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Social and Behavioral Sciences Commons

Open Access. Powered by Scholars. Published by Universities.®

Theses and Dissertations

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Articles 3511 - 3540 of 8669

Full-Text Articles in Social and Behavioral Sciences

Standardet E Reja Të Raportimit Të Gazetarisë Online, Edona Haxhiajdini Mar 2018

Standardet E Reja Të Raportimit Të Gazetarisë Online, Edona Haxhiajdini

Theses and Dissertations

Ky punim përmban të dhëna dhe fakte sa i përket gazetarisë online.

Tema ka mjaft rëndësi ngase ka të bëjë me një situatë ku njerëzit dhe shoqëria e rëndomtë e përdorin çdo ditë, jetojnë me të, dhe ushqehen nga kjo. Bëhet fjalë për mediat në platforma online që lexuesit absorbojnë informacione dhe dije nga smartphone-t dhe rrjetet sociale. Nga tema të cilën e kam zgjedhur për punim diplome ‘Standardet e reja të raportimit në gazetarinë online dhe shfrytëzimi i burimeve’ shpresoj që mund të gjeni gjëra të llojllojshme s’a i përket burimeve të cilat janë në rend të parë të …

Forecasting Country Conflict Within Modified Combatant Command Regions Using Statistical Learning Methods, Sarah Neumann Mar 2018

Forecasting Country Conflict Within Modified Combatant Command Regions Using Statistical Learning Methods, Sarah Neumann

Theses and Dissertations

Conflict forecasts are crucial to Combatant Commanders’ understanding of the dynamic environment encompassing countries within their area of responsibility. The current structure of the Combatant Commands (COCOMs) is rooted in geography by grouping nations in geographic proximity to the same regional command. However, leaders today question the effectiveness of the current structure. A novel modified k-means clustering algorithm is developed and implemented that groups countries based on data similarities and geographic proximity resulting in new COCOM groupings that improve conflict forecasts. The data spans various political, military, economic, and social characteristics of countries, and is used to develop conditional logistic …

An Analysis Of Aircraft Operating And Support Cost Element Structures, Garrett B. O'Hanlon Mar 2018

An Analysis Of Aircraft Operating And Support Cost Element Structures, Garrett B. O'Hanlon

Theses and Dissertations

As the cost of DoD Weapon Systems continue to increase, the ability to more accurately predict the Operating and Support (O&S) costs for the various weapon systems has become more vital for long run affordability. The investigation into the O&S arena has been overshadowed by the research and development (R&D) and acquisition fields. This research focuses on the O&S portion of the total life cycle costs, specifically the OSD-CAPE Cost Element Structure (CES) elements and sub-elements. The research investigates seven categories of 52 aircrafts and their cost expenditures within the CES from the years 1996-2016. The first portion of the …

Well-Being And Physiological Reactivity To Stress, Sheilagh Fox Mar 2018

Well-Being And Physiological Reactivity To Stress, Sheilagh Fox

Theses and Dissertations

Because of the impact of stress on health, it is important to understand the variables that underlie cardiovascular reactivity to stress because it may lead to more focused targets of intervention for helping people to reduce or otherwise better manage their stress. The purpose of the present study was to answer the following questions: does lack of eudaimonic well-being (a combination of psychological and social well-being) predict increased cardiovascular reactivity to stress in a clinically distressed population? And does increased eudaimonic well-being protect against increased cardiovascular reactivity to stress when hedonic well-being (a combination of positive affect and life satisfaction) …

The Emotional Effects Of Life Experience On Bilingual Speakers' Nonverbal Communications, Sarah Marie Webb Mar 2018

The Emotional Effects Of Life Experience On Bilingual Speakers' Nonverbal Communications, Sarah Marie Webb

Theses and Dissertations

This research is intended to demonstrate that bilingual speakers exhibit nonverbal behavior and emotional expressions that affect their ability to communicate in their intended manner. I argue that these changes are linked to the emotional ties to experiences in those languages. The nonverbal traits that appear when bilingual speakers share personal narratives in different languages are measured through facial recognition and emotion sensory software for evidentiary support in establishing intent versus actual self-presentation. New methods of self-analysis are discussed and utilized to determine if the speakers are inherently aware of these changes or can notice them through cross linguistic self-analyses.

