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Social and Behavioral Sciences Commons

Open Access. Powered by Scholars. Published by Universities.®

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Full-Text Articles in Social and Behavioral Sciences

Book Review - Camp Oglethorpe: Macon's Unknown Civil War Prisoner Of War Camp, 1862-1864, Chandra Jackson Jul 2020

Book Review - Camp Oglethorpe: Macon's Unknown Civil War Prisoner Of War Camp, 1862-1864, Chandra Jackson

Georgia Library Quarterly

No abstract provided.

Book Review - Mushrooms Of The Georgia Piedmont & Southern Appalachians, Laurie Aycock Jul 2020

Book Review - Mushrooms Of The Georgia Piedmont & Southern Appalachians, Laurie Aycock

Georgia Library Quarterly

No abstract provided.

Book Review - Road Through Midnight: A Civil Rights Memorial, Susan Clay Jul 2020

Book Review - Road Through Midnight: A Civil Rights Memorial, Susan Clay

Georgia Library Quarterly

No abstract provided.

Experiences Of Grace As Told By The Lgbtq Community, Nicholas A. Schollars Jul 2020

Experiences Of Grace As Told By The Lgbtq Community, Nicholas A. Schollars

Doctor of Psychology (PsyD)

Positive psychology has yielded rich insights about the nature of forgiveness and gratitude, but it is just beginning to broach the topic of grace. Theoretical evidence suggests grace is a crucial therapeutic factor in helping patients overcome shame, but empirical evidence is wanting. Because of the central role grace plays in Christianity, a qualitative exploration was conducted with a sample of participants identifying as either lesbian, gay, or bisexual, as well as Christian. Transcripts from 26 semi-structured interviews were coded and analyzed. Participants reported that their experiences of Divine Grace were related to their views about God’s nature. They reported …

Four Health Science Librarians’ Experiences: How They Responded To The Covid-19 Pandemic Crisis, Misa Mi, Yingting Zhang, Lin Wu, Wendy Wu Jul 2020

Four Health Science Librarians’ Experiences: How They Responded To The Covid-19 Pandemic Crisis, Misa Mi, Yingting Zhang, Lin Wu, Wendy Wu

Library Scholarly Publications

In this article, four health sciences librarians from four academic libraries across the country will share their personal or library experiences in reaching out to faculty and students to meet their needs through their initiatives and continuous efforts using various technologies and tools. Three of the four academic libraries are located in two COVID-19 hard-hit states, Michigan and New Jersey. The article will describe their practice of health sciences librarianship during the unprecedented time and provide examples demonstrating how each of them strives to stay relevant, proactive, and become integral to their institutional efforts in support of students and employees …

Measuring Empowerment Among Adolescent Girls In The Context Of Intervention, Population Council Jul 2020

Measuring Empowerment Among Adolescent Girls In The Context Of Intervention, Population Council

Poverty, Gender, and Youth

Empowerment is an important goal in adolescent girl programming but remains elusive and unobserved from a quantitative measurement perspective. This brief describes a statistical exercise conducted to explore adolescent girl empowerment as a latent or underlying concept that, while not directly observed, may be illustrated through responses to questions on behaviors and attitudes asked in quantitative structured interviews. Data were used from a randomized controlled trial that demonstrated the impact in delaying girls’ age at marriage in rural Bangladeshi communities with a high prevalence of child marriage. The study collected extensive data on potential measures of voice, choice, and agency …

Borderplex Business Barometer, Volume 4, Number 7, Thomas M. Fullerton Jr., Steven L. Fullerton, Ana Gutierrez Zubiate, Ignacio Santana Jul 2020

Borderplex Business Barometer, Volume 4, Number 7, Thomas M. Fullerton Jr., Steven L. Fullerton, Ana Gutierrez Zubiate, Ignacio Santana

Border Region Modeling Project

No abstract provided.

Human Behavior Is A Significant Flaw In Maintaining Cyber Security, Elizabeth Jackson Jul 2020

Human Behavior Is A Significant Flaw In Maintaining Cyber Security, Elizabeth Jackson

Cybersecurity Undergraduate Research Showcase

Human behavior and data security utilization must be intertwined; in order to mitigate the negative effects of cyber attacks. No consumer wants their data hacked, breached, stolen, shared or wiped out. It is imperative to survey the type of education is needed to keep users safe and interested in securing their data. This can be done by simply seeking out the consumer's view of data security. The information obtained would allow the cybersecurity community to offer a simple way for consumers to protect their mobile data. There is a constant interaction between human behavior and the need for increased data …

