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Social and Behavioral Sciences Commons

Open Access. Powered by Scholars. Published by Universities.®

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Full-Text Articles in Social and Behavioral Sciences

Concurrent Enrollment Benchmark Data And Self-Study Report 2014 .Pdf, Ron J. Hammond Mar 2019

Concurrent Enrollment Benchmark Data And Self-Study Report 2014 .Pdf, Ron J. Hammond

Ron J. Hammond

This study was based on data analysis of 82,119 UVU/UVSC student records.  An IRB application “Secondary Analysis of UVU’s Concurrent Enrollment Data” was submitted on 12 July 2013 and approved (approval #01096) on 18 July 2013.  The main purpose of the research was to provide benchmark data and a  self-study report thereby establishing informed strategies to improve UVU’s overall Concurrent Enrollment Department and student success.  The analyses presented below are post-hoc and descriptive utilizing a minimum threshold of .05 levels of statistical significance.  Outcomes were measured for the following four categories of students: Concurrent Enrollment (CE), Advanced Placement (AP), Distance …

Bioinvitagen Male Enhancement Reviews: Are These Pills The #1 Formula?, Gwen Fontenot Mar 2019

Bioinvitagen Male Enhancement Reviews: Are These Pills The #1 Formula?, Gwen Fontenot

Gwen Fontenot

Bioinvitagen Male Enhancement that is aimed at making your system a lot of muscle. With the usage of this supplement, the body gets more strength and it conjointly faces some extremely sensible results. As the name implies, this supplement is geared toward giving a boost to the performance of the individual.

This performance is good within the gym where you've got to perform your daily routine to induce your desired results. If the performance in the gym isn't up to speed, there is no method you'll get the body that you wish.
This performance additionally offers the additional energy that …

Obat Bercak Merah Seperti Sariawan Di Kelamin Pria, Alif Nur Mar 2019

Obat Bercak Merah Seperti Sariawan Di Kelamin Pria, Alif Nur

Alif Nur

obat bercak merah seperti sariawan di kelamin pria    Salam sejahtera selalu, selamat datang di Blog wab Site kami cv De Nature Indonesia. Jika anda sedang mencari obat luka lecet di kelamin anda atau gejala yang menyerupai nya seperti gatal perih di area kemaluan pria maupun wanita. Web site kami ini khusus untuk menjual obat Penyakit kelamin yang memang sudah ribuan pelanggan kami merasakan khasiat dari obat herbal De Nature. obat salep untuk lecet pada kelamin pria

Salep Luka Lecet Pada Penis Perih Dan Terasa Panas, Alif Nur Mar 2019

Salep Luka Lecet Pada Penis Perih Dan Terasa Panas, Alif Nur

Alif Nur

salep luka lecet pada penis perih dan terasa panas 

Obat Sesak Nafas Jelly Gamat Gold G Dijamin Sembuh Dengan Cepat, Herbal Keramat Mar 2019

Obat Sesak Nafas Jelly Gamat Gold G Dijamin Sembuh Dengan Cepat, Herbal Keramat

Herbal Keramat

Beberapa penyebab lain dari sesak nafas yang berhubungan dengan jantung dan paru-paru adalah adanya penyakit asma, keracunan karbon monoksida, pendarahan jantung, serangan jantung, tekanan darah rendah, pulmonary embolism, pneumonia, pneumothorax, hingga halangan pada saluran pernapasan bagian atas. Sesak napas merupakan gejala dari suatu penyakit serius yang tidak boleh diremehkan karena dapat menyebabkan kematian, oleh karena itu harus dicari penyebab awal dan segera diatasi. Gejala sesak nafas memang sangat beragam tergantung pada penyebab sesak nafasnya.

