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Social and Behavioral Sciences Commons

Open Access. Powered by Scholars. Published by Universities.®

Theses and Dissertations

Publication Year

Articles 1681 - 1710 of 8668

Full-Text Articles in Social and Behavioral Sciences

Bodily Memory In Digital Space: Personalized Bioarchaeological Research And Musculoskeletal Modeling At The Milwaukee County Poor Farm Cemetery, Jessica L. Skinner May 2021

Bodily Memory In Digital Space: Personalized Bioarchaeological Research And Musculoskeletal Modeling At The Milwaukee County Poor Farm Cemetery, Jessica L. Skinner

Theses and Dissertations

A well-contextualized account of personal experience and identity is essential to any study of social dynamics and is crucial to the enactment of critical and socially active bioarchaeology. New technology, including digital bioarchaeology, can enhance the growing body of work that examines embodiment, agency, and identity, particularly when used with a holistic and ethical approach. This dissertation utilizes three-dimensional (3D) scanning, a method that creates digital representations of human skeletal remains, to bolster identifications of individuals once interred at the Milwaukee County Poor Farm Cemetery (MCPFC) whose identities were erased by construction in the 1900s. Embodied life experience is also …

Neural Correlates Underlying The Interactions Between Anxiety And Cannabis Use In Predicting Motor Response Inhibition, Richard Ward May 2021

Neural Correlates Underlying The Interactions Between Anxiety And Cannabis Use In Predicting Motor Response Inhibition, Richard Ward

Theses and Dissertations

The ability to effectively withhold an inappropriate response is a critical feature of cognitive control. Prior research indicates alterations in neural processes required for motor response inhibition in anxious individuals, including those with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and those who engage in regular cannabis use. However, thus far most research has examined how anxiety-related symptoms and cannabis use influence response inhibition in isolation of one another. The current study examined the interactions between anxious symptomology and recent cannabis use in a sample that recently experienced a traumatic event using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) during the completion of a Stop-Signal …

Impacts Of Parental Pain Dismissal In Emerging Adulthood, Sophia Zwick May 2021

Impacts Of Parental Pain Dismissal In Emerging Adulthood, Sophia Zwick

Theses and Dissertations

The experience of chronic pain and pain dismissal is common in children/adolescents. Parental pain dismissal is of particular interest in this study due to the complexity of the family unit. Substantial research has been conducted to determine the negative impacts on emerging adults (e.g., drug misuse and rates of anxiety and depression). However, no research has explored the lasting impacts that these experiences facilitate into emerging adulthood. The purpose of the current study was to better understand the long-term impacts of parental pain dismissal into emerging adulthood. Participants in the current study were emerging adults that completed an online survey …

The Syntax Of Negation In Iraqi Arabic, Saja Albuarabi May 2021

The Syntax Of Negation In Iraqi Arabic, Saja Albuarabi

Theses and Dissertations

This dissertation is a study of negation in Iraqi Arabic. It investigates the syntactic properties of negation in this dialect by presenting some previously unnoticed empirical facts about this phenomenon and by analyzing its theoretical significance for Arabic syntax in particular and Human language in general. Iraqi Arabic is a cluster of subdialects that show an interesting systematic microvariation in the use of negative expressions. The first goal of this dissertation is to present the syntactic properties of negation in all these subdialects through a detailed description and comprehensive survey. Based on this survey and description, these subdialects, are divided …

Archaeological Representation In Speculative Fiction: The Image Of The Archaeologist In Star Wars, Karissa A. Annis May 2021

Archaeological Representation In Speculative Fiction: The Image Of The Archaeologist In Star Wars, Karissa A. Annis

Theses and Dissertations

The public presentation of archaeology in various media, especially fictional representations in print, film, TV, and video games, is a complex and slippery subject that has been an issue since the field’s inception. This thesis compares analyses of popular representations of archaeology in conventional media such as feature films to new examples of such representations that have not yet been studied. The focus of the analysis is how archaeology and archaeologists are represented in the Star Wars franchise in products that were published or released on or after 2014. These texts and images are analyzed through the multiple lenses of …

Transition From Collegiate Track & Field: An Examination Of Values And Commitment, Michael Clark May 2021

Transition From Collegiate Track & Field: An Examination Of Values And Commitment, Michael Clark

