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Physical Sciences and Mathematics Commons

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Electronic Theses and Dissertations

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Full-Text Articles in Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Movement And Distribution Of Esocids And Forage Fishes In A Power Plant Cooling Reservoir, Douglas T. Henley Jan 1981

Movement And Distribution Of Esocids And Forage Fishes In A Power Plant Cooling Reservoir, Douglas T. Henley

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

One Muskellunge (Esox masquinongy) and 2 northern pike (E. Lucius) were surgically implanted with untrasonic transmitters and tracked in a South Dakota cooling reservoir from June 1979 to June 1980. The fishes inhabited the intake area of the reservoir during the summer (temperature range, 27.5 – 31.5˚ C) and the discharge area during the winter (temperature range, 4.5 – 31.5˚C). In the spring and fall, the fishes were located throughout the reservoir (temperature range, 12.0 – 28.5˚C). Highest rates of movement for the esocids were recorded during the spring (675 – 1,100 m/day). The lowest rates were recorded during late …

Growth And Survival Of Largemouth Bass In Newly Stocked South Dakota Impoundments, Clifton C. Stone Jan 1981

Growth And Survival Of Largemouth Bass In Newly Stocked South Dakota Impoundments, Clifton C. Stone

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

The present study was designed to evaluate the effect of five different stocking combinations and differences in climatic and morphological conditions within South Dakota on initial growth and survival of the largemouth bass (Micropertus salmoides). Forage species stocked with bass included gold shiners (Notemigonus crysoleucas), fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas), black bullhead (Ictalurus melas), and bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus). Bass only stocking was also evaluated. First eyar survival values for 16 eastern South Dakota ponds ranged from 1 to 100%, with a mean of 50.2%. Bass exhibited poorest survival when stocked with black bullheads. Analysis of variance indicated no significant difference (P …

Woodpecker Nesting Habitat In A Prairie River Woodland, J. Barry Parrish Jan 1981

Woodpecker Nesting Habitat In A Prairie River Woodland, J. Barry Parrish

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Differences in nest site selection of the common flicker (Colaptes auratus), yellow-bellied sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius), downy woodpecker (Picoides pubescens), and red-headed woodpecker (Melanerpes erythrocephalus) were studied on the Big Sioux River riparian forest of eastern South Dakota during 1980 and 1981. Nest site preferences were compared using two-group stepwise discriminant analysis. Randomly selected potential nest trees showing no previous signs of cavity excavation were included as control groups. The yellow-bellied sapsucker-red-headed woodpecker function was the most efficient in separating groups because both species had specific nest site preferences. Sapsuckers nested only in live green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), characteristically in park-like …

Home Range, Home Range Expansion, Dispersal, And Mortality Of Juvenile Red Foxes In Southeastern South Dakota, Floyd M. Demaray Jan 1981

Home Range, Home Range Expansion, Dispersal, And Mortality Of Juvenile Red Foxes In Southeastern South Dakota, Floyd M. Demaray

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Data from aerial and landowner surveys showed that red fox (Vulpes vulpes) families on the Sinai study area decreased from 13 (5.2 per township) in 1976 to 11 (4.4 per township) in 1977. The majority (88%) of the active red fox dens was located in pastures and idle lands although these cover types constituted only 24% of the available cover. Twenty-nine juveniles and 3 adults were captured and marked during spring, 1976. Trappers and hunters returned 62% of the tags placed on juvenile foxes. During spring, 1977, 15 juveniles and 2 adult red foxes were marked. Three juveniles were subsequently …

Land Use Changes And Pheasant Declines In Eastern South Dakota, George M. Vandel Jan 1980

Land Use Changes And Pheasant Declines In Eastern South Dakota, George M. Vandel

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Changes in pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) nesting habitat were investigated on Windsor Township, Brookings County, South Dakota. The population was censused, nesting densities determined, cover was mapped, and an interspersion index determined in 197 7 and 1978. Comparison to a similar study conducted in 1958 and 1959 indicated a decrease in pheasant numbers of 93% for crow counts and 94% in brood counts. Nesting densities decreased by 96%. Pheasant nests were found in about the same proportions per cover type for the two time periods. Hatching success, clutch size, rates of abandonment, and nest destruction were also similar. Nesting habitat occurred …

