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Social and Behavioral Sciences Commons

Open Access. Powered by Scholars. Published by Universities.®

Theses and Dissertations

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Articles 3001 - 3030 of 8669

Full-Text Articles in Social and Behavioral Sciences

Privatësia E Politikanëve Kosovar, Me Theks Të Veҫantë Portalet Kosovare, Fatlume Zaskoku Feb 2019

Privatësia E Politikanëve Kosovar, Me Theks Të Veҫantë Portalet Kosovare, Fatlume Zaskoku

Theses and Dissertations

Tema e titulluar Privatësia e politikanëve kosovarë dhe etika e portaleve, me theks të veçantë portalet kosovare, është e një rëndësie të veçantë. Etika në media trajton parimet dhe standarde specifike mbi mbrojtjen dhe rekomandimin e koncepteve të sjelljes së drejtë dhe të gabuar. Media është mjeti nëpërmjet të cilit bëhet e mundur shpërndarja e informacionit apo edhe dijes në drejtim të një pluraliteti marrësish ose shfrytëzuesish pa dallim. Në të gjithë botën ne e dimë se komuniteti i fuqishëm i medias punon me një ritëm të jashtëzakonshëm për të qenë në pararojë të lajmit apo zhvillimit teknologjik. Në platformat …

Etika E Raportimit Për Vrasjet E Rënda Në Kosovë, Leotrim Canaj Feb 2019

Etika E Raportimit Për Vrasjet E Rënda Në Kosovë, Leotrim Canaj

Theses and Dissertations

Etika është e rëndësishme për rregullimin e shkrimeve në mediat online. Fillimisht përmes këtij punimi si qëllim primar është që të njoftohemi me etikën dhe zbatimin e saj në raportimet online mbi vrasjet e rënda dhe po ashtu me rolin e saj në gazetari dhe sa respektohet. Mirëpo, sado që është e rëndësishme dhe rregullon, etika edhe shkelet nga ana e vetë mediave. “Etika e raportimit të vrasjeve në mediat online” si temë është zgjedhur për arsyen se mediat online janë të prira që lajmet t’i publikojnë sa më shpejtë të jetë e mundur, kështu që ekziston edhe mundësia e …

Menaxhimi I Burimeve Njerëzore Në Postën E Ferizaj-T, Agnesa Devqa Feb 2019

Menaxhimi I Burimeve Njerëzore Në Postën E Ferizaj-T, Agnesa Devqa

Theses and Dissertations

Ky studim ka si qëllim të jap një përshkrim të qartë të koncepteve dhe termave të menaxhimit te burimeve njerzore ne institucionin perkates. Studimi i menaxhimit në shërbimet publike ka të bëjë me rregullimin e marrëdhënies së punësimit dhe është një fushë në të cilën kontribuojnë një shumëllojshmëri disiplinash. Menaxhimi merret me vlerat themelore të marrdhënjeve ndërnjerëzore, vlera të tilla janë pjesë e shoqërisë dhe natyrshëm reflektohen në cdo aspekt po ashtu në zhvillimin dhe mirëfunksionimin e administratës publike. Punonjësit janë shumë të ndryshëm nga njëri-tjetri edhe objektivat e tyre personale, apo e thënë ndryshe ajo çka duan ata të …

Politikat E Drogës Administrimi Dhe Parandalimi I Tyre, Ilire Drenica Feb 2019

Politikat E Drogës Administrimi Dhe Parandalimi I Tyre, Ilire Drenica

Theses and Dissertations

Në këtë punim diplome të hartuar dhe të sistemuar në këtë mënyrë, është si rezultat i një pune dhe përkushtimi të parashtruar shkencor. Gjatë studimit dhe analizimit të çështjes së rehabilitimit të të varurve nga droga e cila është një temē shumë me rëndësi që diskutohet çdo ditë nga individ. Çështjet më thelbesore të cilat dëshiroj t`i parashtroj në këtë temë që sipas mendimit tim, vlerësohen si çështje shume problematike në shoqeri.Në ditet e sodit ato konsiderohen si çështje të padëshiruara dhe që dëmtojnē shumë të rinjë dhe të gjith rrethin dhe shoqërinë, të njohura me emrin droga.Ku si pasojë …

Etika Në Menaxhimin Publik, Ardita Beqiri Feb 2019

Etika Në Menaxhimin Publik, Ardita Beqiri

Theses and Dissertations

No abstract provided.

