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Social and Behavioral Sciences Commons

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Full-Text Articles in Social and Behavioral Sciences

Reflections On Critical Pedagogy In America Latina: La Lucha Continua, Peter Mclaren Dec 2019

Reflections On Critical Pedagogy In America Latina: La Lucha Continua, Peter Mclaren

Education Faculty Articles and Research

"When I speak in Mexico, I support efforts there to create a revolutionary critical pedagogy—one that has not been domesticated and depotentiated by neoliberal dogma. This means the inclusion of a decolonial pedagogy which challenges the “coloniality of power” (patron de poder colonial) that still resides at the heart of post-colonial societies. I would advise as a central, overarching goal of critical pedagogy the struggle for a socialist alternative to the “value form of labor” that exists in capitalist societies throughout North and South America, and that such efforts must be transnational in scope since capitalism is now transnational in …

E-Journals Usage Among Faculty Members And Students: A Survey, Manjunatha G, Sampath Kumar B T Dec 2019

E-Journals Usage Among Faculty Members And Students: A Survey, Manjunatha G, Sampath Kumar B T

Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal)


The main aim of the study is to know the use of e-journals among the faculty members and students in engineering college libraries. The results of the study show that the students and faculty members who participated in this survey are aware of e-journals and majority of the respondents used e-journals for study and project dissertation work. Most of the faculty members and students used e-journals in libraries. The survey respondents opined that the e-journals are easy to access and use as compared to print journals. Thus the study recommends that the Engineering college libraries should focus more in …

Hubungan Somatotype Dengan Kesegaran Jasmani Atlet Sepak Bola, Elok Dwi Anggitasari, Fillah Fithra Dieny, Aryu Candra Dec 2019

Hubungan Somatotype Dengan Kesegaran Jasmani Atlet Sepak Bola, Elok Dwi Anggitasari, Fillah Fithra Dieny, Aryu Candra

Jurnal Keolahragaan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan somatotype dengan kesegaran jasmnai atlet sepak bola. Desain penelitian cross sectional dengan sampel sebanyak 42 subjek dipilih secara random sampling. Data somatotype didapatkan dari pengukuran antropometri terdiri dari berat badan, tinggi badan, trisep, suprailiaca, subscapular, calf skinfold, humerus width, fumerus width, dan flixed arm girth yang dihitung dengan metode antropometri Heath-Carter untuk menghasilkan skor somatotype yaitu endomorph, mesomorph, dan ectomorph. Data kesegaran jasmani diperoleh dengan tes ACSPFT (Asian Committee on the Standarization of Physical Fitness Test) terdiri dari tes kecepatan, daya ledak otot, ketangkasan, kelenturan, …

Gambaran Kapasitas Fisik Atlet Papua: Kajian Menuju Pon Xx Papua, Miftah Fariz Prima Putra, Saharuddin Ita Dec 2019

Gambaran Kapasitas Fisik Atlet Papua: Kajian Menuju Pon Xx Papua, Miftah Fariz Prima Putra, Saharuddin Ita

Jurnal Keolahragaan

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengungkap (1) bagaimana kondisi fisik atlet Papua, (2) apakah ada hubungan antara IMT, kecepatan, dan kekuatan dengan VO2max, (3) apakah ada perbedaan kemampuan fisik atlet Papua antara cabor atletik, bola voli dan tarung derajat. Metode deskriptif dengan desain ex post facto akan digunakan dalam studi tersebut. Sebanyak 132 atlet Papua (92 laki-laki dan 40 perempuan) cabor atletik, bola voli dan tarung derajat akan dijadikan sampel penelitian. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa (1) kondisi IMT atlet Papua rata-rata berkriteria normal, pada aspek kekuatan rata-rata berkriteria sangat kurang untuk atlet laki-laki dan kurang untuk perempuan, pada …

Tinjauan Waktu Penyediaan Berkas Rekam Medik Rawat Jalan Rumah Sakit X Di Tangerang Selatan, Supriadi Supriadi, Dian Putri Damayanti Dec 2019

Tinjauan Waktu Penyediaan Berkas Rekam Medik Rawat Jalan Rumah Sakit X Di Tangerang Selatan, Supriadi Supriadi, Dian Putri Damayanti

Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis Terapan

This study looked at the description of the time of the provision of medical records and the factors that cause delays in provision at X Hospital South Tangerang.This research is descriptive with a qualitative approach. The data used were 242 outpatient medical records which were measured at the time they were provided. The file was obtained for 6 days, starting Monday-Saturday from 09.30-12.00. Data is grouped into provision time groups ≤ 10 minutes and provision time groups >10 minutes. Then an in-depth interview with the head of the Medical Record Installation to get an overview of the causes of the …

Program Arsip Vital Sebagai Langkah Antisipasi Bencana Bagi Organisasi, Dyah Safitri Dec 2019

Program Arsip Vital Sebagai Langkah Antisipasi Bencana Bagi Organisasi, Dyah Safitri

Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis Terapan

The purpose of this article is to review the implementation of ANRI Regulation No. 49 of 2015 concerning the Vital Archive Program Guidelines. Use qualitative models and case studies by comparing the application of vital archive programs with state and other regulatory bodies such as the United Nations. It was found that there was no significant difference in the rules of the vital archive program only for access to vital archives. It was categorized that people were entitled to access vital archives, especially after a disaster. The practical purpose of this article is to show that a vital archive program …

Diffusing New Media As Know-How Digital Communication In Troubleshoot Maintenance Of Pico Hydro Technology In Bengkulu, Indonesia, Naldo Naldo, Hardika Widi Satria, Dendy Adanta Departement Of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty Of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, Warjito Warjito Dec 2019

Diffusing New Media As Know-How Digital Communication In Troubleshoot Maintenance Of Pico Hydro Technology In Bengkulu, Indonesia, Naldo Naldo, Hardika Widi Satria, Dendy Adanta Departement Of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty Of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, Warjito Warjito

Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis Terapan

Communication has an important role for spreading messages and ideas through various mediums. This research explains the important role of new media in community engagement activities and the dissemination of new information, innovations and technologies that have been done in 2017, especially for the graphic design via the internet on Pico Hydro's information technology in Batu Roto village, Bengkulu province, Indonesia. Community involvement itself is based on a special multidisciplinary perspective of communication and engineering. Pico Hydro is commonly used worldwide to generate electricity in rural areas, making it very useful for rural electrification. We conduct research to meet the …

The Analysis Of The Socio-Political Fiction Novels Under Binary Opposition (Case Study Of Indonesian Novel Entitled "Orang-Orang Proyek" By Ahmad Tohari), Abdul Muqit Dec 2019

The Analysis Of The Socio-Political Fiction Novels Under Binary Opposition (Case Study Of Indonesian Novel Entitled "Orang-Orang Proyek" By Ahmad Tohari), Abdul Muqit


The socio-political fiction novel is generally realistic and gives an implicit picture of the social environment of a place. This type of reading is less popular because it is difficult to interpret and is also of less interest to readers than other literature. One of the works that can reflect this literary type is the novel entitled "Orang-Orang Proyek" by Ahmad Tohari, which represents the real condition of the Indonesian community under their politic and social circumstances. This paper tries to break down the literary work using the deconstructive-reading method to read a text with multi-interpretation understanding where the version …

Pertarungan Jurnalisme Dan Sastra Dalam Menguak Kebenaran, Dessy Wahyuni Dec 2019

Pertarungan Jurnalisme Dan Sastra Dalam Menguak Kebenaran, Dessy Wahyuni

Paradigma: Jurnal Kajian Budaya

The existence of facts in journalism can be manipulated, while the truth settles in literature. Although both types of writing, namely news texts, which contain facts, and literary texts, which contain fiction, depart from the same reality, the estuary of the truth in it can be different because it is seen from different perspectives and interests. For these various interests, silencing in journalism often occurs. Facts are circumcised, overhauled, and arranged in such a way as to produce new facts. Meanwhile, in literature, facts are packaged using imagination to disguise the truth as if it did not happen. For this …

Cohesiveness Dan Peran Literasi Keuangan Dalam Meningkatkan Competitive Advantages Bumdes Merealisasikan Produk Unggulan Wisata Situ Cisanti, Deni Danial Kesa Dec 2019

Cohesiveness Dan Peran Literasi Keuangan Dalam Meningkatkan Competitive Advantages Bumdes Merealisasikan Produk Unggulan Wisata Situ Cisanti, Deni Danial Kesa

Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis Terapan

This paper discusses the ability of Village-Owned Enterprises (Bumdes) to use financial literacy instruments operating in Situ Cisanti. According to research findings Bumdes financial literacy increases with financial training, where the training trains management in making strategic decisions. The level of financial literacy or financial literacy of the stakeholders participating in this study is higher, and the tendency of participation rates is quite high when it is associated with investment and a sense of concern in actively advancing Village Owned Enterprises (cohesiveness). Communication and information barriers between organisations and the production department support the formation of superior products derived from …

Kualitas Pelayanan Dalam Pengelolaan Surat Pd Pasar Jaya, Mohammad Ridha1, Desideria Eka Istiqomah Dec 2019

Kualitas Pelayanan Dalam Pengelolaan Surat Pd Pasar Jaya, Mohammad Ridha1, Desideria Eka Istiqomah

Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis Terapan

The Government of the Republic of Indonesia has established several business units in the form of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) and Regional-Owned Enterprises (BUMD). The management of BUMN and BUMD is the government's effort to directly control the business sectors which are very influential on the economy. To develop BUMN and BUMD, the government continuously conducts revitalization of business entity management, including in the administration sector. Good administration management is the key to success of BUMN and BUMD in order to become an institution that is able to develop. PD Pasar Jaya is one of the DKI Jakarta Province Regional-Owned Enterprises …

Representasi Perempuan Jawa Dalam Serat Wulang Putri: Analisis Wacana Kritis, Atin Fitriana Dec 2019

Representasi Perempuan Jawa Dalam Serat Wulang Putri: Analisis Wacana Kritis, Atin Fitriana

Paradigma: Jurnal Kajian Budaya

The Javanese culture has a specific perspective on the ideal figure of women. This perspective is generally manifested in the classical texts, for example, in Serat Wulang Putri Adisara. Written by Nyi Adisara. Serat Wulang Putri contains the teachings for royal daughters in living their life as Javanese women based on Javanese teachings. In this manuscript, the readers can see the women figure portrayed from the perspective of a woman writer. This paper discusses the ideal women’s discourse in Serat Wulang Putri using the approach of critical discourse analysis from van Dijk. The analysis is conducted by considering the text’s …

Kosakata Musik Sebagai Ranah Sumber Ungkapan Metaforis, Adityarini Kusumaningtyas, Setiawati Darmojuwono Dec 2019

Kosakata Musik Sebagai Ranah Sumber Ungkapan Metaforis, Adityarini Kusumaningtyas, Setiawati Darmojuwono

Paradigma: Jurnal Kajian Budaya

In Indonesian, music vocabulary is not only used to describe music but also used to express various non-musical concepts. That means music vocabulary has the potential to occupy the source domain in metaphorical mapping. The study aims at describing the vocabulary of music as the source domain of metaphorical expressions in Indonesian and explaining the relation of metaphorical meanings to the music field. The study was qualitative research. The data of the study was collected from the corpus of Indonesian in the Sketch Engine. The data was Indonesian sentences having the vocabulary of nada, melodi, harmoni, and dinamika in which …

Masyarakat Jejaring, Media Sosial, Dan Transformasi Ruang Publik: Refleksi Mengenai Fenomena Arab Spring Dan “Teman Ahok”, Satya Anggara, Herdito Sandi Pratama Dec 2019

Masyarakat Jejaring, Media Sosial, Dan Transformasi Ruang Publik: Refleksi Mengenai Fenomena Arab Spring Dan “Teman Ahok”, Satya Anggara, Herdito Sandi Pratama

Paradigma: Jurnal Kajian Budaya

The information technology revolution has produced a network society that Manuel Castells characterizes as space of flows and timeless time. Network logic is inclusive to various dimensions of human life and is exclusive to those who are not involved in the network. In a network society the public sphere is expanding, dynamic and increasingly interactive due to the Internet mediation. The transformation of public space also spreads political power amongst the public. An example is the birth of various volunteer groups that have extensive networks in a short time without face-to-face processes. There have also been various attempts to embrace …

Aspek Pajak Pertambahan Nilai Pada Biro Perjalanan Wisata (Studi Kasus Pt V), Elsie Sylviana Kasim, Fildza Virginia Dec 2019

Aspek Pajak Pertambahan Nilai Pada Biro Perjalanan Wisata (Studi Kasus Pt V), Elsie Sylviana Kasim, Fildza Virginia

Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis Terapan

This study discusses the aspects of Value Added Tax on travel bureau (case study of PT V). Data collection techniques used in this study is literature studies (Library Research) and field studies (Field Research). The results of research and analysis can be concluded as follows The amount of tax base for submission which includes brokerage and/or agency services is replacement, amounting to 100% of the total cost. The amount of tax base of services that do not include brokerage services and/or agency using other values as the basis for the tax is 10%. Obstacles is the limitation of insight and …

Analisis Pemangku Kepentingan (Stakeholder) Pada Unit Hubungan Masyarakat (Humas) Dan Kesekretariatan Pt Semen Padang, Sherly Dwi Fedora, Risca Fleureta Hudiyono Dec 2019

Analisis Pemangku Kepentingan (Stakeholder) Pada Unit Hubungan Masyarakat (Humas) Dan Kesekretariatan Pt Semen Padang, Sherly Dwi Fedora, Risca Fleureta Hudiyono

Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis Terapan

This research aims to analyze stakeholders mapping of PT Semen Padang, related to financial assistance (sponsorship) event. Stakeholders data obtained from interviewing staff of Public Relation and Secretary Unit. Data then classified into stakeholder matrix based on their power and interest to the company. Interview result shows that PT Semen Padang has provided lots of financial assistance to its stakeholders who submit the proposal through Public Relation and Secretary Unit. Unfortunately, the company still doesn’t have stakeholder map as a basis for consideration of granting this financial assistance. However, based on the mapping/grouping result of company’s stakeholders, we find that …

Analisis Beban Kerja Dengan Metode Time And Emotion Study Di Unit Sekretariat Rumah Sakit X, Nur Fadilah Dewi, Dwi Yulisty Cahya Hidayat Dec 2019

Analisis Beban Kerja Dengan Metode Time And Emotion Study Di Unit Sekretariat Rumah Sakit X, Nur Fadilah Dewi, Dwi Yulisty Cahya Hidayat

Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis Terapan

The mismatch between workload and number of secretarial staff is a problem that needs to be examined. This research aims to determine the workforce needs of the workload of employees in the X Hospital secretariat unit with the time and motion study method. Methodology: the study was conducted by cross sectional observational activity of the activities and workload of the secretariat personnel (three people) using the time and motion study method, observations were made on three activities namely productive, unproductive and personal activities. Form / check list and stopwatch are used to calculate the time needed for each activity, and …

Kesesatan Berpikir Dalam Konteks Hukum Dan Masyarakat: Studi Kasus Politik Elektoral Dan Budaya Media Sosial Di Indonesia, Tanius Sebastian Dec 2019

Kesesatan Berpikir Dalam Konteks Hukum Dan Masyarakat: Studi Kasus Politik Elektoral Dan Budaya Media Sosial Di Indonesia, Tanius Sebastian

Paradigma: Jurnal Kajian Budaya

This article investigates the phenomena of electoral politics and culture of social media in the context of Indonesian law and society through a case study of Jakarta Gubernatorial Election in 2017. The main argument of this article is that the connection between electoral politics and culture of social media shows a fallacious logical thinking in the form of bias and ad populum reasoning. Those two forms of fallacy refer to sectarian politics and ideological polarization. In analyzing the fallacious thinking in some events of the 2017 Jakarta Gubernatorial Election, this article also shows how emotion, anxiety, and hate operate within …

Wacana Nasionalisme Kritis Dalam Musik Banyuwangian Pada Masa Orde Baru, Albert Tallapessy, Ikwan Setiawan, Agus Sariono, Eko Suwargono Dec 2019

Wacana Nasionalisme Kritis Dalam Musik Banyuwangian Pada Masa Orde Baru, Albert Tallapessy, Ikwan Setiawan, Agus Sariono, Eko Suwargono

Paradigma: Jurnal Kajian Budaya

This article deals with the representation of critical nationalism discourse in Banyuwangian music in the New Order era. By juxtaposing representation and hegemony theory which emphasizes textual-contextual reading, we will analyze the constructions of local metaphors we assume supporting the establishment of nationalism. Such constructions intertwined with the mobilization of the uniqueness of local cultures that contributed to establishing the national culture through which nationalism got its “nutrition”. However, some songwriters constructed critical nationalism by representing unique metaphors related to the characteristics of subaltern subjects that in the midst of their problems songwriters still have, in their silence, critical view …

Communication Pattern Between Female Breadwinners And Their Children, Chatia Hastasari Dec 2019

Communication Pattern Between Female Breadwinners And Their Children, Chatia Hastasari


