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Physical Sciences and Mathematics Commons

Open Access. Powered by Scholars. Published by Universities.®


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Articles 2581 - 2610 of 12521

Full-Text Articles in Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Continuum Electrostatics Analysis Of The Kok Cycle Of Photosystem Ii, Witold Szejgis Sep 2017

Continuum Electrostatics Analysis Of The Kok Cycle Of Photosystem Ii, Witold Szejgis

Dissertations, Theses, and Capstone Projects

The Kok cycle is catalytic process by which the oxygen-evolving complex (OEC) of photosystem II (PSII) oxidizes two water molecules forming oxygen. Four OEC oxidation states (S0 to S3) in the Kok cycle precede the final product formation in the S4 state. Here a semi-empirical classical electrostatics analysis is applied to S0 to S3 states of the OEC is used to estimate the electrochemical midpoints for each S-state transition and the proton loss coupled to oxidation. To account for geometrical rearrangement within the cluster during Kok cycle optimized QM/MM geometries are used for each …

Machine Learning Approach To Retrieving Physical Variables From Remotely Sensed Data, Fazlul Shahriar Sep 2017

Machine Learning Approach To Retrieving Physical Variables From Remotely Sensed Data, Fazlul Shahriar

Dissertations, Theses, and Capstone Projects

Scientists from all over the world make use of remotely sensed data from hundreds of satellites to better understand the Earth. However, physical measurements from an instrument is sometimes missing either because the instrument hasn't been launched yet or the design of the instrument omitted a particular spectral band. Measurements received from the instrument may also be corrupt due to malfunction in the detectors on the instrument. Fortunately, there are machine learning techniques to estimate the missing or corrupt data. Using these techniques we can make use of the available data to its full potential.

We present work on four …

Introductory Biology Students’ Use Of Enhanced Answer Keys And Reflection Questions To Engage In Metacognition And Enhance Understanding, Jaime L. Sabel, Joseph T. Dauer, Cory T. Forbes Sep 2017

Introductory Biology Students’ Use Of Enhanced Answer Keys And Reflection Questions To Engage In Metacognition And Enhance Understanding, Jaime L. Sabel, Joseph T. Dauer, Cory T. Forbes

School of Natural Resources: Faculty Publications

Providing feedback to students as they learn to integrate individual concepts into complex systems is an important way to help them to develop robust understanding, but it is challenging in large, undergraduate classes for instructors to provide feedback that is frequent and directed enough to help individual students. Various scaffolds can be used to help students engage in self-regulated learning and generate internal feedback to improve their learning. This study examined the use of enhanced answer keys with added reflection questions and instruction as scaffolds for engaging undergraduate students in self-regulated learning within an introductory biology course. Study findings show …

Gold Nanoparticle Colorants As Traditional Ceramic Glaze Alternatives, Raef H. Lambertson, Christie A. Lacy, Samuel D. Gillespie, Michael C. Leopold Sep 2017

Gold Nanoparticle Colorants As Traditional Ceramic Glaze Alternatives, Raef H. Lambertson, Christie A. Lacy, Samuel D. Gillespie, Michael C. Leopold

Chemistry Faculty Publications

Historically, Roman stained glass has been a standard for high‐temperature color stability since biblical times but was not properly characterized as emission from nanoparticle plasmon resonance until the 1990s. The methods under which it was created have been lost, but some efforts have recently been made to recreate these properties using gold nanoparticle inks on glassy surfaces. This body of work employs gold nanoparticle systems ranging from 0.015% to 0.100% (wt/wt), suspended in a clear glaze body. The glazes are fired with traditional ceramic methods—in both gas reduction and electric oxidation kilns—in which nanoparticles are retained and can be imaged …

Addressing A Common Misconception: Ammonium Acetate As Neutral Ph "Buffer" For Native Electrospray Mass Spectrometry., Lars Konermann Sep 2017

Addressing A Common Misconception: Ammonium Acetate As Neutral Ph "Buffer" For Native Electrospray Mass Spectrometry., Lars Konermann

Chemistry Publications

Native ESI-MS involves the transfer of intact proteins and biomolecular complexes from solution into the gas phase. One potential pitfall is the occurrence of pH-induced changes that can affect the analyte while it is still surrounded by solvent. Most native ESI-MS studies employ neutral aqueous ammonium acetate solutions. It is a widely perpetuated misconception that ammonium acetate buffers the analyte solution at neutral pH. By definition, a buffer consists of a weak acid and its conjugate weak base. The buffering range covers the weak acid pKa ± 1 pH unit. NH4+ and CH3-COO- are …

Active Directory Infrastructure Design And Network Topology Design For Starcom Software Developer Company, Bujar Lushta Sep 2017

Active Directory Infrastructure Design And Network Topology Design For Starcom Software Developer Company, Bujar Lushta

Theses and Dissertations

Active Directory is Microsoft trademarked directory service, an integral part of the Windows 2000 architecture and later server operating systems. Like other directory services, such as Novell Directory Services (NDS), Active Directory is a centralized and standardized system that automates network management of user data, security, and distributed resources, and enables interoperation with other directories.

