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Full-Text Articles in Physical Sciences and Mathematics

13c Composition In Bryophyte Primary Sugars As An Indicator Of Water Availability, Olivia Hope Williamson Jun 2016

13c Composition In Bryophyte Primary Sugars As An Indicator Of Water Availability, Olivia Hope Williamson

Honors Theses

Bryophytes (mosses and their relatives) are a major carbon sink, and their productivity, is expected to be affected by climate change. Changes in plant productivity caused by changes in the climate can be tracked through stable carbon isotopes. This research aims to find a connection between stable carbon isotope signatures and water availability in bryophytes by examining the composition of 13C in soluble sugars and bulk tissue. Similar to trees, which leave rings of growth every year, mosses build up peat deposits, which can be used to gain information about the weather and water availability of a region. Information on …

Strategic Planning For Setting Up Base Stations In Emergency Medical Systems, Supriyo Ghosh, Pradeep Varakantham Jun 2016

Strategic Planning For Setting Up Base Stations In Emergency Medical Systems, Supriyo Ghosh, Pradeep Varakantham

Research Collection School Of Computing and Information Systems

Emergency Medical Systems (EMSs) are an important component of public health-care services. Improving infrastructure for EMS and specifically the construction of base stations at the ”right” locations to reduce response times is the main focus of this paper. This is a computationally challenging task because of the: (a) exponentially large action space arising from having to consider combinations of potential base locations, which themselves can be significant; and (b) direct impact on the performance of the ambulance allocation problem, where we decide allocation of ambulances to bases. We present an incremental greedy approach to discover the placement of bases that …

Screening The Low Molecular Weight Fraction Of Human Serum Using Atr-Ir Spectroscopy, Franck Bonnier, Matthew J. Baker, Hugh Byrne Jun 2016

Screening The Low Molecular Weight Fraction Of Human Serum Using Atr-Ir Spectroscopy, Franck Bonnier, Matthew J. Baker, Hugh Byrne


Vibrational spectroscopic techniques can detect small variations in molecular content, linked with disease, showing promise for screening and early diagnosis. Biological fluids, particularly blood serum, are potentially valuable for diagnosis purposes. The so-called Low Molecular Weight Fraction (LMWF) contains the associated peptidome and metabolome and has been identified as potentially the most relevant molecular population for disease-associated biomarker research. Although vibrational spectroscopy can deliver a specific chemical fingerprint of the samples, the High Molecular Weight Fraction (HMWF), composed of the most abundant serum proteins, strongly dominates the response and ultimately makes the detection of minor spectral variations a challenging task. …

A Randomized Controlled Study To Evaluate The Effect Of Bexarotene On Amyloid-Β And Apolipoprotein E Metabolism In Healthy Subjects, Kaushik Ghosal, Michael Haag, Philip B Verghese, Tim West, Timothy Veenstra, Joel B Braunstein, Randall J Bateman, David M Holtzman, Gary E Landreth Jun 2016

A Randomized Controlled Study To Evaluate The Effect Of Bexarotene On Amyloid-Β And Apolipoprotein E Metabolism In Healthy Subjects, Kaushik Ghosal, Michael Haag, Philip B Verghese, Tim West, Timothy Veenstra, Joel B Braunstein, Randall J Bateman, David M Holtzman, Gary E Landreth

Pharmaceutical Sciences Faculty Publications

INTRODUCTION: We conducted a phase Ib proof of mechanism trial to determine whether bexarotene (Targretin) increases central nervous system (CNS) apolipoprotein E (apoE) levels and alters Aβ metabolism in normal healthy individuals with the

METHODS: We used stable isotope labeling kinetics (SILK-ApoE and SILK-Aβ) to measure the effect of bexarotene on the turnover rate of apoE and Aβ peptides and stable isotope spike absolute quantitation (SISAQ) to quantitate their concentrations in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Normal subjects were treated for 3 days with bexarotene (n = 3 women, 3 men, average 32 years old) or placebo (n = 6 women, …

After The Paris Agreement: How India Can Use Climate Financing To Implement A Sustainable Clean Cookstove Program, Hannah Kornfeld Jun 2016

