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Social and Behavioral Sciences Commons

Open Access. Powered by Scholars. Published by Universities.®


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Articles 1201 - 1230 of 25774

Full-Text Articles in Social and Behavioral Sciences

Education For The Changing Public Sector: An Impact Study Of The Suny Buffalo State's Mpa In The Erie County Department Of Social Services' Employee Education Program, Caroline M. Alagna Dec 2017

Education For The Changing Public Sector: An Impact Study Of The Suny Buffalo State's Mpa In The Erie County Department Of Social Services' Employee Education Program, Caroline M. Alagna

Public Administration Master’s Projects

In 1982, the Erie County Department of Social Services (ECDSS) developed the Employee Education Program (EEP). The EEP is an educational sponsorship program that provides eligible employees with a tuition-free education at area higher education institutions for a number of various degrees. One such degree is the Public Administration in Public and Nonprofit Management, or MPA at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo State College. This 2017 evaluation concentrates on identifying the skills and knowledge that employees of ECDSS gained from their participation in the MPA component of the EEP and the impact that these new or …

The Ny Safe Act: County Clerks And County-State Relations, Christopher D. Kuwik Dec 2017

The Ny Safe Act: County Clerks And County-State Relations, Christopher D. Kuwik

Public Administration Master’s Projects

The NY SAFE Act is a controversial gun control law in New York State. Since its passage on January 15, 2013, it has been the source of a continuing controversy. The primary purpose of this study is to explore the reactions of New York State (elected) county clerks tasked with the law’s implementation. In this phenomenological study, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 11 county clerks across New York State. The researcher asked various questions about how the SAFE Act has affected their offices. The researcher used thematic analysis to organize themes, which reveal that a lack of or inadequate intergovernmental …

Preschoolers And Pandas Making Friends: A Journey About Healing From Brain Injury, Barbara Anne Doucette Dec 2017

Preschoolers And Pandas Making Friends: A Journey About Healing From Brain Injury, Barbara Anne Doucette

Museum Studies Projects

Preschoolers that have obtained Non-Accidental Injury (NAI) from familial child abuse are in need of having a unique place for neurorehabilitation in correlation with traditional therapies. My thesis project suggests adding an exhibit annex to an existing giant panda exhibit that will give preschoolers an opportunity to help develop new neuropathways when exposed to mediation and creative activities. Meditation and creative activities are being examined by neuroscientists as an aid in neuroplasticity after brain injury. This thesis reviews the neurotypical preschooler’s milestones and the playful means by which they are achieved. Conjoining the contemporary museums’ and zoological gardens’ outreach to …

Gichi-Ayaa Mashkawziiwin, Suzette E. Lacasse (Anishinaabe-Ojibwe) Dec 2017

Gichi-Ayaa Mashkawziiwin, Suzette E. Lacasse (Anishinaabe-Ojibwe)

Conspectus Borealis

No abstract provided.

E Vërteta Dhe Vërtetësia Në Portalet “On-Line” (Gazeta Express), Ajda Shukriu Dec 2017

E Vërteta Dhe Vërtetësia Në Portalet “On-Line” (Gazeta Express), Ajda Shukriu

Theses and Dissertations

Mediat on-line po luajnë një rol shumë të madhë në jetën tonë dhe janë bërë pjesë e përditshmërisë tonë. Këto media e plotësojnë nevojën e qytetarëve për tu informuar shpejt në çdo kohë e vend. Ky punim analizon cilësinë e portaleve “on-line”, nga të cilat informohet audienca në Kosovë. Duke u bazuar në disa analiza studimore, është kuptuar se portalet “on-line” për momentin janë mediumi më me ndikim në Kosovë. Kohëve të fundit numri i portaleve sa po shkon e po shtohet, dhe ngutshmëria për të qenë të parët shpesh po i qon që të kenë vetëm shpejtësi e jo …

