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Social and Behavioral Sciences Commons

Open Access. Powered by Scholars. Published by Universities.®

Independent Study Project (ISP) Collection

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Articles 901 - 930 of 2931

Full-Text Articles in Social and Behavioral Sciences

A Comparative Tree Survey Of Disturbed And Primary Forest Areas: Ngezi-Vumawimbi Nature Forest Reserve, Pemba Island, Skyler Smith Apr 2018

A Comparative Tree Survey Of Disturbed And Primary Forest Areas: Ngezi-Vumawimbi Nature Forest Reserve, Pemba Island, Skyler Smith

Independent Study Project (ISP) Collection

Off the coast of Tanzania, in East Africa, the island of Pemba was once covered in pristine forest despite having a small, agriculturally-based human population. Beginning around 1840, however, the island began to be deforested on a large scale for colonial plantations of cash crops such as cloves and rubber as well as for small-scale farms and firewood. Ngezi-Vumawimbi Nature Forest Reserve covers about 1,440 hectares and is all that remains of these once vast forests. The reserve was officially designated in 1957 but timber extraction and exploitation there continued until the late 1980s. In the early 1970s, a large …

The Impact And Effectiveness Of Life Orientation On Six Students At The University Of Cape Town, Sydney Nathan Apr 2018

The Impact And Effectiveness Of Life Orientation On Six Students At The University Of Cape Town, Sydney Nathan

Independent Study Project (ISP) Collection

The Life Orientation program was implemented in South African high schools by The Department of Basic Education post-apartheid, to teach students about topics such as sexual and physical education, future career options, citizenship, and depending on the school, religion — a range of topics designed to prepare them to live healthy and productive adult lives. However, in practice the program is not always successful due to a lack of resources, teachers who are not trained to teach Life Orientation, and unmotivated students.

The purpose of this study was to examine the impact and effectiveness the Life Orientation program had on …

‘Padre Nuestro Que Estás En La Tierra’: Una Exploración Teórica Del Territorio Ancestral Afroecuatoriano / 'Our Father Who Is On Earth': A Theoretical Exploration Of The Afro-Ecuadorian Ancestral Territory, Wes Vanderburgh Apr 2018

‘Padre Nuestro Que Estás En La Tierra’: Una Exploración Teórica Del Territorio Ancestral Afroecuatoriano / 'Our Father Who Is On Earth': A Theoretical Exploration Of The Afro-Ecuadorian Ancestral Territory, Wes Vanderburgh

Independent Study Project (ISP) Collection

Este es un proyecto colaborativo que documenta el fenómeno del territorio y explora cómo influye en la identidad del pueblo afrodescendiente de la sierra ecuatoriana. Empezamos por presentar el marco teórico, incluso la distinción clave entre territorio y tierra en este contexto. Entonces nos lanzamos al análisis por problematizar el nombre mismo del área bajo discusión. Luego, discutimos su geografía física y social. A continuación, presentamos una historia breve de la región. Por fin, conducimos una sociología del territorio, revelando los elementos sociales y discursivos detrás de los conceptos de ancestralidad, identidad, derecho, y política. Concluimos con sugerencias para proyectos …

Violencia Obstétrica: Los Derechos De Autonomía Reproductiva, Tratamiento Justo Y Accesibilidad En El Ámbito De La Salud Maternal En San Carlos, Salta / Obstetric Violence: The Rights To Reproductive Autonomy, Fair Treatment, And Accessibility Of Maternal Health Services In San Carlos, Salta, Emily Gleason Apr 2018

Violencia Obstétrica: Los Derechos De Autonomía Reproductiva, Tratamiento Justo Y Accesibilidad En El Ámbito De La Salud Maternal En San Carlos, Salta / Obstetric Violence: The Rights To Reproductive Autonomy, Fair Treatment, And Accessibility Of Maternal Health Services In San Carlos, Salta, Emily Gleason

