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Social and Behavioral Sciences Commons

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Full-Text Articles in Social and Behavioral Sciences

The Job Of Human Capital: What Occupational Data Reveal About Skill Sets, Economic Growth And Regional Competitiveness, Lillian Frances Stewart Nov 2015

The Job Of Human Capital: What Occupational Data Reveal About Skill Sets, Economic Growth And Regional Competitiveness, Lillian Frances Stewart

ETD Archive

A region's workforce has been described as its greatest asset. Guided by human capital theory and new growth theory, regions have pursued economic development policies to increase the number of college-educated workers and expand the pool of STEM -- science, technology, engineering, and math -- talent. Academic literature and policy interventions have focused on a region's human capital in terms of educational attainment instead of a more fine-grained definition of human capital based on skills and competencies. This dissertation integrates economic and business theory and combines three federal databases to explore regional human capital assets. Findings suggest that policymakers may …

Using A New Evidence-Based Health Workforce Innovation Research Framework To Compare Innovations In Community Health Center And Other Ambulatory Care Settings, Leah E. Masselink, Patricia Pittman, Claire Houterman Nov 2015

Using A New Evidence-Based Health Workforce Innovation Research Framework To Compare Innovations In Community Health Center And Other Ambulatory Care Settings, Leah E. Masselink, Patricia Pittman, Claire Houterman

Health Workforce Research Center Publications

In the United States, changing demographics, rising costs, and the impact of new regulations and payment models arising from the Affordable Care Act have placed unprecedented pressures on healthcare providers to increase access to care, improve quality and to control costs. To meet these challenges, some providers are forming accountable care organizations (ACOs) while others are pursuing medical homes or other novel payment and care delivery models designed to help meet these challenges. Within established organizations such as federally funded community health centers (CHCs), healthcare leaders are exercising significant latitude in developing innovative solutions for meeting their patients’ needs more …

Grand Valley Forum, Volume 040, Number 14, November 30, 2015, Grand Valley State University Nov 2015

Grand Valley Forum, Volume 040, Number 14, November 30, 2015, Grand Valley State University

2015-2016, Volume 40

Grand Valley Forum is Grand Valley State's faculty and staff newsletter, published from 1976 to the present.

2015 香港快樂指數調查 Hong Kong Happiness Index Survey 2015, Lok Sang Ho Nov 2015

2015 香港快樂指數調查 Hong Kong Happiness Index Survey 2015, Lok Sang Ho

Hong Kong Happiness Index 香港快樂指數調查




According to the results of the Hong Kong Happiness Index Survey conducted by Lingnan University’s Centre for Public Policy Studies, the Happiness Index for Hong Kong people in 2015 stands at 70.0 (on a scale of 0 to 100), which is slightly lower than last year’s 70.5. Surprisingly, the Happiness Index of people aged below 30 rose from 67.8 to 69.3.

Respondents’ degree of satisfaction with the media rose slightly to 4.89 from last year’s 4.76, albeit still at a low level. Satisfaction with Hong Kong’s public policy is 4.37 (on …

The Physiological Effects And Projected Outcomes Of Urbanization And Pollution On Reptiles, Dale Rodney Lockman Nov 2015

The Physiological Effects And Projected Outcomes Of Urbanization And Pollution On Reptiles, Dale Rodney Lockman

University Honors Program

Research regarding urbanization and its relationship with population fluctuations and physiological responses in animals has been assessed through a multitude of studies involving stress hormone changes, white blood cell counts and other physical and behavioral changes. The scope of this paper emphasizes the explanation of urbanization, the physiological and anatomical impact it has made on reptiles, and the projected outcomes urbanization will have in the future. Some questions are brought up in this paper to serve as a basic overview of what will be learned about urbanization and pollution. In order to provide background information, my research has been conducted …

Disability Prevention Programs For Older People: Factors Associated With Medical And Nursing Care Costs, Takaaki Ikeda, Susumu Yanagawa, Kenichi Murakami, Toshiyuki Inoue, Takamasa Tsurumi Nov 2015