Veçantitë Dhe Rëndësia E Të Folurit Për Radio, Gentiana Hoxhaj Dec 2017

Veçantitë Dhe Rëndësia E Të Folurit Për Radio, Gentiana Hoxhaj

Theses and Dissertations

Të folurit në radio është njëri ndër elementet më të rëndësishme për gazetarët dhe moderatorët, pavarësisht nga programet në të cilat janë të angazhuar. Studiuesit e ndryshëm e cilësojnë mënyrën se si flitet në radio si shenjë identifikuese të radios dhe në raste të veçanta e barazvlerësojnë përmbajtjen me mënyrën se si përcillet ajo te dëgjuesit. Mënyra se si flasin gazetarët dhe moderatorët në programet e radios, ndikon në krijimin e lidhjes së radios me audiencën/dëgjuesit e saj. Për të krijuar afërsi dhe komunikim me dëgjuesit, nevojitet të respektohen parimet kryesore, që përvetësohen nga gazetarët përmes ushtrimit të teknikave të …

Roli I Mesazhit Të Be-Së Në Qëndrimet E Njerëzve Ndaj Të Drejtave Të Grave: Rasti I Shqipërisëroli I Mesazhit Të Be-Së Në Qëndrimet E Njerëzve Ndaj Të Drejtave Të Grave: Rasti I Shqipërisë, Erblin Salihu Dec 2017

Roli I Mesazhit Të Be-Së Në Qëndrimet E Njerëzve Ndaj Të Drejtave Të Grave: Rasti I Shqipërisëroli I Mesazhit Të Be-Së Në Qëndrimet E Njerëzve Ndaj Të Drejtave Të Grave: Rasti I Shqipërisë, Erblin Salihu

Theses and Dissertations

Ky studim synon të hedhë dritë mbi aftësinë që ka mesazhi i Bashkimit Europian në ndryshimin e qëndrimit të njerëzve ndaj të drejtave të grave. Literatura mbizotëruese në këtë temë tregon se qytetarët në vendet e Bashkimit Europian njerëzit i kushtojnë pak vëmendje mesazhit të BE-së dhe se ata i krijojnë qëndrimet e tyre për çështjet politike që shqetësojnë vendet e tyre bazuar mbi qëndrimet e partive të tyre dhe qasjeve ideologjike përkatëse. Megjithatë ka fare pak kërkim në këtë fushë kur vjen fjala tek vendet që ende nuk janë antarësuar në BE por që e aspirojnë këtë antarësim. Ne …

Roli I Financave Publike Në Zgjedhjet Elektorale Në Periudhën E Pas Luftës Në Kosovë, Gresa Konjufca Dec 2017

Roli I Financave Publike Në Zgjedhjet Elektorale Në Periudhën E Pas Luftës Në Kosovë, Gresa Konjufca

Theses and Dissertations

Ky punim do të tentojë të identifikojë zgjedhjet të cilat janë mekanizëm i zakonshëm me të cilën demokracia moderne përfaqësuese vepron por e cila ka një kosto, kosto kjo që duhet të mbulohet nga financat shtetërore-publike. Këto janë mekanizmi me anë të cilit matet demokracia në një vend.

Për të parë se sa është një vend demokratik atëherë duhet të pare se sa është respektuar sistemi zgjedhor në atë shtet, sa kanë qenë demokratike zgjedhjet.

Ne në pika të shkurta do të mundohemi të flasim për gjeopolitikën elektorale të pasluftës në Kosovë. Ato janë mjet për mbushjen e një zyre …

Breaking Barriers To Bike Share: Insights From Bike Share Users, Nathan Mcneil, Jennifer Dill, John Macarthur, Joseph Broach Dec 2017

Breaking Barriers To Bike Share: Insights From Bike Share Users, Nathan Mcneil, Jennifer Dill, John Macarthur, Joseph Broach

TREC Final Reports

This report seeks to provide more information about lower-income people and people of color who engage in bike share, including why they choose to become members, how they use the system, and how they benefit. The report looks at current and past bike share members, along with those who were involved in some type of equity-based outreach program. The findings draw from a survey intended to reach lower-income and/or people of color known to have engaged in bike share, either through membership or participating in events such as organized rides, in the same three cities studied in the resident report …

Full Issue Dec 2017

Full Issue

The Foundation Review

No abstract provided.