Independent Study Project (ISP) Collection

In Argentina, there exists a national legislature (Ley N° 25.929 and 26.485) that is intended to ensure women’s rights to maternal and reproductive healthcare services free from obstetric violence; that is, the right to autonomy, fair treatment, and accessibility of maternal healthcare services. Women have the inherent right to receive fair and equitable maternal healthcare and receive humanized births, or partos humanizados. Despite the existence of these laws, however, there is still a rampant amount of obstetric violence that women in Argentina experience. Their rights to autonomous, accessible, and just maternal health services are often ignored or outright denied. …

Mujeres, Identidad Indígena Y Educación Superior: Un Análisis De Caso De Las Estudiantes Del Instituto Superior Pedagógico “Pukllasunchis” Del Cusco / Women, Indigenous Identity And Higher Education: A Case Study Of The Students Of The "Pukllasunchis" Higher Pedagogical Institute Of Cusco, Alyssa Snyder Apr 2018

Mujeres, Identidad Indígena Y Educación Superior: Un Análisis De Caso De Las Estudiantes Del Instituto Superior Pedagógico “Pukllasunchis” Del Cusco / Women, Indigenous Identity And Higher Education: A Case Study Of The Students Of The "Pukllasunchis" Higher Pedagogical Institute Of Cusco, Alyssa Snyder

Independent Study Project (ISP) Collection

Esta investigación explora cómo afecta a la identidad de mujeres indígenas el acceder a estudios de educación superior en el Instituto de Educación Superior Pedagógico Pukllasunchis (IESPP) en Cusco. Este informe analiza las experiencias de las mujeres en el sistema educativo y cómo cambian sus identidades cuando vienen a la ciudad para estudiar. Para obtener una perspectiva sobre sus vidas y experiencias, realicé entrevistas semi-estructurada con cinco estudiantes mujeres y una entrevista con la directora. Además, asistí a cinco clases. Los resultados del estudio indican que cuando ellas vienen de las comunidades a la ciudad, muchas veces se sienten discriminadas …

Education: Developing Self Reliance For Female Syrian Refugees In Host Communities, Mathilde Geannopulos Apr 2018

Education: Developing Self Reliance For Female Syrian Refugees In Host Communities, Mathilde Geannopulos

Independent Study Project (ISP) Collection

The Syrian refugee crisis has displaced millions of Syrians, leaving them without homes, resources, or any means of re-establishing self reliance. Given the immediate need for survival, education has become a luxury for many families. Issues of accessibility, quality, and societal resentment from Jordanians avert Syrians from seeking an education. This inhibits female children from productively developing their intellectuality and culminates in being susceptible to detrimental practices, like child marriage.

This study looks at the reason for low enrollment rates of Syrian female refugee children into the Jordanian education system. The research specifically interviews daughters and their guardians about their …

Pearl Lagoon's White Lobster: The Societal, Economic, Political And Autonomous Effects, Rafely Palacios Apr 2018

Pearl Lagoon's White Lobster: The Societal, Economic, Political And Autonomous Effects, Rafely Palacios

Independent Study Project (ISP) Collection

The Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua is home to the greatest number of impoverished individuals in the country. However, the people of Pearl Lagoon - a municipality in the South Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region - have found a way to escape their poor economic situations.

Due to the municipality’s close proximity to drug routes utilized by Colombian cartels and to the country itself, community members have turned to the drug trade in hopes of pursuing financial secureness. With the introduction of the “white lobster” or cocaine packets, the community as a whole has transformed its social, economic, and political spheres. In …

El Negocio Del Desarrollo Internacional: Las Dinámicas Asimétricas De Poder Entre Voluntariados Internacionales Y Comunidades Locales / The Business Of International Development: The Asymmetric Power Dynamics Between International Volunteers And Local Communities, Ivana Giang Apr 2018

El Negocio Del Desarrollo Internacional: Las Dinámicas Asimétricas De Poder Entre Voluntariados Internacionales Y Comunidades Locales / The Business Of International Development: The Asymmetric Power Dynamics Between International Volunteers And Local Communities, Ivana Giang