After The Paris Agreement: How India Can Use Climate Financing To Implement A Sustainable Clean Cookstove Program, Hannah Kornfeld

Master's Theses

The burning of biomass for cooking purposes without proper ventilation and filters poses a massive health and climate risk. Health implications from exposure to household air pollution from this type of fuel impacts women and children in many developing countries, who spend many hours a day cooking and gathering fuel. Climate implications from burning solid biomass results in increased carbon dioxide and black carbon emissions, which contribute to global climate change. This thesis aims to explore the issues associated with biomass cookstoves in terms of both health and climate, and seeks to understand how a new national clean cookstove program …

Privacy And Security In Mobile Health – A Research Agenda, David Kotz, Carl A. Gunter, Santosh Kumar, Jonathan P. Weiner Jun 2016

Privacy And Security In Mobile Health – A Research Agenda, David Kotz, Carl A. Gunter, Santosh Kumar, Jonathan P. Weiner

Dartmouth Scholarship

Mobile health technology has great potential to increase healthcare quality, expand access to services, reduce costs, and improve personal wellness and public health. However, mHealth also raises significant privacy and security challenges.

Effect Of Ambient Particulate Matter 2.5 Micrometer (Pm2.5) To Prevalence Of Impaired Lung Function And Asthma In Tangerang And Makassar, Budi Haryanto, Budy Resosoedarmo, Sri Tjahjani Budi Utami, Budi Hartono, Ema Hermawati May 2016

Effect Of Ambient Particulate Matter 2.5 Micrometer (Pm2.5) To Prevalence Of Impaired Lung Function And Asthma In Tangerang And Makassar, Budi Haryanto, Budy Resosoedarmo, Sri Tjahjani Budi Utami, Budi Hartono, Ema Hermawati


Emisi partikel debu 2,5 mikrometer (PM2.5) meningkat dengan bertambahnya jumlah penduduk kota akibat peningkatan angka kendaraan bermotor sebagai transportasi penduduk sehari-hari. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat gangguan fungsi paru dan asma serta hubungannya dengan kadar ambien PM2.5 pada masyarakat migran di Tangerang dan Makassar dan kondisi sosial ekonomi. Desain potong lintang digunakan dengan melibatkan 4.250 dan 2.900 responden di Tangerang dan Makassar pada bulan April sampai September 2010. Pendekatan cluster sampling diterapkan. Pengukuran ambien PM2.5 di masing-masing kota berdasarkan koordinat 40 lokasi Global Positioning System (GPS). Kadar PM2.5 ditemukan lebih tinggi pada pagi hari dibandingkan siang hari di kedua …

Husband’S Support Towards Unmet Need Of Hiv Positive-Infected Women Of Childbearing Age, Sophia Sophia, Anita Deborah Anwar, Bony Wiem Lestari May 2016

Husband’S Support Towards Unmet Need Of Hiv Positive-Infected Women Of Childbearing Age, Sophia Sophia, Anita Deborah Anwar, Bony Wiem Lestari


Jutaan wanita usia subur (WUS) dengan HIV positif di negara berkembang saat ini tidak menggunakan kontrasepsi untuk menunda atau mengakhiri kehamilan. Pencegahan kehamilan yang tidak diinginkan pada WUS dengan HIV positif sangat penting untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup ibu dan anak. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap unmet need pada WUS dengan HIV positif. Metode penelitian adalah cross sectional dengan sampel berjumlah 130 WUS dengan HIV positif yang diambil secara consecutive sampling. Penelitian dilakukan pada 24 Maret - 30 Juni 2015 di Klinik Mawar Kota Bandung. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara dengan menggunakan kuesioner, kemudian data dianalisis dengan …

Impact Of Husband’S Participation In Antenatal Care On The Use Of Skilled Birth Attendant, Febri Wicaksono May 2016

Impact Of Husband’S Participation In Antenatal Care On The Use Of Skilled Birth Attendant, Febri Wicaksono