Nesting And Brood Rearing Ecology Of The Vancouver Canada Goose On Admiralty Island Southeast Of Alaska, Charles S. Lebeda Jan 1980

Nesting And Brood Rearing Ecology Of The Vancouver Canada Goose On Admiralty Island Southeast Of Alaska, Charles S. Lebeda

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Nesting and brood rearing biology of Vancouver Canada geese (Branta canadensis fulva) was studied in 1978 (preliminary) and from April-August 1979 in Seymour Canal, Admiralty Island, Alaska. Geese used trees for perching during the incubation period (24 April-7 June) and use was significant (P < .0001) for early morning hours. This behavior is considered unique among all Canada goose subspecies. An average of 86.3 search hours were conducted for each of 19 active nests located in 1979. Seven additional nests from previous years were also located. Twenty-two nests were located in forest habitat •. All forest nests were in association with vegetation similar to vegetation described for U.S. Forest Service classification of F4 and F5 (poorly drained) soil types. Mean clutch size was 4.4 ± 1.3 eggs. Mean egg length and width were 86.1 mm± 3.14 and 56.4 mm± 2.76, respectively. Success of all nests hatching at least one egg was 55.6%. Egg hatching success of successful nests was 95.7%. Total hatching success of all eggs was 62.0%. Forest habitat was used extensively for brood rearing. Broods generally avoided large bodies of water. Single family broods were found most often in forest habitat while creches were more common in meadows and intertidal zones. Breeding adults and goslings were comparatively less vocal in the forest. Goslings less than 2 weeks of age used forest habitat extensively and shifted to forest edge and intertidal zones with age. Forest habitats, rather than open water, were used as escape cover by breeding adults and broods. Nesting and brood rearing habitat was similar, thus, nest site selection may be closely tied to requirements for brood rearing habitat. Molting, non-breeding or unsuccessful breeding geese also used forest habitat freely and avoided observers by fleeing into the forest. Use of habitat compared to tide stage was significant (P < .0001) and may be a function of availability. Habitat use compared to daily time periods appeared to reflect feeding activity peaks in early morning and late afternoon. Adult geese primarily used the intertidal zone during pre-incubation; the grassy intertidal zone was used more during incubation and post-incubation. Skunk cabbage (Lysichiton americanum) comprised 23.8% aggregate of foods utilized and appeared to be the most important food during brood rearing. Goslings and molting geese also utilized sea lettuce (Ulva spp.) and blueberry (Yaccinium spp.) berries. Plant matter comprised the bulk of food items.

Nesting Giant Canada Geese In Western South Dakota, Doyle M. Stiefel Jan 1980

Nesting Giant Canada Geese In Western South Dakota, Doyle M. Stiefel

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Giant Canada geese (Branta Canadensis maxima) began nesting on 27 March 1976 and 2 April 1977. Peak hatch occurred from 15 to 21 May 1976 and 22 to 28 May 1977 and the nesting season lasted 69 days in 1976 and 83 days in 1977. Average clutch size was 4.8 eggs per nest in 1976 and 5.0 in 1977. Thirty-three percent of all eggs observed in 1976 and 23% in 1977 failed to hatch. Infertility and desertion were the main reasons that eggs did not hatch. Seventy percent of the territorial pairs in 1976 and 41% in 1977 nested. Nesting …

