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Social and Behavioral Sciences Commons

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Full-Text Articles in Social and Behavioral Sciences

เมนูฮิตนิสิต ไม่ใช่อาหารแต่คือวิถีชีวิต Sep 2020

เมนูฮิตนิสิต ไม่ใช่อาหารแต่คือวิถีชีวิต

Jamjuree Journal

No abstract provided.

"ทุุกคนเรียนจุุฬาฯ ได้ ถ้าใจมุ่งมั่น" ออกแบบการเรียนการสอนในวิถีปกติใหม่และโลกใหม่, ปาริชาต สถาปิตานนท์ Sep 2020

"ทุุกคนเรียนจุุฬาฯ ได้ ถ้าใจมุ่งมั่น" ออกแบบการเรียนการสอนในวิถีปกติใหม่และโลกใหม่, ปาริชาต สถาปิตานนท์

Jamjuree Journal

No abstract provided.

2020 September, Morehead State University. Office Of Communications & Marketing. Sep 2020

2020 September, Morehead State University. Office Of Communications & Marketing.

Morehead State Press Release Archive, 1961 to the Present

Press releases for September of 2020.

Prejudice, Personality And Contact: How Personality Traits Affect The Role Of Intergroup Contact In Interethnic Prejudice Reduction, Aurel Haxhiu Sep 2020

Prejudice, Personality And Contact: How Personality Traits Affect The Role Of Intergroup Contact In Interethnic Prejudice Reduction, Aurel Haxhiu

Theses and Dissertations

Despite having had the chance to see a broad spectrum of different scholars efforts to attest the impact of the Big Five personality in intergroup contact, we considered that there is still room to furthermore shed some light in spite of those efforts to describe the intertwined impact while conducting a specific analysis how the Big Five personality traits affect the role of intergroup contact in interethnic prejudice reduction, by taking examples of Kosovo’s albanians and their feeling temperature toward the ethnic group of serbs and the role of contact. On our efforts to explain the impact of the Big …

Lëshimet Gjuhësore Në Artikujt E Botuar Në Mediat E Shkruara Elektronike Rast Studimi: Portali “Telegrafi”, Rinesa Bytyqi Sep 2020

Lëshimet Gjuhësore Në Artikujt E Botuar Në Mediat E Shkruara Elektronike Rast Studimi: Portali “Telegrafi”, Rinesa Bytyqi

Theses and Dissertations

Trajtimi i kësaj teme lidhet me rëndësinë e gjuhës, jo vetëm në kuadër të zhvillimit të saj, por edhe në kuadër të përforcimit të normave dhe rregullave të përdorimit të saj në gazetari e veçanërisht në publikime të ndryshme në mediat elektronike dhe të shkruara. Në këtë temë, që është shtjelluar në formë hulumtuese, përfshihen problemet e gjuhës shqipe, çrregullimet e saj, gabimet gjuhësore, e shumë çështje të tjera që paraqiten në mediat elektronike dhe të shkruara. Mënyra e paraqitjes së problemeve dhe gabimeve që bëhen në mediat e shkruara dhe elektronike kundrejt gjuhës ka të bëjë me ruajtjen dhe …

Attitudes Toward Refugees In Eu Membership Aspiring Countries: Support For Eu Membership, Perceptions Of Eu Membership Conditionality And Tolerance Toward Ethnic Minorities, Dastid Morina Sep 2020

Attitudes Toward Refugees In Eu Membership Aspiring Countries: Support For Eu Membership, Perceptions Of Eu Membership Conditionality And Tolerance Toward Ethnic Minorities, Dastid Morina

Theses and Dissertations

Whereas research conducted in the existing EU member states show that people are not receptive of the EU message, research in the Western Balkans has demonstrated that people in this region might be more receptive to the EU message than previously known. We conduct an experimental research design to observe the effects of the EU treatment on people’s willingness to accept more Syrian refugees to settle in their countries and to allow Syrian refugees to travel through their countries toward EU member countries. We analyze with a simple random sample that combines data from a public opinion survey conducted in …