Pendekatan alternatif diperlukan untuk mengatasi persoalan kesehatan reproduksi, salah satunya dengan meningkatkan partisipasi laki-laki pada kesehatan reproduksi perempuan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menelusuri dampak partisipasi suami dalam pelayanan antenatal pada penggunaan tenaga persalinan terlatih setelah mengontrol karakteristik sosial demografi. Sampel sebanyak 4.000 perempuan berusia 15 – 49 tahun yang memiliki persalinan terakhir pada tahun lalu sebelum survei diambil dari Survei Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia tahun 2012. Penelitian menggunakan model regresi logistik biner untuk mengidentifikasi dampak partisipasi suami dalam pelayanan antenatal pada penggunaan tenaga persalinan terlatih setelah mengontrol karakteristik ibu dan sosial demografi. Peluang setelah mengontrol faktor lainnya mengindikasikan perempuan yang …

Housewives’ Compliance In Reading Food Labels In Gorontalo City, Imran Tumenggung, Lucky Herawati, Sofyawati Talibo May 2016

Housewives’ Compliance In Reading Food Labels In Gorontalo City, Imran Tumenggung, Lucky Herawati, Sofyawati Talibo


Di Indonesia, masalah label pada kemasan makanan kurang mendapat perhatian konsumen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari determinan kepatuhan membaca label pada kemasan makanan oleh ibu rumah tangga di Kota Gorontalo. Penelitian dengan metode survei ini dilakukan dari bulan Juni sampai Agustus 2013. Data dikumpulkan secara potong lintang dengan menggunakan angket. Variabel terikat adalah kepatuhan membaca label pada kemasan makanan yang terdiri dari label informasi nilai gizi, komposisi makanan, masa kedaluwarsa, harga, dan status halal. Variabel bebas adalah usia, tingkat pendidikan, dan keterpaparan dengan media informasi. Besar sampel 262 orang ditentukan secara accidental technique. Analisis data menggunakan uji kai kuadrat. Hasil …

The Effect Of Structured Counseling Towards Knowledge, Attitude, And Participation Of Modern Contraceptive Among Unmet Need Couples, Herlina Simanjuntak, Bony Wiem Lestari, Anita Debora Anwar May 2016

The Effect Of Structured Counseling Towards Knowledge, Attitude, And Participation Of Modern Contraceptive Among Unmet Need Couples, Herlina Simanjuntak, Bony Wiem Lestari, Anita Debora Anwar


Unmet need Keluarga Berencana (KB) masih tinggi di negara berkembang termasuk di Indonesia. Konseling kontrasepsi terstruktur berpotensi meningkatkan penggunaan kontrasepsi secara efektif, menjaga keberlangsungan penggunaan dan meningkatkan kepuasan klien. Selama ini seling kontrasepsi yang dilakukan belum optimal, sehingga penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh konseling terstruktur terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan, sikap dan partisipasi kontrasepsi modern pada pasangan usia subur (PUS) yang unmet need. Penelitian ini merupakan eksperimen semu dengan rancangan pretest-posttest dengan kelompok kontrol. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada periode Maret – Juni 2015. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan stratified random sampling pada 48 orang untuk kelompok perlakuan (konseling terstruktur) dan 48 orang …

Child Health Improvement Through Implementation Of Food Safety Model, Arief Safari, Machfud Machfud, Eriyatno Eriyatno, Heny Kuswanti Daryanto May 2016

Child Health Improvement Through Implementation Of Food Safety Model, Arief Safari, Machfud Machfud, Eriyatno Eriyatno, Heny Kuswanti Daryanto


Pemenuhan akan pangan merupakan komponen dasar untuk mewujudkan sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas. Namun, masih terdapat permasalahan dalam mewujudkannya, di antaranya masalah keamanan pangan dengan persentase kasus keracunan makanan masih tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis situasi pelaksanaan keamanan Pangan Jajanan Anak Sekolah (PJAS) yang ada saat ini dan memilih alternatif model keamanan pangan yang paling efektif dan efisien diterapkan di usaha mikro kecil (UMK) guna meningkatkan keamanan pangan yang dihasilkannya sehingga terjadi peningkatan kesehatan anak. Penelitian dilakukan pada kuartal II tahun 2015 sampai dengan awal kuartal III tahun 2015 melalui survei lapangan dan survei pakar dengan mengambil studi kasus …