Theses and Dissertations

This study provides a glimpse into psychological factors some of the 100,000 student-athletes who leave collegiate sport each year may face and adds to current understandings of ways to best serve collegiate student-athletes prior to their departure from collegiate sport. Drawing from the theories of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and The Minnesota Theory of Work Adjustment, the study utilizes a population of former NCAA Division 1, 2, 3 and NAIA student-athletes to offer an in-depth look at the transition away from collegiate track and field. Mediation analysis was utilized to explore the interplay between commitment to values driven behavior, psychological …

Assessing Sleep Hygiene Awareness Among Emerging Adults Utilizing A Brief Vignette, Jessica Troy Hinojosa May 2021

Assessing Sleep Hygiene Awareness Among Emerging Adults Utilizing A Brief Vignette, Jessica Troy Hinojosa

Theses and Dissertations

Emerging adults may have misconceptions about how sleep hygiene behaviors affect sleep quality, suggesting they may not be aware of what is considered unhealthy sleep hygiene. Vignettes provide a unique approach to understanding sleep hygiene awareness in emerging adults, as no known studies have used this approach. The current study aimed to assess the utility of a vignette to identify emerging adults’ awareness of negative sleep hygiene behaviors. A community sample of emerging adults completed an online survey including a demographics questionnaire, the Sleep Health Index® (SHI), the Sleep Hygiene Questionnaire (SHQ), and a vignette measure of sleep hygiene awareness. …

An Internatural Communication Study Of Identity Within Nonprofit Animal Shelters, Samentha Emily Sepúlveda May 2021

An Internatural Communication Study Of Identity Within Nonprofit Animal Shelters, Samentha Emily Sepúlveda

Theses and Dissertations

In a two-part study of this dissertation project, I relied on qualitative research methods to examine the stories of animal shelter employees and volunteers—stories about animal shelters, animal sheltering, and shelter animals—to analyze communication processes that shape staff-identity, organizational-identity, and organizational identification. This project was guided by the communicative constitution of organizations (CCO) approach, which frames communication as not simply something that happens within an organization, but rather argues organization happens in communication. Furthermore, contributing to internatural communication research, this project explored identity and identification from a “more-than human” perspective. Relating CCO and internatural communication to research in this dissertation …

Functional Responding To Appetitive Faces Among Cannabis-Using Adolescents And Young Adults, Ryan Michael Sullivan May 2021

Functional Responding To Appetitive Faces Among Cannabis-Using Adolescents And Young Adults, Ryan Michael Sullivan

Theses and Dissertations

Cannabis use is associated with attenuated reward signaling, yet few studies have examined this relationship when viewing rewarding appetitive faces while undergoing functional neuroimaging. Furthermore, few neuroimaging analyses have examined the moderating role of gender on task-based fMRI outcomes. This study explored functional BOLD response elicited by appetitive faces while engaged in an affective go/no-go task, and specifically investigated the differences between cannabis-using and control groups, whether gender moderate findings, and brain-behavior associations. Participants (ages 16-26 years) were scanned after at least 3-weeks of monitored abstinence (cannabis-using group = 35; control group = 33). The findings demonstrated aberrant activation in …

Pjesëmarrja Dhe Roli I Grave Kosovare Në Politikë, Alisa Thaqi May 2021

Pjesëmarrja Dhe Roli I Grave Kosovare Në Politikë, Alisa Thaqi

Theses and Dissertations

Pjesëmarrja e grave në vendimmarrje i kontribon proceseve pozitive transformuese për shoqëritë, siç janë ndryshimet e ligjeve, politikave, shërbimeve, institucioneve dhe normave shoqërore.Është e rëndësishme të sigurohet që të dëgjohen zërat e grave për vendimet që prekin jetët e tyre, jetët e familjeve të tyre dhe komuntitetit më gjërë. Këto vendime prekin gratë po aq sa edhe burrat. Prandaj, gratë duhet të përfshihen në vendimmarrje në çdo fushë dhe të kenë fuqi dhe numër të barabartë me burrat. Është përgjegjësi e qeverisë të sigurojë që grave iu ofrohen mundësi për të marrë pjesë në të gjitha nivelet e vendimmarrjes dhe …

Roli I Fotografisë Në Raportimin Gjatë Luftërave Në Ballkan, Florend Bajrami May 2021

Roli I Fotografisë Në Raportimin Gjatë Luftërave Në Ballkan, Florend Bajrami

Theses and Dissertations

Tema “Roli i fotografisë në raportimin gjatë luftërave në Ballkan” ka për qëllim trajtimin dhe shpjegimin e rolit të fotografisë në procese të ndjeshme siç janë konfliktet e ndryshme apo luftërat. Jemi dëshmitar të lajmeve të ndryshme për ndikimin që ka fotografia në vendimmarrje të rëndësishme në vende të ndryshme në botë.