Disability Prevention Programs For Older People: Factors Associated With Medical And Nursing Care Costs, Takaaki Ikeda, Susumu Yanagawa, Kenichi Murakami, Toshiyuki Inoue, Takamasa Tsurumi


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengklarifikasi faktor-faktor yang terkait dengan biaya medis dan perawatan lanjut usia (lansia) yang tinggal di panti sosial serta menyarankan program pencegahan disabilitas yang efektif. Total partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah 83 orang (29 laki-laki dan 54 perempuan; usia rata-rata 81,2 ± 6,3 tahun) pada 1 November – 28 Desember 2014. Penelitian ini membandingkan biaya medis dan perawatan rata-rata per bulan dengan rata-rata nasional bagi yang berusia ≥ 65 tahun. Uji regresi logistik dilakukan untuk memeriksa keterkaitannya dengan biaya medis dan perawatan. Mereka yang pergi ke luar rumah ≥ 3 kali seminggu tiga kali lebih kecil kemungkinannya …

Riwayat Berat Badan Lahir Dengan Kejadian Stunting Pada Anak Usia Bawah Dua Tahun, Atikah Rahayu, Fahrini Yulidasari, Andini Octaviana Putri, Fauzie Rahman Nov 2015

Riwayat Berat Badan Lahir Dengan Kejadian Stunting Pada Anak Usia Bawah Dua Tahun, Atikah Rahayu, Fahrini Yulidasari, Andini Octaviana Putri, Fauzie Rahman


Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara masih dihadapkan dengan permasalahan gizi pada anak bawah dua tahun (baduta). Salah satu masalah gizi hingga saat ini adalah stunting. Anak dengan riwayat berat badan lahir rendah (BBLR) merupakan salah satu faktor yang potensial memengaruhi pertumbuhan anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji risiko riwayat berat badan lahir dengan kejadian stunting pada anak baduta. Desain penelitian adalah potong lintang. Populasi penelitian ini merupakan ibu-ibu yang memiliki anak baduta dan besar sampel sejumlah 117 terdiri dari anak baduta. Pelaksanaan penelitian dilakukan selama tiga bulan pada bulan September – November 2014. Kategori BBLR jika riwayat berat badan lahir < 2.500 gram. Analisis data bivariat menggunakan uji kai kuadrat dan data multivariat menggunakan uji regresi logistik. Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara riwayat status BBLR (nilai p = 0,015) dengan stunting pada anak baduta. Berdasarkan hasil analisis multivariat, diperoleh bahwa BBLR merupakan faktor risiko yang paling dominan berhubungan dengan kejadian stunting. Anak dengan BBLR memiliki risiko 5,87 kali untuk mengalami stunting. Riwayat BBLR memiliki peranan penting dalam kejadian stunting anak baduta di wilayah Puskesmas Sungai Karias, Hulu Sungai Utara. North Hulu Sungai District is still facing nutrition problems among children under two years old. One of nutrition problems up to now is stunting. Child with low birthweight (LBW) record is one of potential factors influencing the growth of a child. This study aimed to assess any risk of LBW records with stunting incidence among children under two years old. This study used cross-sectional design. The population was mothers having children under two years old and samples amounted to 117 consisted of children under two years old. This study was conducted within three months on September – November 2014. Category of LBW was if birth weight records < 2,500 gram. Bivariate data analysis used chi-square test and multivariate data analysis used logistic regression test. The result of bivariate analysis showed a significant relation between LBW status records (p value = 0.015) with stunting incidence among children under two years old. Based on the result of multivariate analysis, LBW was the most dominating risk factor related to stunting incidence. Children with LBW had 5.87 times risk of suffering from stunting. LBW records take an important role in stunting incidence among children under two years old around Sungai Karias Primary Health Care area in North Hulu Sungai.