Using The Operant Model Of Effective Supervision To Predict Employee Engagement For Leaders In A Hospital System, David Patrick Kelley Iii Mar 2018

Using The Operant Model Of Effective Supervision To Predict Employee Engagement For Leaders In A Hospital System, David Patrick Kelley Iii

Theses and Dissertations

Leadership has been a popular topic of conversation for decades. Despite an abundant amount of attention the topic has received, the literature seems to fall short when describing what effective leaders do in a day to day context. A theory introduced by Komaki (1986), called the Operant Model of Effective Supervision (OMES), was designed to answer the tough questions about leadership that have been left unanswered. Research on the theory has resulted in multiple methods to accurately measure leadership behavior within an operant paradigm. One of these methods is an in-basket assessment that has been shown to reliably capture day …

Individual And Social Factors Related To Perceptions Of Rape, Caitlin O'Brien-Masonis Mar 2018

Individual And Social Factors Related To Perceptions Of Rape, Caitlin O'Brien-Masonis

Theses and Dissertations

Ninety-two men, including twenty pairs of male friends, completed a series of self-report measures that sought to measure their levels of rape myth acceptance and asked men to estimate their friend’s level of rape myth acceptance. Further self-report measures assessed participants’ likelihood to intervene as bystanders, social and ethical risk taking behaviors, and definitions of rape as demonstrated through responses to questions about a hypothetical sexual assault. Analyses indicated that participants were moderately accurate in assessing their friend’s level of rape myth acceptance. Additionally, friends showed similar levels of rape myth acceptance. Level of rape myth acceptance was found to …

The Interactive Effects Of Deployment And Other Organizational Dynamics On Sexual Harassment In The Military, Clinton Dean Kelly Mar 2018

The Interactive Effects Of Deployment And Other Organizational Dynamics On Sexual Harassment In The Military, Clinton Dean Kelly

Theses and Dissertations

Higher rates of sexual harassment in the military have been well documented in the existing literature. However, not much is known about how the deployment of women effects the odds of sexual harassment of females. This study used three public use datasets collected by the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) in 2006, 2010, and 2012 from active duty soldiers in the Air Force, Army, Marines, and Navy to evaluate the effect of deployment on five different types of sexual harassment. Organizational factors such as sex-ratio, paygrade, masculinity, and organizational climate were also evaluated in relation to sexual harassment. Lastly, the …

Effects Of Competition In Violent And Nonviolent Video Games On Aggressive/Prosocial Behavior, Christopher Edward Hawk Mar 2018

Effects Of Competition In Violent And Nonviolent Video Games On Aggressive/Prosocial Behavior, Christopher Edward Hawk

Theses and Dissertations

Previous research shows that playing violent video games leads to increases in aggressive feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. However, recent research has questioned the reliability of these findings. Two important variables associated with aggressive outcomes that have yet to be fully explored in the violent video game literature are the competitive aspects of the games and the outcomes of that competition (e.g., winning or losing). The present study was a two (gameplay: violent vs. nonviolent) by two (difficulty: easy vs. hard) by three (competition: no competition vs. competition win vs. competition lose) between-subjects factorial design, with aggressive/prosocial behavior measured as the …

But First, Let Me Take A Selfie: A Content Analysis Of Female And Male Celebrity Selfies On Instagram, Maureen Grace Elinzano Mar 2018

But First, Let Me Take A Selfie: A Content Analysis Of Female And Male Celebrity Selfies On Instagram, Maureen Grace Elinzano