Birth Intervals Among Multiparous Women In Indonesia, Dini Kurniawati, Sabarinah Prasetyo May 2016

Birth Intervals Among Multiparous Women In Indonesia, Dini Kurniawati, Sabarinah Prasetyo


Angka kematian ibu dan angka kematian bayi di Indonesia masih tinggi. Salah satu faktor yang menyebabkan tingginya risiko kematian pada ibu dan bayi adalah kelahiran terlalu dekat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari determinan jarak antarkelahiran pada perempuan multipara di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan data Survei Demografi Kesehatan Indonesia tahun 2012 pada 9.945 perempuan multipara. Analisis data menggunakan uji Mann Whitney, Kruskal Wallis, dan regresi logistik. Median jarak antarkelahiran sebesar 62 bulan dan 22,8% perempuan memiliki jarak antarkelahiran kurang dari tiga tahun. Hasil menunjukkan determinan jarak antarkelahiran pendek meliputi pendidikan ibu, usia terakhir melahirkan, ukuran ideal keluarga, pemakaian kontrasepsi, riwayat kematian …

Identification And Use Of Indicator Data To Develop Models For Marine-Sourced Risks In Massachusetts Bay, Marin M. Kress May 2016

Identification And Use Of Indicator Data To Develop Models For Marine-Sourced Risks In Massachusetts Bay, Marin M. Kress

Graduate Doctoral Dissertations

The coastal watersheds around Massachusetts Bay are home to millions of people, many of whom recreate in coastal waters and consume locally harvested shellfish. Epidemiological data on food-borne illness and illnesses associated with recreational water exposure are known to be incomplete. Of major food categories, seafood has the highest recorded rate of associated foodborne illness. In total, the health impacts from these marine-sourced risks are estimated to cost millions of dollars each year in medical expenses or lost productivity. When recorded epidemiological data is incomplete it may be possible to estimate abundance or prevalence of specific pathogens or toxins in …

A Bi-Stable Switch In Virus Dynamics Can Explain The Differences In Disease Outcome Following Siv Infections In Rhesus Macaques, Stanca Ciupe, Christopher Miller, Jonathan Forde May 2016

A Bi-Stable Switch In Virus Dynamics Can Explain The Differences In Disease Outcome Following Siv Infections In Rhesus Macaques, Stanca Ciupe, Christopher Miller, Jonathan Forde

Biology and Medicine Through Mathematics Conference

No abstract provided.

Patient-Specific Inference Of Average Glucose From Glycated Hemoglobin, Roy Malka, David M. Nathan, John M. Higgins May 2016

Patient-Specific Inference Of Average Glucose From Glycated Hemoglobin, Roy Malka, David M. Nathan, John M. Higgins

Biology and Medicine Through Mathematics Conference

No abstract provided.

Determinants Of The Efficacy Of Hiv Latency Reversing Agents And Implications For Drug And Treatment Design, Ruian Ke May 2016

Determinants Of The Efficacy Of Hiv Latency Reversing Agents And Implications For Drug And Treatment Design, Ruian Ke

Biology and Medicine Through Mathematics Conference

No abstract provided.

Using Mathematical Modeling To Unmask The Concealed Nature Of Long Qt-3 Syndrome, Steven Poelzing, Amara Greer-Short, Seth H. Weinberg May 2016

Using Mathematical Modeling To Unmask The Concealed Nature Of Long Qt-3 Syndrome, Steven Poelzing, Amara Greer-Short, Seth H. Weinberg

Biology and Medicine Through Mathematics Conference

No abstract provided.

Optimal Insecticide-Treated Bed-Net Coverage And Malaria Treatment In A Malaria-Hiv Co-Infection Model, Eric Numfor May 2016

Optimal Insecticide-Treated Bed-Net Coverage And Malaria Treatment In A Malaria-Hiv Co-Infection Model, Eric Numfor

Biology and Medicine Through Mathematics Conference

No abstract provided.