Penemuan Kasus Infeksi Kusta Subklinis Pada Anak Melalui Deteksi Kadar Antibodi (Igm) Anti Pgl-1, Arif Sujagat, Fardhiasih Dwi Astuti, Eva Muslimawati Saputri, Annisa Sani, Agil Dwi Prasetya Nov 2015

Penemuan Kasus Infeksi Kusta Subklinis Pada Anak Melalui Deteksi Kadar Antibodi (Igm) Anti Pgl-1, Arif Sujagat, Fardhiasih Dwi Astuti, Eva Muslimawati Saputri, Annisa Sani, Agil Dwi Prasetya


]Kusta merupakan penyakit menular kronis yang disebabkan Mycobacterium leprae. Indonesia menempati peringkat ketiga penyumbang kasus kusta terbanyak di dunia pada tahun 2012 – 2014. Kota Surabaya merupakan daerah endemis kusta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk deteksi dini kusta subklinis berdasarkan pengukuran kadar antibodi (IgM) anti PGL-1 dan mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kusta subklinis pada anak di Kota Surabaya. Penelitian analitik menggunakan desain potong lintang pada bulan April - Mei 2015. Populasi dilakukan penelitian adalah keluarga yang memiliki anggota penderita kusta. Sampel dipilih dengan teknik simple random sampling dan sebanyak 30 kepala keluarga terpilih melalui rapid school and village survey pada …

Pre-Eklampsia Berat Dan Kematian Ibu, Nova Muhani, Besral Besral Nov 2015

Pre-Eklampsia Berat Dan Kematian Ibu, Nova Muhani, Besral Besral


Pre-eklampsia berat, salah satu penyebab utama kematian ibu di Indonesia dan di RSUD Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek Lampung, merupakan penyebab kematian ibu nomor satu (47,25%). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan prediktor pre-eklampsi berat (PEB) yang dinilai dari tekanan darah sistolik, tekanan darah diastolik, proteiunuria, eklampsia, sindrom hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelets count (HELLP) dengan kematian ibu di RSUD Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kasus kontrol dengan jumlah sampel 60 kasus dan 120 kontrol. Data diolah dari rekam medis rumah sakit selama periode lima tahun (2010 – 2014). Hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa sindrom HELLP memiliki …

Peran Tenaga Kesehatan Dan Keluarga Dalam Kehamilan Usia Remaja, Mery Ramadani, Dien Gusta Anggraini Nursal, Livia Ramli Nov 2015

Peran Tenaga Kesehatan Dan Keluarga Dalam Kehamilan Usia Remaja, Mery Ramadani, Dien Gusta Anggraini Nursal, Livia Ramli


Sebanyak 10,3% kematian tidak langsung pada ibu disebabkan kehamilan usia remaja (< 20 tahun). Di Kabupaten Tanah Datar, masih terjadi peningkatan kehamilan usia remaja dalam tiga tahun terakhir. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran tenaga kesehatan, dukungan keluarga, dan pengetahuan remaja dengan kehamilan usia remaja di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Singgalang, Kabupaten Tanah Datar tahun 2014. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei – Juni 2014 menggunakan desain potong lintang. Populasi adalah seluruh remaja putri berusia < 20 tahun yang telah menikah berjumlah 215 orang. Sampel berjumlah 68 orang dan pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara proporsional di delapan jorong/desa. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara menggunakan kuesioner. Kemudian, analisis bivariat dilakukan dengan uji kai kuadrat dan analisis multivariat dengan uji regresi logistik ganda. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan sebanyak 55,9% responden hamil di usia remaja. Sebanyak 52,9% responden kurang merasakan peran dari tenaga kesehatan, 66,2% kurang mendapat dukungan keluarga, dan 58,8% memiliki pengetahuan rendah. Didapatkan hubungan peran tenaga kesehatan (nilai p = 0,032), dukungan keluarga (nilai p = 0,025), dan tingkat pengetahuan (nilai p = 0,002) dengan kehamilan usia remaja. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa tenaga kesehatan, keluarga dan tingkat pengetahuan berperan dalam kehamilan remaja. Tenaga kesehatan perlu memberikan penyuluhan mengenai risiko kehamilan remaja kepada remaja serta keluarga. Worth 10.3% of indirect maternal death is due to teenage pregnancy (< 20 years old). In Tanah Datar District, the increase of teenage pregnancy has occured in the last three years. This study aimed to determine health worker's role, family's support and teenagers' knowledge with teenage pregnancy in work area of Singgalang Primary Health Care, Tanah Datar District in 2014. This study was conducted on May – June 2014 using cross-sectional design. Population was 215 married teenage girls < 20 years old. A total of sample was 68 selected proportionally in eight villages. Data were collected through interview using questionnaire. Then bivariate analysis was conducted using chi-square test and multivariate analysis using multiple logistic regression test. Results of study found 55.9% of respondents were pregnant in teen age. Respondents worth 52.9% got less health worker’s role, 66.2% got less family’s support and 58.8% had low level of knowledge. There was a relation found between health worker’s role (p value = 0.032), family’s support (p value = 0.025) and knowledge level (p value = 0.002) with teenage pregnancy. In conclusion, health workers, family and knowledge level play a role in teenage pregnancy. Health workers need to provide counseling concerning teenage pregnancy risks for both teenagers and families.