Helminths Of South Dakota Coyotes, Elizabeth C. Schitoskey Jan 1980

Helminths Of South Dakota Coyotes, Elizabeth C. Schitoskey

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

From September 1976 through January 1978, 343 coyotes (Canis latrans) carcasses were obtained for this study from South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks trappers and from fur buyers. Coyotes were necropsied, internal organs were examined for helminth parasites, and parasites located were collected and identified. Nematodes found included Toxascaris leonine in 215 of 290 (74%), Toxocara canis in 1 of 290, Physaloptera rara in 160 of 290 (55%), Physaloptera preputialis in 1 of 290, Pterygondermatites cahirensis in 28 of 290 (10%), Ancylostoma caninum in 38 of 290 (13%), Uncinaria stenocephala in 1 of 290, Dermatoxys veligera in 1 …

Macroscopic Benthos Populations In A South Dakota Power Plant Cooling Reservoir, Gordon B. Sloane Jan 1980

Macroscopic Benthos Populations In A South Dakota Power Plant Cooling Reservoir, Gordon B. Sloane

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

The standing crop, distribution, seasonal variation, and entrainment of benthos were studied at the Big Stone Power Plant cooling reservoir. Benthos samples were collected from January 1979 through March 1980 utilizing a stratified random sampling design in 3 areas related to the thermal discharge site and cooling water intake sites. Maximum surface and bottom water temperatures in the discharge area were 42.0 C and 33.5 C respectively. The intake area had a maximum surface and bottom temperature of 32.0 C and 30.0 C respectively. Reservoir temperatures ranged from 0.0 C to 42.0 C during the study. Dissolved oxygen ranged from …

Winter And Spring Ecology Of Gray Partridge In East Central South Dakota, Loren M. Smith Jan 1980

Winter And Spring Ecology Of Gray Partridge In East Central South Dakota, Loren M. Smith

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Gray partridge (Perdix perdix) habitat utilization, home range, and food habits were studied in Brookings County, South Dakota during winter and spring of 1979 and 1980. Habitat utilization and food habits data were analyzed in 2-month periods; winter (December 22-February 21), early spring (February 22-April 21), and late spring (April 22-June 21). Habitat utilization was determined through radio telemetry, roadside surveys, and incidental observations. Chi-square analysis was used to determine habitat selection of partridge. Home range was determined to via radio telemetry data. Food habits were analyzed with percent volume and frequency of occurrence methods. In winter partridge utilized pasture …

Forage Fish Populations And Growth Of Muskellunge In A South Dakota Power Plant Cooling Reservoir, James R. Wahl Jan 1980

Forage Fish Populations And Growth Of Muskellunge In A South Dakota Power Plant Cooling Reservoir, James R. Wahl

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

The standing crop, age, growth, and impingement loss of forage fishes and the growth rate and impingement loss of muskellunge (Esox masquinongy) were studied to evaluate the use of the Big Stone Power Plant cooling reservoir as an area for rearing and holding muskellunge brood stock. There were 18 species of forage fish present in the reservoir. Sampling indicated that there were 4 major forage fish species. Bluegills (Lepomis macrochirus) made up 68.3% of these species; tadpole madtoms (Noturus gyrinus), 25.8%; orangespotted sunfish (L.humilis), 3.6%; and black bullheads (Ictalurus melas), 2.3%. The estimated total standing crop of the 4 forage …

Summer And Fall Ecology Of Gray Patridge In Eastern South Dakota, Jerry W. Hupp Jan 1980

Summer And Fall Ecology Of Gray Patridge In Eastern South Dakota, Jerry W. Hupp

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Gray partridge (Perdix perdix) nesting biology, summer and fall habitat utilization, home range, and food habits were studied in Brookings County, South Dakota, during 1978-79. Data were collected on a 62 km² study area 16 km northeast of Brookings. Nesting habitats, success, and clutch size were determined from 44 randomly located nests. Most nests (91%) were in grassy roadsides and fencerows. Few birds nested in cover dominated by legume vegetation. Average clutch size of completed nests was 17.8 eggs and nest success was 37%. Mammalian predation was the major cause (50%) of nesting failure. Gray partridge habitat utilization was determined …

Zooplankton And Ichthyoplankton In A Power Plant Cooling Reservoir, Steven C. Johnson Jan 1980

