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Social and Behavioral Sciences Commons

Open Access. Powered by Scholars. Published by Universities.®

Theses and Dissertations

Publication Year

Articles 2611 - 2640 of 8669

Full-Text Articles in Social and Behavioral Sciences

Kosova Në Vitet 89-90, Ibadete Ramadani Nov 2019

Kosova Në Vitet 89-90, Ibadete Ramadani

Theses and Dissertations

Jugosllavia si shteti Sllav i Jugut, fillimisht i formuar në vitin 1918, nën emrin e Mbretërisë së tre popujve sllavë: sllovenët, Kroatët dhe serbët, dhe më pas si vend komunist, i krijuar pas Luftës së Dytë Botërore, ka luajtur një rol të rëndësishëm në rajon dhe politikën ndërkombëtare. Federata e re përbëhej nga gjashtë republika dhe dy krahina autonome, të cilat ishin elemente përbërëse të federatës që kanë të drejtën e vetos. Shteti Jugosllav luajti një rol të rëndësishëm në skenën ndërkombëtare, sidomos nëpërmjet Lëvizjes Jo të Aligned e cila u themelua me Indinë dhe Egjiptin. Udhëheqësi i saj, Josip …

Outsourcing, Vendimi Për Nënkontraktimin E Specialiteteve Nga Jashtë Dhe Impakti Në Burime Njerëzore, Leonora Shala Nov 2019

Outsourcing, Vendimi Për Nënkontraktimin E Specialiteteve Nga Jashtë Dhe Impakti Në Burime Njerëzore, Leonora Shala

Theses and Dissertations

Vendimet që merr organizata janë të shumta dhe shpesh duhet një analizë komplekse për të arritur në vendime të duhura. Në dy dekadat e fundit, një fenomen ekonomik mori zhvillim, ky fenomen karakterizohet nga transferimi i prodhimit ose i aktiviteteve. Shfrytëzimi i burimeve të jashtëm (outsourcing) është kur kompania, disa nga funksionet, proceset e saj i’a beson një kompanie të specializuar për kryerjen e një shërbimi të caktuar. Organizatat mund të presin që të arrijnë përfitime të ndryshme përmes një nënkontraktimi të suksesshëm edhe pse ka rreziqe të konsiderueshme që mund të realizohen në qoftë se ndjekja e strategjisë së …

“Korrupsioni Si Dukuri Negative E Administratës Publike Në Republikën E Kosovës ”, Vildane Xhemajli Nov 2019

“Korrupsioni Si Dukuri Negative E Administratës Publike Në Republikën E Kosovës ”, Vildane Xhemajli

Theses and Dissertations

Korrupsioni ekziston, prej që ekziston njerëzimi, në të gjitha mjediset, në të gjitha sistemet dhe regjimet e mundshme. Ai u përshtatet të gjitha situatave dhe mbijeton edhe gjatë fushatave më të organizuara kundër tij. Nënkupton çdo shkelje të detyrës së personave zyrtarë ose përgjegjës në subjektet juridike dhe çdo veprimtari e iniciatorëve apo përfituesve të kësaj sjelljeje, e drejtuar si përgjigje ndaj një shpërblimi që drejtpërdrejt apo indirekt është premtuar, ofruar, dhënë, kërkuar, pranuar apo është pritur për t'u marrë për veten apo për një person tjetër.

Korrupsioni është i pranishëm pothuajse në të gjitha institucionet, duke përfshinë si shërbyes …

Exploring The Relationship Between Members Of Lifelong Learning Institutes And Host Institutions, Jon Charles Neidy Oct 2019

Exploring The Relationship Between Members Of Lifelong Learning Institutes And Host Institutions, Jon Charles Neidy

Theses and Dissertations

The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between an individual’s involvement in Lifelong Learning Institutes (LLIs) and his or her propensity for philanthropic giving to the institute or its hosting college or university. The dataset was acquired through a survey administered to eleven Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes (OLLIs) in the United States. Data analysis was conducted on seven research questions which explored how the length, type, and frequency of participation, as well as the level satisfaction, commitment, and feelings of community may relate to an LLI participant’s inclination to donate. The findings of this study reveal these …

A Foundation For Understanding The Neurocognitive Processes That Underlie Mathematics Performance In Children, Christopher Anzalone Oct 2019

A Foundation For Understanding The Neurocognitive Processes That Underlie Mathematics Performance In Children, Christopher Anzalone

Theses and Dissertations

The current study investigated the prognostic utility of resting state EEG coherence in the prediction of standardized mathematics scores. Quantitative EEG analyses were performed for 60 school-aged children (ages 7 to 12 years) with and without math learning disabilities (MLD). Analyses assessing intrahemispheric coherence at rest were performed across the entire sample and several coherence networks were extracted.