Using Predator Carrying Capacity For A Pathogenic Vector-Dynamic Differential Model, Rosahn P. Bhattarai May 2016

Using Predator Carrying Capacity For A Pathogenic Vector-Dynamic Differential Model, Rosahn P. Bhattarai

Biology and Medicine Through Mathematics Conference

No abstract provided.

Dynamics Of Two Pathogens In A Single Tick Population, Alexis White May 2016

Dynamics Of Two Pathogens In A Single Tick Population, Alexis White

Biology and Medicine Through Mathematics Conference

No abstract provided.

Demonstration Of Follicle Waves Using Delay Differential Equations, Andrew A. Wright May 2016

Demonstration Of Follicle Waves Using Delay Differential Equations, Andrew A. Wright

Biology and Medicine Through Mathematics Conference

No abstract provided.

A Mathematical Model Of The Spread Of Dengue Fever Incorporating Mobility, Kelly A. Reagan May 2016

A Mathematical Model Of The Spread Of Dengue Fever Incorporating Mobility, Kelly A. Reagan

Biology and Medicine Through Mathematics Conference

No abstract provided.

Heterogeneous Responses To Viral Infection: Insights From Mathematical Modeling Of Yellow Fever Vaccine, James R. Moore May 2016

Heterogeneous Responses To Viral Infection: Insights From Mathematical Modeling Of Yellow Fever Vaccine, James R. Moore

Biology and Medicine Through Mathematics Conference

No abstract provided.

Mathematical Models Of Hiv And Hpv Coinfection, Samantha Erwin, Meghna Verma, Vida Abedi, Raquel Hontecillas-Magarzo, Stefan Hoops, Josep Bassaganya-Riera, Stanca M. Ciupe May 2016

Mathematical Models Of Hiv And Hpv Coinfection, Samantha Erwin, Meghna Verma, Vida Abedi, Raquel Hontecillas-Magarzo, Stefan Hoops, Josep Bassaganya-Riera, Stanca M. Ciupe

Biology and Medicine Through Mathematics Conference

No abstract provided.

Global Dynamics Of A Model Of Joint Hormone Treatment With Dendritic Cell Vaccine For Prostate Cancer, Erica M. Rutter, Yang Kuang May 2016

Global Dynamics Of A Model Of Joint Hormone Treatment With Dendritic Cell Vaccine For Prostate Cancer, Erica M. Rutter, Yang Kuang

Biology and Medicine Through Mathematics Conference

No abstract provided.

Can Including Time Delay In Epidemic Models Significantly Improve Predictions Concerning Intervention Strategies?, Adrienna N. Bingham, Leah Shaw May 2016

Can Including Time Delay In Epidemic Models Significantly Improve Predictions Concerning Intervention Strategies?, Adrienna N. Bingham, Leah Shaw

Biology and Medicine Through Mathematics Conference

No abstract provided.

Low Energy Defibrillation By Synchronization; 90 % Less Energy Compared To One Shock., Flavio H. Fenton, Yanyan Ji, Ilija Uzelac, Niels Otani, Elizabeth M. Cherry May 2016

Low Energy Defibrillation By Synchronization; 90 % Less Energy Compared To One Shock., Flavio H. Fenton, Yanyan Ji, Ilija Uzelac, Niels Otani, Elizabeth M. Cherry

Biology and Medicine Through Mathematics Conference

No abstract provided.

A Topological Analysis Of Targeted In-111 Up- Take In Spect Images Of Murine Tumors., David Damiano May 2016

A Topological Analysis Of Targeted In-111 Up- Take In Spect Images Of Murine Tumors., David Damiano

Biology and Medicine Through Mathematics Conference

No abstract provided.

Mathematical Analysis And Simulations Involving Chemotherapy And Surgery On Large Human Tumours Under A Suitable Cell-Kill Functional Response, Diego S. Rodrigues May 2016

Mathematical Analysis And Simulations Involving Chemotherapy And Surgery On Large Human Tumours Under A Suitable Cell-Kill Functional Response, Diego S. Rodrigues

Biology and Medicine Through Mathematics Conference

No abstract provided.