Zooplankton And Ichthyoplankton In A Power Plant Cooling Reservoir, Steven C. Johnson

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

The species composition, abundance, seasonal cycles, distribution, and entrainment mortality of zooplankton and ichthyoplankton were studied in the Big Stone Power Plant cooling reservoir, South Dakota, from January 1979 to April 1980. Mean annual density and biomass of zooplankton for 1979 were 15.8 organisms/liter and 384.7 ug/liter respectively. Cyclopoid copepodites made up 43.0% of the mean annual number, Daphnia pulex, 15.8% and Chydorus sphearicus, 15.2%. Zooplankton density attained a spring maximum of 203.1/liter on 16 May and a fall maximum of 18.7/liter on 15 November. The species composition and density of zooplankton in water entrained by the power plant were …

Food Habits And Growth Of Rainbow Trout In A Prairie Pond, Ronald Marvin Koth Jan 1980

Food Habits And Growth Of Rainbow Trout In A Prairie Pond, Ronald Marvin Koth

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) were introduced into Lower Abbey Pond, South Dakota, at a stocking rate of 772/ha in June 1977. Sampling was begun in January 1978 to determine food habits and growth of the fish. Trout and environmental samples were taken at 10 day or monthly intervals depending upon the season. A linear index of food selection was calculated and growth data was analyzed using the SHAD computer program. Food habits were determined for 159 rainbow trout collected from January 1978 to October 1978. Stomachs contained a total of 5,700 food organisms with major constituents by number being notonectids …

Feeding Ecology Of Fishes In A South Dakota Power Plant Cooling Reservoir, Robert J. Krska, Jr. Jan 1980

Feeding Ecology Of Fishes In A South Dakota Power Plant Cooling Reservoir, Robert J. Krska, Jr.

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

The food habits of bluegills (Lepomis macrochirus), black bullheads Ictalurus melas), and muskellunge (Esox masquinongv) in the Big Stone Power Plant cooling reservoir were studied from January through December 1979. The diet of 794 bluegills >50 mm TL was dominated by vegetation, planktonic crustaceans, dipteran larvae and pupae, and fishes: 214 bluegills < 50 mm TL fed primarily upon chironomid larvae and pupae and cladocerans. There was a significant difference (P50 mm. This was determined by Spearman rank correlation coefficients based upon percent number and percent volume of food items, and mean number of taxa per stomach. Both bluegill length-groups positively selected Chydorinae, ostracods, Caenis spp. larvae, chironomid pupae, and Physa spp., while they negatively selected cyclopoid copepods, Ceriodaphnia spp., and Tanypodinae larvae. Chironomid larvae were positively selected by bluegills mm, but were negatively selected by those >50 mm. Fishes and chironomid larvae were the major food items of 105 black bullheads >120 mm TL; fishes and filamentous algae were the dominant food items of 146 bullheads 5120 mm. Ostracods and dipteran pupae were positively selected, while Tanvpodinae and Chironominae larvae were negatively selected. Chydorinae, …

Habitat Preferences And Censusing Of Waterfowl Broods On Stock Ponds In South Central South Dakota, Mark A. Rumble Jan 1979

Habitat Preferences And Censusing Of Waterfowl Broods On Stock Ponds In South Central South Dakota, Mark A. Rumble

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Waterfowl broods on stock ponds in south central South Dakota were surveyed in 1977 and 1978 to compare flush and observation techniques for censusing broods and to determine waterfowl brood habitat preferences. Results indicated that 72-8% of the broods present were censused by either technique alone. No differences were indicated between the 2 techniques when analyzed by species. For total brood counts, a significant (P<0.05) difference was indicated for 1 of the 4 sample periods. Differences were found between the 2 techniques for certain age-classes of species and age-classes overall. Visibility correction factors were calculated for each species based on the percentage of known broods censused by each technique. Brood habitat preferences were examined using multiple regression and discriminant analyses of 33 pond and upland variables. Ponds were selected in a limited size range (0.71-2, 70 ha) to reduce variation in numbers of broods per pond due to pond size. However, variables indicative of pond size were significantly and positively associated to brood use of ponds in 8 of 9 analyses. Potential brood escape cover such as Polygonum spp. and Eleocharis spp. were positively associated with mallard (Anas platyrhynchos), (A. strepera), northern shoveler (A. clypeata) and class 1 broods. Large differences in numbers of broods on study ponds between the 2 years were likely due to increased nesting cover provided by yellow sweet clover (Melilotus officinalis). Study ponds with higher pH and more submersed aquatic vegetation had more brood use.