Independent Study Project (ISP) Collection

El estudio de caso de la organización no gubernamental (ONG), Semillas de Aprendizaje ( Seeds of Learning , SoL) demuestra el fenómeno de volunturismo, en que voluntarios principalmente estadounidenses cada uno paga una cuota estándar de $1.550 a SoL para hacer un viaje alrededor de una semana a Nicaragua. Allí, participan haciendo proyectos de construcción, como aulas y bibliotecas, a desarrollar oportunidades educativas para los estudiantes de comunidades rurales. SoL también crea un itinerario para los voluntarios hacer actividades turísticas, los costos incluidos en la cuota. Después de tres semanas de entrevistas y observación participante en los sitios de SoL …

Take A Seat: A Critical Analysis Of The Evolving Role Of Women In Morocco’S Parliamentary Parties, Grayson Rost Apr 2018

Take A Seat: A Critical Analysis Of The Evolving Role Of Women In Morocco’S Parliamentary Parties, Grayson Rost

Independent Study Project (ISP) Collection

As is the case in many countries, Morocco’s legislative body is largely male-dominated in terms of both representation and political influence. Despite the adoption of gender and youth quotas within Parliament, female politicians are frequently disadvantaged by discriminatory perceptions of the capabilities and roles of women in public life. Political women face obstacles during campaigns, elections, and in office unparalleled by the challenges facing men. Even in the face of adversity, however, many women have achieved and maintained remarkable political success and influence. Today, numerous non-governmental organizations (NGOs), civil society groups, and individuals are becoming increasingly involved in the process …

The Draw Of Revolution: Returning To Tunisia, Stephen Garrett Apr 2018

The Draw Of Revolution: Returning To Tunisia, Stephen Garrett

Independent Study Project (ISP) Collection

Having left Tunisia for different reasons, some expatriate Tunisians chose to leave their old lives behind and return to their home country when Tunisia began its democratic transition in 2011. This report focuses on the experiences and perspectives of three returning Tunisians. Understanding these individuals’ views provides a new framework for understanding the path that Tunisia’s democratic transition has taken over the past seven years. Comparing their perspectives on themes relating to their shared experiences reveals differences and similarities. Interviewees largely differ with regards to their lives before the revolution, their previous political activity, the details of their return, their …

Tunisia’S Inaugural Municipal Elections: A Comparative Analysis Of Independent Lists In La Marsa, Danielle Ziegelheim Apr 2018

Tunisia’S Inaugural Municipal Elections: A Comparative Analysis Of Independent Lists In La Marsa, Danielle Ziegelheim

Independent Study Project (ISP) Collection

In this paper, I seek to answer two principal questions: what motivates candidates in La Marsa to run on independent lists, and what differentiates each of La Marsa’s four independent lists from each other? Through interviews with candidates and from campaign materials such as Facebook pages, brochures, and videos, I have found that the fundamental lack of confidence in extant Tunisian political parties and processes has led candidates to align with independent, or citizen, lists for the May 2018 municipal elections. Candidates’ focus on unique, local, and decentralized issues also plays a factor in their rejection of partisan politics in …

Imagining Intimacy Beyond Boundaries: 'Born-Frees' Conceptions Of Race And Relationships In South Africa, Reilly Torres Apr 2018

Imagining Intimacy Beyond Boundaries: 'Born-Frees' Conceptions Of Race And Relationships In South Africa, Reilly Torres

Independent Study Project (ISP) Collection

Though South Africans are no longer legislatively governed by the color of their skin, race remains salient in the way individuals make meaning of themselves and the world around them. Previous scholarship suggests that citizens of the ‘Rainbow Nation’ still see race as a fixed category of difference, making socialization between races fraught and relatively rare (Finchilescu et al. 2007). This study seeks to explore how born-frees understand race in South Africa’s shifting socio-political terrain through the lens of intimate interracial relationships—a form of cross-racial contact complicated by histories of sexual stigma and constraint. Conversations with 17 ‘born-frees’ across the …