Berikut ini akan akan kami bahas mengenai penyebab sesak nafas yang muncul tiba-tiba (akut) dan juga sesak nafas yang memang sering muncul atau jangka panjang (kronis). …

Obat Batuk Berdarah Terbukti Ampuh Dan Mujarab, Herbal Keramat Mar 2019

Obat Batuk Berdarah Terbukti Ampuh Dan Mujarab, Herbal Keramat

Herbal Keramat

Batuk Berdarah atau dalam bahasa medisnya Hemoptisis merupakan salah satu kondisi di mana seseorang mengalami batuk yang di sertai darah dan dahak . Perlu di waspadai jika anda mengalami batuk berdarah, karena batuk berdarah dapat juga dianggap sebagai gejala dari sejumlah kondisi gangguan kesehatan. Namun, anda tidak perlu khawatir apabila batuk berdarah dialami oleh kalangan usia muda yang memiliki riwayat kesehatan baik, biasanya itu bukan merupakan pertanda dari suatu penyakit serius. Beda halnya, jika yang mengalaminya adalah orang-orang berusia lanjut atau diketahui memiliki kebiasaan merokok, maka ada kemungkinan bahwa batuk darah merupakan gejala dari suatu penyakit yang serius. Segeralah melakukan …

Obat Radang Telinga Paling Aman Untuk Semua Umur, Herbal Keramat Mar 2019

Obat Radang Telinga Paling Aman Untuk Semua Umur, Herbal Keramat

Herbal Keramat

Radang Telinga atau di kenal dengan istilah otitis media merupakan salah satu penyakit telinga yang sangat umum terjadi di masyarakat. Radang telinga memang dapat menjangkiti semua orang, namun yang lebih mudah terserang rata-rata adalah anak-anak yang di bawah umur 10 tahun bahkan banyak juga bayi-bayi usia 6-15 bulan yang mengalami hal ini. Kebanyakan kasus yang sudah terjadi dari radang telinga timbul karena adanya infeksi bakteri dan virus, kemudian menjadikan mukosa menimbun di bagian tengah. Alasan mengapa anak-anaklah yang lebih rentan terkena penyakit ini adalah karena saluran eustachius pada anak biasanya ukurannya lebih kecil ketimbang yang dimiliki para orang dewasa. Pada …

Obat Limfoma Terbuat Dari Bahan Alami 100% Aman Tanpa Efek Samping, Herbal Keramat Mar 2019

Obat Limfoma Terbuat Dari Bahan Alami 100% Aman Tanpa Efek Samping, Herbal Keramat

Herbal Keramat

Limfoma atau dikenal dengan sebutan kanker kelenjar getah bening salah satu jenis penyakit kanker yang pertama kali ditemukan oleh Dr Thomas Hodgkin. Arti dari limfoma sebenarnya yaitu kanker kelenjar getah bening yang berasal dari sel limfosit yang tergolong salah satu sel darah putih. Sel itu biasanya ada di dalam arteri, vena dan getah bening tubuh manusia. Penyakit ini terbagi atas dua jenis. Pertama yaitu limfoma hodgkin yang mudah menyebar pada aliran darah dan menyebar ke organ lain seperti paru-paru, hati, dan sumsum tulang belakang. Kedua yaitu non hodgkin limfoma yang merusak sistem kekebalan tubuh karena serangan bakteri, virus dan parasit. …

Obat Ispa Yang Aman Untuk Anak Dan Dewasa Dijamin 100% Sembuh Total, Herbal Keramat Mar 2019

Obat Ispa Yang Aman Untuk Anak Dan Dewasa Dijamin 100% Sembuh Total, Herbal Keramat

Herbal Keramat

Ispa adalah istilah dari kata infeksi saluran pernafasan akut. Ispa sendiri merupakan salah satu jenis penyakit infeksi yang menyerang saluran pernafasan, baik saluran nafas atas ataupun bawah. Infeksi ini umumnya disebabkan oleh virus yang menyerang  bagian rongga hidung seperti sinus, trakea (pipa pernafasan), atau bahkan paru-paru. Di indonesia sendiri penyakit ispa masih menjadi masalah besar bahkan menduduki peringkat pertama sebagai penyakit yang paling banyak diderita masyarakat, khususnya anak-anak. Ispa termasuk salah satu jenis penyakit yang sangat mudah menular, jadi penyakit ini dapat menyerang sipa saja dan kapan saja tanpa memandang usia berapapun. Penularannya bisa melalui udara yang di hirup yang …