Inside The Black Box: Investigating Philanthropic Foundation Strategies In A Dynamic Environment, Amanda Stewart Dec 2017

Inside The Black Box: Investigating Philanthropic Foundation Strategies In A Dynamic Environment, Amanda Stewart

The Foundation Review

Foundations have been described as black boxes — implying that we know very little about what happens between inputs and outputs. We do know that they operate in dynamic environments and must adopt strategies to be effective in the face of change. This article, which examines the strategies of 29 foundations operating in one southeastern state, provides fresh insights into how foundations fulfill their missions.

The article is based on a research study that used semistructured interviews to explore how foundations approached grantmaking. Interviewees discussed the multiple and simultaneous roles played by grantmakers in addition to their traditional check-writing function. …

Philanthropy: Evidence In Favor Of A Profession, Heather L. Carpenter Dec 2017

Philanthropy: Evidence In Favor Of A Profession, Heather L. Carpenter

The Foundation Review

Philanthropic employees have been cautious in implying that they are pursuing a career in philanthropy. Karl Stauber (2010) presented an argument in support of such caution: that philanthropy failed to meet all seven standards posited by Burton J. Bledstein, that when met, define a profession.

This article presents a literature review and findings from a survey of 500 members of the Council on Foundations that offer evidence for the counterargument that philanthropic work requires specialized education and training to master a set of core competencies.

While this article does not argue for or against the question, determining whether philanthropy as …

Book Review: Generation Impact: How Next Gen Donors Are Revolutionizing Giving, Elenore Garton Dec 2017

Book Review: Generation Impact: How Next Gen Donors Are Revolutionizing Giving, Elenore Garton

The Foundation Review

No abstract provided.

Creating Accountability With Interstate Cooperation: Unauthorized Water Use Enforcement On The Klamath River, Luke Fowler, Isaac Castellano Dec 2017

Creating Accountability With Interstate Cooperation: Unauthorized Water Use Enforcement On The Klamath River, Luke Fowler, Isaac Castellano

Public Policy and Administration Faculty Publications and Presentations

While lacking coercive power to compel enforcement, interstate compacts create accountability through multiple sources and layers connecting enforcement behavior to oversight. Using logistic regression, we test a model of accountability and enforcement of unauthorized water usage on the Klamath River. Findings indicate unauthorized water usage is far more likely to be reported and enforced on the Klamath River than on neighboring rivers in the same counties. Conclusions indicate the increased institutional layers of interstate compacts lead to more accountability and stringent enforcement and reporting of unauthorized water use.

Multinationals In Emerging Markets: A Test Case Of The Banking Industry In India, Havovi Joshi Dec 2017

Multinationals In Emerging Markets: A Test Case Of The Banking Industry In India, Havovi Joshi

Dissertations and Theses Collection

Multinational firms play a significant role in the world economy, accounting for over 30% of the world stock market value. In the past decade or two, these firms have demonstrated a renewed wave of interest in the Emerging Asian markets. This is not surprising, given the attractive demographics, growing middle class and leapfrogging technology of these markets. But the optimism of these western firms heading eastward often gets quickly subdued by the realisation that these emerging Asian markets are far more complex—or at the very least, different—than western ones. They are more volatile, there is frequently a lack of institutional …

The Relationship Between Nonverbal Communication And Patient Willingness To Comply In Framed, Low-Risk Medical Settings, Rachael A. Katz Dec 2017

The Relationship Between Nonverbal Communication And Patient Willingness To Comply In Framed, Low-Risk Medical Settings, Rachael A. Katz

Communication Studies

This study discusses framing and communication tactics in the medical field. It specifically aims to understand whether expertise and empathetic nonverbal communication impacts patient willingness to comply with physician directives in gain- and loss-framed medical settings. Framing has been studied in many settings, including medical situations, and has been found to impact decision-making. This experiment utilizes college-aged individuals to examine Meningitis, a disease where the most at-risk group is college aged young adults. Participants were exposed to one of six conditions to examine whether perceived expertise/empathy in their scenario impacted willingness to comply with the doctor directives. Although no mediation …