Communiqué, November 30, 2015, Lindenwood University Nov 2015

Communiqué, November 30, 2015, Lindenwood University


The Communiqué was the faculty/staff newsletter for Lindenwood University/College from 1982 to 2016.

Columbia Chronicle (11/30/2015) Nov 2015

Columbia Chronicle (11/30/2015)

Columbia Chronicle

Student newspaper from November 30, 2015 entitled The Columbia Chronicle. This issue is 40 pages and is listed as Volume 51, Issue 13. Cover story: "Stand Together" Editor-in-Chief: Kyra Senese

Reflections On The Way We Were Raised: Socialization Within A Same-Sex Family, Allison Jendry Nov 2015

Reflections On The Way We Were Raised: Socialization Within A Same-Sex Family, Allison Jendry

Master's Theses and Doctoral Dissertations

Previous research on same-sex couples with children acknowledges that their parenting issues are similar to and yet different from their heterosexual counterparts. The literature does not examine, in an in-depth fashion, the challenges that same-sex parents face and how such challenges affect the lives of their families and relationships. This research examines the extent that same-sex parents reflect "traditional" family norms and behaviors, and how they socialize their children within the debate surrounding same-sex relationships. The author conducted and analyzed in-depth qualitative interviews from seven same-sex couples with children under the age of eighteen in the Southeastern Michigan area. It …

Sexual Minority Stigma And System Justification Theory: How Changing The Status Quo Impacts Marriage And Housing Equality, Jordan A. Blenner Nov 2015

Sexual Minority Stigma And System Justification Theory: How Changing The Status Quo Impacts Marriage And Housing Equality, Jordan A. Blenner

Department of Psychology: Dissertations, Theses, and Student Research

Sexual minorities (i.e. lesbians and gay men) experience systemic discrimination throughout the United States. Prior to the Supreme Court ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges (2015), in many states, same-sex couples could not marry and sexual minorities were not protected from sexual orientation housing discrimination (Human Rights Campaign, 2015). The current, two-experiment study applied Jost and Banaji’s (1994) System Justification Theory to marriage and housing discrimination. When sexual minorities question dissimilar treatment, thereby threatening the status quo, members of the heterosexual majority rationalize sexual minority discrimination to maintain their dominant status (Alexander, 2001; Brescoll, Uhlmann, & Newman, 2013; Citizens for Equal …

A Service Of Lessons And Carols To Be Held At Ouachita On Dec. 8, Kelsey Bond, Ouachita News Bureau Nov 2015

A Service Of Lessons And Carols To Be Held At Ouachita On Dec. 8, Kelsey Bond, Ouachita News Bureau

Press Releases

Ouachita Baptist University’s School of Fine Arts will present its 19th annual A Service of Lessons and Carols on Tuesday, Dec. 8, at 7:30 p.m. in Mabee Fine Arts Center’s McBeth Recital Hall. The service is free and open to the public.

The service is an interpretation of a tradition made popular by the Chapel at King’s College in Cambridge, England, where a service of scripture readings and communal music helps to focus the participants on the advent of Christ.