Obat Nyeri Otot Paling Ampuh, Herbal Keramat Mar 2019

Obat Nyeri Otot Paling Ampuh, Herbal Keramat

Herbal Keramat

Nyeri Otot adalah salah satu kondisi rasa nyeri yang timbul pada otot, dalam beberapa kasus, penderita nyeri otot juga dapat merasakan gejala lain, seperti demam, kemerahan, mual, muntah, dan lain-lain. Nyeri otot biasanya akan terasa atau timbul ketika seseorang sedang melakukan aktivitas atau setelahnya, kondisi ini bisa dirasakan pada bagian mana pun karena hampir seluruh bagian tubuh memiliki jaringan otot. Pada umumnya, nyeri otot sering mempengaruhi ligamen, tendon, tulang dan hampir semua bagian tubuh seperti bagian leher, bahu, punggung, pinggang, kaki, tangan dan lainnya.

Penyebab Nyeri Otot

Penyebab utama nyeri otot biasanya timbul akibat adanya tekanan yang berlebihan pada saat …

Obat Rematik Terbukti Ampuh Berlegalitas Resmi, Herbal Keramat Mar 2019

Obat Rematik Terbukti Ampuh Berlegalitas Resmi, Herbal Keramat

Herbal Keramat

Rematik merupakan salah satu jenis penyakit yang disebabkan oleh kondisi sendi dan tulang yang mengalami peradangan, dan pembengkakan sehingga mengakibatkan nyeri pada sendi dan otot. Pada umumnya rematik dapat menyerang siapa saja baik wanita ataupun pria tanpa memandang usia berapapun. Namun, beberapa kasus yang sudah terjadi wanita dengan usia 20 – 40 tahun lebih sering mengalami rematik serta beresiko tinggi daibandingkan dengan pria.


Penyebab utama penyakit rematik hingga saat ini belum diketahui secara pasti, akan tetapi dugaan kuat yang disebabkan karena adanya kombinasi dari berbagai faktor yang menyebabkan penyakit ini. Adapun Faktor yang dapat memicu seseorang beresiko tinggi mengalami …

Obat Luka Bakar Tanpe Rasa Perih Aman Untuk Semua Kulit, Herbal Keramat Mar 2019

Obat Luka Bakar Tanpe Rasa Perih Aman Untuk Semua Kulit, Herbal Keramat

Herbal Keramat

Pernahkah anda mengalami luka bakar? Ketika hal ini terjadi, pastinya sangat menyakitkan bukan. Pada umumnya luka bakar dapat dialami oleh siapa saja dan kapan saja, karena peristiwa kecelakaan memang tidak ada yang mengetahuinya selain yang maha kuasa. Oleh sebab itu, kita harus berhati hati pada saat beraktivitas dimana saja dan kapan saja supaya terhindar dari hal hal yang tidak diinginkan. Adapun definisi luka bakar adalah salah satu kondisi adanya kerusakan pada organ tubuh yang terjadi pada area kulit yang disebabkan karena panas, api atau benda yang bersuhu amat panas, bahan kimia, sengatan listrik, sinar matahari, dan radiasi. Namun, kebanyakan penderita …

Obat Keputihan Paling Ampuh Rekomendasi Dokter, Herbal Keramat Mar 2019

Obat Keputihan Paling Ampuh Rekomendasi Dokter, Herbal Keramat

Herbal Keramat

Keputihan merupakan salah satu  jenis masalah kewanitaan yang paling umum terjadi pada setiap wanita. Keluarnya cairan yang dikenal dengan istilah keputihan dari vagina adalah hal yang wajar.  Pada umumnya keputihan terbagi menjadi dua jenis yaitu yang bersifat fisiologis(normal) dan Patologis (tidak normal/penyakit).
Keputihan Normal/ Bersifat Fisiologis