The Effect Of The Dependent Coverage Provision Of The Affordable Care Act On Opioid Use And Abuse, Christian Carrillo Feb 2019

The Effect Of The Dependent Coverage Provision Of The Affordable Care Act On Opioid Use And Abuse, Christian Carrillo

Theses and Dissertations

The non-medical use of prescription opioids has become the fastest growing drug problem in the United States. This paper examines the effect of the ACA's dependent coverage provision on the prevalence of prescription opioid misuse and abuse along with the mechanism driving the results.

Attachment And Relationship Quality: A Longitudinal Cross-Lagged Panel Model Examining The Association Of Attachment Styles And Relationship Quality In Married Couples, Meagan Cahoon Alder Feb 2019

Attachment And Relationship Quality: A Longitudinal Cross-Lagged Panel Model Examining The Association Of Attachment Styles And Relationship Quality In Married Couples, Meagan Cahoon Alder

Theses and Dissertations

This is a longitudinal cross-lagged panel model examining the bi-directional association of attachment styles and relationship quality in a community sample of 355 married couples, with at least one child between 10-14 years of age at the beginning of the study and 17-21 years of age at the end of the study. An Actor-Partner Interdependence Model (APIM), was used to test for actor and partner effects, thereby accounting for the non-independent nature of the data. Two separate APIM models were tested with Male Attachment predicting Female Relationship Quality and Female Attachment predicting Male Relationship Quality. Results indicate that own attachment …

Abortion In The United States: Identifying Populations That Perceive The Most Abortion-Related Stigma, Megan Layne Cheatham Feb 2019

Abortion In The United States: Identifying Populations That Perceive The Most Abortion-Related Stigma, Megan Layne Cheatham

Theses and Dissertations

Approximately three million pregnancies in the United States each year are unintended, and about half of the women who experience an unwanted, unintended pregnancy obtain an abortion to terminate their pregnancy. However, despite abortion being a common and safe gynecological procedure, it is publicly controversial and highly stigmatized. Available research is in agreement that abortion does not lead to long-term mental health problems; however, there is a strong and significant association between abortion-related stigma and pre-abortion depressive, anxiety, and stress symptoms. Furthermore, stigma is suspected to vary based on demographic factors, and understanding these differences may help further prevent and …

Exploring Microaggressions Among Trans Populations: Effects On Feelings Of Social Exclusion, Stephanie M. Aubuchon Jan 2019

Exploring Microaggressions Among Trans Populations: Effects On Feelings Of Social Exclusion, Stephanie M. Aubuchon

Theses and Dissertations

Those who identify as transgender face subtle discrimination in the form of microaggressions, which are behaviors and statements, often unconscious or unintentional, that communicate hostile or derogatory messages, particularly to members of marginalized social groups (Nadal et al., 2016). This study explored the microaggressions that transgender participants experience and the psychological effects on their feelings of social exclusion. Specifically, we hypothesized that transgender individuals experience microaggressions that make them feel socially excluded. The participants’ ages ranged from 18-66 and identified as nonbinary, agender, demiboy, genderqueer, male, or female. The study used an online survey that had the participants recall memories …

Reconstructing The Demographic History Of The Critically Endangered Black-And-White Ruffed Lemur (Varecia Variegata) In Ranomafana National Park, Aparna Chandrashekar Jan 2019

Reconstructing The Demographic History Of The Critically Endangered Black-And-White Ruffed Lemur (Varecia Variegata) In Ranomafana National Park, Aparna Chandrashekar

Theses and Dissertations

Due to heavy fragmentation of their remaining range, the Critically Endangered black-and-white ruffed lemur (Varecia variegata) is facing catastrophic population declines. Skyline analyses at Ranomafana National Park show the ruffed lemur effective population size declining by 84% starting around 1,500 years ago.