A well-structured Active Directory hierarchy requires a well-defined underlying network infrastructure in which AD forest is built upon. The design shows Cisco best practices in terms of providing layered approach by segmenting the traffic and streamlining network traffic ultimately providing redundancy, scalability and traffic efficiency. …

Protokollet Dhe Siguria Në Transmetim, Alban Blakaj Sep 2017

Protokollet Dhe Siguria Në Transmetim, Alban Blakaj

Theses and Dissertations

Kjo temë diplome ka për qëllim që të kuptojmë në mënyrë të shtjelluar dhe të qartë mënyrën se si funksionon procesi i transmetimit të të dhënave, si për shembull, të një fajlli apo dokumenti. Këtë proces e hasim çdo ditë në punën që bëjmë ose edhe për qëllime të tjera. Padyshim që rrjeti kompjuterik paraqet një ndër inovacionet më të mëdha të njerëzimit në fushën e teknologjisë së komunikimit. Mjafton të përmendim Internetin dhe menjëherë do të kuptojmë se sa i madh është përfitimi i njerëzimit nga rrjeti kompjuterik. Ai, domosdoshmërisht vërteton faktin se rrjetet kompjuterike krahas qëllimit të tyre …

Show Tech, Albert Bytyçi Sep 2017

Show Tech, Albert Bytyçi

Theses and Dissertations

Nga zhvillimi i hovshëm i teknologjisë kanë përfituar shumë fusha të tjera nder to edhe ajo e marketingut të produkteve në platforma të ndryshme. Për ketë arsye bizneset të cilat merren me shitjen e produkteve tani kane qasje në një numër më të madhe të klientëve, sa që është bere thuajse e pa mundur të mendohet ndonjë mënyre me të mirë të reklamimit.

Për të ofruar shërbimin e reklamimit të produkteve teknologjike në mënyre sa me të shpejt dhe të lehtë për bizneset, duke i kursyer kohe dhe resurse për menaxhime sa më të lehtë, është menduar të ofrojmë sistemin …

Self-Organising Networks And Rapid Handovers At High Speeds In Modern 4g, Blerta Hajdari Sep 2017

Self-Organising Networks And Rapid Handovers At High Speeds In Modern 4g, Blerta Hajdari

Theses and Dissertations

Titulli i temës ngërthen në vete tre tema të ndërlidhura njëra pas tjetrës. Fillimisht do të flitet rreth asaj se qka është rrjeti 4G, ku pasojnë edhe objektivat kryesore të kësaj gjenerate. Më pastaj do të njihemi me historikun e shkurtër të rrjeteve celulare. Teknologjia LTE është standard i 4G-së dhe përbëhet nga disa teknika, teknika këto që shtjellohen në mënyrë të detajizuar. Pjesë esenciale e 4G-së është edhe arkitektura e saj e pasuruar me teknika të avancuara. Pjesa kryesore e që është HANDOVER është qelësi kryesorë i nivelit të kënaqësisë së klientit, arsyjet dhe përfitimet themelore me anë të …

Krahasimi I Platformës Laravel Dhe Asp .Net, Burbuqe Beqiraj Sep 2017

Krahasimi I Platformës Laravel Dhe Asp .Net, Burbuqe Beqiraj

Theses and Dissertations

Teknologjia prej vitit në vitë e ka ndryshuar jetën e njeriut, duke e bërë më të lehtë punën dhe jetën në përgjithësi. Duke marr parasysh vitet e shkuara që teknologjia nuk kishte qënë e zhvilluar edhe punët në të gjitha sferat kanë pasur vështërsi të mëdha, duke e krahasuar në ditët e sotme, zhvillimi teknologjik po na mundëson punë më të lehtë në çdo aspekst edhe në çdo sfer të jetës. Tashmë teknologjia është bërë mjeti ynë i informacionit, i argetimit, i sigurisë, i shëndetit, pra në një fare mënyre mbulon të gjitha sferat më të rëndësishme të jetës. Kemi …