Specifically, networks that included Brodmann area 40 (BA 40) -- a region of the brain heavily involved in the cognitive processes responsible for mathematics performance (Anderson, Betts, Ferris, & Fincham, 2011; Cohen, Dehaene, Chochon, Lehericy, & Naccache, 2000; Kroger, Nystrom, Cohen, & …

The Relations Between Adherence To Behavioral Treatments And Parent Stress In Families Of Children With Asd, Aimee Rovane Oct 2019

The Relations Between Adherence To Behavioral Treatments And Parent Stress In Families Of Children With Asd, Aimee Rovane

Theses and Dissertations

Recent studies suggest that parent involvement with behavior treatment for associated challenging behaviors (ACBs) may reduce parent stress in families with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). However, it is not known whether high treatment adherence to protocols is associated with reduced parent stress, or which factors that may moderate this relation. The current study examined the relation between parents’ adherence to behavioral treatments and parent stress, and whether parents’ perceptions toward treatment moderate this association. Participants were 190 mothers, fathers, or caregivers of a child with ASD. A bivariate correlation matrix examined associations between each variable, and 3 separate linear regression …

Media Në Kosovë Në Kohën E Internetit, Bleronë Hoxha Oct 2019

Media Në Kosovë Në Kohën E Internetit, Bleronë Hoxha

Theses and Dissertations

Zhvillimi i teknologjisë dhe i internetit kanë ndryshuar rrënjësisht formën e komunikimit dhe informimit kudo në botë. Zhvillimi i tyre sot ka sjellë shumë përparësi në gazetari, duke konsideruar kështu shpejtësinë e informimit, qasjen kurdo, kudo dhe në çfarëdo informacione. Lajmi sot arrin te lexuesi në kohë reale. Pra, sot gazetaria online ka shumë karakteristika të reja në sajë të këtij zhvillimi. Megjithatë, përveç ndikimit pozitiv, sigurisht se ky zhvillim i hovshëm ka edhe anët negative që po ndikojnë dhe rrezikojnë zhvillimin e mirëfilltë të gazetarisë profesionale, kjo sepse lufta e portaleve për klikime dhe shpejtësi të publikimit të lajmit …

Evaluating The Effectiveness Of Ohio's Certificate Of Relief, Peter Leasure Oct 2019

Evaluating The Effectiveness Of Ohio's Certificate Of Relief, Peter Leasure

Theses and Dissertations

Employment has been cited as a factor that can aid one's desistance from criminal activity. However, research has consistently demonstrated that those with criminal history face significant barriers to securing employment. In recognition of this problem, most states have implemented various rights restoration mechanisms aimed to increase employment opportunities for ex-offenders. One of these mechanisms, the certificate of relief, aims to aid ex-offenders in their job search by ensuring employers that certificate holders are not a safety risk, providing employers with negligent hiring immunity, and removing occupational licensing bans. A handful of studies have examined whether this mechanism improved hiring …

Early Behavioral And Physiological Markers Of Social Anxiety In Fragile X Syndrome, Conner J. Black Oct 2019

Early Behavioral And Physiological Markers Of Social Anxiety In Fragile X Syndrome, Conner J. Black

Theses and Dissertations

Background: Social Anxiety is diagnosed in approximately 10% of neurotypical children. If left untreated, negative outcomes are highly prevalent later in life. Thus, understanding the earliest features of social anxiety can help to mitigate detrimental outcomes. Fragile X Syndrome, which has a high prevalence of social anxiety, is a genetic syndrome which creates a unique opportunity to study the earliest predictors of social anxiety before formal diagnosis. Fragile X Syndrome presents with intellectual disability and an increased prevalence of maladaptive behaviors. The current study utilized a bio-behavioral approach to study the earliest marker of social anxiety in 12- month-old infants …

Planning For Healthcare Quality Using Procurement As A Strategy: A Case Study Exploring An Outcomes-Oriented Approach To Healthcare Procurement, Kassandra A. Alia Oct 2019

Planning For Healthcare Quality Using Procurement As A Strategy: A Case Study Exploring An Outcomes-Oriented Approach To Healthcare Procurement, Kassandra A. Alia