Hrísheimar: Fish Consumption Patterns, Wendi K. Coleman Jan 2019

Hrísheimar: Fish Consumption Patterns, Wendi K. Coleman

Theses and Dissertations

In this thesis, I examine the fish remain patterns at Hrísheimar, which have provided archaeologists with further evidence that inland sites such as those in the Mývatnssveit Region utilized both local freshwater and marine fish from the coastal regions as a part of their subsistence pattern.

Changes In Self-Concept And Substance-Related Cognitions During Short-Term Residential Substance Use Treatment, Olivia Grace Larson Jan 2019

Changes In Self-Concept And Substance-Related Cognitions During Short-Term Residential Substance Use Treatment, Olivia Grace Larson

Theses and Dissertations

The United States is in the midst of an opioid crisis, with more than 130 people dying each day from an opioid overdose (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2018a). Given the recent spike in overdose deaths associated with highly potent synthetic opioids (i.e., fentanyl), there are few signs of the crisis abating (CDC, 2018a). Compared to other age groups, the prevalence of both heroin and prescription opioid use is particularly elevated among young adults (Sharma, Bruner, Barnett, & Fishman, 2016). While there is a large body of evidence demonstrating the effectiveness of substance use treatment in general, only …

Adverse Childhood Experiences, Attachment, And Ptsd Symptoms Among Male Offenders In Court-Ordered Diversion, Michael A. Quinones Jan 2019

Adverse Childhood Experiences, Attachment, And Ptsd Symptoms Among Male Offenders In Court-Ordered Diversion, Michael A. Quinones

Theses and Dissertations

There are millions of adult male offenders currently involved with U.S. corrections system, many of which report a wide range of mental health difficulties and a history of traumatic experiences. Mental health and trauma-related difficulties are important considerations in the treatment and rehabilitation of adult male offenders. The relationship between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), attachment style, and PTSD symptoms were studied in a sample of adult male participants in a court-ordered diversion program. The sample consisted of 59 men, ranging in age from 19 to 68-years-old, who endorsed a history of at least one prior arrest. Data were collected during …

Examining Mother And Father (Dis)Agreement Of Youth Mental Health Among Ethnically Diverse Families, Areti Vassilopoulos Jan 2019

Examining Mother And Father (Dis)Agreement Of Youth Mental Health Among Ethnically Diverse Families, Areti Vassilopoulos

Theses and Dissertations

Many children and adolescents in the United States experience externalizing behavior problems identified as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, and conduct disorder. These behavior problems cause disruptions in the youth’s socioemotional functioning and academic success. The assignment of a diagnosis from the DSM-5 is often the first step in treatment planning, because many clinics and third-party payers require a diagnosis for authorization of treatment payment. However, research has repeatedly revealed that informants differ in the information they provide regarding youth mental health. While studies have separately examined the association of youth characteristics, parent characteristics, and family characteristics and informant agreement, …

Family Environment And Pediatric Sickle Cell Disease: Patterns Of Health Care Utilization And Academic Achievement, Joanna Tsikis Jan 2019

Family Environment And Pediatric Sickle Cell Disease: Patterns Of Health Care Utilization And Academic Achievement, Joanna Tsikis

Theses and Dissertations

Sickle cell disease (SCD) is the most common group of genetic, chronic hematologic disorders, and is characterized by chronic pain resulting from vaso-occlusive episodes. As such, youth with SCD utilize a disproportionately high amount of health care resources. Youth with frequent health care utilization (HCU) are at increased risk for psychosocial consequences, including disruptions in family functioning and decreased academic performance. While studies have separately examined HCU, family functioning, and academic achievement in this population, there is a dearth of research examining the association between these variables. The present study aimed to: (1) examine associations between family environment and patterns …

Meta-Analysis Of Behavior Problems In Deaf And Hard Of Hearing Children, Marta Maria Tobenas Jan 2019

Meta-Analysis Of Behavior Problems In Deaf And Hard Of Hearing Children, Marta Maria Tobenas