The Mountain Stands: An Autoethnographic Inquiry Into Zulu Christians' Approaches To Spiritual Health, Makayla Lagerman Apr 2018

The Mountain Stands: An Autoethnographic Inquiry Into Zulu Christians' Approaches To Spiritual Health, Makayla Lagerman

Independent Study Project (ISP) Collection

Spiritual health is a vital component of individual wellness that can be described in many ways; most commonly, it is thought of as the connectivity of the inner spirit to others, the world, transcendental beings, and more. From personal experience, I know that the state of my spiritual wellbeing can greatly impact my physical and mental health. For this reason, actively considered how to think about spiritual health for one of the first times in my life.

This project sought to explore Zulu Christians’ approaches to spiritual health in concurrence with my own. This was done by interviewing one Swazi …

Getting Sick Where Karma Is Gravity: Disease In The Tibetan Perspective, Moreau Hadley Apr 2018

Getting Sick Where Karma Is Gravity: Disease In The Tibetan Perspective, Moreau Hadley

Independent Study Project (ISP) Collection

Karma is the Buddhist idea that our actions from current and previous lives affect our fortune in this life. In particular, if we suffer in the current life, it is due to negative action in the past. Likewise, if we prosper, it is due to past positive acts, such as compassion. The idea of karma extends to illness; in simplification, sickness is attributed to negative past action.

The purpose of this study was to investigate the belief of karmic disease in the Tibetan Buddhist community of Shangri-La. Although disease is often used as an example of karmic suffering, and there …

Money Speaks: Education, Awareness And Facing Development In Rasuwa, Ariel Murray Apr 2018

Money Speaks: Education, Awareness And Facing Development In Rasuwa, Ariel Murray

Independent Study Project (ISP) Collection

In the Rasuwa district of Nepal, an area affected profoundly by the 2015 earthquake, development and infrastructure have been fast growing both since the natural disaster and the opening of Rasuwa Gadhi as the more formal trade route to and from China. For those in the district, a race has commenced building as much as possible in anticipation of an influx of tourism and business opportunities from both the border and new trekking in the area, though at varying expectations for both. With all this change on the rise, a big question is how are local efforts – like local …

Preserving Identity Through Discourse In A Changing Ladakh, Emma Cyr Apr 2018

Preserving Identity Through Discourse In A Changing Ladakh, Emma Cyr

Independent Study Project (ISP) Collection

Situated in the rain shadow of the Himalayas, Ladakh is a vast high altitude desert. It's looming mountains, rocky vistas, crystalline lakes, and unique indigenous culture makes Ladakh not only a favorite destination for adventurers, thrill seekers, and camera toters of all types, but also marks it as one of the most ecologically fragile areas in the world. However, Ladakh has only been open for tourism since 1974. Prior to then, the region was fairly isolated, open to travellers only a few months of the year, when the high, icy passes melted enough to let trade through. In the time …

Ontology Of Personhood In Ayurveda From The Perspective Of Patients And Physicians In Palampur, Himachal Pradesh: An Independent Study, Denise Defelice Apr 2018

Ontology Of Personhood In Ayurveda From The Perspective Of Patients And Physicians In Palampur, Himachal Pradesh: An Independent Study, Denise Defelice

Independent Study Project (ISP) Collection

Scholars in western biomedicine describe the body as a physical entity distinct from mind and soul. However, the human body in Indian systems of medicine integrates the multiple natures of personhood and is both deeply physical and spiritual. This study demonstrates the unique view of personhood, being, health, and illness in Ayurveda through literature research and interviews with practitioners and patients. This study extends past a search for the ontology of personhood in Ayurveda and discusses the implications of this ontology on the way one views oneself and the world around him or her. Through this integrative approach, this study …

An Inordinate Fondness For Beetles: A Study Of Insect Species Diversity And Abundance In Mazumbai Forest Reserve Versus Nearby Agricultural Areas, Emma Weisner Apr 2018