Procesi I Negocimit Në Kosovë Dhe Sfidat E Tij, Diellza Hoti Sep 2020

Procesi I Negocimit Në Kosovë Dhe Sfidat E Tij, Diellza Hoti

Theses and Dissertations

Rrugëtimi i Kosovës deri në përfundim të procesit të shtetëzimit të plotë, me demokraci kushtetuese dhe vlera evropiane, me përcaktim të qartë drejt agjendës së integrimeve euro - atlantike, nuk është rrugëtim politik i kohës së re dhe i përjetuar lehtë. Ky punim synon të hulumtoj për sfidat e Kosovës në aspektin politiko - territorial ndër vite, që nga periudha kur Kosova ishte objekt i padrejtësive historike e deri në ditët e sotme ku është palë në tavolinën negociuese në procesin e dialogut Kosovë - Serbi. Kosova, një territor i vogël prej 10,887 km², me një popullsi prej rreth 2 …

Partitë Politike Në Kosovë, Profilizimi Dhe Funksionimi I Tyre, Doan Tahirbegolli Sep 2020

Partitë Politike Në Kosovë, Profilizimi Dhe Funksionimi I Tyre, Doan Tahirbegolli

Theses and Dissertations

Shteti i Kosovës si vend i dalur vonë nga lufta dhe si pjesë e shteteve që gjeografikisht hyn në Ballkan, ka problemet e saj ekonomike, politike, shoqërore e kulturore.

Fokusimi ynë do të përfshijë fushën e politikës, sistemin politik e veçanërisht partitë politike dhe funksionimin e tyre në Kosovë. Ideja dhe dëshira erdhi nga arsyeja sepse konstituimi i një sistemi politik demokratik në vendin tonë ka vështirësitë, problemet dhe sfidat që ja vlen të studiohen dhe analizohen nga çdo studiues, e sidomos nga ne të shkencave politike.

Ky formim i pastër i një ambienti politik, me parti që funksionojnë me …

The Role Of Personality Traits In Interview Time Length In Cellphone Public Opinion Surveys, Don Salihu Sep 2020

The Role Of Personality Traits In Interview Time Length In Cellphone Public Opinion Surveys, Don Salihu

Theses and Dissertations

Bearing in mind that the role of personality traits and their impact unto the Interview Time Length in Cellphone Public Opinion Surveys hasn’t had the opportunity to be explored to further levels, despite different researches being conducted in order to attest the link that those two have, we considered that there is room for improvement and furthermore tried to shed some more light in this specific prism, specifically argue that they link and the different personality traits of Respondents and Interviewers do impact the Time Length of digitally taken Interviews. On our continous efforts to further explain the impact that …

Etika Në Menaxhimin Publik, Rast Studimi Sh.A. Bifurkacioni - Ferizaj, Igballe Hyseni Sep 2020

Etika Në Menaxhimin Publik, Rast Studimi Sh.A. Bifurkacioni - Ferizaj, Igballe Hyseni

Theses and Dissertations

Një vështrim në menaxhimin e etikës në institucionet publike, konkretishtë Sh.A Bifurkacioni - Ferizaj nxjerr në pah rëndësinë e një kodi të etikës.

Dëshirat, ëndrrat, qëllimet, synimet janë të ndryshme për individë të ndryshëm, por të gjithë kanë të njëjtin "interes". Janë pikërisht çështjet që lidhen në mënyrë të drejtëpërdrejtë ose jo me funksionimin e një shteti, me organizimin institucional të tij, me strukturimin e aparatit shtetëror, me rekrutimin e kandidatëve në mënyrë të drejtë dhe në bazë të meritave etj, si dhe me ofrimin e shërbimeve të qeverisë në një nivel sa më pranë shtetasve të saj ose siç …

The Evaluation Of The Jostens Renaissance Incentive Program And The Impact It Has On Students At A Southwest Florida High School, Saneik Buchanan Sep 2020

The Evaluation Of The Jostens Renaissance Incentive Program And The Impact It Has On Students At A Southwest Florida High School, Saneik Buchanan


As state requirements for academic achievement continue to become more rigorous, school administrators and counselors strive to create positive school environments. Therefore, administrators and counselors must find creative incentive programs tailored to meet the needs of respective school settings, such as the Jostens Renaissance incentive program. The purpose of this study was to examine the efficacy of the Jostens Renaissance education incentive program at one Title I high school in Southwest Florida by studying the relationship among students’ GPAs, attendance, and disciplinary issues before participation in the program. The evaluation was a quantitative, quasi-experimental design that utilized pre-existing data of …

Front Matter Sep 2020

Front Matter

The Foundation Review

No abstract provided.