Theses and Dissertations

The purpose of this research is to analyze the differences between women and men and their selfies on the popular social media application Instagram. Past research and notions in popular culture show that women take more selfies than men do, and that they place more time and effort into their selfies than men do. The goal is to show that women may not solely do the action of taking and posting selfies and that the stereotype of taking and posting selfies being a feminine action should not be prevalent. We conducted a thorough visual content analysis of selfies on Instagram …

Media Messages And Same-Sex Sexual Consent, Ryann Rooney Feb 2018

Media Messages And Same-Sex Sexual Consent, Ryann Rooney

Theses and Dissertations

There is a difference between narrative and the quality of representation when discussing topics in mass media. However, the difference between narrative and the quality of representation is often ignored when same-sex sex is portrayed in media. Missing from a significant amount of the literature on same-sex sexual behavior is how mass media discuss sexual consent. To fill the gap in the literature, I will examine the following: 1) how mainstream media’s discourse on same-sex sexual consent (SSSC) is similar to queer media’s discourse on same-sex sexual consent, and 2) how media messages define sexual consent between same-sex individuals. To …

A Detailed Hydrodynamic Study To Help Community Based Resiliency Planning Under Extreme Climatic And Weather Events, Md. Golam Rabbani Fahad Feb 2018

A Detailed Hydrodynamic Study To Help Community Based Resiliency Planning Under Extreme Climatic And Weather Events, Md. Golam Rabbani Fahad

Theses and Dissertations

The State of New Jersey is particularly vulnerable to extreme weather and climatic events. This study concentrates on spatial and temporal vulnerability of these events using climate and hydrodynamic modelling. The first chapter focuses on historical climatic trend of temperature and precipitation as well as the future scenarios using 10 bias corrected climate model output considering high end emission scenario derived from Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5). In the second chapter a coastal hydrodynamic model called ADCIRC-2DDI was implemented to assess the impact of hurricanes in the Western North Atlantic (WNAT) model domain. The efficiency of the model …

Towards Queer Space: Bisexual Experiences And Imaginative Geographies, Jacklyn Weier Feb 2018

Towards Queer Space: Bisexual Experiences And Imaginative Geographies, Jacklyn Weier

Theses and Dissertations

Bisexuality has typically gone ignored in human geography. Specifically, geographers of sexualities have not incorporated the perspectives of bisexuals when theorizing about the production of queer or heteronormative spaces. This thesis asks what the experiences of bisexuals are throughout sexualized space and how bisexuals envision bisexual space. It argues that bisexuals, as people with non-binary subjectivities (not straight or gay), offer unique insights that challenge the widespread assumption of tolerant queer space, as well as performative approaches to space production. Bisexuals utilize preexisting models of gay space and their dissatisfaction within dichotomous space to imagine how bisexual space and queer …

Latent ;Toxoplasma Gondii; Infection Moderates The Association Between The C677t Mthfr Polymorphism And Cognitive Function In U.S. Adults, Andrew Nathan Berrett Feb 2018

Latent ;Toxoplasma Gondii; Infection Moderates The Association Between The C677t Mthfr Polymorphism And Cognitive Function In U.S. Adults, Andrew Nathan Berrett

Theses and Dissertations

Sufficient blood concentrations of folate and the products from its metabolism arenecessary for several cellular functions. The C677T MTHFR polymorphism, present in over halfof the U.S. population, reduces the efficiency of folate metabolism and has been linked to theonset of multiple psychiatric disorders and cognitive decline. The intracellular parasiteToxoplasma gondii can infect the human brain and is associated with increased prevalence ofpsychiatric disorders and cognitive decline. In vitro studies have found that Toxoplasma gondiimay salvage unmetabolized folate from host cells. Since the C677T MTHFR polymorphism andinfection by Toxoplasma gondii both affect folate metabolism or availability, I used data fromthe third …

Roli I Organizatave Ndërqeveritare Në Lidhje Me Shtetin Dhe Sistemin Ndërkombëtar, Samire Sadiku Feb 2018

Roli I Organizatave Ndërqeveritare Në Lidhje Me Shtetin Dhe Sistemin Ndërkombëtar, Samire Sadiku

Theses and Dissertations

Sot një një rol të jashtëzakonshëm në sistemin ndërkombëtar përveç shteteve luajnë edhe disa aktorë tjerë siç janë organizatat ndërkombëtare në përgjithësi, por me theks të veçantë organizatat ndërqeveritare.