Teach Your Children White?, Katelyn Johnson Dec 2017

Teach Your Children White?, Katelyn Johnson

Senior Theses

Through exploration of early childhood literature - focused on those intended as read aloud and including illustrations – this thesis will investigate the impact and influence of cultural and racial diversity and representation in books on the development of a child’s identity as well as broader world view. The thesis will also research the histories of cultural diversity and representation in children’s literature. The research parameters for this project are focused on Marin County and will include: access to culturally diverse literature in public libraries throughout the county; library procurement policies and the impact on cultural diversity within the collection; …

Monterey County Behavioral Health - "Transition To Integrated Care", Jose Francisco Barajas Chavez Dec 2017

Monterey County Behavioral Health - "Transition To Integrated Care", Jose Francisco Barajas Chavez

Capstone Projects and Master's Theses

The rate of clients discharging from acute mental health services in Monterey County is low. According to Monterey County Behavioral Health Services Act (2017), “the demand for services has greatly increased with the ACCESS programs serving 90% more individuals in the past two years [2015-2016], and a 168% increase in the last 5 years [2011-2016].” The increase in demand for services has impacted staff psychiatrist and social workers in providing quality treatment services.

The Monterey County Behavioral Health Bureau (MCBH), a division of Monterey County Health Department, has identified clients who’ve shown improvement in their mental health recovery and are …

The Visiting Nurses Association And Hospice Connection Program Binder Update: A Need For Current Community Resources, Melina Correa Dec 2017

The Visiting Nurses Association And Hospice Connection Program Binder Update: A Need For Current Community Resources, Melina Correa

Capstone Projects and Master's Theses

Residents in Monterey and San Benito county need up-to-date information on resources and services in their communities to enhance their quality of life. In partnership with the Central Coast Visiting Nurses Association and Hospice, the Connection Program has helped to implement an update of their 2014 Connection Program Resource Binder to address this need. The 2017 Connection Program Resource Binder is a research and needs-based project that will supply staff members with information and applications necessary to help their patients and, in turn, for the community to become more aware of what resources are available to them. The project was …

San Benito County Parents Learning About Drugs And Alcohol In Spanish, Nancy Zermeno Dec 2017

San Benito County Parents Learning About Drugs And Alcohol In Spanish, Nancy Zermeno

Capstone Projects and Master's Theses

Hispanic or Latino non-speaking English Parents are not familiarized with the different types of drugs in the community. Various studies have indicated that San Benito County teenager that suffer from drug and alcohol are at-risk of being truant, dropping school, or becoming criminals. This project aimed to address a Drug prevention intervention class in Spanish to target the population of non-speaking English parents. The majority of non-speaking English parents are not familiarized with the culture or laws in the United States. The project was implemented by the Juvenile Division of San Benito County Probation Department in collaboration with Youth Alliance. …

Addressing Social Issues Affecting Vulnerable Populations In San Benito County Through Community Events, Lucila Alvarez Dec 2017

Addressing Social Issues Affecting Vulnerable Populations In San Benito County Through Community Events, Lucila Alvarez

Capstone Projects and Master's Theses

In San Benito County there is a high concentration of Triqui community members. They originate from the state of Oaxaca in Mexico and flee their homeland due to political prosecution and violence. Many times, Triqui community members arrive in the United States speaking and understanding only their native Triqui language. Their customs and traditions clash with those of the United States and due to fear they isolate themselves and do not seek any community services. Community Solutions addressed these issues by organizing the first ever Indigenous Cultures Day in Hollister, CA on May 21, 2017. The event consisted of a …

The Smuggler Journals: Transgressing And Policing The Border In The Rio Grande Valley, Lupe Alberto Flores Dec 2017

The Smuggler Journals: Transgressing And Policing The Border In The Rio Grande Valley, Lupe Alberto Flores