Obu Professor Terry Dewitt Presents At American Academy Of Pediatrics Annual Meeting, Anna Hurst, Ouachita News Bureau Nov 2015

Obu Professor Terry Dewitt Presents At American Academy Of Pediatrics Annual Meeting, Anna Hurst, Ouachita News Bureau

Press Releases

Ouachita Baptist University professor Dr. Terry DeWitt presented research at the recent American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference and Exhibition (AAP Experience) in Washington, D.C. DeWitt presented his poster, “Four Week Lumbo-Pelvic Hip Complex Intervention Program and Its Effects on Tuck Jump Assessment in Active Youth,” as a part of the Council on Sports Medicine & Fitness for the AAP.

Neighbors Building Community - A Community Empowerment Initiative Through Community Mapping, Mark J. Salling Nov 2015

Neighbors Building Community - A Community Empowerment Initiative Through Community Mapping, Mark J. Salling

All Maxine Goodman Levin School of Urban Affairs Publications

Cleveland State University’s Office of Civic Engagement, through an Engaged Learning Enhancement Grant, funded a pilot demonstration project to evaluate the use of community mapping for assisting with community assessments of neighborhood issues in a west side neighborhood of Cleveland. The project used neighborhood residents to collect and map data on a variety of neighborhood issues, specifically dilapidated buildings, potentially dangerous dogs, pot holes, broken sidewalks, offensive graffiti, trash in vacant lots, dead trees, and more.

The pilot project educated the participants about neighborhood issues, while providing the community with documentation on issues that can be presented to council representatives …

A Study On Evaluation Of Libraries Of Engineering Colleges Affiliated To Jntu - Anantapur As Per Aicte Norms, Srinivasa Raju Chemarthi, V Pulla Reddy Nov 2015

A Study On Evaluation Of Libraries Of Engineering Colleges Affiliated To Jntu - Anantapur As Per Aicte Norms, Srinivasa Raju Chemarthi, V Pulla Reddy

Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal)

Analysis of data collected from the librarians of 37 selected engineering colleges by simple random method out of 119 colleges affiliated to JNTU- Anantapur using a questionnaire reveals that majority of the engineering college libraries are fulfilling AICTE norms with regard to number of titles (75.68%) and volumes of books (83.78%) Majority of them are fulfilling AICTE norms with regard to subscription of national journals (56.75%) and international journals (75.68%), and are not fulfilling with regard to subscription of e-journals (97.30%). Majority of the libraries (91.90%) are fulfilling the norm with regard to number of computer systems. Majority of them …

The Social Relations Of Consumption: Corporate Law And The Meaning Of Consumer Culture, David G. Yosifon Nov 2015

The Social Relations Of Consumption: Corporate Law And The Meaning Of Consumer Culture, David G. Yosifon

BYU Law Review

A mature assessment of the society we are making for ourselves, and the legacy we are leaving to the future, must come to terms with consumer culture. Theoretical discourse, as well as common experience, betray persistent ambiguity about what consumerism means to and says about us. In this Article, I argue that this ambiguity can in part be explained by examining the social relations of consumption in contemporary society. These involve, crucially, the relationship between producer and consumer that is dictated by corporate governance law, and embodied in the decision-making dynamics of the directors who command corporate operations. The enigmatic …

Pesticide Exposure, Behavior Of Farmer, And Activity Of Cholinesterase Enzyme In Blood Of Fertile Women Farmers, Deni Abdul Rahman, Zakianis Zakianis, Laila Fitria Nov 2015

Pesticide Exposure, Behavior Of Farmer, And Activity Of Cholinesterase Enzyme In Blood Of Fertile Women Farmers, Deni Abdul Rahman, Zakianis Zakianis, Laila Fitria


Petani perempuan usia subur berisiko mengalami penurunan aktivitas kolinesterase akibat pajanan pestisida. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara pajanan pestisida dan perilaku pemajan terhadap aktivitas kolinesterase petani perempuan usia subur di Desa Kedunguter. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang pada 94 petani perempuan usia subur tahun 2015. Pengumpulan data dilakukan secara observasi, wawancara, dan uji kolinesterase. Analisis data menggunakan uji kai kuadrat dan hasil analisis menunjukkan hubungan signifikan antara jenis pestisida, waktu kerja, penggunaan sarung tangan, perilaku mencuci tangan terhadap aktivitas kolinesterase petani perempuan usia subur. Hasil analisis pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa variabel waktu kerja memiliki nilai odds …