Theses and Dissertations

Recent data regarding social-emotional challenges indicate elevations in behavior problems (BPs) in deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) children (Austen, 2010; Stevenson et al., 2010; van Eldik et al., 2004). Factors affecting this include family and social contexts, language development (LD), and cochlear implantation (CIs). The purpose of this dissertation was to analyze findings across studies for trends in BPs in DHH children. Specifically, a model of the effect of deafness, CI use, and LD on the emergence of BPs in DHH children as compared to hearing children was examined. Studies were collected through systematic searches of psychology databases supplemented …

Examining Effects Of Parental Sexual Abuse On Female Juvenile Delinquency Using A Social Developmental Perspective, Michelle Nagle Jan 2019

Examining Effects Of Parental Sexual Abuse On Female Juvenile Delinquency Using A Social Developmental Perspective, Michelle Nagle

Theses and Dissertations

Delinquency has traditionally been viewed as a male phenomenon, often defined in androcentric terms, and neglecting females in studies regarding delinquent behavior. However, females are the fastest growing subpopulation of the correction population, which amplifies the importance of understanding the nature and etiology of their offending. Recent research has suggested that predictors of male juvenile delinquency do not adequately explain delinquency in females, because the androcentric research ignores the damaging impact of sexual childhood abuse and other prominent family factors on female juvenile delinquents. This study aimed to examine the impact of childhood parental sexual abuse on female juvenile delinquency …

Demographic, Legal, And Clinical Predictors Of Long-Term Trial Competency Restoration, Jonathan F. Shook Jan 2019

Demographic, Legal, And Clinical Predictors Of Long-Term Trial Competency Restoration, Jonathan F. Shook

Theses and Dissertations

Trial competency is the foremost context in which forensic evaluators interact with criminal courts in the United States, and court-ordered restoration to competency (RTC) substantially contributes to hospitalization via the criminal justice system. Predictors of restoration to competency (RTC) have been extensively studied to date, yet few studies have been conducted with RTC patients in a long-term setting. The present study aimed to examine predictors of successful restoration for defendants who underwent RTC from a long-term inpatient facility in Texas from 2012 to 2017. Patients (N = 261) were compared across retrospective demographic, clinical, and criminogenic factors via binary logistic …

An Analysis And Comparison Of Wms-Iii And Wms-Iv Verbal Paired Associates: Practical Implications For Neuropsychologists, Anthony Paul Andrews Jan 2019

An Analysis And Comparison Of Wms-Iii And Wms-Iv Verbal Paired Associates: Practical Implications For Neuropsychologists, Anthony Paul Andrews

Theses and Dissertations

The current study examined the performance of clinical outpatients on the Verbal Paired Associates (VPA) subtest from current and prior versions of the Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS). It was predicted that VPA from the WMS-III (VPA3) would be similar in agreement to the WMS-IV (VPA4) and that VPA4 would show a stronger relationship than VPA3 with intellectual abilities, sustained attention, and executive function abilities as assessed by the WAIS-IV; CPT-2; and the TMT, Category Test, and Stroop, respectively. Thirty-six adults were administered both the WMS-III and the WMS-IV, along with the other measures as part of a larger neuropsychological battery. …

The Prevalence Of Hate Crimes Motivated By Sexual Orientation In Florida After The U.S. Supreme Court Legalization Of Same-Sex Marriages, Shawntozi Campbell Jan 2019

The Prevalence Of Hate Crimes Motivated By Sexual Orientation In Florida After The U.S. Supreme Court Legalization Of Same-Sex Marriages, Shawntozi Campbell

Theses and Dissertations

Research on the dynamics of violence has revealed that crimes involving a prejudicial motive often occur in close temporal proximity to a galvanizing event such as elections, terrorist attacks, or unprecedented Supreme Court decisions. Given the particularly contested nature of marriage policy, it is not inconceivable that same-sex marriage recognition might incite retaliatory violence. Same-sex couples were granted the right to marry by the United States Supreme Court in June of 2015. By June 2016, Orlando, Florida experienced the “deadliest incident of violence against LGBTQ people in U.S. history,” after a mass shooting at Pulse nightclub resulted in the death …

A Qualitative Study Exploring Motivation And Engagement Among Millennial Volunteers In Nonprofit Organizations, Joanne Quinones Jan 2019