“Library And Information Science” Literature In Web Of Science: What A Decade Tells Us About Scholarly Collaboration In The Field (2007-2016), Kim M. Thompson, Kasey Garrison, Carolina Santelices-Werchez, Paulina Arellano-Rojas, Danilo Reyes-Lillo Jul 2020

“Library And Information Science” Literature In Web Of Science: What A Decade Tells Us About Scholarly Collaboration In The Field (2007-2016), Kim M. Thompson, Kasey Garrison, Carolina Santelices-Werchez, Paulina Arellano-Rojas, Danilo Reyes-Lillo

Faculty Publications

Ensuring access to published research is increasingly important for demonstrating research impact, supporting wide readership, creating interest in collaboration, and making way for funding opportunities. This article provides a bibliometric analysis of publications from 2007-2016 in the Web of Science (WOS) database to update understanding of recent international library science research as a means of discussing research impact and scientific collaboration. The methodology is a descriptive analysis of publications retrieved from the WOS database using keywords “library science” and WOS-generated subject descriptor “Information Science & Library Science.” Analysis focused on descriptive data related to our research questions including representation of …

Factors Influencing Intention To Introduce Accessibility In Makerspace Planning And Implementation, Heather Moorefield-Lang, Ana Dubnjakovic Jul 2020

Factors Influencing Intention To Introduce Accessibility In Makerspace Planning And Implementation, Heather Moorefield-Lang, Ana Dubnjakovic

Faculty and Staff Publications

Makerspaces continue to grow in popularity in public, academic, and school libraries. As makerspaces are included in library services, accessibility for all users is important. What motivates a school librarian to implement a makerspace accessible to all learners? Are they more likely to invest in accessibility if provided the necessary resources? In this study, researchers discuss which Theory of Planned Behavior (Ajzen 1985) variables significantly predict school librarians’ intentions to implement accessible makerspaces. Researchers also delve into how attitude towards accessibility in makerspaces influence the intention to implement accessible makerspace. Findings indicate identifying perceived behavior control is the principal predictor …

Does Mathematics Training Lead To Better Logical Thinking And Reasoning? A Cross-Sectional Assessment From Students To Professors, Clio Cresswell, Craig P. Speelman Jul 2020

Does Mathematics Training Lead To Better Logical Thinking And Reasoning? A Cross-Sectional Assessment From Students To Professors, Clio Cresswell, Craig P. Speelman

Research outputs 2014 to 2021

© 2020 Cresswell, Speelman. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Mathematics is often promoted as endowing those who study it with transferable skills such as an ability to think logically and critically or to have improved investigative skills, resourcefulness and creativity in problem solving. However, there is scant evidence to back up such claims. This project tested participants with increasing levels of mathematics training on 11 well-studied rational and logical reasoning tasks …

To What Extent Could The Development Of An Airborne Thermal Imaging Detection System Contribute To Enhance Detection?, Martin Jebens, Hideyuki Sawada, Ph.D., Junjie Shen, Erik Tollefsen Jul 2020

To What Extent Could The Development Of An Airborne Thermal Imaging Detection System Contribute To Enhance Detection?, Martin Jebens, Hideyuki Sawada, Ph.D., Junjie Shen, Erik Tollefsen

The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction

Over the past two decades, several initiatives that involved research and development on sensor and detection systems have failed to successfully integrate with clearance operations and have not been able to help affected states overcome the humanitarian challenges caused by weapon contamination. Though initial tests were promising, when faced with the reality of the field, the technology often indicates shortcomings.[i] The terrain, dense vegetation, metal clutter, or other obstacles encountered in humanitarian mine action (HMA) pose challenges often greater than reliable target detection. Therefore, understanding the inherent challenges of a task is paramount when discussing the entry of new …

Food And Power, Brian Palmer-Rubin Jul 2020

Food And Power, Brian Palmer-Rubin

Political Science Faculty Research and Publications

No abstract provided.

Mbi Gjendjen E Sotme Të Sigurisë Në Ballkanin Perëndimor, Blertë Sopa Jul 2020

Mbi Gjendjen E Sotme Të Sigurisë Në Ballkanin Perëndimor, Blertë Sopa

Theses and Dissertations

Padyshim që njëra prej çështjeve më të rëndësishme të një shteti është siguria, mbrojtja e territorit të tij. Ky punim diploma batchelor ka për qëllim të shqyrtojë çështjet e sigurisë së shteteve të Ballkanit Perëndimor. Ai është ndarë në disakrerë, ose pjesë në mënyrë që të ndihmojë për të krijuar në mënyrë logjike dhe të qartë kuadrin teorik të problemit.