This study examines the communication pattern between female breadwinners and their children and the barriers in that communication process. This qualitative study was carried out among 12 female breadwinners from low-income families in Wedomartani Village, Ngemplak, Sleman, Special Region of Yogyakarta. It is drawn from the study that, first, there is good interpersonal communication between a female breadwinner and her children. It is clearly seen as all factors leading to an effective interpersonal communication are fulfilled, namely a) openness - the mother is actively creating a pleasant conversation so that her children will feel more comfortable in telling her everything …

The Persuasive Da'wah Communication Of Kh Asyhari Marzuqi And Its Implications In Modern Life, Anton Prasetyo Dec 2019

The Persuasive Da'wah Communication Of Kh Asyhari Marzuqi And Its Implications In Modern Life, Anton Prasetyo


This research was aimed to find out one of the Da'wah activists, namely KH Asyhari Marzuqi in delivering Da'wah material. Was it using persuasive words or just the opposite, coercive that causes fear? By using persuasive communication theory and other related theories, researchers analyzed the data using qualitative research methods. The approach used in this study was a case study. Data analysis model was with explanation development. Qualitative research is identical to a critical and interpretative research. After conducting the research, the researcher obtained the result that KH Asyhari Marzuqi was a figure of Da'i who was able to preach …

Adoption Of Information And Communication Technology To Enhance Veterinary Pharmacology Education In Nigerian Universities, Adamkolo Mohammed Ibrahim, Mohammed Bashir Tijjani Dec 2019

Adoption Of Information And Communication Technology To Enhance Veterinary Pharmacology Education In Nigerian Universities, Adamkolo Mohammed Ibrahim, Mohammed Bashir Tijjani


In resource-constraint countries like Nigeria, it is envisaged that the adoption of information and communication technology (ICT) in veterinary pharmacology education at university level can enhance both quality knowledge delivery and improve students' performance as well as ICT use skills. The literature consistently demonstrates that exposure to variety of digital and online educational resources and facilities encourages critical thinking among the students and enhance their independent problem-solving capabilities. It is long overdue cost-effective and efficient technology systems suitable for e-learning and teaching in Nigerian university education system, particularly in veterinary pharmacology academic context are explored. Emphasis should be placed on …

Living In A “Broken World”: Destructive Desire, Disconnected Disciplinarity, And Disruptive Deschooling, M. Nadarajah Dec 2019

Living In A “Broken World”: Destructive Desire, Disconnected Disciplinarity, And Disruptive Deschooling, M. Nadarajah

Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development

This paper is trying to show that our current situation on Earth is going to collapse phase and broken. Sustainable Development Program (SDG) can’t give real action to resolve environmental, social, and economic problems such as poverty, biodiversity extinction, health, war and genocide, climate change, etc. On the other hand, the author describes that SDG only focuses on the technical solution and randomly decided criteria and standards for defining knowledge. Therefore, the author is seeking to encourage SDGs to see the problem from a wider point of view on this paper.

Indigenous And Local Knowledge Promoting Sdgs In Indonesia: The Case Of The Sumbanese Cultural Festival, Makoto Koike Dec 2019

Indigenous And Local Knowledge Promoting Sdgs In Indonesia: The Case Of The Sumbanese Cultural Festival, Makoto Koike

Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development

From the perspective of anthropology, this article aims to explore why movements seeking environmental preservation and religious and cultural revitalization have been launched on the island of Sumba, and how the results of this research have contributed to promoting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially “Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation” and “Goal 15: Life on Land.” Sumba is one of the most sparsely populated and impoverished regions in Indonesia. Since the 2000, the process of marginalization of the Sumbanese has been drastic. They have suffered from the pressures of expanding agro-industry and mining. Most land on the beachside …

Foreword From Handling Editor - 3rd Edition, Ahyahudin Sodri Dec 2019

Foreword From Handling Editor - 3rd Edition, Ahyahudin Sodri

Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development

We are delighted to present the 3rd edition of JESSD, published in December 2019. We have selected eight of the best articles for this edition and one invited article from Environmental Science and Sustainable Development topic.