A Qualitative Study Exploring Motivation And Engagement Among Millennial Volunteers In Nonprofit Organizations, Joanne Quinones

Theses and Dissertations

This applied dissertation focused on capturing the lived experiences of Millennials and explore their motivation and engagement for volunteering in a nonprofit organization. This study illustrates the importance of civic and social engagement in our society. The Millennials have been labeled as “Genme or the me generation” (Twenge, Campbell, Hoffman, & Lance, 2010, p. 1117; Twenge, 2006, p. 1), as they have been criticized for focusing on their own self-interest. While millennials have been considered as being technologically savvy, since they grew up with the internet. The millennials, have a social interest in offering support to a cause versus an …

Evaluation Of Hospitality Curricula, Industry Skillset Expectations And Student Preparedness, Jennifer Aarons Jan 2019

Evaluation Of Hospitality Curricula, Industry Skillset Expectations And Student Preparedness, Jennifer Aarons

Theses and Dissertations

Colleges and universities have been burdened with the task of preparing students for a successful career in the hospitality industry. As the industry expectations of hospitality and tourism management degree graduates’ change, postsecondary education institutions need to respond to the employment demands of the industry. Also, the global expansion of the hospitality and tourism industry requires that institutions evaluate their degree programs to ensure that graduates possess the essential skillsets to thrive in a global economy.

The purpose of this research is to determine if postsecondary institutions are adequately preparing hospitality and tourism management graduates with the necessary skillsets needed …

Predictors Of Employment In A Treatment Sample Of Individuals With Substance Use Disorders, Enkelejda Ngjelina Jan 2019

Predictors Of Employment In A Treatment Sample Of Individuals With Substance Use Disorders, Enkelejda Ngjelina

Theses and Dissertations

Efforts to increase employment rates through vocational skills training and job interview skills development have yielded mixed results. While initial studies of Job Seekers Workshop (JSW) found greater employment success for participants randomized to JSW as compared to a control condition (Hall, Loeb & Norton, 1977), a more recent Clinical Trials Network (CTN) study found no differences in employment outcomes between the JSW and control groups and the rate of employment overall was substantively lower than those reported in the early studies (Svikis et al., 2012). To better understand these discrepant findings, the present study conducted secondary analyses using the …

A Longitudinal Study Of The Stress-Buffering Effects Of Romantic Relationships On Alcohol Outcomes In College Students Exposed To Trauma, Rebecca L. Smith Jan 2019

A Longitudinal Study Of The Stress-Buffering Effects Of Romantic Relationships On Alcohol Outcomes In College Students Exposed To Trauma, Rebecca L. Smith

Theses and Dissertations

This study examined interplay between interpersonal trauma (IPT), relationship status, relationship satisfaction (SAT), and partner substance use (PSU), and whether these relationship dimensions moderated associations between IPT and alcohol outcomes. Data came from a longitudinal study of college students (N=9,911; 61%female; 49%White). Precollege IPT increased the likelihood of being in a relationship, while college-onset IPT decreased the likelihood. IPT predicted lower SAT and higher PSU. Individuals with precollege IPT consumed more alcohol than those without IPT, but this was mitigated for those in relationships. Individuals with college-onset IPT consumed more alcohol than those without IPT, and this was …

A Contextual Approach To Understanding Psychiatric Comorbidities In Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorder: Individual, Peer, And Family Factors, Jessica L. Greenlee Jan 2019

A Contextual Approach To Understanding Psychiatric Comorbidities In Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorder: Individual, Peer, And Family Factors, Jessica L. Greenlee

Theses and Dissertations

Psychiatric comorbidities are common in youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and can have a negative impact on adaptive functioning and quality of life. Research has primarily focused on individual characteristics associated with internalizing problems such as age, intelligence, and social functioning. However, developmental theory supports the notion that individual level factors are necessary but not sufficient to understand the mental health of youth with ASD. Using the Family Ecology Framework as a guide, the purpose of this study was to examine how peer and family contexts are associated with anxiety and depression symptoms of adolescents with ASD. Using data …