Theses and Dissertations

The United States has one of the most costly healthcare systems in the world, yet also ranks lower in patient outcomes in comparison with many other developed countries. A focus on quality implementation may help accelerate ongoing efforts to improve healthcare quality. The overall purpose of this study was to explore outcomes-oriented contracting as a mechanism for embedding quality implementation planning proactively into the process for procuring healthcare services. A single case study methodology was utilized to examine changes in procurements over time following implementation of an outcomes-oriented contracting approach within an organization that provides funding for behavioral health and …

Motivational And Physiological Dysregulation Due To Development And Onset Of Obesity Via Melanocortin 4 Receptor +/- Haploinsufficiency, Alex Steiner Oct 2019

Motivational And Physiological Dysregulation Due To Development And Onset Of Obesity Via Melanocortin 4 Receptor +/- Haploinsufficiency, Alex Steiner

Theses and Dissertations

Obesity is one of the leading most health risks around the world, being especially problematic in the United States. A combination of high-fat diets and genetic abnormalities are to blame for the ever-growing number of obese individuals.

Melanocortin 4 receptors are vital for regulating energy expenditure and feeding behaviors; mutations of the receptors have been found to be the leading monogenetic cause of obesity. Using MC4R +/- haploinsufficient rats being fed a range of dietary fat, we investigated the physiological and motivational differences using a locomotor task, an operant task with fixed and progressive ratios, as well as a distraction …

Implications Of Social Networks On Medication Information- Seeking Among Middle Eastern International Students: An Exploratory Study, Esra Abdoh Oct 2019

Implications Of Social Networks On Medication Information- Seeking Among Middle Eastern International Students: An Exploratory Study, Esra Abdoh

Theses and Dissertations

The study examined how international students use their social networks to seek medication information, how their social networks provide social support, and how perceived social support is related to seeking medication information online. While there has been a paucity of research on the way international students seek information in their day-to-day lives (Sin and Kim, 2013), there is still a gap in the literature regarding how social networks employed by international students have a positive impact on building bridges toward home. In particular, no studies on the use of social support in social networks to retrieve medication information exist.

This …

Innovative Approaches Using Multispectral Imagery To Detect Nearshore Bars And Elucidate Beach-Dune System Dynamics, Mayra A. Román-Rivera Oct 2019

Innovative Approaches Using Multispectral Imagery To Detect Nearshore Bars And Elucidate Beach-Dune System Dynamics, Mayra A. Román-Rivera

Theses and Dissertations

Nearshore bars naturally protect the coast against erosion by dissipating wave energy. They are significant reservoirs of sand, and thus, they may impact the response of beaches to different wave conditions. Nearshore bar position and morphologic variability also influences long- and short-term beach and dune stability. This study reveals how nearshore bars influence beach-dune dynamics using very high-resolution (VHR) imagery. A new low- cost identification approach for bar identification was applied by integrating VHR imagery. Future nearshore bar research will benefit from integrating the larger spatial scale provided by satellite sensors. A rule-based OBIA approach was successful in identifying and …

Younger Residents Through The Looking Glass: Perceptions Of The Residential Experience Of Non-Traditionally Aged Residents Living In The Long Term Care Setting, Sara J. English Oct 2019

Younger Residents Through The Looking Glass: Perceptions Of The Residential Experience Of Non-Traditionally Aged Residents Living In The Long Term Care Setting, Sara J. English

Theses and Dissertations

This embedded case study describes perceptions of the residential experience of non- traditionally aged persons (between the ages of 18-64), living in the Long Term Care (LTC) setting. Prior research identifies non-traditionally aged persons as the fastest growing group admitting to residential LTC care. Due to the complexity of need, younger residents may potentially languish in LTC for twenty, thirty, or more years. Non-traditionally aged residents currently comprise about 15% of the total residential LTC population; yet, little is known about this burgeoning group of younger persons, including how they perceive themselves as residents in LTC settings and how they …

Sound-Evoked Activations Of Visual Cortex And The Principles Of Multisensory Integration, Spencer Lawrence Mac Adams Oct 2019

Sound-Evoked Activations Of Visual Cortex And The Principles Of Multisensory Integration, Spencer Lawrence Mac Adams