Coal Mining Sector Contribution To Environmental Conditions And Human Development Index In East Kalimantan Province, Kunny Izza Indah Afkarina, Sindhung Wardana, Poerborini Damayanti Dec 2019

Coal Mining Sector Contribution To Environmental Conditions And Human Development Index In East Kalimantan Province, Kunny Izza Indah Afkarina, Sindhung Wardana, Poerborini Damayanti

Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development

Coal mining has been one of the issues that led to pros and cons in Indonesia. Research shows that mining activities are one of the factors that affect people’s incomes and local and national economic development. However, mining is a lucrative activity that leads to construction booms that attract population growth and lead to deforestation, thus affecting the environmental conditions of a region. The coal mining industry of Indonesian province of East Kalimantan, on the island of Borneo, provides most of the economic base needed to build the infrastructure and provide energy of the country. Kalimantan Province accounts for approximately …

Environmental Analysis Of Tofu Production In The Context Of Cleaner Production: Case Study Of Tofu Household Industries In Salatiga, Indonesia, Gefa Satria Fajar Nugroho, Ravika Sulistyaningrum, Reindra Prastiwa Melania, Widhi Handayani Dec 2019

Environmental Analysis Of Tofu Production In The Context Of Cleaner Production: Case Study Of Tofu Household Industries In Salatiga, Indonesia, Gefa Satria Fajar Nugroho, Ravika Sulistyaningrum, Reindra Prastiwa Melania, Widhi Handayani

Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development

Tofu is a soy-based food that is frequently consumed by Indonesian as a protein source. It is usually produced by household industries using traditional technology, which currently experiencing environmental problems with respect to the inefficiency of resource usage and inadequate waste disposal. Therefore, cleaner production strategy is potential to be implemented by previously mapping the current problems faced by the industries. This study aims to present an environmental analysis on tofu production in Salatiga in the context of cleaner production. In addition to provides information about the current production process and explains waste management performed by the industries, this study …

Characteristics Of Habitat, Distribution, And Diversity Of Anopheles Spp In Kemelak Bindung Langit Village, Ogan Komering Ulu Regency, South Sumatra, Giri Maretasari, Yuanita Windusari, Syafrina Lamin, Laila Hanum, Dwi Septiawati Dec 2019

Characteristics Of Habitat, Distribution, And Diversity Of Anopheles Spp In Kemelak Bindung Langit Village, Ogan Komering Ulu Regency, South Sumatra, Giri Maretasari, Yuanita Windusari, Syafrina Lamin, Laila Hanum, Dwi Septiawati

Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development

Malaria is an infectious disease caused by Plasmodium andis transmitted through the bite of a female Anopheles vector. Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) is a district in South Sumatra that is endemic to malaria. The study aims to determine habitat type, environmental factors that influence larvae development, and distribution of Anopheles larvae. The experiment was conducted from January to February 2019 in the Kelurahan Kemelak Bindung Langit, OKU. Species identification was carried out in the Entomology Laboratory, Baturaja Health Research and Development Center, OKU. Sampling locations were determined based on field observations, through simple purposive sampling. Identification of mosquito larvae which …

Maintaining Economic Stabilization In Indonesia And South Korea Through Digital Farming, Aprillia Christianawati Dec 2019

Maintaining Economic Stabilization In Indonesia And South Korea Through Digital Farming, Aprillia Christianawati

Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development

Digital farming is a type of digital economy that cannot be separated from essential elements, such as data availability and farmers themselves. Digital farming is found easily in many developed or agricultural countries, such as southern Europe and Brazil, nor to Indonesia and South Korea. However, Indonesia and South Korea experienced internet utilization and agricultural land area discrepancies which come to similar result, still developing sustainable agriculture. Thus, subjects of the study are Indonesia and South Korea due to their location in the Asian continent and similar history as developing countries in the past. Using farmer households and land agricultural …

The Contribution Of Islamic Banks Towards The Achievement Of Sustainable Development Goals: The Case Of Indonesia, Nunung Ghoniyah Dec 2019

The Contribution Of Islamic Banks Towards The Achievement Of Sustainable Development Goals: The Case Of Indonesia, Nunung Ghoniyah

Economics and Finance in Indonesia

This study aims to strengthen the opinion that the main goal of Islamic banks is not to obtain profit, but rather to improve the standards of living. In this study, the evidence is obtained by processing secondary data on Islamic banks in Indonesia during the period of 2011 to 2017 by using panel data regression model. The results of the data analysis support the hypothesis that banks whose goals are aimed at falah will demand lower payment obligations from customers, allowing the customers to manage funds in the real sector. The implication is also strengthened by good financial quality control, …