Fotografitë e luftës së fundit në Kosovë konsiderohet se kanë qenë vula e ndikimit tek personat kompetent dhe tek organet të cilat kanë pasur në dorë “fatin” e Kosovës. Përgjatë kësaj teme do të analizohen dhe shpjegohen fotografi të tilla nga lufta e fundit në Kosovë, fotografi të …

Bashkëpunimi Dhe Divergjencat Në Mes Të Shba-Së Dhe Be-Së, Edona Selmani May 2021

Bashkëpunimi Dhe Divergjencat Në Mes Të Shba-Së Dhe Be-Së, Edona Selmani

Theses and Dissertations

Intensifikimi i marrëdhënieve mes Bashkimit Evropian dhe Shteteve të Bashkuara të Amerikës shënojnë një moment të ri për rendin global, sidomos pas Luftës së Dytë Botërore. BE-ja edhe pse nuk kishte një strukturë institucionale të konsoliduar kjo nuk e pengoj që të krijoj një raport funksional marrëdhëniesh mes dy vendeve, që përveç se ishin të dobishme në rrafshin ekonomik, ato u treguan se ishin më se të dobishme edhe në rrafshin politik e më së shumti në atë ushtarak.

Megjithatë, bashkëpunimi mes këtyre dy vendeve është shoqëruar edhe me divergjenca të ndryshme për çështje të caktuara. Trajtimi i sulmeve të …

Roli I Imf-Ve Në Stabilitetin Ekonomik Të Kosovës (Rast Studimi Monego Dhe Iutecredit), Aulona Binaku May 2021

Roli I Imf-Ve Në Stabilitetin Ekonomik Të Kosovës (Rast Studimi Monego Dhe Iutecredit), Aulona Binaku

Theses and Dissertations

Qëllimi i këtij punimi kërkimor është zhvillimi i analizës së sektorit të mikrokredisë në Kosovë,identifikimi dhe analiza e përbërësve që ndikojnë në përcaktimin e normave të interesit për mikrokreditë në vendin tonë. Për më tepër, hulumtimi do të vlerësojë nëse IMF-të dhe normat e interesit janë nëpërputhje me planet e tyre të biznesit, si dhe do të bëhet krahasimi i normave të interesit të Kosovës me vendet ballkanike.

Objektivë e këtij hulumtimi është dhe përcaktimi i faktorëve që ndikuan në rritjen e normave të interesit gjatë vitit 2018/2019 dhe në revokimin e licencave të IuteCredit-it dhe Monegos në Kosovë. Metodologjia …

Ndikimi I Ndotjes Së Ajrit Në Ambientin Jetësor Në Republikën E Kosovës – Komuna E Prishtinës, Nazif Fazliu May 2021

Ndikimi I Ndotjes Së Ajrit Në Ambientin Jetësor Në Republikën E Kosovës – Komuna E Prishtinës, Nazif Fazliu

Theses and Dissertations

Ambienti jetësor ka rëndësi shumë të madhe në jetën tonë, ku rrjedhimisht duhet të kushtohet shumë rëndësi kujdesit ndaj tij pasi që ambienti paraqet ajrin që ne thithim çdo ditë. Një ndër sfidat më të mëdha që është paraqitur në ditët e sotme, si rezultat i shumë veprimtarive të ndryshme dhe si pasojë e mos angazhimit të instrumenteve shtetërore është edhe sfida e ndotjes së ambientit jetësor në Kosovë. Kjo sfidë deri më tani, ka qëndruar në një farë mënyre e papërballueshme për institucionet tona duke pasur parasysh që kemi mungesë të theksuar të informacionit mbi ndotjen e ajrit, pasojat …

Effects Of Victim Gendering And Humanness On People’S Responses To The Physical Abuse Of Humanlike Agents, Hideki Garcia Goo May 2021

Effects Of Victim Gendering And Humanness On People’S Responses To The Physical Abuse Of Humanlike Agents, Hideki Garcia Goo

Theses and Dissertations

With the deployment of robots in public realms, researchers are seeing more cases of abusive disinhibition towards robots. Because robots embody gendered identities, poor navigation of antisocial dynamics may reinforce or exacerbate gender-based marginalization. Consequently, it is essential for robots to recognize and effectively head off abuse.