Theses and Dissertations

Multisensory integration (MSI) refers to the neural processes that integrate information from multiple different sensory systems and follows three established principles: the spatial, temporal and inverse effectiveness principles. Evidence now suggests that MSI can occur at the earliest stages of sensory processing in primary sensory cortices, including audiovisual integration in primary visual cortex; however, the mechanism responsible for audio-visual MSI enhancements remains elusive. Recently, unimodally presented sounds have been shown to activate visual cortex; however, no research has been conducted to evaluate if these sound-evoked responses reflect the auditory contribution to audiovisual integration in primary visual cortex. Here we conducted …

Predicting Change In Autism Symptomatology In Young Children At Risk For Autism Spectrum Disorder: Fragile X Syndrome, Down Syndrome And Non-Syndromic Asd, Kelly Elizabeth Caravella Oct 2019

Predicting Change In Autism Symptomatology In Young Children At Risk For Autism Spectrum Disorder: Fragile X Syndrome, Down Syndrome And Non-Syndromic Asd, Kelly Elizabeth Caravella

Theses and Dissertations

This dissertation is comprised of two manuscripts which examine the longitudinal development of autism symptomatology in young children at risk for developing autism spectrum disorder (ASD); individuals with Fragile x syndrome (FXS) and Down syndrome (DS). The first study is a within group analysis of the longitudinal development of ASD symptomatology in young children with FXS, and how diagnostic stability, language and non-verbal cognitive functioning may predict these trajectories. This paper provides insight into ASD diagnostic stability patterns within FXS, and how symptoms change over time across these groups. The second paper will extend this work by presenting a pilot …

Achievement Motivation In Emerging Adulthood: An Examination Of Overparenting, Need Satisfaction And Frustration, And Goal Complexes, Erin D. Turner Carson Oct 2019

Achievement Motivation In Emerging Adulthood: An Examination Of Overparenting, Need Satisfaction And Frustration, And Goal Complexes, Erin D. Turner Carson

Theses and Dissertations

In recent years, helicopter parenting, or overparenting, has become an increasing concern on college campuses. Research has linked overparenting to a variety of maladaptive characteristics and outcomes among emerging adults, but little is known about how overparenting predicts achievement goals. This study used an integrated framework of self-determination theory (SDT) and the hierarchical model of achievement motivation from the achievement goal approach (AGA) to examine how overparenting and the basic psychological needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness predict the endorsement of achievement goal complexes. Participants were 176 emerging adult college students who completed an online survey. Data were analyzed using …

The Impact Of Alcohol- Related Consequences On Alcohol Use Behaviors, Amy Cuccuro Oct 2019

The Impact Of Alcohol- Related Consequences On Alcohol Use Behaviors, Amy Cuccuro

Theses and Dissertations

Objectives: Primary objectives of the present study include (1) exploring the impact of alcohol-related consequences on current drinking behaviors, and (2) examining perceptions of consequences and their relationship to current drinking behaviors. Method: Original data collected through online self-report surveys from 579 participants (Mage = 28.0 years) was utilized for the present study. Each participant answered brief questionnaire about their current alcohol use (quantity and frequency) using the AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test) and follow up questions about their prior alcohol related experiences and subsequent perceptions. Results: There was a significant association between AUDIT scores and prior experiences of …

The Rohingya: Ethnic Nationalism, Domestic Diversionary Targets, And Burmese Post-Colonial Nation Building, Ibrahim Abd-El-Barr Sep 2019

The Rohingya: Ethnic Nationalism, Domestic Diversionary Targets, And Burmese Post-Colonial Nation Building, Ibrahim Abd-El-Barr

Theses and Dissertations

This dissertation explores the question of whether recurring episodes of violence, forced displacement, and other forms of repression against the ethno-religious sub-nationalist identity group, the Rohingya, across Burma's (Myanmar) modern history, are rooted in the implications of post-colonial nation-building or represent independent and self-contained incidents of communal/ethnic violence. The sub-question of whether the modern construct of the Burmese state accurately fits the description of a modern nation-state or whether other paradigms or ideal types better capture the development of the post-colonial Burmese state, is also explored. By revisiting the main events/national framework which have amounted to the Rohingya's exclusion from …

The Effect Of Perceived Corruption On Voter Turnout In Post-Communist Countries In The European Union: Evidence From The Life In Transition Survey Iii, Ivana Pancurakova Sep 2019

The Effect Of Perceived Corruption On Voter Turnout In Post-Communist Countries In The European Union: Evidence From The Life In Transition Survey Iii, Ivana Pancurakova

Theses and Dissertations

This paper measures the effect of perceived corruption on voting in post-communist countries in the EU using probit models, Dong and Lewbel’s special estimator, and two stage least squares models. Corruption has a significant and negative effect on voter turnout even when controlling for the endogeneity in the corruption variable.