Special Reflectance Of Hydrophytes, Robert G. Best Jan 1979

Special Reflectance Of Hydrophytes, Robert G. Best

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Identification of hydrophytes will improve the delineation and classification of wetlands on remotely sensed imagery. Spectral reflectance measurements of 10 species of hydrophytes were made with an Exotach radiometer during three phenological stages, flowering and early seed, senescence, and early emergent. Reflectance data were analyzed to determine significant (≥.95) reflectance differences between species in each of four spectral regions during each phenological stage. Eight species had significantly (≥.95) different reflectances during the flower and early seed stage. Only one species could not be spectrally separated during at least one phenological stage. The results indicate that films sensitive to both visible …

Population And Productivity Of A Flock Of Giant Canada Geese In Northeastern South Dakota, Ted A. Clausing Jan 1979

Population And Productivity Of A Flock Of Giant Canada Geese In Northeastern South Dakota, Ted A. Clausing

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Population and productivity studies of giant Canada geese (Branta canadensis maxima) were conducted in northeastern South Dakota in 1976 and 1977. One hundred ninety-three of 436 randomly selected sample quarter sections on the 5,459 km2 area contained potential goose nesting habitat in 1976. Forty-six pairs, 6 indicated pairs, and 6 single geese were found on these 193 quarter sections during the 1977 nesting season. The population was estimated to be 1,880 geese. Recommendations were to continue aerial surveys in the spring and late summer and to supplement them with annual searches of the sample quarter sections used in this study. …

Breeding Waterfowl Use Of Intermittent Streams, Mchenry County, North Dakota, Daniel E. Hubbard Jan 1979

Breeding Waterfowl Use Of Intermittent Streams, Mchenry County, North Dakota, Daniel E. Hubbard

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Thirty-three 425 m segments of 4 intermittent streams in north central North Dakota were censured for breeding pairs of waterfowl in 1977 and 1978. Pair count data were available for 1976. Emphasis of this study was placed on the narrow meandering portions of the streams. High dabbling duck (Anas spp.) densities were observed in 1977 and 1978; 6.11 pairs per ha and 5.60 pairs per ha, respectively, for the first census of each year. Accepting blue-winged teal (A. discors), numbers of dabbler pairs were similar in 1976 and 1978. Dry conditions in 1977 caused lower numbers of all species of …

Expectation Of Genetic Alteration Of Muscle Composition And Growth Traits In Rainbow Trout (Salmo Gairdneri), George W. Partelow Jan 1979

Expectation Of Genetic Alteration Of Muscle Composition And Growth Traits In Rainbow Trout (Salmo Gairdneri), George W. Partelow

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

The breeding of farm animals to produce superior organisms has been extensively applied to many parts of the world. Much of the research has been concerned with the manip0ulation of muscle protein and fat in muscle tissue for the purpose of catering to human needs (Kielanowski 1972; Dinkel and Busch 1973; Olson et. al. 1976). Though fishes are able to convert food to quality protein more efficiently than most animals, they have been underutilized as a protein source in the United States. Until recently, genetic manipulation through selection to enhance their quality has not been extensively applied (Smith and Rumsey …

Non-Game Bird Habitat Associated With Haul Roads And Surface Mining For Bentonite Clay, Tim A. Schaid Jan 1979

Non-Game Bird Habitat Associated With Haul Roads And Surface Mining For Bentonite Clay, Tim A. Schaid