An Inordinate Fondness For Beetles: A Study Of Insect Species Diversity And Abundance In Mazumbai Forest Reserve Versus Nearby Agricultural Areas, Emma Weisner

Independent Study Project (ISP) Collection

This study investigates how human disturbance of ecosystems alters insect diversity and abundance, specifically exploring how insect communities inside Mazumbai Forest Reserve in Tanzania differ from insect communities in agricultural areas near the reserve. Following methods of previous studies on the effect of disturbance on insect populations (Bellamy et al. 2018; McLaughlin & Mineau 1995; Perry et al. 2016), this research utilizes pitfall traps and yellow bowl traps in multiple locations throughout the two study areas to catch insects, which are then identified to their specific order. The collected data support the hypothesis that insect order diversity and abundance vary …

What Lies In The Gray: Creative Analytic Pieces On The Formation And Evolution Of Beliefs In Masxha, Robin Mwai Apr 2018

What Lies In The Gray: Creative Analytic Pieces On The Formation And Evolution Of Beliefs In Masxha, Robin Mwai

Independent Study Project (ISP) Collection

The purpose of this project was to look at how members of Durban's Masxha township develop their belief systems and ideas about their world. This topic was developed out of a desire to better understand the factors that promote or inhibit individuals from changing their mind about topics relating to their community, society, and culture. I sought to gain a deeper understanding of the specific context of Masxha and the experiences and lives of those with whom I spoke.

To accomplish the goal of learning from lived experiences, this study employed a narrative inquiry approach. Using loosely-structured interviews involving eight …

The Art Of Peer Pressure: Social Desires As Incentives To Join Students Protests In Jordan, Jordan Hughes Apr 2018

The Art Of Peer Pressure: Social Desires As Incentives To Join Students Protests In Jordan, Jordan Hughes

Independent Study Project (ISP) Collection

Collective action and rational choice theory suggest that social movements suffer from a tragedy of the commons that incentivizes individuals against participation. The last several decades of increased youth-driven protests and demonstrations in the Middle East, however, suggest that these collective action barriers are being consistently overcome. I propose an addition to the rational choice basis of Olson’s collective action theory which incorporates social desires, and specifically peer pressure, as an observable individual incentive. Using a combination of interviews and vignette-style factorial surveys, I test this hypothesis to measure the effect of perceived peer pressure on the intention of students …

Causes And Consequences Of Child Marriage Among Syrian Refugee Populations In Jordan: An Investigation Of Perceptions., Alex Buckman Apr 2018

Causes And Consequences Of Child Marriage Among Syrian Refugee Populations In Jordan: An Investigation Of Perceptions., Alex Buckman

Independent Study Project (ISP) Collection

This study examined the perceived causes of child marriage among Syrian refugee populations in Jordan and investigated its perceived consequences. Further, perceptions of mothers with school-aged children were compared to the opinions of children themselves. Through interviews with both target populations, along with an analysis of the responses of humanitarian activists and organizations to Jordan’s marriage law, the reality of child marriage within the country was ascertained. In conducting interviews, the data showed that many believed child marriage to be a normal occurrence in Syria, at least since the beginning of the war, with only two interviewees believing child marriage …

Tribal Law At The Crossroads Of Modernity: A Study On Jordanian Attitudes Towards Jalwa, Danielle Sutton Apr 2018

Tribal Law At The Crossroads Of Modernity: A Study On Jordanian Attitudes Towards Jalwa, Danielle Sutton

Independent Study Project (ISP) Collection

This research aims to examine Jordanian attitudes towards the tribal law practice of Jalwa and its recent reform. The study specifically focuses on the role of modernization in shaping these attitudes. Historical literature and social constructivist theories are used to inform and contextualize this approach. To measure modernization’s impact, a two-dimensional framework was developed that compares opinions across generations (isolating change over time) and across region of upbringing (change over space). Subsequently, there are two hypotheses guiding this research. The first argues that youth see jalwa less favorably than the older generation and thus lend greater support to the …

Women In Parliament: A Study Of Issue-Specific Female Coalition Building In Morocco, Lura Morton Apr 2018