Given extensions of gendered biases to robotic agents, as well as associations between an agent's human likeness and the experiential capacity attributed to it, we quasi-manipulated the victim's humanness (human vs. robot) and gendering (via the inclusion of stereotypically masculine vs. feminine cues in their presentation) across four video-recorded reproductions of the interaction. …

Theory Of Mind Performance Among College Students At Hispanic Serving Institutions, Mauricio Alejandro Yanez May 2021

Theory Of Mind Performance Among College Students At Hispanic Serving Institutions, Mauricio Alejandro Yanez

Theses and Dissertations

Previous research has yielded mixed findings about relations among sociodemographic variables and Theory of Mind (ToM) performance. The current literature lacks robust studies that utilize multiple types of ToM assessments. Additionally, most ToM research has assessed samples of young, white children and adolescents. The present study addresses these limitations by examining the association between sociodemographic variables and ToM performance among Hispanic emerging adults, utilizing three ToM measures across two sites. Participants included 867 college students from two Hispanic serving institutions who completed questionnaires including an embedded false belief task, Strange Stories, and the Constructivist Theory of Mind (cToM) task. All …

Examining The Mental Health Of Older Hispanic/Latino Adults: Relationship Between Psycho-Social-Cultural Factors And Depressive Symptomatology, Anna Prado May 2021

Examining The Mental Health Of Older Hispanic/Latino Adults: Relationship Between Psycho-Social-Cultural Factors And Depressive Symptomatology, Anna Prado

Theses and Dissertations

The most prevalent disorders affecting the older adult population worldwide are dementia and depression. Ethnic minorities are disproportionately more likely to be affected by these two distressing and debilitating conditions. Hispanic/Latino older adults encounter numerous psycho-social-cultural factors that influence health behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs in positive and negative ways. Presently, research on the influence of these factors on Hispanic/Latino mental health is highly inconsistent. The purpose of the present study is to examine the relationship between selected psycho-social-cultural factors and the mental health of older Hispanic/Latino adults. Using data from the Health and Retirement Study, the association between the Hispanic/Latino …

Identification And Response To Parent Distress By Medical Providers In The Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Kathryn Anne Balistreri May 2021

Identification And Response To Parent Distress By Medical Providers In The Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Kathryn Anne Balistreri

Theses and Dissertations

During hospitalization in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU), approximately 25-60% of parents experience clinical levels of distress (i.e., traumatic stress, anxiety, and depression). Despite this, PICU providers rarely refer parents to formal psychological services, and parents describe room for improvement in provider response to their emotional needs. Difficulty identify and/or responding to distress in parents may contribute to these deficiencies. The present study aimed to evaluate how medical providers identify and respond to parent distress in the PICU. Thirty-seven medical providers (78% female; 73% White) from the Children’s Wisconsin PICU completed a semi-structured interview. Providers perceived supporting distressed parents …

Information Structure In Mangghuer: A Narrative Text Analysis Of Topic And Focus In A Mongolic Language Of Northwestern China, Cory Christopher Coogan May 2021

Information Structure In Mangghuer: A Narrative Text Analysis Of Topic And Focus In A Mongolic Language Of Northwestern China, Cory Christopher Coogan

Theses and Dissertations

This thesis describes information structure in Mangghuer, a Mongolic language spoken in northwestern China. My analysis relies on a set of twenty-three narrative texts published in the 2005 volume, Folktales of China's Minhe Mangghuer (Chen et al. 2005), and I also draw from the text "Lu Buping," published in the 2001 Mangghuer Folktale Reader (Stuart & Zhu 2001). I rely on Lambrecht's (1994) approach to information structure as a theoretical framework to analyze these texts. I also apply methods from Levinsohn's (2015) "Self Instruction-Materials on Narrative Discourse Analysis." Default information structure in Mangghuer is the topic-comment sentence. The default form …

Exploring Aspects Of Reported Speech In Vehicular Jula Of Burkina Faso, Susan Marie Locklin May 2021

Exploring Aspects Of Reported Speech In Vehicular Jula Of Burkina Faso, Susan Marie Locklin