Keputihan fisiologi (keputihan normal) yang bukan berupa penyakit bisa terjadi pada setiap wanita. Biasanya cairan yang keluar berwarna bening, tidak berbau dan tidak gatal. Hal ini dapat terjadi pada wanita yang akan mengalami atau sesudah menstruasi, ataupun kondisi wanita sedang stres dan saat terangsang secara seksual serta jumlah cairan yang keluar bisa sedikit atau …

Poster: “Draw” In Your Audience: Creating An Infographic Annual Report, Amanda L. Steinvall, Heather J. Martin Mar 2019

Poster: “Draw” In Your Audience: Creating An Infographic Annual Report, Amanda L. Steinvall, Heather J. Martin

Heather J Martin, MISt, AHIP

Presented by Amanda Steinvall

Objectives: Following the consolidation of 9 hospital libraries into a single unified department, library leadership identified the need to create an annual report that successfully described the work of this new integrated library service. The library aimed to reconstruct the traditional annual reports into more visual format that better depicted the impact of the library by displaying usage statistics and promoting services in a pleasing and unique way.

Methods: In year one, the library transitioned from a traditional written report or one-sheet, to an infographic poster created using Photoshop. The infographic described the current state of …

Creating A Library Holding Group: An Approach To Large System Integration., Isaac R Huffman, Heather J Martin, Barbara (Basia) Delawska-Elliott Mar 2019

Creating A Library Holding Group: An Approach To Large System Integration., Isaac R Huffman, Heather J Martin, Barbara (Basia) Delawska-Elliott

Basia Delawska-Elliott, MLIS, AHIP

PURPOSE: Faced with resource constraints, many hospital libraries have considered joint operations. This case study describes how Providence Health & Services created a single group to provide library services.

METHODS: Using a holding group model, staff worked to unify more than 6,100 nonlibrary subscriptions and 14 internal library sites.

RESULTS: Our library services grew by unifying 2,138 nonlibrary subscriptions and 11 library sites and hiring more library staff. We expanded access to 26,018 more patrons.

CONCLUSIONS: A model with built-in flexibility allowed successful library expansion. Although challenges remain, this success points to a viable model of unified operations.

Combining Resources, Combining Forces: Regionalizing Hospital Library Services In A Large Statewide Health System., Heather J Martin, Basia Delawska-Elliott Mar 2019

Combining Resources, Combining Forces: Regionalizing Hospital Library Services In A Large Statewide Health System., Heather J Martin, Basia Delawska-Elliott

Basia Delawska-Elliott, MLIS, AHIP

After a reduction in full-time equivalents, 2 libraries in large teaching hospitals and 2 libraries in small community hospitals in a western US statewide health system saw opportunity for expansion through a regional reorganization. Despite a loss of 2/3 of the professional staff and a budgetary decrease of 27% over the previous 3 years, the libraries were able to grow business, usage, awareness, and collections through organizational innovation and improved efficiency. This paper describes the experience--including process, challenges, and lessons learned--of an organizational shift to regionalized services, collections, and staffing. Insights from this process may help similar organizations going through …

Hospital Libraries: A Path Forward, Basia Delawska-Elliott, Wm. Brian Elliot Mar 2019

Hospital Libraries: A Path Forward, Basia Delawska-Elliott, Wm. Brian Elliot

Basia Delawska-Elliott, MLIS, AHIP

Program Description: Despite our profession’s constant evolution to address the changing needs of our users, many health sciences libraries, particularly hospital libraries, are under scrutiny by their institutions. Many of these libraries are facing closure. In fact, a recent study of health sciences library closings [Schwartz, Elkin 2017] found that from 1989-2006 approximately 23-34% of US health sciences libraries closed. Furthermore, between 2011 and 2015, 613 libraries closed, for an average of 115 closings per year [Thibodeau, Funk 2009]. But why? What was the rationale for these closings? Was the decision based solely on economic reasons, or were there other …