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

A 2 year study was conducted to investigate possible differences in density and diversity of birds in relation to distance from mining haul roads and various aged mine spoils. Winter bird surveys and breeding bird counts were conducted during 1977 and 1978. Bird density and diversity were estimated and compared between the following habitat areas: old spoils (mined ≥20 years ago, unreclaimed), new spoils (mined ≤20 years ago, reclaimed) and unmined areas. Within unmined areas density and diversity of birds 100m, 300m, 500m, and 900m from a mining haul road were compared to detect differences in density and diversity with …

The Modification And Use Of An Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrometer For Data Collection At Liquid Nitrogen Temperature, Vernon Lee Baumberger Jan 1979

The Modification And Use Of An Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrometer For Data Collection At Liquid Nitrogen Temperature, Vernon Lee Baumberger

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

The scope of this study includes the modification of an EPR spectrometer for acquisition of low temperature data. The modification involved adaptation of the system for use with a cylindrical cavity specifically designed for low temperature operation. This modification increased the capability of the present system for data collection at liquid nitrogen temperature and gave such greater stability than the rectangular cavity previously used. A comparison was made of signal to noise for the two cavities. This study showed a somewhat greater signal to noise ratio for the low temperature cylindrical cavity. Operation at low temperature also allowed the observation …

Pheasant Use Of Wetlands During The Winter And Application Of Landsat Imagery For Assessing Winter Habitat, Signe Sather-Blair Jan 1979

Pheasant Use Of Wetlands During The Winter And Application Of Landsat Imagery For Assessing Winter Habitat, Signe Sather-Blair

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

This study was designed to investigate 1) vegetative factors influencing ring-necked pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) use of wetlands during the winter, 2) the relationship of land use practices adjacent to wetlands and the use of such wetlands as winter cover by pheasants, and 3) the feasibility of assessing wetlands as pheasant winter habitat through the use of remote sensing data. Fifteen wetlands in Windsor Township, Brookings County, South Dakota, were randomly selected for study to estimate their use by pheasants. Use of cover types was analyzed by using multiple regression, chi-square, and t-tests. Correlation matrices were generated to locate significant relationships. …

Winter Limnological Conditions In A Prairie Pothole And The Application Of Molecular Oxygen, Richard A. Fike Jan 1979

Winter Limnological Conditions In A Prairie Pothole And The Application Of Molecular Oxygen, Richard A. Fike

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

The physical, chemical, and biological conditions in Round Lake, Oakwood Lakes State Park, South Dakota were monitored during the 1977-1978 winter, and reaeration utilizing molecular oxygen was evaluated as a practical method to prevent winterkill. Ice and snow conditions after 20 December, 1977 allowed little light penetration, and phytoplankton numbers (6174/ml to 1668/ml) and chlorophyll concentration (46.6 mg/L to 14.1 mg/L) decreased throughout the winter. Aquatic bacteria and fungi comprised from 87.0% to 93.7% by number of the total cells identified (phytoplankton, bacteria, and fungi) in the lake water under ice. Dissolved oxygen declined to anoxic conditions after 19 January, …

Nesting Chronology Of South Dakota Ducks, Stephen A. Tessmann Jan 1979

Nesting Chronology Of South Dakota Ducks, Stephen A. Tessmann

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Duck broods were censused on 476 randomly selected plots in South Dakota during July of the years 1973 through 1976. Broods were also censused on wetlands located off the study plots both in July and August of these years, except in 1976 when no August counts were made. Hatching and nest initiation dates were determined by back dating from brood age classes. Early nesting species were mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) and pintails (A. acuta). Northern shovelers (A. clypeata), redheads (Aythya americana), and canvasbacks (A. valisineria) were intermediate nesters while blue-winged teal (Anas discors), gadwalls (A. strepera), and American wigeons (A. americana) …

Catfish Cage Culture In A South Dakota Power Plant Cooling Reservoir, Gary P. Wheeler Jan 1979

