nick Richmond

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Bedrock channels are responsible for balancing and communicating tectonic and climatic signals across landscapes, but it is difficult and dangerous to observe and measure the flows responsible for removing weakly-attached blocks of bedrock from the channel boundary. Consequently, quantitative descriptions of the dynamics of bedrock removal are scarce. Detailed numerical simulation of violent flows in three dimensions has been historically challenging due to technological limitations, but advances in computational fluid dynamics aided by high-performance computing have made it practical to generate approximate solutions to the governing equations of fluid dynamics. From these numerical solutions we gain detailed knowledge of the …

An Outcrop Based Study Of The Weches Formation In Sabine County, Texas: Investigating Its Unconventional Resource Potential Through The Study Of Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, Petrology, And Geochemistry, Talban Kantala Dec 2018

An Outcrop Based Study Of The Weches Formation In Sabine County, Texas: Investigating Its Unconventional Resource Potential Through The Study Of Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, Petrology, And Geochemistry, Talban Kantala

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Fresh Weches Formation (Middle Eocene) exposures found in aggregate quarries in Sabine County, Texas, were sampled, measured, and logged with gamma-ray spectrometry (GRS). Sedimentology and petrology characteristics of Weches samples were analyzed through thin section, scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, and GRS Th/K ratios analyses. The source rock quality of the Weches was evaluated with geochemical techniques involving total organic carbon (TOC), Rock-Eval pyrolysis, and GRS Th/U ratios.

The Weches, in the study area, is 27.4 meters thick, and delineated into three major stratigraphic facies: an upper marginal marine prodeltaic facies (Therrill Member) comprised of silty claystones and …

Shelter Cove, Ca Fishing Community Sustainability Plan, Lisa Wise Consulting, Inc., Humboldt State University Dec 2018

Shelter Cove, Ca Fishing Community Sustainability Plan, Lisa Wise Consulting, Inc., Humboldt State University

Local Reports and Publications

The Shelter Cove Fishing Community Sustainability Plan (FCSP) is the product of a strong collaborative partnership among the fishing community, Humboldt State University, civic leaders, elected officials, and local business owners and operators. The project was funded by a generous grant from Saltonstall-Kennedy Grant Program, awarded in September of 2016.

The FCSP is a powerful example of the Shelter Cove fishing community’s capacity to establish key partnerships, identify opportunities and constraints, procure funding and engage in strategic planning. The FCSP culminates with a list of Recommendations which reflect the highest priorities needs aimed at the success and resilience of the …

Review Of: The World Of Scary Video Games: A Study In Videoludic Horror, Approaches To Digital Game Studies, Matthew Murray Dec 2018

Review Of: The World Of Scary Video Games: A Study In Videoludic Horror, Approaches To Digital Game Studies, Matthew Murray

Library Faculty Publications

No abstract provided.

Identities For Partitions Of N With Parts From A Finite Set, Acadia Larsen Dec 2018

Identities For Partitions Of N With Parts From A Finite Set, Acadia Larsen

Theses and Dissertations

We show for a prime power number of parts m that the first differences of partitions into at most m parts can be expressed as a non-negative linear combination of partitions into at most m – 1 parts. To show this relationship, we combine a quasipolynomial construction of p(n,m) with a new partition identity for a finite number of parts. We prove these results by providing combinatorial interpretations of the quasipolynomial of p(n,m) and the new partition identity. We extend these results by establishing conditions for when partitions of n with parts coming from …

Blow-Up Solutions Of Wave Map Equations With Periodic In Time Speed Of Propagation, Nathalie M. Luna-Rivera Dec 2018

Blow-Up Solutions Of Wave Map Equations With Periodic In Time Speed Of Propagation, Nathalie M. Luna-Rivera

Theses and Dissertations

We study the initial value problem for the wave map equation with time-dependent speed of propagation. In particular, for arbitrary, small, and smooth initial data we construct blow-up solutions of the wave map with coefficients that are periodic in time. For the proof we use Lyapunov-Floquet theory and Borg’s theorem.