Women In Parliament: A Study Of Issue-Specific Female Coalition Building In Morocco, Lura Morton

Independent Study Project (ISP) Collection

Currently, 81 out of 395 members of the House of Representatives, Morocco’s lower chamber of Parliament, are women. In other words, roughly 20.5% of the representatives are women. For comparison's sake, the world average is 23.8%.1 Morocco is near the world average in terms of representation, but what does female representation accomplish? Are the women in parliament effective at representing Moroccan women, their rights, and their concerns? This paper explores the concept of female parliamentarians as substantive representatives of female citizens. Specifically, this paper examines if female members of parliament (MPs) form coalitions around issues that are specific to women, …

La Comercialización Del Mural Porteño / The Marketing Of The Porteur Mural, Alexandria Ashley Apr 2018

La Comercialización Del Mural Porteño / The Marketing Of The Porteur Mural, Alexandria Ashley

Independent Study Project (ISP) Collection

Valparaíso is home to a visually stimulating urban landscape which has become one of the identifying factors of the famous port city. The flamboyant cityscape and stunning murals that splash color across the once-empty walls of Valpo attract tourists from all over the world to come and admire the rich hub of bohemian culture. However, it hasn’t always been the vibrant city that it is nowadays. What many porteños, or lifelong citizens of Valparaíso, cite as the city’s authentic identifying characteristic is its history as a major port city. However, after the construction of the Panama Canal, Valpo experienced …

Ethically Sourced Vanilla: Certifications In The Production Of Vanilla In The Sava Region Of Madagascar, Maisie Campbell Apr 2018

Ethically Sourced Vanilla: Certifications In The Production Of Vanilla In The Sava Region Of Madagascar, Maisie Campbell

Independent Study Project (ISP) Collection

Vanilla is an orchid whose beans are harvested after ten months on the vine. About eighty percent of the world’s vanilla is produced in Madagascar and the SAVA region is the capital of vanilla production within the country. The changing demand of vanilla, damage from cyclones, and the three-year development of the vanilla plants before they begin producing beans causes a boom and bust cycle of prices of vanilla. Some organizations have tried to ameliorate the problems these cycles and low prices pose to vanilla farmers by creating certifications for companies that promise that they will not pay less than …

Development Of Health Rehabilitation In Mainland China: From Traditional Chinese Medicine To Modern Western Rehabilitation Methods, Michelle Moy Apr 2018

Development Of Health Rehabilitation In Mainland China: From Traditional Chinese Medicine To Modern Western Rehabilitation Methods, Michelle Moy

Independent Study Project (ISP) Collection

The aim of this study is to understand the changes occurring in China, leading to the development of health rehabilitation. This study will portray the shift of traditional Chinese medicine to modern influences of Western rehabilitation, and will also introduce the idea of an integrated model of TCM and Western Rehabilitation.

Observations were held at a TCM hospital, a rehabilitation hospital, as well as a TCM hospital that provided modern rehabilitation services. Two online questionnaire surveys were sent out to rehabilitation health professionals working in mainland China, one of which collected quantitative data while the other collected both qualitative and …

La Influencia Del Neoliberalismo Sobre Las Ideas De Lo “Natural”: Un Análisis De Las Ideas De La Naturaleza En Urbanizaciones Cerradas Y Grupos Subalternos En Tigre / The Influence Of Neoliberalism On Ideas Of What Is “Natural”: An Analysis Of Ideas Of Nature In Closed-Gated And Marginalized Communities In Tigre, Catherine Fraser Apr 2018

La Influencia Del Neoliberalismo Sobre Las Ideas De Lo “Natural”: Un Análisis De Las Ideas De La Naturaleza En Urbanizaciones Cerradas Y Grupos Subalternos En Tigre / The Influence Of Neoliberalism On Ideas Of What Is “Natural”: An Analysis Of Ideas Of Nature In Closed-Gated And Marginalized Communities In Tigre, Catherine Fraser