Ky punim ka si qëllim shqyrtimin e rolit që kanë luajtur dhe kontributit që kanë dhënë organizatat ndërqeveritare në sistemin ndërkombëtar, për shtetet anëtare me fokus të veçantë mbi rëndësinë që ato kanë për vendin tonë, përkatësisht mbi ndikimin e tyre në orientimin e zhvillimit të tij.

Fillimisht është pjesa teorike përshkruese e përkufizimit rreth asaj se çka janë organizatat ndërqeveritare dhe ndarjet e tyre sipas fushave ku veprojnë dhe, më …

Analysis Of The Primary And Global Factors Of The 16pf To Predict The Scale Of Accurate Personality Prediction (Sapp), Lauren Marie Dilullo Feb 2018

Analysis Of The Primary And Global Factors Of The 16pf To Predict The Scale Of Accurate Personality Prediction (Sapp), Lauren Marie Dilullo

Theses and Dissertations

In attempt to measure one’s self-knowledge, Miller (2000) developed the Scale of Accurate Personality Prediction (SAPP), which is a measure derived from obtained and self-predicted scores across the 21 scales of the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF). The aim of this investigation was to assess which of the 16PF primary and global factors are the best predictors of SAPP scores. Identification of these predictor variables would then allow for the derivation of one’s SAPP score directly from the those determined factors. Archival data consisting of 645 participants were analyzed through a series of regression analyses across four random samples of …

Latent Toxoplasma Gondii Infection Moderates The Association Between The C677t Mthfr Polymorphism And Cognitive Function In U.S. Adults, Andrew Nathan Berrett Feb 2018

Latent Toxoplasma Gondii Infection Moderates The Association Between The C677t Mthfr Polymorphism And Cognitive Function In U.S. Adults, Andrew Nathan Berrett

Theses and Dissertations

Sufficient blood concentrations of folate and the products from its metabolism are necessary for several cellular functions. The C677T MTHFR polymorphism, present in over half of the U.S. population, reduces the efficiency of folate metabolism and has been linked to the onset of multiple psychiatric disorders and cognitive decline. The intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii can infect the human brain and is associated with increased prevalence of psychiatric disorders and cognitive decline. In vitro studies have found that Toxoplasma gondii may salvage unmetabolized folate from host cells. Since the C677T MTHFR polymorphism and infection by Toxoplasma gondii both affect folate metabolism …

An Investigation Into The Test-Retest Reliability Of The Scale Of Accurate Personality Prediction With A Six Week Interval, Jared Marshall Barrow Feb 2018

An Investigation Into The Test-Retest Reliability Of The Scale Of Accurate Personality Prediction With A Six Week Interval, Jared Marshall Barrow

Theses and Dissertations

The Scale of Accurate Personality Prediction (SAPP) is a measure to determine the accuracy of an individual’s ability to predict his/her own personality traits. Previous studies have demonstrated the validity of SAPP as a measure, and this study serves as one in a series of study on the reliability of the SAPP. To establish the test-retest reliability of the SAPP, the SAPP scores of 22 participants were calculated from two testing trials separated by a six week interval. A Pearson correlation indicated a significant correlation of moderate strength between the SAPP scores from the two testing trials (r=.572, p<0.01). The implication of these results within the context of the previous test-retest reliability studies and limitations to the current study are discussed.