The Endurance Of Tell Qarqur: Settlement Resilience In Northwestern Syria During The Late Bronze And Iron Ages (Ca. 1200 – 700 Bc), Eric Robert Jensen Mar 2019

The Endurance Of Tell Qarqur: Settlement Resilience In Northwestern Syria During The Late Bronze And Iron Ages (Ca. 1200 – 700 Bc), Eric Robert Jensen

Eric Roberts, MD

This dissertation analyzes the material culture, paleobotanical, and faunal remains excavated at the site of Tell Qarqur, Syria, recovered from occupational levels dating from the end of the Late Bronze Age to the Iron II period (from approximately 1200 to 700 BC). Based on archaeological evidence and ancient textual sources, many ancient Near Eastern kingdoms and polities endured social and political turmoil during the late 13th and early 12th centuries BC. Most likely caused by an unknown hostile group or groups, the destruction of monumental scale architecture and the disruption to the people of Qarqur’s agricultural and animal husbandry practices …

Youth Perceptions Of A School-Based Mentoring Program, Samantha Weiss, Jeanette Harder, Christiana Bratiotis, Emily Nguyen Mar 2019

Youth Perceptions Of A School-Based Mentoring Program, Samantha Weiss, Jeanette Harder, Christiana Bratiotis, Emily Nguyen

Jeanette Harder

Academic mentoring programs promote high school completion for at-risk youth. The purpose of this study was to hear the voice of youth in order to inform program services and develop best practices for meeting their academic needs. Using a grounded theory approach, we conducted 14 focus groups to examine high school students’ perceptions and experiences in the Avenue Scholars Foundation program. This study supported previous findings: students’ comments reflected on the importance of the relationships built in the program, the knowledge they gained, and their experiences regarding higher education and careers. The students shared that these experiences were increasingly meaningful …

[Watch/Online]Juventus Vs Atletico Madrid Live Stream Uefa Champions League 2018-19, Mohammad Arif Mar 2019

[Watch/Online]Juventus Vs Atletico Madrid Live Stream Uefa Champions League 2018-19, Mohammad Arif

mohammad arif

Juventus vs. Atletico Madrid: Champions League prediction, pick, TV channel, live stream, watch online for second leg, start time

Juventus and Atletico Madrid will battle it out for a quarterfinal spot in the Champions League when they meet in Turin on Tuesday in the round of 16 second leg. Atleti leads the tie 2-0 after that fantastic first leg at the Wanda Metropolitano where Jose Maria Gimenez and Diego Godin both scored in the second half. Cristiano Ronaldo has won three straight UCL titles but a fourth could go out the window on Tuesday night under the …

1080p-Hd! Happy Death Day 2u (2019) Fullmovie Online Free, Lavon 24 Mar 2019

1080p-Hd! Happy Death Day 2u (2019) Fullmovie Online Free, Lavon 24

lavon 24

How to Watch Happy Death Day 2U Online Free? ™Watch Happy Death Day 2U or Download Full Movies Online Watch Happy Death Day 2U 2019 Full Streaming Online Watch Happy Death Day 2U (2019) Full Movie HD720p 1080 Watch Happy Death Day 2U Online Free Full Movie Streaming Download Watch Happy Death Day 2U movie online free 2019 HD 1080p Watch Happy Death Day 2U viooz HQ Openload Free trusted Watch Happy Death Day 2U Online Free on your computer in high definition quality without even having to spend a dime. Watch Happy Death Day 2U or Download Full Movies …

Jual Obat Aborsi Jepara Dalam 3 Jam Tuntas 0812 3839 5631 Klinik Aborsi Jepara, Amelia Jepara Mar 2019

Jual Obat Aborsi Jepara Dalam 3 Jam Tuntas 0812 3839 5631 Klinik Aborsi Jepara, Amelia Jepara