Contact Numbers For Packing Of Spherical Particles, Eduardo Alejandro Ramirez Martinez Dec 2018

Contact Numbers For Packing Of Spherical Particles, Eduardo Alejandro Ramirez Martinez

Theses and Dissertations

This thesis covers packings of spherical particles. The main object of this investigation is the contact number of a packing. New bounds for contact numbers of certain families of sphere packings in dimension 3 are obtained as the outcome of this research.

Asymptotic Quantization For A Condensation System Associated With A Discrete Distribution, Shankar Parajulee Dec 2018

Asymptotic Quantization For A Condensation System Associated With A Discrete Distribution, Shankar Parajulee

Theses and Dissertations

Let P := (1/3)P ○ S1–1 + (1/3)P ○ S2–1 + (1/3)v be a condensation measure on R, where S1(x) = (1/5)x, S2(x) = (1/5)x + 4/5 for all x ∈ R , and v is a discrete distribution on R with the support of v equals C := {(2/5), (3/5)}. For such a measure P we determine the optimal sets of n–means and the nth quantization errors for all n ≥ 2. In addition, we show that the quantization dimension of the condensation measure P exists and equals …

Large-Scale Deep Learning With Application In Medical Imaging And Bio-Informatics, Zheng Xu Dec 2018

Large-Scale Deep Learning With Application In Medical Imaging And Bio-Informatics, Zheng Xu

Computer Science and Engineering Dissertations

With the recent advancement of the deep learning technology in the artificial intelligence area, nowadays people's lives have been drastically changed. However, the success of deep learning technology mostly relies on large-scale high-quality data-sets. The complexity of deeper model and larger scale datasets have brought us significant challenges. Inspired by this trend, in this dissertation, we focus on developing efficient and effective large-scale deep learning techniques in solving real-world problems, like cell detection in hyper-resolution medical image or drug screening from millions of compound candidates. With respect to the hyper-resolution medical imaging cell detection problem, the challenges are mainly the …

Author Correction: Femtosecond Laser Mass Spectrometry And High Harmonic Spectroscopy Of Xylene Isomers (Scientific Reports (2018) Doi: 10.1038/S41598-018-22055-9), Abdullah Alharbi, Andrewy E. Boguslavskiy, Dane Austin, Nicolas Thire, D. Wood, P. Hawkins, Felicity Mcgrath, A. S. Johnson, I. Lopez-Quintas, Bruno Schmidt, Francois Legare, J. P. Marangos, Anh-Thu Le, Ravi Bhardwaj Dec 2018

Author Correction: Femtosecond Laser Mass Spectrometry And High Harmonic Spectroscopy Of Xylene Isomers (Scientific Reports (2018) Doi: 10.1038/S41598-018-22055-9), Abdullah Alharbi, Andrewy E. Boguslavskiy, Dane Austin, Nicolas Thire, D. Wood, P. Hawkins, Felicity Mcgrath, A. S. Johnson, I. Lopez-Quintas, Bruno Schmidt, Francois Legare, J. P. Marangos, Anh-Thu Le, Ravi Bhardwaj

Physics Faculty Research & Creative Works

The original version of this Article contained a typographical error in the spelling of the author Nicolas Thiré, which was incorrectly given as Nicholas Thiré. Nicolas Thiré was also incorrectly affiliated with 'Instituto de Química Física Rocasolano, IQFR-CSIC, Serrano 119, 28006, Madrid, Spain'. The correct affiliation is listed below.

INRS-EMT, Advanced Laser Light Source, 1650 Lionel-Boulet Bvd, Varennes, J3X1S2, Canada.

This has now been corrected in the PDF and HTML versions of the Article and in the accompanying Supplementary Information file.