A Cross-Cultural Examination Of The Relations Among Parkinson’S Disease Impairments, Caregiver Burden And Mental Health, And Family Dynamics In Mexico And The United States, Erin Smith Jan 2019

A Cross-Cultural Examination Of The Relations Among Parkinson’S Disease Impairments, Caregiver Burden And Mental Health, And Family Dynamics In Mexico And The United States, Erin Smith

Theses and Dissertations

Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a common progressive neurodegenerative disorder that leads to both physical and cognitive impairment over time. Eventually, these impairments may include the loss of autonomy, and the individual may require the assistance of an informal caregiver. Informal caregivers are critical in the care of individuals with PD and spend substantial time providing care, which may be associated with negative caregiver outcomes such as burden, mental health issues, as well as poor family dynamics. Although research in the United States and Europe has generally supported these relations, there is very limited research on PD caregiving in Latin America. …

The Racialization Of Space: How Housing Segregation Caused The Racial Wealth Gap In The United States, Tia Goode Jan 2019

The Racialization Of Space: How Housing Segregation Caused The Racial Wealth Gap In The United States, Tia Goode

Theses and Dissertations

This project addresses how residential segregation have stymied home ownership and wealth in the black community; inhibiting true housing equity. This thesis project will attempt to use design as a means to help address past and continuing discrimination. Accessibility, affordability and accountability are central to this goal, which will be addressed in the project.

The site chosen for this project is the St. Luke’s Building located in Richmond, VA. This building was home to the Independent Order of St. Luke, a fraternal and cooperative insurance society for blacks. It also housed the St. Luke Penny Savings Bank which was founded …

Feedback And Innovative Work Behavior Among Local Government Employees In Korea: The Roles Of Trust In Supervisor, Affective Commitment, And Risk-Taking Climate, Hyeonuk Bak Jan 2019

Feedback And Innovative Work Behavior Among Local Government Employees In Korea: The Roles Of Trust In Supervisor, Affective Commitment, And Risk-Taking Climate, Hyeonuk Bak

Theses and Dissertations

The purpose of this study is to explore the mechanisms of how feedback from supervisor affects innovative work behavior among local government employees in Korea. Another purpose of this study is to explore the mediating roles of trust in supervisor and affective commitment, and the moderating role of risk-taking climate, using various theories, such as organizational support theory, social exchange theory, intrinsic motivation theory, and psychological climate theory.

The results from a cross-sectional study based on a sample of 1,699 local government employees from 65 local governments find that feedback from supervisor has a significant direct effect on innovative work …

The Efficacy Of A Group Visual Art Bereavement Intervention With Older Adults, Rachel E. Weiskittle Jan 2019

The Efficacy Of A Group Visual Art Bereavement Intervention With Older Adults, Rachel E. Weiskittle

Theses and Dissertations

Research on expressive art interventions for bereavement has burgeoned in recent years. Studies have supported their effectiveness in facilitating participants’ adjustment to loss (e.g., Rosner, Kruse, & Hagl, 2010; Uttley, 2015) and have revealed the frequency with which they are clinically implemented (Thompson & Neimeyer, 2014). Clinicians and recipients of expressive art interventions advocate for their helpfulness in grief processing (e.g., Gamino, 2015). Publications have highlighted particular visual art modules that facilitate adaptive adjustment to loss by providing avenues for self-expression, meaning making and continuing bonds with the deceased (Neimeyer, 2016), but few studies have quantitatively investigated whether they improve …

Training Future Mental Health Professionals In An Evidence-Informed System Of Care, Julia R. Cox Jan 2019

Training Future Mental Health Professionals In An Evidence-Informed System Of Care, Julia R. Cox

Theses and Dissertations

High quality mental health services do not reach the youth who need them, leading to efforts to implement effective treatments more broadly. One focus of these efforts concerns training the mental health workforce, of which master’s-level social workers represent a large proportion. However, the curricula of master’s in social work (MSW) programs do not often emphasize evidence-based approaches. One possible solution is Managing and Adapting Practice (MAP; PracticeWise, LLC), a system that allows clinicians to (1) identify clinically indicated evidence-based programs by searching a growing evidence-base of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and (2) build individualized evidence-informed treatment plans by focusing …