Amelia Jepara

Penjual Obat Aborsi Apotik Cytotec di Jepara 3 Jam Gugur Obat Aborsi Di Jepara, WA 0812 3839 5631 Jual Obat Aborsi Tuntas 3 Jam Gugur, Obat Aborsi Penggugur Kandungan Janin Kuat Gugur Tuntas Tanpa Kuret.
Obat Aborsi Jepara Jual Obat Aborsi Penggugur Kandungan Janin Kuat 3 Jam Langsung Gugur Rahim Bersih Tuntas
Obat Aborsi Di Jepara, Jual Obat Penggugur Kandungan di Jepara, Obat Aborsi Di Apotik Jepara, Obat Telat Bulan Di Jepara, Cytotec Di Jepara, Obat Pelancar Haid Jepara
Obat Aborsi Tuntas Di Jepara, Penjual Obat Penggugur Kandungan Di Jepara, Alamat Apotik Jual Cytotec Di …

Jual Obat Aborsi Pekalongan Dalam 3 Jam Tuntas 0812 3839 5631 Klinik Aborsi Pekalongan, Amelia Pekalongan Mar 2019

Jual Obat Aborsi Pekalongan Dalam 3 Jam Tuntas 0812 3839 5631 Klinik Aborsi Pekalongan, Amelia Pekalongan

Amelia Pekalongan

Penjual Obat Aborsi Apotik Cytotec di Pekalongan 3 Jam Gugur Obat Aborsi Di Pekalongan, WA 0812 3839 5631 Jual Obat Aborsi Tuntas 3 Jam Gugur, Obat Aborsi Penggugur Kandungan Janin Kuat Gugur Tuntas Tanpa Kuret.
Obat Aborsi Pekalongan Jual Obat Aborsi Penggugur Kandungan Janin Kuat 3 Jam Langsung Gugur Rahim Bersih Tuntas
Obat Aborsi Di Pekalongan, Jual Obat Penggugur Kandungan di Pekalongan, Obat Aborsi Di Apotik Pekalongan, Obat Telat Bulan Di Pekalongan, Cytotec Di Pekalongan, Obat Pelancar Haid Pekalongan
Obat Aborsi Tuntas Di Pekalongan, Penjual Obat Penggugur Kandungan Di Pekalongan, Alamat Apotik Jual Cytotec Di …

Apotik Yang Menjual Obat Aborsi Di Blitar Wa 08127092708 Alamat Klinik Aborsi Jual Cytotec Blitar, Wiwit Blitar Mar 2019

Apotik Yang Menjual Obat Aborsi Di Blitar Wa 08127092708 Alamat Klinik Aborsi Jual Cytotec Blitar, Wiwit Blitar

Wiwit blitar

Jual obat aborsi di Blitar, Obat Aborsi asli di Blitar, Obat Aborsi Di Apotik Blitar, Obat Aborsi Murah Di Blitar, Obat Pelancar Haid Blitar, Obat Penggugur Kandungan di Blitar, Obat Telat Datang Bulan Di Blitar
Obat Aborsi di Blitar, Obat Peluntur Kandungan Blitar, Klinik Aborsi Blitar, Penggugur Kandungan Blitar
Obat Aborsi Tuntas Di Blitar, Penjual Obat Penggugur Kandungan Di Blitar, Alamat Apotik Jual Cytotec Di Blitar, Yang Menjual Obat Telat Datang Bulan Di Blitar
Silahkan menghubungi kontak kami untuk mengetahui alamat penjual obat aborsi area Blitar dan perihal …

Supreme Vigor Testosterone Booster Pills Reviews, Price, Benefits, Ebony Parker Mar 2019

Supreme Vigor Testosterone Booster Pills Reviews, Price, Benefits, Ebony Parker

Ebony Parker

Sexual drives increase with age. After forty years, sex energy can decrease daily, and a man cannot provide enough happiness to the partner. Sexual abnormalities haven't only one issue many reasons are the reason for this like a low erection, lower blood circulation level round the penis and short size penis and many others. Sometimes stress is another leading reason behind lower sexual performance if you've got anxiety and any difficulty in your life than how it's potential to perform well at the front of the partner. In the tip, your partner eliminates you and desires space from you. In …