Independent Study Project (ISP) Collection

Since the 1970s, there has been a global increase in neoliberal policy and ideology, marked by privatization, deregulation, and the withdrawal of the state from social programs (Harvey 2005: 2-3). Neoliberalism has manifested itself in Argentina in various forms, notably in the rise of closed-gated neighborhoods. In Tigre, a northern suburb of Buenos Aires, real estate developers fill in wetlands and re-route river tributaries to construct closed-gated neighborhoods around artificial water bodies to create an idealized neighborhood that offers residents a life in contact with “nature”. Seeking to accumulate capital, real estate developers commodify and construct a specific form of …

El Caso De Relmu Ñamku Como Observatorio Para Valorar Potencialidades, Riesgos Y Desafíos De Juicios Por Jurados Interculturales / The Case Of Relmu Ñamku As An Observatory To Assess The Potentials, Risks, And Challenges Of Intercultural Jury Trials, Carol Harding Apr 2018

El Caso De Relmu Ñamku Como Observatorio Para Valorar Potencialidades, Riesgos Y Desafíos De Juicios Por Jurados Interculturales / The Case Of Relmu Ñamku As An Observatory To Assess The Potentials, Risks, And Challenges Of Intercultural Jury Trials, Carol Harding

Independent Study Project (ISP) Collection

El sistema de juicios por jurados interculturales en Argentina es el primero de su tipo. Por el momento, el caso de la activista Mapuche Relmu Ñamku es el único caso que ha cumplido con el criterio de un jurado intercultural. En esta investigación, por medio de entrevistas con abogados, antropólogas, y activistas, valoré las diferentes perspectivas sobre las potencialidades, riesgos, y desafíos del sistema, usando el caso de Relmu como un observatorio. El marco teórico del sistema legal adversarial y el de jurados representativos proporcionan un estándar para el supuesto propósito y los límites del sistema. Además, la teoría de …

“Arica Tiene Vih, ¿Y Tú?” El Rol Del Test Rápido De Vih En El Diagnóstico Oportuno Para Jóvenes De La Comuna De Arica, Chile / "Arica Has Hiv, And You?" The Role Of The Rapid Hiv Test In The Timely Diagnosis For Young People In The District Of Arica, Chile, Julia Zigman Apr 2018

“Arica Tiene Vih, ¿Y Tú?” El Rol Del Test Rápido De Vih En El Diagnóstico Oportuno Para Jóvenes De La Comuna De Arica, Chile / "Arica Has Hiv, And You?" The Role Of The Rapid Hiv Test In The Timely Diagnosis For Young People In The District Of Arica, Chile, Julia Zigman

Independent Study Project (ISP) Collection

Research question: How is the rapid HIV test useful in assuring access to timely diagnosis of HIV for young adults in the city of Arica, Chile?

Objectives: The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the rapid HIV test as a means of increasing access to timely diagnosis of HIV among those aged 18 – 29 in the community of Arica, which participated in a pilot of the rapid test in early 2018. The study sets out to evaluate the installation of this pilot to situate the role of the rapid test in Chile’s HIV landscape. Further objectives …

Métodos Y Tratamientos Para El Control De La Epidemia De Vih En Arica En Jóvenes / Methods And Treatments For The Control Of The Hiv Epidemic In Arica In Young People, Elizabeth Whidden Apr 2018

Métodos Y Tratamientos Para El Control De La Epidemia De Vih En Arica En Jóvenes / Methods And Treatments For The Control Of The Hiv Epidemic In Arica In Young People, Elizabeth Whidden

Independent Study Project (ISP) Collection

Research question: What methods of prevention and treatment of HIV are available to adolescents and young adults in Arica, and what problems exist in their access to these resources?

Background: Even though Chile is currently working very hard to combat a national problem with HIV, rates of HIV infection in Chile are the highest in Latin America. This increase in infection is most prevalent in young adults between the ages of 15 and 24. Arica, a city of 200,000 people in northern Chile, has the highest rates of HIV infection in the country, but it is unclear why this is …