Catfish Cage Culture In A South Dakota Power Plant Cooling Reservoir, Gary P. Wheeler

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Studies were conducted to evaluate the Big Stone Power Plant cooling reservoir in northeastern South Dakota as a site for cage culturing channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) for market and sport fishery stocking. Temperatures suitable for catfish culture (21-32 C) were present in the reservoir from mid-March through mid-September 1978 and from mid-October through 4 November 1978, the end of the study period. Mean values of chemical parameters analyzed included dissolved oxygen - 8.8 mg/1, total available chlorine- 0.13 mg/1, pH - 8.6, specific conductance - 2228 micromhos/cm, total hardness - 1128 mg/1 as CaC03, calcium hardness - 570 mg/1 as …

Design And Evaluation Of A Fisheries Information Storage And Retrieval System (Fisars) For The State Of South Dakota, Richard P. Kramer Jan 1979

Design And Evaluation Of A Fisheries Information Storage And Retrieval System (Fisars) For The State Of South Dakota, Richard P. Kramer

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Extensive data collected each year from the streams and lakes of South Dakota necessitates a computerized system with which to efficiently utilize the large amount of material. A fisheries related data storage and retrieval system (FISARS) was developed sufficiently to provide cost estimates in creating and maintaining such a system. Detailed descriptions were made to provide information in implementing and utilizing the retrieval system. A survey was made of state fish and game agencies currently operating storage and retrieval systems. This information along with comments provided by the fisheries personnel in the state of South Dakota was used as a …

The Taxonomic Status Of Coyotes From Western South Dakota, Susan E. Lauzon Jan 1979

The Taxonomic Status Of Coyotes From Western South Dakota, Susan E. Lauzon

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Expansion of the range of the coyote (Canis latrans) has been accompanied by numerous instances of hybridization with domestic dogs (C. familiaris). Recent studies have found a hybrid element in some wild coyote populations. The objectives of this study were to identify the taxonomic status of coyotes in western South Dakota, and to determine the degree of hybridization, if any, that is occurring between coyotes and domestic dogs in the state. Animals were collected from three areas in western South Dakota from September 1976 through January 1978. Skulls of 289 wild canids were cleaned; of these, 167 skulls from adults …

Inbreeding In Rainbow Trout (Salmo Gairdneri): Analysis Of Lethal Temperature Tolerence, Jospeh L. Mangiardi Jan 1979

Inbreeding In Rainbow Trout (Salmo Gairdneri): Analysis Of Lethal Temperature Tolerence, Jospeh L. Mangiardi

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Inbreeding in rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) was evaluated in relation to an altered environment (upper lethal temperature 29 C), at four levels of inbreeding. At each level of inbreeding mean time to death for inbred, female-outbred half-sib, male-outbred half-sib and outbred families were evaluated. In all cases inbreds were less resistant to lethal temperature than were respective outbred families. Analysis of variance 9Snedecor’s F) and multiple range analysis (Tukey’s “w” procedure) provided inference limitations. Inbred fish were 82% less resistant to lethal temperature as comared to the respective outbred family at 50% inbreeding and 19% less resistant at 25% inbreeding. …

Wildlife Habitat In The James River Valley, South Dakota, L. Paul Schneider Jan 1978

Wildlife Habitat In The James River Valley, South Dakota, L. Paul Schneider

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

A wildlife habitat inventory was conducted on the 12 485 ha study area of the James River floodplain in north-eastern South Dakota. Included were vegetation mapping, small mammal trapping, waterfowl breeding pair counts, waterfowl brood counts, bird census routes, and general observations. Natural vegetation consisted of 3181 ha of grassland, 2002 ha of woodland, 1115 ha of savannah, and 392 ha of marshland. Small mammal trapping revealed low densities of mostly white-footed mice (Peromyscus spp.). No vegetation type was more valuable to small mammals than any other. Waterfowl breeding pairs, mostly mallard, blue-winged teal, and wood duck, numbered 244 in …