State Agency Promising Practices: New Hampshire’S Employment Data Collection - The Power To Transform Communication, Partnership, And Service Delivery, Jennifer Bose Mar 2019

State Agency Promising Practices: New Hampshire’S Employment Data Collection - The Power To Transform Communication, Partnership, And Service Delivery, Jennifer Bose

Jennifer Bose

In 2010, when the New Hampshire Bureau of Developmental Services (BDS) received grant funds to strengthen multisystem service delivery, its administrators partnered with area agencies; community rehabilitation providers, or CRPs (employment providers); and other stakeholders to improve and streamline the process of collecting employment data. Originally a multi-system process, BDS continued the data-collection effort when other systems withdrew. BDS’s new data-collection system allows unprecedented access to clear data displays, as well as the ability to run a variety of detailed reports to guide the statewide promotion of integrated employment.

State Agency Promising Practice: Pennsylvania’S Employment Newsletter - A Communication Strategy To Promote Employment, Jennifer Bose Mar 2019

State Agency Promising Practice: Pennsylvania’S Employment Newsletter - A Communication Strategy To Promote Employment, Jennifer Bose

Jennifer Bose

The State of Pennsylvania’s Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) created a monthly newsletter called The Employment Update, which covers state- and nationwide news about the employment of people with disabilities, including intellectual/developmental disabilities. The Employment Update is sent via email to state agency contacts and a large stakeholder community, including individuals with disabilities, service providers, state associations, employers, advocacy groups, family members, representatives from academia and others. The Employment Update contains information about employment trends, employment policy, trainings and conferences throughout Pennsylvania and nationwide. The newsletter also contains information about employment grants and project activities, including links to articles covering …

State Agency Promising Practice: Washington’S Investment In Robust Training And Technical Assistance, Jennifer Bose Mar 2019

State Agency Promising Practice: Washington’S Investment In Robust Training And Technical Assistance, Jennifer Bose

Jennifer Bose

In the mid-1980s, the state of Washington was awarded a five-year federal systems change grant to kick-start their supported employment efforts via the Washington State Employment Initiative. Funding from this grant was used to develop training on best practices and to generate high-quality integrated employment supports among agencies. At the end of this five-year period, with state funding and support from state leadership, the Washington State Employment Initiative re-formed as WISE, an independent training and technical assistance (TA) organization. WISE now contracts with the Washington Developmental Disabilities Administration to provide ongoing, high-quality training and TA across the state and to …

State Agency Promising Practice: Oregon’S Employment Support Website - Communicating The Employment First Policy, Jennifer Bose Mar 2019

State Agency Promising Practice: Oregon’S Employment Support Website - Communicating The Employment First Policy, Jennifer Bose

Jennifer Bose

In 2009, the state of Oregon adopted its Employment First policy. When Oregon’s Office of Developmental Disabilities Services (DDS) decided to promote the implementation of this policy, it began by updating its existing employment website. The redesigned website (http:// emphasizes the value of integrated employment over other outcomes, and the importance of building community-wide conversations, with the goal of achieving integrated employment for people with developmental disabilities. The website shares the value of integrated employment with all targeted audiences by highlighting resources and illustrating employment successes. It was also designed to share information on the Oregon’s progress and concrete …

State Agency Promising Practice: Maryland - Collaborating To Promote Self-Employment For People With Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities, Jennifer Bose Mar 2019

State Agency Promising Practice: Maryland - Collaborating To Promote Self-Employment For People With Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities, Jennifer Bose

Jennifer Bose

Self-employment has emerged as a viable option for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities (IDD). To meet increased self-employment demands, Maryland’s Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA), in collaboration with the Maryland Division of Rehabilitation Services (DORS), adapted services offered through the Reach Independence through Self Employment (RISE) program. The RISE program, funded by DORS, provides technical assistance and financial support to people starting their own businesses. DDA’s role in this self-employment initiative has helped people with IDD start a wide variety of businesses and achieve meaningful employment.