Theses and Dissertations

This thesis summarizes recent human smuggling scholarship and provides ethnographic insights into migrant smuggling in a border zone that is my home. Through exploring my own experiences and observations of smuggling and militarized border policing, and those of other interlocutors in the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas, I advance nuanced understandings of the symbiotic processes of irregular migration and of the people who brokerage a great deal of these journeys across militarized borders. I analyze fieldnotes that highlight the quotidian realms in which gender and power play out when irregular migration takes place and argue that acts of border …

Testing The Effectiveness Of Two Natural Selection Simulations In The Context Of A Large‑Enrollment Undergraduate Laboratory Class, Denise S. Pope, Caleb M. Rounds, Jody Clarke-Midura Dec 2017

Testing The Effectiveness Of Two Natural Selection Simulations In The Context Of A Large‑Enrollment Undergraduate Laboratory Class, Denise S. Pope, Caleb M. Rounds, Jody Clarke-Midura

Instructional Technology and Learning Sciences Faculty Publications

Background: Simulations can be an active and engaging way for students to learn about natural selection, and many have been developed, including both physical and virtual simulations. In this study we assessed the student experience of, and learning from, two natural selection simulations, one physical and one virtual, in a large enrollment introductory biology lab course. We assigned students to treatments (the physical or virtual simulation activity) by section and assessed their understanding of natural selection using a multiple-choice pre-/post-test and short-answer responses on a post-lab assignment. We assessed student experience of the activities through structured observations and an affective …

A Bayesian Network Meta-Analysis To Synthesize The Influence Of Contexts Of Scaffolding Use On Cognitive Outcomes In Stem Education, Brian Robert Belland, Andrew Walker, Nam Ju Kim Dec 2017

A Bayesian Network Meta-Analysis To Synthesize The Influence Of Contexts Of Scaffolding Use On Cognitive Outcomes In Stem Education, Brian Robert Belland, Andrew Walker, Nam Ju Kim

Instructional Technology and Learning Sciences Faculty Publications

Computer-based scaffolding provides temporary support that enables students to participate in and become more proficient at complex skills like problem solving, argumentation, and evaluation. While meta-analyses have addressed between-subject differences on cognitive outcomes resulting from scaffolding, none has addressed within-subject gains. This leaves much quantitative scaffolding literature not covered by existing meta-analyses. To address this gap, this study used Bayesian network meta-analysis to synthesize within-subjects (pre–post) differences resulting from scaffolding in 56 studies. We generated the posterior distribution using 20,000 Markov Chain Monte Carlo samples. Scaffolding has a consistently strong effect across student populations, STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) …

Foundations Of Translational Ecology, Carolyn Af Enquist, Stephen T. Jackson, Gregg M. Garfin, Frank W. Davis, Leah R. Gerber, Jeremy A. Littell, Jennifer L. Tank, Adam J. Terando, Tamara U. Wall, Benjamin Halpern, J. Kevin Hiers, Toni Kyn Morelli, Elizabeth Mcnie, Nathan L. Stephenson, Matthew A. Williamson, Connie A. Woodhouse, Laurie Yung, Mark W. Brunson, Kimberly R. Hall, Lauren M. Hallett, Dawn M. Lawson, Max A. Mortiz, Koren Nydick, Amber Pairis, Andrea J. Ray, Claudia Regan, Hugh D. Safford, Mark W. Schwartz, M. Rebecca Shaw Dec 2017

Foundations Of Translational Ecology, Carolyn Af Enquist, Stephen T. Jackson, Gregg M. Garfin, Frank W. Davis, Leah R. Gerber, Jeremy A. Littell, Jennifer L. Tank, Adam J. Terando, Tamara U. Wall, Benjamin Halpern, J. Kevin Hiers, Toni Kyn Morelli, Elizabeth Mcnie, Nathan L. Stephenson, Matthew A. Williamson, Connie A. Woodhouse, Laurie Yung, Mark W. Brunson, Kimberly R. Hall, Lauren M. Hallett, Dawn M. Lawson, Max A. Mortiz, Koren Nydick, Amber Pairis, Andrea J. Ray, Claudia Regan, Hugh D. Safford, Mark W. Schwartz, M. Rebecca Shaw