Theses and Dissertations

This thesis presents a systematic description of reported speech in vehicular Jula of Burkina Faso as well as the degree to which several recent models of reported speech would account for the two distinct variations of reported speech found in Jula. The descriptive and theoretical aspects of this thesis speak into the fields of typology, discourse, and pragmatics. Some of the interesting typological aspects of Jula reported speech are the use of logophoric pronouns in one category of reported speech, the fact that a quotative particle is present with both categories of reported speech, and the fact that pronominal cataphors …

Algorithms For Algorithms: Teaching Problem-Solving In Computer Science, James Riswick-Estelle May 2021

Algorithms For Algorithms: Teaching Problem-Solving In Computer Science, James Riswick-Estelle

Theses and Dissertations

Increased demand from society for computer scientists and software engineers has placed considerable stress on university-based computer science and engineering programs. Given technology's central role in society, the education of those developing and maintaining that technology is critical. Behavior-based teaching methods may assist in addressing increased demand on universities and improve the quality of education they provide. The present study included two experiments of non-concurrent multiple baseline design. The experiments included 29 total participants to evaluate different algorithm-writing teaching methods at the undergraduate level. Algorithms describe a problem's key features and outline the step-by-step process required for solving that particular …

Social Movement And Reaction: The Joe Rogan Experience And Making Sense Of #Metoo With Standup Comedian Podcasters, Daniel James Russo May 2021

Social Movement And Reaction: The Joe Rogan Experience And Making Sense Of #Metoo With Standup Comedian Podcasters, Daniel James Russo

Theses and Dissertations

This thesis explores standup comedian podcaster reactions to the #MeToo Movement (2017-2020). The Joe Rogan Experience podcast is used as a database to explore commentary on #MeToo from 12 standup comedian podcasters (SCPs). The exploration seeks to answer if and how SCPs represent a dominant social group using discourse to pushback against, accept, or, at the least, critically reflect on the #MeToo movement as it relates to appropriate sexual conduct and appropriate reactions to inappropriate sexual conduct. With the understanding that frames provide schema for making sense of issues, a rhetorical framing analysis was conducted to looked at how standup …

Milwaukee's Unequally Gendered Commemorative Street Names (1920-2021), Ayodeji Oladipo Obayomi May 2021

Milwaukee's Unequally Gendered Commemorative Street Names (1920-2021), Ayodeji Oladipo Obayomi

Theses and Dissertations

Urban commemorative spaces have consistently shown vast gender disparities through the domination of men at the expense of women; this is evident in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. This thesis employed an archival research method to locate useful primary materials from the City of Milwaukee (which included the Common Council Proceedings) and from other sources. In addition, I employed a geographical information system to visualize gender disparity and also express the spatial distribution of the identified commemorative streets. The study argues (among other ideas) that commemorative street naming is problematically gendered.

Of the 233 commemorative street names given between 1920 and 2021 in …

A New Framework Of Privacy Concerns Assessment In The Context Of Facial Recognition Technology (Frt): Mixed-Methods Sequential Exploratory Analysis Of Youtube Users., Yazeed Alhumaidan May 2021

A New Framework Of Privacy Concerns Assessment In The Context Of Facial Recognition Technology (Frt): Mixed-Methods Sequential Exploratory Analysis Of Youtube Users., Yazeed Alhumaidan

Theses and Dissertations

Facial Recognition Technology (FRT) has become one of the most rapidly growing technologies. A statistical report expected that the global market size of FRT will record an increase by over 100% within five years, from $3.8 billion in 2020 to $8.5 billion in 2025 (“Facial Recognition Market Size, Share and Global Market Forecast to 2025 ,” n.d.). The proliferation of FRT is primarily related to the organizational desire to bridge integrity, credibility, and reliability vulnerabilities that are inherent in traditional identification mechanisms. The ambiguity of how information flows in this system has led to an increase in individuals' privacy concerns. …

A Simulation Framework For Traffic Safety With Connected Vehicles And V2x Technologies, Md Abu Sayed May 2021

A Simulation Framework For Traffic Safety With Connected Vehicles And V2x Technologies, Md Abu Sayed