Martyrs Made In The Sky: The Zénith Balloon Tragedy And The Construction Of The French Third Republic’S First Scientific Heroes, Patrick Luiz Sullivan De Oliveira Sep 2020

Martyrs Made In The Sky: The Zénith Balloon Tragedy And The Construction Of The French Third Republic’S First Scientific Heroes, Patrick Luiz Sullivan De Oliveira

Research Collection School of Social Sciences

Following the balloon's invention in 1783, the French greeted the technology with enthusiasm, speculating extensively about its potential scientific and practical applications. However, the lack of progress in navigating against the winds discredited ballooning, and in the following decades it became the domain of spectacular forms of entertainment and of swindlers trying to defraud public subscriptions. All of this changed after the 1870–1871 Franco-Prussian War, during which balloons were used to breach the siege of Paris. This essay explores how the aeronautical community, led by the recently established Société Française de Navigation Aérienne, mobilized the memory of the war to …

The Optimal Degree Of Reciprocity In Tariff Reduction, Pao-Li Chang Sep 2020

The Optimal Degree Of Reciprocity In Tariff Reduction, Pao-Li Chang

Research Collection School Of Economics

This paper characterizes the optimal reciprocal trade policy in the environment of Melitz (2003) with firm productivity heterogeneity. With all the conflicting effects of import tariffs on welfare considered, the optimal degree of reciprocity in multilateral tariff reduction is shown to be free trade.

Providing Child Care, Christine Ho, Sunha Myong Sep 2020

Providing Child Care, Christine Ho, Sunha Myong

Research Collection School Of Economics

Women’s economic empowerment has been hailed as one of the most remarkable revolutions in the past 50 years (Dunlop, 2010). Access to affordable childcare is one of the key determinants of fertility and maternal employment, with grandparents and governments often stepping up to provide much needed support to families. This chapter proposes a synthesis of the state of knowledge on child care and discusses policy relevant issues applicable to the Singapore context. Selected policies are documented and lessons from the international landscape are discussed. The chapter discusses how child care costs may affect fertility and maternal labour supply in Section …

Covid-19, Lockdown, And The Dynamics Of Subjective Well-Being, Terence C. Cheng, Kim, Kanghyock Koh Sep 2020

Covid-19, Lockdown, And The Dynamics Of Subjective Well-Being, Terence C. Cheng, Kim, Kanghyock Koh

Research Collection School Of Economics

We provide novel evidence on how the COVID-19 global health and economic crisis is affecting overall life satisfaction and domain-specific satisfaction using data from a monthly longitudinal survey of middle-aged and older Singaporeans. Using a difference-in-differences framework, we document large declines in overall life satisfaction and domain-specific satisfaction during the COVID-19 outbreak, except satisfaction with health. These declines coincide with the introduction of a nationwide lockdown, with life satisfaction remaining below its pre-pandemic levels even after the lockdown is lifted. We also find that individuals who report a drop in household income during the COVID-19 outbreak experience a decline in …

Maximum Likelihood Estimation For The Fractional Vasicek Model, Katsuto Tanaka, Weilin Xiao, Jun Yu Sep 2020

Maximum Likelihood Estimation For The Fractional Vasicek Model, Katsuto Tanaka, Weilin Xiao, Jun Yu

Research Collection School Of Economics

This paper estimates the drift parameters in the fractional Vasicek model from a continuous record of observations via maximum likelihood (ML). The asymptotic theory for the ML estimates (MLE) is established in the stationary case, the explosive case, and the boundary case for the entire range of the Hurst parameter, providing a complete treatment of asymptotic analysis. It is shown that changing the sign of the persistence parameter changes the asymptotic theory for the MLE, including the rate of convergence and the limiting distribution. It is also found that the asymptotic theory depends on the value of the Hurst parameter.

Spending Impact Of Covid-19 Stimulus Payments: Evidence From Card Transaction Data In South Korea, Kim, Kanghyock Koh, Wonjun Lyou Sep 2020

Spending Impact Of Covid-19 Stimulus Payments: Evidence From Card Transaction Data In South Korea, Kim, Kanghyock Koh, Wonjun Lyou

Research Collection School Of Economics

Various countries have implemented transfer programs to individuals since the Covid-19 outbreaks. However, the extent to which such transfers alleviate economic recessions is unclear. This paper analyzes a South Korean program, which provided vouchers redeemable only at small local businesses. We find that, due to the program, over 30% of households across all income groups increased their food and overall household spending, but the usage restriction may have affected consumer choice, distorting business competition. While the employment and sales of small businesses improved, the program’s fiscal sustainability is in question because of the large tax exemption.