Environment and Society Faculty Publications

Ecologists who specialize in translational ecology (TE) seek to link ecological knowledge to decision making by integrating ecological science with the full complement of social dimensions that underlie today's complex environmental issues. TE is motivated by a search for outcomes that directly serve the needs of natural resource managers and decision makers. This objective distinguishes it from both basic and applied ecological research and, as a practice, it deliberately extends research beyond theory or opportunistic applications. TE is uniquely positioned to address complex issues through interdisciplinary team approaches and integrated scientist–practitioner partnerships. The creativity and context-specific knowledge of resource managers, …

Kansas Speaks Fall 2017 (Updated) Statewide Public Opinion Survey, Jian Sun Ph.D. Dec 2017

Kansas Speaks Fall 2017 (Updated) Statewide Public Opinion Survey, Jian Sun Ph.D.

Docking Institute of Public Affairs

The Docking Institute of Public Affairs at Fort Hays State University conducted the 2017 Kansas Speaks fall survey from August 17th to October 26th, 2017. A random sample of adult residents of Kansas age 18 and older was surveyed by telephone to assess their attitudes and opinions regarding various issues of interest to Kansas citizens.

Small Open Economy Dsge Model With Natural Disaster And Foreign Aid, Dickson A. Lim Dec 2017

Small Open Economy Dsge Model With Natural Disaster And Foreign Aid, Dickson A. Lim

Angelo King Institute for Economic and Business Studies (AKI)

The Philippines is one of the countries in the ASEAN region to be regularly hit by natural disasters. In an analysis of natural disaster hotspots, the Philippines is one among several countries where large percentages of the population reside in disaster-prone areas (Hazard Management Unit of the World Bank, 2005). Consequently, these catastrophic events also entail adverse macroeconomic impacts to the economy (Bergeijk & Lazzaroni, 2015). Raddatz (2007) estimated that climate-related disasters reduce real GDP per capita by 0.6%. In the Philippines, Benson (1997) reported a reduction in GDP growth rate forecast by 3.3% following the Luzon earthquake in July …

Valuing Resiliency From Microgrids: How End Users Can Estimate The Marginal Value Of Resilient Power, Andrew R. Thomas, Mark Henning Dec 2017

Valuing Resiliency From Microgrids: How End Users Can Estimate The Marginal Value Of Resilient Power, Andrew R. Thomas, Mark Henning

All Maxine Goodman Levin School of Urban Affairs Publications

This report is part of a general microgrid planning evaluation for Cleveland, Ohio undertaken by Cleveland State University and Case Western Reserve University, underwritten by the Cleveland Foundation. The evaluation has been undertaken in collaboration with Cuyahoga County and the City of Cleveland. This report focuses on one of the more important questions posed in building a microgrid: what is the marginal value of reliable power to end users?

Library Connection, V5n1, Fall 2017, University Of Northern Iowa. Rod Library. Dec 2017

Library Connection, V5n1, Fall 2017, University Of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.

Library Connection

Inside this issue:

--Kanopy video streaming puts videos in the classroom
--Student Ellie Akers gains hands-on experience at UNI Museum
--New associate university librarian committed to student success
--Open textbooks save UNI students $129,715 last year
--New fall 2017

Print Exposure Modulates The Effects Of Repetition Priming During Sentence Reading, Matthew W. Lowder, Peter C. Gordon Dec 2017

Print Exposure Modulates The Effects Of Repetition Priming During Sentence Reading, Matthew W. Lowder, Peter C. Gordon

Psychology Faculty Publications

Individual readers vary greatly in the quality of their lexical representations and consequently in how quickly and efficiently they can access orthographic and lexical knowledge. This variability may be explained, at least in part, by individual differences in exposure to printed language, as practice at reading promotes the development of stronger reading skills. The current eye-tracking experiment tests the hypothesis that the efficiency of word recognition during reading improves with increases in print exposure by determining whether the magnitude of the repetition priming effect is modulated by individual differences in scores on the Author Recognition Test (ART). Lexical repetition of …