Theses and Dissertations

With the advancement in automobile technologies, existing research shows that connected vehicle (CV) technologies can provide better traffic safety through Surrogate Safety Measure (SSM). CV technologies involves two network systems: traffic network and wireless communication network. We found that the research in the wireless communication network for CV did not interact properly with the research in SSM in transportation network, and vice versa. Though various SSM has been proposed in previous studies, a few of them have been tested in simulation software in limited extent. On the other hand, A large body of researchers proposed various communication architecture for CV …

An Optimization Analysis Of The Subject Directory System On The Medlineplus Portal - An Investigation Of Mental Health, Children, Teenagers, And Older Adults Related Health Topics, Yifan Zhu May 2021

An Optimization Analysis Of The Subject Directory System On The Medlineplus Portal - An Investigation Of Mental Health, Children, Teenagers, And Older Adults Related Health Topics, Yifan Zhu

Theses and Dissertations

The Internet is a common means for people to search for health information. The subject directory of MedlinePlus offers Internet searchers a browsing environment so that those seekers could start from a broad term and refine their search terms to meet their real information needs, thus resulting in a better information search. For those novice users who are not familiar with relevant domain knowledge, MedlinePlus’s directory can be of great assistance and enable the portal to adopt to a more general population. Such a subject directory system and its involved health topics in the MedlinePlus portal formed a network where …

Bottom-Up Understanding Of Informal Settlements: Perspectives Of Urban Slum Dwellers In Nima, Ghana., Bernard Apeku May 2021

Bottom-Up Understanding Of Informal Settlements: Perspectives Of Urban Slum Dwellers In Nima, Ghana., Bernard Apeku

Theses and Dissertations

More than a quarter of the world’s population lives in informal settlements which house a rapidly growing proportion of the inhabitants of cities in sub-Saharan Africa, such as Accra, Ghana, and in the Global South more generally. However, scholars have shown that the urban planning and urban redevelopment strategies that affect these settlements are top-down in character with minimal resident participation. These prevailing planning and redevelopment strategies are based on the outsiders’ perceptions of informal neighborhoods, rendering them quite inefficient. Therefore, to develop workable policies and strategies that will improve the living condition of informal urban settlers, it is important …

16pf Couples Counseling Report: Gender Differences In Marital Satisfaction, Personality Similarity, And Relationship Adjustment Of Dual-Veteran Couples Following Deployment, Bliss Quintana May 2021

16pf Couples Counseling Report: Gender Differences In Marital Satisfaction, Personality Similarity, And Relationship Adjustment Of Dual-Veteran Couples Following Deployment, Bliss Quintana

Theses and Dissertations

The present study utilized the 16 Personality Factor Couple’s Counseling Report (16PF CCR) to contribute to the limited amount of research evaluating gender differences on personality factors which may influence relationship adjustment and marital satisfaction between males and females in dual-veteran couples following deployment. Results were obtained from a total of 23 heterosexual dual-veteran couples (23 males and 23 females) who volunteered to participate in the present study. Statistically significant gender differences were found for one of the Global Personality Factors, Independence; however, there were no significant findings in the Individual Satisfaction Items, Primary Personality Factors, Relationship Adjustment scores, or …

A Typology Of Morphological Argument Focus Marking, Aidan Alexander Aannestad May 2021

A Typology Of Morphological Argument Focus Marking, Aidan Alexander Aannestad

Theses and Dissertations

One of the methods that languages use to indicate which argument (if any) is in focus is morphological; however, there seems to be a major gap in the literature when it comes to understanding the variety and classification of morphological argument focus marking constructions. This thesis is an attempt to fill that gap. I present here both an overview of the types of morphological focus marking constructions found in the world's languages, and a taxonomic classification of said constructions based on the grammaticalisation pathways that result in their genesis. Such constructions include not only the traditional `particle focus' constructions, but …

Language Archive Records: Interoperability Of Referencing Practices And Metadata Models, Hugh J. Paterson Iii May 2021

Language Archive Records: Interoperability Of Referencing Practices And Metadata Models, Hugh J. Paterson Iii

Theses and Dissertations

With the rise of the digital language archive and the plethora of referenceable content, a critical question arises: “How easy is it for authors to use existing tools to cite the content they are referencing?” This is especially important as people use archived materials as evidence within published language descriptions.

Archived resource metadata is well discussed in language documentation circles; however, bibliographic metadata and its accessibility are less discussed. Discoverability metadata, a subset of archived resource metadata, serves aggregators like OLAC by declaring a resource exists. In contrast, bibliographic metadata functions within documents by declaring where to find a resource …