Estimation Of Conditional Average Treatment Effects With High-Dimensional Data, Qingliang Fan, Yu-Chin Hsu, Robert P. Lieli, Yichong Zhang Sep 2020

Estimation Of Conditional Average Treatment Effects With High-Dimensional Data, Qingliang Fan, Yu-Chin Hsu, Robert P. Lieli, Yichong Zhang

Research Collection School Of Economics

Given the unconfoundedness assumption, we propose new nonparametric estimators for the reduced dimensional conditional average treatment effect (CATE) function. In the first stage, the nuisance functions necessary for identifying CATE are estimated by machine learning methods, allowing the number of covariates to be comparable to or larger than the sample size. This is a key feature since identification is generally more credible if the full vector of conditioning variables, including possible transformations, is high-dimensional. The second stage consists of a low-dimensional kernel regression, reducing CATE to a function of the covariate(s) of interest. We consider two variants of the estimator …

Order On Types Based On Monotone Comparative Statics, Takashi Kunimoto, Takuro Yamashita Sep 2020

Order On Types Based On Monotone Comparative Statics, Takashi Kunimoto, Takuro Yamashita

Research Collection School Of Economics

This paper introduces a novel concept of orders on types by which the so-called monotone comparative statics is valid in all supermodular games with incomplete information. We fully characterize this order in terms of what we call common optimism, providing a sense in which our order has a sharp epistemic interpretation. We say that type ti′ is higher than type ti in the order of the common optimism if ti′ is more optimistic about state than ti; ti′ is more optimistic that all players are more optimistic about state than ti; and so on, ad infinitum. First, we show that …

Capital Controls And Macro-Prudential Housing Policies In Small Open Economies, Taojun Xie, Guay C. Lim, Hwee Kwan Chow Sep 2020

Capital Controls And Macro-Prudential Housing Policies In Small Open Economies, Taojun Xie, Guay C. Lim, Hwee Kwan Chow

Research Collection School Of Economics

We evaluate the effects of capital controls and macro-prudential policies in small open economies with a housing sector that is open to foreign ownership. The work is motivated by concerns that foreign investments also respond to housing investment opportunities resulting in potential house price inflation and issues about housing affordability. Our dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model features housing as an internationally traded investment. We also consider macro-prudential policies that are combinations of monetary and fiscal instruments. We investigate whether foreign investments in the housing markets are de-stabilising and whether there are appropriate policy responses to mitigate the negative effects of …

Rethinking Non-Recognition: The Eu’S Investment Agreement With Taiwan Under The One-China Policy, Pasha L. Hsieh Sep 2020

Rethinking Non-Recognition: The Eu’S Investment Agreement With Taiwan Under The One-China Policy, Pasha L. Hsieh

Research Collection Yong Pung How School Of Law

This article re-examines the theories of recognition and non-recognition in the context of the evolving framework of the European Union (EU)’s trade and investment relations with Taiwan from legal and international relations perspectives. Notwithstanding its one-China policy, the EU has developed a pragmatic approach to engaging Taiwan under bilateral consultations and World Trade Organization negotiations that have built the foundation for the bilateral investment agreement (BIA). The article argues that since the 1980s, the EU has accorded diverse forms of recognition to Taiwan and the BIA will buttress the process. To substantiate the contention, the article systemically explores the political …

Hearing Essential And Urgent Court Matters During The Covid-19 Pandemic, Kwan Ho Lau, Daryl Xu Sep 2020

Hearing Essential And Urgent Court Matters During The Covid-19 Pandemic, Kwan Ho Lau, Daryl Xu

Research Collection Yong Pung How School Of Law

This chapter discusses the hearing of essential and urgent court matters in the Singapore courts during the COVID-19 pandemic. On 27 march 2020, the Singapore judiciary notified courst users that remote hearings were to be implemented for certain types of hearings by means of video and telephone conferencing facilities. Court users were also provided with indicative lists of matters which might be considered essential and urgent.