Impact Of Bubble Baths On Stainless Steel Sphere Water Entry, Wesley Robinson Dec 2018

Impact Of Bubble Baths On Stainless Steel Sphere Water Entry, Wesley Robinson

Physics Capstone Projects

Soap Bubbles on the water surface would seem to be an intuitive means for splash suppression, but their presence appears to be a double edged sword. We present on the water entry of hydrophilic spheres where the liquid surface is augmented by the presence of a bubble layer, similar to a bubble bath. While the presence of a bubble layer can diminish splashing upon impact at low Weber numbers, it also induces cavity formation at speeds below the critical velocity. The formation of a cavity generally results in larger Worthington jets and thus, larger amounts of ejected liquid. Bubble layers …

Mathematica Program To Compute Klein Gordon Equation For Generic Black Holes, Brant Smith Dec 2018

Mathematica Program To Compute Klein Gordon Equation For Generic Black Holes, Brant Smith

Physics Capstone Projects

The goal of this project is to develop a program that will compute the Klein Gordon equation for generic Black Holes through the program Mathematica. This program will be available on Utah State websites for public usage. This project focuses on an understanding of General Relativity and more concretely on theoretical aspects of Black Holes. Developing the program begins with computing the Laplace equation in flat space to understand what it means to have empty space without a Black Hole. The Klein Gordon equation for a Schwarzschild Black Hole is then solved to show what happens once a static, non-rotating …

Measuring Connective Capacity Throughout The Gulf Of Mexico Fishery Management Network, Anthony Rocha Lima Dec 2018

Measuring Connective Capacity Throughout The Gulf Of Mexico Fishery Management Network, Anthony Rocha Lima

Theses and Dissertations

The Gulf of Mexico provides substantial resources along its 1,680-mile coastline, spanning 5 U.S. states and providing millions of pounds of seafood and hundreds of millions in revenue annually. Continued success of the fishery relies on the ability of a large, complex, multiagency network to find the best solutions to balance the needs of humans, as well as ensure long-term sustainability. Organizations with varying objectives require effective communication when addressing intricate ecosystem-based management topics such as endangered species and regional economies.

To better understand the connectivity within the Gulf fishery management network, an IRB reviewed survey was dispersed to the …

Towards Scalable Characterization Of Noisy, Intermediate-Scale Quantum Information Processors, Travis Luke Scholten Dec 2018

Towards Scalable Characterization Of Noisy, Intermediate-Scale Quantum Information Processors, Travis Luke Scholten

Physics & Astronomy ETDs

In recent years, quantum information processors (QIPs) have grown from one or two qubits to tens of qubits. As a result, characterizing QIPs – measuring how well they work, and how they fail – has become much more challenging. The obstacles to characterizing today’s QIPs will grow even more difficult as QIPs grow from tens of qubits to hundreds, and enter what has been called the “noisy, intermediate-scale quantum” (NISQ) era. This thesis develops methods based on advanced statistics and machine learning algorithms to address the difficulties of “quantum character- ization, validation, and verification” (QCVV) of NISQ processors. In the …

Timing And Formation Of Linear Dunes South Of The Niobrara River Valley, North-Central Nebraska Sand Hills, Ashley K. Larsen Dec 2018

Timing And Formation Of Linear Dunes South Of The Niobrara River Valley, North-Central Nebraska Sand Hills, Ashley K. Larsen

Department of Geography: Dissertations, Theses, and Student Research

The Nebraska Sand Hills is a vast (7500 square kilometer) area of grass-stabilized sand dunes. Larger dunes in the Nebraska Sand Hills formed primarily during the Late Pleistocene, but many underwent widespread reactivation during the Holocene. Recent Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating indicates that the last major phase of reactivation in the Sand Hills was during the Medieval Warm Period, approximately 800 years ago. Nevertheless, many questions about the evolution of the dunes remain unanswered, particularly regarding the formation of linear dunes in portions of the Sand Hills.

This study seeks to understand more about the formation of linear dunes …

Feature-Based Transfer Learning In Natural Language Processing, Jianfei Yu Dec 2018

Feature-Based Transfer Learning In Natural Language Processing, Jianfei Yu

Dissertations and Theses Collection (Open Access)

In the past few decades, supervised machine learning approach is one of the most important methodologies in the Natural Language Processing (NLP) community. Although various kinds of supervised learning methods have been proposed to obtain the state-of-the-art performance across most NLP tasks, the bottleneck of them lies in the heavy reliance on the large amount of manually annotated data, which is not always available in our desired target domain/task. To alleviate the data sparsity issue in the target domain/task, an attractive solution is to find sufficient labeled data from a related source domain/task. However, for most NLP applications, due to …