“Kodet Etike Të Medias Në Kosovë”, Albulena Kërhanaj Sep 2019

“Kodet Etike Të Medias Në Kosovë”, Albulena Kërhanaj

Theses and Dissertations

Kjo temë është shumë e dobishme jovetëm për studentët e gazetarisë dhe arkivën e UBT-së në degën e medias, por mbi të gjitha kjo temë mund të ofrojë të dhëna interesante rreth funksionimit të kodeve të etikës në mediat kosovare. kk Respektimi ose mos respektimi i kodeve etike në Kosovë është një çështje që kërkon trajtim profesional dhe studimor. kk Nisur nga ky fakt, punimi ofron një varg dokumentesh që lidhen me zhvillimin e këtyre kodeve, funksionimin e tyre në praktikë, dallimet esenciale mes kodeve kosovare dhe atyre ndërkombëtarë me disa shembuj.

Mbijetesa E Mediave Të Shkruara Në Kosovë, Zylfije Thaçi Sep 2019

Mbijetesa E Mediave Të Shkruara Në Kosovë, Zylfije Thaçi

Theses and Dissertations

Termi mediat në përgjithësi i referohet mediave të komunikimit ose mediave masive,të cilat janë në dispozicion të një numri të pranuesve dhe janë konceptuar kolektivisht si një entitet i vetëm, gjithëpërfshirës dhe i përhapur. Fillimisht do të thotë një ndërmjetës ose një sasi e mesme.

Mediat e shkruara apo në përgjithësi të gjitha mediat janë një segment shumë i rëndësishëm i një vendi, për arsye që gjithmonë dërgojnë tek informacionet e rëndësishme apo të nevojshme rreth vendit.

Në studimet mediatike dhe në shkencat e tjera shoqërore, media zakonisht i referohet mjeteve të komunikimit (media të shtypura ose transmetuese) ose forma …

Sfidat E Seleksionimit Dhe Regrutimit Të Burimeve Njerëzore Në Spitalin Rajonal - Feriza, Abetare Rexhepi Imeri Sep 2019

Sfidat E Seleksionimit Dhe Regrutimit Të Burimeve Njerëzore Në Spitalin Rajonal - Feriza, Abetare Rexhepi Imeri

Theses and Dissertations

Ky punim është mbështetur në përmushjen e disa qëllimeve dhe objektivave të cilat në vazhdimësi kërkojnë zgjidhje përmes Burimeve Njerëzore, si përmes, hulumtimeve, mbledhjes, strukturimit, analizimit të dhënave të mbledhura e pastaj të identifikohen vështirësitë, përparësitë dhe të metat e procesit të zhvillimit aktual në menaxhimin dhe përformancën në organizatat e Kosovës në nivel lokal. Me rëndësi të veçantë është që të gjitha vështirësitë të adresohen në institucionet përkatëse dhe organizatat e tjera relevante të cilat shprehin vullnet për mbështetjen dhe aktiviteteve që mund ti kenë BNJ-re. Objektivat janë identifikuar në mënyrë sa më specifike, të matshme dhe të përcaktuara …

Efekti I Strategjisë Së Shpërblimit Në Performancën E Punonjësve, Flandra Shala Sep 2019

Efekti I Strategjisë Së Shpërblimit Në Performancën E Punonjësve, Flandra Shala

Theses and Dissertations

Në çdo vend, qoftë a`i instituticion i varur apo i pa varur, publik apo shtetëror, shpërblimi mund të jetë një nga arsyjet e një performance më të mirë dhe më efektive. Ka diskutime të vazhdueshme në mënyrën se si strategjita e shpërblimit ndikon në performancën e bankave. Ky punim është një rast studimi i ndikimit të strategjisë së shpërblimit në performancën e punonjësve të Bankës Raiffesen. Gjithashtu në këtë punim do të analizohen dhe krahasohen të dhënat e fitura nga Banka Raiffesen me sektorin bankar në Kenia. Në pjesën e parë të këtij punimi janë dhënë disa definicione rreth ndikimit …

Organizimi Dhe Funksioni I Parlamentit Të Kosovës, Gresa Leka Sep 2019

Organizimi Dhe Funksioni I Parlamentit Të Kosovës, Gresa Leka

Theses and Dissertations

Qëllimi i këtij punimi është që të tregojmë fillet e para te paralementarizmit në Kosovë duke filluar nga mbledhjet e para që janë mbajtur nga burrështeatsit e atëhershëm deri tek krijimi i parlamentit të Kosovës.