Young Adults With Visual Impairments And Driver's Education: Journeys Of Self-Efficacy, Identity, And Transition To Adulthood, Molly Pasley Jan 2018

Young Adults With Visual Impairments And Driver's Education: Journeys Of Self-Efficacy, Identity, And Transition To Adulthood, Molly Pasley

Theses and Dissertations

A person’s ability to travel independently can determine whether he or she transitions successfully from one life stage to another. One critically important aspect of independent travel is coming to understand how vehicles move in the built environment. For youth without visual disabilities, this information is addressed in depth in driver’s education courses. In the case of adolescents with visual impairments, the acquisition of this information is more complex and raises a number of complicated questions. In this qualitative study, seven adults with visual impairments ages 18-27 and six of their family members are interviewed to determine the impact of …

Worldwide Distribution Of The Human Apolipoprotein E Gene - The Association Between Apoe, Subsistence, And Latitude, Tiffany S. Ho Jan 2018

Worldwide Distribution Of The Human Apolipoprotein E Gene - The Association Between Apoe, Subsistence, And Latitude, Tiffany S. Ho

Theses and Dissertations

The human apolipoprotein E gene (APOE) plays an important role in metabolizing lipids, regulating plasma cholesterol, and maintaining biological function. Structural differences in APOE variants impact cholesterol absorption and health risk, so that alleles serve as biomarkers for numerous cardiovascular and neurological diseases (Lai 2015). Variant differences are determined by changes in two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), rs429358 and rs7412. Distribution of alleles varies across populations. Allele frequencies in populations have been shown to be associated with cultural and environmental factors, including subsistence strategy and latitude (Eisenberg 2010).

This study aims to provide a cross-population, genetic association study …

Squatters, Shanties, And Technocratic Professionals: Urban Migration And Housing Shortages In Twentieth-Century Chile, Nathan C. Norris Jan 2018

Squatters, Shanties, And Technocratic Professionals: Urban Migration And Housing Shortages In Twentieth-Century Chile, Nathan C. Norris

Theses and Dissertations

This thesis examines the struggles of squatters and slum dwellers for housing prior to the 1973 coup in Santiago de Chile, Valparaíso, and surrounding areas, with a focus on the Frei era of the late 1960s. The work argues that severe urban overcrowding generated advocacy for housing during the rise of progressive and leftist politics in Chile. It also explores the dynamics of efforts to promote housing through the lens of the work of professionals in the fields of architecture and urban planning. It argues that Chilean professionals adopted modernist principals in the fields of architecture and planning when promoting …

Out And Queer: Independent School Teachers Navigating The Personal And Professional, Caroline C. Dunnell Jan 2018

Out And Queer: Independent School Teachers Navigating The Personal And Professional, Caroline C. Dunnell

Theses and Dissertations

In recent years the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Queer (Queer) community has experienced unprecedented acceptance in U.S. culture. Yet, education, historically slow to change (Fullan & Miles, 1992), continues in many states to promote a heteronormative culture that does not recognize nor promote equity for the queer community that exists within their schools (Barrett & Bound, 2015).

The purpose of this qualitative phenomenological heuristic inquiry was to explore my experience, and those of eleven other queer out independent school educators, to understand how we makes sense of, and navigate, the heteronormative, traditionally male-dominated, independent school environment. This study used in-depth …

The Effect Of Expansions In Medicaid Eligibility On Hospital Financial Performance: Evidence From Medicare Cost Reports, Kevin Wu Jan 2018

The Effect Of Expansions In Medicaid Eligibility On Hospital Financial Performance: Evidence From Medicare Cost Reports, Kevin Wu

Theses and Dissertations

Expansions in Medicaid eligibility and effects on profitability for different hospitals are examined using data from Medicare Cost Reports and difference-in-differences analysis. Critical access and disproportionate share hospitals are associated with the largest profitability gains from these expansions. Results imply that vulnerable hospitals are affected most by changes to Medicaid.