Comparison Mining From Text, Maksim Tkachenko Dec 2018

Comparison Mining From Text, Maksim Tkachenko

Dissertations and Theses Collection (Open Access)

Online product reviews are important factors of consumers' purchase decisions. They invade more and more spheres of our life, we have reviews on books, electronics, groceries, entertainments, restaurants, travel experiences, etc. More than 90 percent of consumers read online reviews before they purchase products as reported by various consumers surveys. This observation suggests that product review information enhances consumer experience and helps them to make better-informed purchase decisions. There is an enormous amount of online reviews posted on e-commerce platforms, such as Amazon, Apple, Yelp, TripAdvisor. They vary in information and may be written with different experiences and preferences.

If …

Social Software Development: Insights And Solutions, Abhishek Sharma Dec 2018

Social Software Development: Insights And Solutions, Abhishek Sharma

Dissertations and Theses Collection (Open Access)

Over last few decades, the way software is developed has changed drastically. From being an activity performed by developers working individually to develop standalone programs, it has transformed into a highly collaborative and cooperative activity. Software development today can be considered as a participatory culture, where developers coordinate and engage together to develop software while continuously learning from one another and creating knowledge.

In order to support their communication and collaboration needs, software developers often use a variety of social media channels. These channels help software developers to connect with like-minded developers and explore collaborations on software projects of interest. …

Empathetic Computing For Inclusive Application Design, Kenny Choo Tsu Wei Dec 2018

Empathetic Computing For Inclusive Application Design, Kenny Choo Tsu Wei

Dissertations and Theses Collection (Open Access)

The explosive growth of the ecosystem of personal and ambient computing de- vices coupled with the proliferation of high-speed connectivity has enabled ex- tremely powerful and varied mobile computing applications that are used every- where. While such applications have tremendous potential to improve the lives of impaired users, most mobile applications have impoverished designs to be inclusive– lacking support for users with specific disabilities. Mobile app designers today haveinadequate support to design existing classes of apps to support users with specific disabilities, and more so, lack the support to design apps that specifically target these users. One way to resolve …

Evaluation Of A Sequential Pond System For Detention And Treatment Of Runoff At Skypark, Santa's Village, Elizabeth Caporuscio Dec 2018

Evaluation Of A Sequential Pond System For Detention And Treatment Of Runoff At Skypark, Santa's Village, Elizabeth Caporuscio

Electronic Theses, Projects, and Dissertations

Understanding the extent to which human activities impact surface water resources has become increasingly important as both human population growth and related landscape changes impact water quality and quantity across varying geographical scales. Skypark, Santa’s Village is a 233.76-acre tourism-based outdoor recreation area located in Skyforest, California residing within the San Bernardino National Forest. The park is situated at Hooks Creek, the headwaters of the Mojave River Watershed, and is characterized by a diverse landscape that includes forest cover and human development, including impervious surfaces, a restored meadow, and recreational trails. In 2016, Hencks Meadow was considered degraded by human …

Sensor-Based Human Activity Recognition Using Bidirectional Lstm For Closely Related Activities, Arumugam Thendramil Pavai Dec 2018

Sensor-Based Human Activity Recognition Using Bidirectional Lstm For Closely Related Activities, Arumugam Thendramil Pavai

Electronic Theses, Projects, and Dissertations

Recognizing human activities using deep learning methods has significance in many fields such as sports, motion tracking, surveillance, healthcare and robotics. Inertial sensors comprising of accelerometers and gyroscopes are commonly used for sensor based HAR. In this study, a Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BLSTM) approach is explored for human activity recognition and classification for closely related activities on a body worn inertial sensor data that is provided by the UTD-MHAD dataset. The BLSTM model of this study could achieve an overall accuracy of 98.05% for 15 different activities and 90.87% for 27 different activities performed by 8 persons with 4 …

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Of African Tribal Masks, Jordan Smith, Huzaifa Shah, Kaitlyn Parrott Dec 2018

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Of African Tribal Masks, Jordan Smith, Huzaifa Shah, Kaitlyn Parrott

Fall 2018 - Chemical Analysis Class Projects

The project attempts to determine the authenticity of African masks using near-infrared spectroscopy.