Sistemi paralamentar është formë e qerverisjes shtetërore e bazuar në parimin e ndarjes së pushtetit shtetëror.

Historiku i kuvendit të Kosovës si një institucion demokratik është i gjatë,

por më e rëndësishme dhe sfiduse ka qenë koha gjatë tranzisionit mbas luftës së vitit 1999 duke kërkuar zgjedhjen e statutit final drejt pavarsisë se Kosovës.

Gjatë këtij punimi gjithashtu jemi munduar të sqarojm punën dhe ligjëshmerin …

Integrimi Europian, Afërdita Duraku Sep 2019

Integrimi Europian, Afërdita Duraku

Theses and Dissertations

Integrimi Evropian do të thotë kultivim të unitetit ndërmjet vendeve dhe popujve evropianë. Brenda Bashkimit Evropian, do të thotë se vendet i grumbullojnë resurset e veta dhe bashkarisht marin shumë vendime. Kjo marje e vendimeve të përbashkëta realizohet nëpërmjet bashkëpunimit dhe bashkëveprimit nëpërmjet Institucioneve të Bashkimit Evropian siç janë Parlamenti i BE, Këshilli i BE, Komisioni i BE etj. Integrim Evropian është proces integrimi politik, legal, ekonomik dhe në disa raste edhe social dhe kulturor i vendeve Evropiane. Procesi i Integrimit Europian kërkon një punë të përbashkët nga të gjitha institucionet qeveritare të një sheti dhe gjithë resurset politike duhet …

Mindfulness And Blood Pressure Across Demographics: Analyses From The Serenity Study, Gabrielle R. Chin Aug 2019

Mindfulness And Blood Pressure Across Demographics: Analyses From The Serenity Study, Gabrielle R. Chin

Theses and Dissertations

Mindfulness, as a state, trait, and training, is linked with myriad positive mental and physical health outcomes. Understanding the individual characteristics potentially influencing links between mindful traits, mindfulness training, and physical health, is therefore important, yet remains under-addressed. Utilizing data from the ongoing Serenity Study (NCT02371317), the current project examines if (1) at baseline, higher trait mindfulness relates to lower BP consistently as a function of demographics, (2) Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) training lowers BP consistently across demographic subgroups and initial levels of trait mindfulness, and (3) if change in trait mindfulness following MBSR training correlates with change in BP …

Garch Modeling Of Value At Risk And Expected Shortfall Using Bayesian Model Averaging, Ismail Kheir Aug 2019

Garch Modeling Of Value At Risk And Expected Shortfall Using Bayesian Model Averaging, Ismail Kheir

Theses and Dissertations

This thesis conducts Value at Risk (VaR) and Expected Shortfall (ES) estimation using GARCH modeling and Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA). BMA considers multiple models weighted by some information criterion. Through BMA, this thesis finds that VaR and ES estimates can be improved through enhanced modeling of the data generation process.

Comparison Of Play Frequency In Four Sympatric Monkey Species In Kibale National Park, Uganda, Sara G. Lucci Aug 2019

Comparison Of Play Frequency In Four Sympatric Monkey Species In Kibale National Park, Uganda, Sara G. Lucci

Theses and Dissertations

This study describes play in red colobus (Procolobus rufomitratus), grey-cheeked mangabeys (Lophocebus albigena), black-and-white colobus (Colobus guereza), and redtail monkeys (Cercopithecus ascanius) to test Instinct-Practice Theory. Solitary locomotor play was different among the species. Rough-and-tumble play was different between male and female redtail monkeys. These results partially support Instinct-Practice Theory.

Weak Social Support As An Indicator For Worse Trauma Related Symptoms, Michael B. Sugarman Aug 2019

Weak Social Support As An Indicator For Worse Trauma Related Symptoms, Michael B. Sugarman

Theses and Dissertations

This study investigated the relationship between social support and trauma related symptoms in trauma exposed participants. Using the SCID and CAPS, weak family support factors were found to be associated with a greater number and severity of trauma related symptoms; suggesting that family support is important for trauma exposed people.