How The Egg Rolls: A Morphological Analysis Of Egg Shape In The Context Of Displacement Dynamics, Ian R. Hays Jan 2018

How The Egg Rolls: A Morphological Analysis Of Egg Shape In The Context Of Displacement Dynamics, Ian R. Hays

Theses and Dissertations

Very little is known about how morphology effects the motion, stability and the resulting viability of avian eggs. The limited research that exists focuses on the pyriform or ‘pointed’ egg shapes found in the Alcidea family. This unusual shell form is thought to suppress displacement and prevents egg loss on the cliffside nesting habitat of the Uria genera. Unfortunately, these studies never isolated or quantify the specific morphological features (elongation, asymmetry and conicality) of these pyriform eggs, which limits their applicability to other taxa and hampers a robust proof of concept. We isolated each feature as a variable, produced models …

Grieving Behaviors During Parental Bereavement In Western Societies, Victor A. Luna Jan 2018

Grieving Behaviors During Parental Bereavement In Western Societies, Victor A. Luna

Theses and Dissertations

This paper will examine the grieving behaviors of parents who have lost a child. More specifically, it will discuss how grieving behaviors that are deemed appropriate depend on one’s gender, and how societal norms discourage behaviors that are deemed inappropriate. The focus will be on industrialized Western societies.

From Invisibility To Liminality: The Imposition Of Identity Among Non-Federally Recognized Tribes Within The Federal Acknowledgment Process, Christopher M. Drake Jan 2018

From Invisibility To Liminality: The Imposition Of Identity Among Non-Federally Recognized Tribes Within The Federal Acknowledgment Process, Christopher M. Drake

Theses and Dissertations

This thesis discusses the imposition of a “liminal” identity among non-federally recognized American Indian tribes pursuing federal recognition through the Federal Acknowledgment Process. By requiring a tribe to simultaneously appear as both intelligible/similar to and distinctive/different from American society, the “liminal” identity fails to be maintained, barring a tribe’s recognition.

For Better, For Worse: The Effect Of Maternity Leave Policy On Divorce Rates, Toni S. Forde Jan 2018

For Better, For Worse: The Effect Of Maternity Leave Policy On Divorce Rates, Toni S. Forde

Theses and Dissertations

Prior to 1993, maternity leave legislation in the United States varied from state to state. The implementation of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) thus created a “natural experiment” via which we can study the effect of the law on divorce across states.

The Impact Of The 2008 Economic Recession On The Food Security Level Of Veterans Relative To Non-Veterans, Galo Casals Jan 2018

The Impact Of The 2008 Economic Recession On The Food Security Level Of Veterans Relative To Non-Veterans, Galo Casals

Theses and Dissertations

Using nationally representative data, this paper aims to determine the impact of the 2008 financial crisis on the food security level of veterans relative to non-veterans. An ordinal logistic model reveals that the aforesaid recession did not have a significant impact on the food security level of veterans vis-à-vis non-veterans.

Singing And Stress, Joseline Lopez Jan 2018

Singing And Stress, Joseline Lopez

Theses and Dissertations

College students use various methods to cope with stress. The effects of singing on stress, have been scarcely examined in students with little to no singing experience while in their natural environments. College students' stress levels were examined before and after singing. A significant decrease in stress levels was found.

Slave To The Rhythm: Variation In The Acoustic Signaling Of Picoides Woodpeckers, Alex Baer Jan 2018

Slave To The Rhythm: Variation In The Acoustic Signaling Of Picoides Woodpeckers, Alex Baer

Theses and Dissertations

We explored rhythmic variation in acoustic signals by geography across four species of Picoides woodpeckers. We hypothesized that there would be an effect of geographic location on the cadence of drums and rattle-type calls. No significant effect was observed. However, drum cadence was observed to significantly impact conspecific recognition in playbacks.