Analiza E Rrjetit Mikrovalor Unazë Për Territorin E Republikës Së Kosovës, Burim Berisha Sep 2017

Analiza E Rrjetit Mikrovalor Unazë Për Territorin E Republikës Së Kosovës, Burim Berisha

Theses and Dissertations

Ky punim paraqet mënyrën e ndërtimit të një rrjeti mikrovalor me kapacitetit të lartë të transmetimit të të dhënave, me një topologji unazë. Përmes sistemeve transmetuese telekomunikuese mikrovalore bëhet lidhja e lokacioneve në zona të ndryshme gjeografike. Që të gjitha sinjalet e të dhënave, zërit, videos transmetohen përmes këtij sistemi. Inxhinierët e Telekomunikacionit që merren me projektimin e këtyre rrjetave duhet të kenë njohuri nga Telekomunikacioni, Rrjetat Kompjuterike, Siguria e pajisjeve që e përbëjnë këtë sistem, si dhe të kenë njohuri mbi bazën ligjore të Telekomunikacionit.

Duke marrë parasysh aspektin ekonomik, zhvillimin teknologjik, kohën e ndërtimit të sistemit transmetues, kosto …

Siguria E Web Shërbimeve Në Platformën Mobile, Shpend Shabani Sep 2017

Siguria E Web Shërbimeve Në Platformën Mobile, Shpend Shabani

Theses and Dissertations

World Wide Web-i është shndërruar në një bashkësi shumë të madhe të dhënash të ndërlidhura. Kjo “magazinë” të dhënash është një entitet dinamik dhe sasia e informacionit që ajo ofron, pëson një rritje eksponenciale. Informacioni paraqitet në formën e imazheve, tekstit, videove, audiove, kështu që procesi i kërkimit dhe gjetjës së informacionit të duhur, në mes të gjithë dokumentave që shfaqën, nuk është gjithnjë aq i thjeshtë sa duket. Ne kemi nevojë për teknika dhe mjete që të na e lehtësojnë dhe shpejtojnë këtë process, duke përmbushur kështu qëllimin e kërkimit.

Ndërkohë, web shërbimet janë një mënyrë efektive për komunikim …

Trends In The Environmental Health Job Market For New Graduates, Jason W. Marion, Timothy J. Murphy Phd, Anne Marie Zimeri Phd Sep 2017

Trends In The Environmental Health Job Market For New Graduates, Jason W. Marion, Timothy J. Murphy Phd, Anne Marie Zimeri Phd

EKU Faculty and Staff Scholarship

The question of whether the job market can support future graduates of environmental health programs remains an important and difficult question for environmental health programs, current and prospective students, parents, and other stakeholders. Our previous report using 2014 data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics demonstrated anticipated growth and higher than average pay in the profession through at least 2022 for baccalaureate degree holders (Marion & Sinde, 2015). Growth in the profession does not necessarily translate into job availability if the market is saturated with job candidates. While university programs produce graduates, local health departments (LHDs) have suffered tremendous …

Α-Conotoxin Decontamination Protocol Evaluation: What Works And What Doesn’T, Matthew W. Turner, John R. Cort, Owen M. Mcdougal Sep 2017

Α-Conotoxin Decontamination Protocol Evaluation: What Works And What Doesn’T, Matthew W. Turner, John R. Cort, Owen M. Mcdougal

Chemistry and Biochemistry Faculty Publications and Presentations

Nine publically available biosafety protocols for safely handling conotoxin peptides were tested to evaluate their decontamination efficacy. Circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy and mass spectrometry (MS) were used to assess the effect of each chemical treatment on the secondary and primary structure of α-CTx MII (L10V, E11A). Of the nine decontamination methods tested, treatment with 1% (m/v) solution of the enzymatic detergent Contrex™ EZ resulted in a 76.8% decrease in α-helical content as assessed by the mean residue ellipticity at 222 nm, and partial peptide digestion was demonstrated using high performance liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS). Additionally, …

Collaborative Research: Facet: Quantifying The Topographic Response To Tectonic Processes In Southern Taiwan, Tammy M. Rittenour Sep 2017

Collaborative Research: Facet: Quantifying The Topographic Response To Tectonic Processes In Southern Taiwan, Tammy M. Rittenour

Funded Research Records

No abstract provided.