Private Liability For Public Health, Jerrold Soh Sep 2020

Private Liability For Public Health, Jerrold Soh

Research Collection Yong Pung How School Of Law

As at this writing, COVID-19 continues to spread around the world. Most disease transmissions, one hopes, are unintentional. But could one nonetheless be liable for unintentionally, yet carelessly, transmitting the disease? If so, when would liability arise, and how wide may its scope be? If X transmits the disease to Y who in turn transmits it to Z, can Z claim against X? If not, why should liability escape one who carelessly spreads a deadly and highly contagious virus when courts have historically found liability for more innocuous harms?154 This short essay discusses how private liability might complement public regulation …

Japan-Singapore Joint Mediation Protocol Announced, Nadja Alexander Sep 2020

Japan-Singapore Joint Mediation Protocol Announced, Nadja Alexander

Research Collection Yong Pung How School Of Law

In this post, the potential impact of the Japan-Singapore Joint Mediation Protocol is analysed.

Trading Through A Pandemic: The Singaporean Experience, Henry Gao, Dhiraj G. Chainani, Siu Farn Chew Sep 2020

Trading Through A Pandemic: The Singaporean Experience, Henry Gao, Dhiraj G. Chainani, Siu Farn Chew

Research Collection Yong Pung How School Of Law

Being a small country with one of the highest trade-to-GDP ratios in the world, Singapore faced seemingly insurmountable challenges at the onset of the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. As countries around the world scrambled to fight the pandemic, they imposed restrictions on exports and imports, suspended international transportation of both goods and people, and invoked emergency power and exceptions to justify their actions. All these presented unprecedented challenges to Singapore, a country which relies on international trade not only for its prosperity but also for survival. This article discusses how Singapore tries to meet these challenges through various initiatives …

12 September 2020: The Singapore Convention On Mediation Comes Into Force, Nadja Alexander, Shou Yu Chong Sep 2020

12 September 2020: The Singapore Convention On Mediation Comes Into Force, Nadja Alexander, Shou Yu Chong

Research Collection Yong Pung How School Of Law

In this post on the Kluwer Mediation Blog, the potential impact of the Singapore Convention on Mediation is analysed.

Singapore’S Proposed Approach To Tackling Missing Trader Fraud, Vincent Ooi Sep 2020

Singapore’S Proposed Approach To Tackling Missing Trader Fraud, Vincent Ooi

Research Collection Yong Pung How School Of Law

In the Draft Goods and Services Tax (Amendment) Bill 2020 (the “Draft Bill”), Singapore proposes a new framework to deal with the problem of MTF. The approach is neatly summarised by a document released by the Singapore Ministry of Finance: “Annex: Proposed Changes to the Goods and Services Tax Act”, of which one point is of particular interest. The document states that the proposed legislative amendments will “allow the Comptroller of GST to deny a GST-registered business’ input GST claim, if the business knew or should have known that his purchase was part of or connected with a fraudulent arrangement. …

A New Chinese Economic Law Order?, Greg Shaffer, Henry S. Gao Sep 2020

A New Chinese Economic Law Order?, Greg Shaffer, Henry S. Gao

Research Collection Yong Pung How School Of Law

China is incrementally developing a new, decentralized model of trade governance through a web of finance, trade, and investment initiatives involving memorandum of understanding, contracts, and trade and investment treaties, supported by an indigenous innovation policy that is transnational in its reach. In this way, China could create a vast, Sino-centric, legal order in which the Chinese state plays the nodal role. It is a hub and spokes model, with China at the hub. In this article, we first examine China’s export of an infrastructure-based development model, implemented through Chinese state-owned and private enterprise investments and commercial contracts (Part B), …

Bus Frequency Optimization: When Waiting Time Matters In User Satisfaction, Songsong Mo, Zhifeng Bao, Baihua Zheng, Zhiyong Peng Sep 2020

Bus Frequency Optimization: When Waiting Time Matters In User Satisfaction, Songsong Mo, Zhifeng Bao, Baihua Zheng, Zhiyong Peng

Research Collection School Of Computing and Information Systems

Reorganizing bus frequency to cater for the actual travel demand can save the cost of the public transport system significantly. Many, if not all, existing studies formulate this as a bus frequency optimization problem which tries to minimize passengers’ average waiting time. However, many investigations have confirmed that the user satisfaction drops faster as the waiting time increases. Consequently, this paper studies the bus frequency optimization problem considering the user satisfaction. Specifically, for the first time to our best knowledge, we study how to schedule the buses such that the total number of passengers who could receive their bus services …