Pengaruh Musik Keroncong Selama Pelaksanaan Kangaroo Mother Care Terhadap Respons Fisiologis Dan Lama Rawat Bayi Dengan Berat Badan Lahir Rendah, Anita Rahmawati, Endah Marianingsih Theresia, Yuliasti Eka Purnamaningrum Nov 2015

Pengaruh Musik Keroncong Selama Pelaksanaan Kangaroo Mother Care Terhadap Respons Fisiologis Dan Lama Rawat Bayi Dengan Berat Badan Lahir Rendah, Anita Rahmawati, Endah Marianingsih Theresia, Yuliasti Eka Purnamaningrum


Kangaroo mother care (KMC) merupakan metode merawat bayi berat badan lahir rendah (BBLR). Beberapa intervensi perawatan di neonatal intensive care unit seperti pijat bayi, KMC, dan mendengarkan musik bermanfaat untuk pertumbuhan bayi berupa respons fisiologis BBLR dan mengurangi lama rawat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui manfaat musik keroncong terhadap respons BBLR selama KMC dan lama rawat. Rancangan penelitian adalah quasi eksperimental dengan pretest dan posttest dengan desain grup kontrol. Pada Juli - September 2014 populasi penelitian adalah ibu dan bayi BBLR yang melaksanakan KMC. Pengambilan sampel dengan purposive sampling sebanyak 60 bayi. Kriteria inklusi bayi BBLR yang ditetapkan adalah berat …

Native American Methamphetamine And Suicide Prevention Program Evaluation (Year-5): Omaha, Nebraska, Final Report, R. K. Piper Nov 2015

Native American Methamphetamine And Suicide Prevention Program Evaluation (Year-5): Omaha, Nebraska, Final Report, R. K. Piper

Past Publications

This final report documents the major findings of the evaluation of the Methamphetamine and Suicide Prevention Initiative (MSPI Year-6), also referred to locally as the Soaring Over Methamphetamine and Suicide Program (SOMS), funded by the Indian Health Service (IHS), Division of Behavioral Health. The University of Nebraska at Omaha, Consortium for Organizational Research and Evaluation (CORE) contracted with the Nebraska Urban Indian Health Coalition (NUIHC) to provide technical assistance in completing this evaluation and the report.

The evaluation study consists of information collected and analyzed from three sources: 1) a review and summary of program-implementation, process and outcome data that …

The Use Of Earthworms And Household Organic Waste Composting Length Of Time, Abdul Khair, Lucky Herawati, Noraida Noraida, Munawar Raharja Nov 2015

The Use Of Earthworms And Household Organic Waste Composting Length Of Time, Abdul Khair, Lucky Herawati, Noraida Noraida, Munawar Raharja


Pengomposan dengan cacing tanah merupakan proses pembuatan kompos dengan melibatkan organisme makro cacing tanah. Kerja sama antara cacing tanah dengan mikroorganisme dapat memberi dampak pada proses penguraian yang dilakukan oleh mikroorganisme tersebut dibantu dengan keberadaan cacing tanah. Oleh karena bahan-bahan yang akan diurai oleh mikroorganisme telah diurai lebih dahulu oleh cacing, maka kerja mikroorganisme lebih efektif dan lebih cepat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan cacing tanah terhadap lama waktu pengomposan sampah organik dari rumah tangga dengan menggunakan desain penelitian eksperimen. Objek penelitian adalah seluruh sampah organik dari rumah tangga yang diambil secara acak pada satu rumah tangga. Variabel …

Venezuela’S Electoral System Is Being Unfairly Maligned, Lauren Carasik Nov 2015

Venezuela’S Electoral System Is Being Unfairly Maligned, Lauren Carasik

Media Presence

No abstract provided.