Thermal Radiation Anomalies Associated With Major Earthquakes, Dimitar Ouzounov, Sergey Pulinets, Menas Kafatos, Patrick Taylor Sep 2017

Thermal Radiation Anomalies Associated With Major Earthquakes, Dimitar Ouzounov, Sergey Pulinets, Menas Kafatos, Patrick Taylor

Mathematics, Physics, and Computer Science Faculty Articles and Research

Recent developments of remote sensing methods for Earth satellite data analysis contribute to our understanding of earthquake related thermal anomalies. It was realized that the thermal heat fluxes over areas of earthquake preparation is a result of air ionization by radon (and other gases) and consequent water vapor condensation on newly formed ions. Latent heat (LH) is released as a result of this process and leads to the formation of local thermal radiation anomalies (TRA) known as OLR (outgoing Longwave radiation, Ouzounov et al, 2007). We compare the LH energy, obtained by integrating surface latent heat flux (SLHF) over the …

Development And Validation Of A Novel Lc–Ms/Ms Method For Simultaneous Determination Of Abiraterone And Its Seven Steroidal Metabolites In Human Serum: Innovation In Separation Of Diastereoisomers Without Use Of A Chiral Column, Mohammad Alyamani, Zhenfei Li, Sunil K. Upadhyay, David J. Anderson, Richard J. Auchus, Nima Sharifi Sep 2017

Development And Validation Of A Novel Lc–Ms/Ms Method For Simultaneous Determination Of Abiraterone And Its Seven Steroidal Metabolites In Human Serum: Innovation In Separation Of Diastereoisomers Without Use Of A Chiral Column, Mohammad Alyamani, Zhenfei Li, Sunil K. Upadhyay, David J. Anderson, Richard J. Auchus, Nima Sharifi

Chemistry Faculty Publications

Abiraterone acetate (AA), the prodrug of abiraterone, is FDA-approved for the treatment of castration-resistant prostate cancer. Abiraterone is metabolized in patients to a more potent analogue, D4A. However, we have recently reported that this analogue is further metabolized to additional metabolites in patients treated with AA. Here, we present a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method developed to resolve and detect abiraterone and its seven metabolites in human serum using an AB Sciex Qtrap 5500 mass analyzer coupled with a Shimadzu Nexera UPLC station. Analytes and the internal standard (abiraterone-d4) were extracted from human serum using the liquid–liquid extraction procedure. The …

The Human Touch: How Non-Expert Users Perceive, Interpret, And Fix Topic Models, Tak Yeon Lee, Alison Smith, Kevin Seppi, Niklas Elmqvist, Jordan Boyd-Graber, Leah Findlater Sep 2017

The Human Touch: How Non-Expert Users Perceive, Interpret, And Fix Topic Models, Tak Yeon Lee, Alison Smith, Kevin Seppi, Niklas Elmqvist, Jordan Boyd-Graber, Leah Findlater

Faculty Publications

Topic modeling is a common tool for understanding large bodies of text, but is typically provided as a “take it or leave it” proposition. Incorporating human knowledge in unsupervised learning is a promising approach to create high-quality topic models. Existing interactive systems and modeling algorithms support a wide range of refinement operations to express feedback. However, these systems’ interactions are primarily driven by algorithmic convenience, ignoring users who may lack expertise in topic modeling. To better understand how non-expert users understand, assess, and refine topics, we conducted two user studies—an in-person interview study and an online crowdsourced study. These studies …

Mukaiyama Addition Of (Trimethylsilyl) Acetonitrile To Dimethyl Acetals Mediated By Trimethylsilyl Trifluoromethanesulfonate, C. Wade Downey, Alice Y.-K. Lee, John R. Goodin, Courtney J. Botelho, William M. Stith Sep 2017

Mukaiyama Addition Of (Trimethylsilyl) Acetonitrile To Dimethyl Acetals Mediated By Trimethylsilyl Trifluoromethanesulfonate, C. Wade Downey, Alice Y.-K. Lee, John R. Goodin, Courtney J. Botelho, William M. Stith

Chemistry Faculty Publications

(Trimethylsilyl) acetonitrile reacts smoothly with dimethyl acetals in the presence of stoichiometric trimethylsilyl trifluoromethanesulfonate (TMSOTf) to yield β-methoxynitriles. The ideal substrates for this reaction are acetals derived from aromatic aldehydes. Elimination to the corresponding α,β-unsaturated nitriles is observed as the major product in the case of electron-rich acetals. A mechanistic hypothesis that includes isomerization of the silylnitrile to a nucleophilic N-silyl ketene imine is presented.

Front Matter Sep 2017

Front Matter

Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law

No abstract provided.

Editorial Sep 2017


Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law

No abstract provided.

Legislative Requirements For Cyber Peacekeeping, Nikolay Akatyev, Joshua I. James Sep 2017

Legislative Requirements For Cyber Peacekeeping, Nikolay Akatyev, Joshua I. James

Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law

Cyber Peacekeeping strives for the prevention, mitigation and cessation of cyber and physical conflicts. The creation of a Cyber Peacekeeping organization, however, has major legal and political implications. In this work we review current international legislation applicable for functions of Cyber Peacekeeping. Specifically, we analyze prominent works which contribute to definitions, law and ethics regulating cyber conflicts from the perspective of the creation of a CPK organization. Legislative and terminological foundations are analyzed and adopted from current practice. Further, this work analyzes guiding principles of global organizations such as ITU IMPACT, INTERPOL and regional organizations such as NATO and the …

Public Security & Digital Forensics In The United States: The Continued Need For Expanded Digital Systems For Security, Deborah G. Keeling, Michael Losavio Sep 2017

Public Security & Digital Forensics In The United States: The Continued Need For Expanded Digital Systems For Security, Deborah G. Keeling, Michael Losavio

Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law

Digital Forensics is one of the latest challenges for the use of forensics in the investigative process in the United States. Some of the challenges are created by conditions and circumstances present for law enforcement around the world. However, many are unique to the United States and created by the standards of evidence within our courts, nature of our law enforcement organizations, and structure of our judicial and prosecutorial systems. It is essential for the preservation of public security and individual safety that competent systems of digital forensics are developed for law enforcement at all levels. The failure to do …

Security And The Transnational Information Polity, Michael M. Losavio, Adel Said Elmaghraby Sep 2017

Security And The Transnational Information Polity, Michael M. Losavio, Adel Said Elmaghraby

Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law

Global information and communications technologies create criminal opportunities in which criminal violation and physical proximity are decoupled. As in all our endeavors, the good become the prey of the bad. Murderous and venal exploitation of ICT has followed from the inception of the Internet, threatening all the good it brings and the trust we need so badly as a people. As the work continues to expand the implementation of Smart Cities and the Internet of Things, there will be more opportunities for exploitation of these technologies. We examine the social and liberty risks our data and technology-driven responses may entail.

Back Matter Sep 2017

Back Matter

Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law

No abstract provided.

An Ancient Bankruptcy Solution Makes Economic Sense, Anh H. Ly, Michael Zakharevich, Olga Kosheleva, Vladik Kreinovich Sep 2017

An Ancient Bankruptcy Solution Makes Economic Sense, Anh H. Ly, Michael Zakharevich, Olga Kosheleva, Vladik Kreinovich

Departmental Technical Reports (CS)

While econometrics is a reasonable recent discipline, quantitative solutions to economic problem have been proposed since the ancient times. In particular, solutions have been proposed for the bankruptcy problem: how to divide the assets between the claimants? One of the challenges of analyzing ancient solutions to economics problems is that these solutions are often presented not as a general algorithm, but as a sequence of examples. When there are only a few such example, it is often difficult to convincingly extract a general algorithm from them. This was the case, for example, for the supposedly fairness-motivated Talmudic solution to the …

Impacts Of Java Language Features On The Memory Performances Of Android Apps, Yoonsik Cheon, Adriana Escobar De La Torre Sep 2017

Impacts Of Java Language Features On The Memory Performances Of Android Apps, Yoonsik Cheon, Adriana Escobar De La Torre

Departmental Technical Reports (CS)

Android apps are written in Java, but unlike Java applications they are resource-constrained in storage capacity and battery lifetime. In this document, we perform an experiment to measure quantitatively the impact of Java language and standard API features on the memory efficiency of Android apps. We focus on garbage collection because it is a critical process for performance affecting user experience. We learned that even Java language constructs and standard application programming interfaces (APIs) may be a source of a performance problem causing a significant memory overhead for Android apps. Any critical section of code needs to be scrutinized on …

Virginia Homeowners Handbook: Helping Homeowners Prepare For Hurricanes And Other Natural Hazards, Jon Cawley Sep 2017

Virginia Homeowners Handbook: Helping Homeowners Prepare For Hurricanes And Other Natural Hazards, Jon Cawley

News Items

No abstract provided.

Odu Researcher: Hampton Roads A Poster-Child For Sea Level Rise Threat, Public Affairs & News Bureau, Old Dominion University Sep 2017

Odu Researcher: Hampton Roads A Poster-Child For Sea Level Rise Threat, Public Affairs & News Bureau, Old Dominion University

News Items

No abstract provided.

Major Hurricane Impact: Is Hampton Roads Ready?, Jon Cawley Sep 2017

Major Hurricane Impact: Is Hampton Roads Ready?, Jon Cawley

News Items

No abstract provided.