Hands Up At Home: Militarized Masculinity And Police Officers Who Commit Intimate Partner Abuse, Leigh Goodmark Nov 2015

Hands Up At Home: Militarized Masculinity And Police Officers Who Commit Intimate Partner Abuse, Leigh Goodmark

BYU Law Review

The deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner and the almost daily news stories about abusive and violent police conduct are currently prompting questions about the appropriate use of force by police officers. Moreover, the history of police brutality directed towards women is well-documented. Most of that literature, however, captures the violence that police do in their public capacity as officers of the state. This Article examines the violence and abuse perpetrated by police in their private lives, against their intimate partners. Although the public and private overlap, the power and training provided to police officers by the state makes …

The State Of The States: The Continuing Struggle To Criminalize Revenge Porn, Justin Pitcher Nov 2015

The State Of The States: The Continuing Struggle To Criminalize Revenge Porn, Justin Pitcher

BYU Law Review

No abstract provided.

The Mechanisms Of Moral Disengagement In George W. Bush’S “War On Terror” Rhetoric, Stefan Cartledge, Lorraine Bowman-Grieve, Marek Palasinski Nov 2015

The Mechanisms Of Moral Disengagement In George W. Bush’S “War On Terror” Rhetoric, Stefan Cartledge, Lorraine Bowman-Grieve, Marek Palasinski

The Qualitative Report

Despite considerable literature on the Bush administration’s war on terrorism rhetoric, little attention has been paid to its discourse of moral disengagement, leaving an important and still relevant gap that this paper aims to address. Rather than approaching this gap in terms of an archival historical analysis that is disconnected from the present, it proposes an exploratory revisit of the rhetoric that the benefits of hindsight might enrich and, we argue, aid in understanding connections to the current post-invasion turmoil and the gradual ISIS takeover. Having subjected nineteen presidential speeches to qualitative content analysis, we identified a number of moral …

Public Perceptions Of The Stigmatization Of Wrongly Convicted Individuals: Findings From Semi-Structured Interviews, Isabella M. Blandisi, Kimberley A. Clow, Rosemary Ricciardelli Nov 2015

Public Perceptions Of The Stigmatization Of Wrongly Convicted Individuals: Findings From Semi-Structured Interviews, Isabella M. Blandisi, Kimberley A. Clow, Rosemary Ricciardelli

The Qualitative Report

Many exonerees report stigmatizing experiences and difficulties securing gainful employment post-incarceration. Although researchers have begun to investigate public perceptions of wrongful conviction, there remains a dearth of knowledge about public perceptions of exonerees. To provide insight into how the public perceives exonerees, face-to-face interviews were conducted with members (n=30) of a suburban city in South Central Ontario. Data analysis included a constructed grounded approach to reveal emergent themes in the transcripts. All interviewees acknowledged that wrongly convicted individuals are stigmatized by the public and that this can have negative effects in many of their lived experiences. In addition, findings of …

Starting Where You Are: How Race Can Constrain Researchers Within The Research Setting, Kamesha Spates, Wangari Gichiru Nov 2015

Starting Where You Are: How Race Can Constrain Researchers Within The Research Setting, Kamesha Spates, Wangari Gichiru

The Qualitative Report

What challenges can race and gender present for researchers of color? As Black women, we draw on personal reflections to look back at our graduate training and its influence on how we conducted ourselves in the field as graduate students and now as researchers in the academy. We particularly consider how mainstream pedagogical approaches to teaching qualitative methods might work to marginalize researchers of color throughout the qualitative research process. We lay out these complexities, not necessarily to offer solutions but rather to allow others in similar situations to think about their own journey as we collectively move qualitative research …

The Impact Of Judicial Reform On Crime Victimization And Trust In Institutions In Mexico, Luisa Blanco Nov 2015

The Impact Of Judicial Reform On Crime Victimization And Trust In Institutions In Mexico, Luisa Blanco

Luisa Blanco

This article studies the impact of judicial reform in Mexico. It does so using a survey about crime victimization and perceptions of insecurity (Encuesta Nacional Sobre la Inseguridad [ENSI]) between 2005, 2008, and 2009 in 11 Mexican cities, 3 of which implemented the reform in 2007 and 2008. This analysis shows that judicial reform not only reduces victimization but also lowers perceptions of security. Although we find that judicial reform has a negative effect on trust in the local and federal police, judicial reform reduces the probability of being asked by the transit police for a bribe.