Fillimisht është pjesa përshkruese dhe teorike e cila lidhet me përkufizmin e konceptit të sigurisë, ndërsa më pas, flitet rreth sistemit të sigurisëkombëtare, kërcënimeve të sigurisë, interesave kombëtarë si dhe për sfidat e së ardhmes.

Më tej, për të parë …

Radio Në Peizazhin Mediatik Të Kosovës, Shkëndije Zeqiri Jul 2020

Radio Në Peizazhin Mediatik Të Kosovës, Shkëndije Zeqiri

Theses and Dissertations

Radio është njëra nga tri mediat masive të zhvilluara në Kosovë, pas përfundimit të Luftës së Dytë Botërore. Për dekada me radhë ajo ka qenë media me vlerat e institucionit të rëndësishëm për shqiptarët e Kosovës, bazuar në karakteristikat themelore të saj si media që depërton me lehtësi te audiencat. Zhvillimi i radios kryesore, Radio Prishtinës, është ndërprerë në fillim të viteve të ’90-a të shekullit të kaluar. Pas luftës, nga viti 1999 radio ka vazhduar të jetë media e rëndësishme, edhe pse jo me ndikimin që ka pasur më herët. Në Kosovë, nga viti 1999 ekzistojnë radio publike dhe …

Objektiviteti Në Portalet E Kosovës, Dafina Berisha Jul 2020

Objektiviteti Në Portalet E Kosovës, Dafina Berisha

Theses and Dissertations

Objektiviteti në portalet tona, është një temë mjaft interesante për t’u trajtuar, duke u bazuar në literaturën, analizat dhe studimet e bëra në Kosovë. Ky punim, synon që të analizojë çfarë roli ka objektiviteti në ditët e sotme, sa janë portalet tona objektive dhe sa i respektojnë ato norma. Në kapitullin e parë është paraqitur një sërë autorësh që kanë sjellë përkufizime të çmuara në lidhje me mediat sociale si trend i ri, pastaj është trajtuar objektiviteti në Kosovë dhe Botë, dhe evulucioni ie saj, të gjitha të dhënat si lloj informimi për kodin e Mediave të Shkruar, si dhe …

Etika Në Menaxhimin Publik, Rast Studimi Shtëpia E Shëndetit Lipjan, Fatime Aliu Jul 2020

Etika Në Menaxhimin Publik, Rast Studimi Shtëpia E Shëndetit Lipjan, Fatime Aliu

Theses and Dissertations

Një vështrim në rolin e institucioneve shëndetësore, konkretishtë QKMF – Lipjan nxjerr në pah rëndësinë e një kodi të etikës për stafin shëndetësor.

Njerëzit në demokraci kanë organizuar shtetin dhe institucionet në një mënyrë të tillë, që të kenë liri maksimale për veten e tyre, brenda kuadrit të shtetit ligjor. Po kështu, janë hartuar sisteme të drejtësisë penale me qëllim që të garantohet liria dhe siguria e individit.

Në një shoqëri demokratike të sunduar nga forca e ligjit, institucionet shëndetësore kanë funksion jetik në sigurimin e ofrimit të shërbimeve me qëllim të ruajtjes së shëndetit të qytetarëve dhe komuniteteve pa …

Analizë E Raportimeve Të Gazetave Për Ministrinë E Administratës Publike, Flaka Jashari Jul 2020

Analizë E Raportimeve Të Gazetave Për Ministrinë E Administratës Publike, Flaka Jashari

Theses and Dissertations

Ky punim diplome synon të trajtojë temen se si paraqitet Ministria e Administratës Publike përmes mediave pubilke dhe private në Kosovë.Sqarohet se si përmes Divizionit për komunikim përcjellen lajmet tek mediat dhe si arrin pastaj ky informacion tek publiku.Dukë marrë parasysh faktin që një ndër misionet e ministrisë së Administratës Publike është të punoj në avancimin dhe modernizimin e tërë aparatit shtetëror administrativ për t’ju shërbyer me efikasitet, transparencë, profesionalizëm dhe paanshmëri të gjithë qytetarëve, bizneseve dhe vet institucioneve të Republikës së Kosovës puna më e rëndësishme e gazetarëve është që të jenë gjithmonë në hapë me ndryshimet që ndodhin …

The Russian Research Center At Harvard Versus Cambridge Analytica: Influencing The Public In A Cold War, Robert Joshua Howard Jul 2020

The Russian Research Center At Harvard Versus Cambridge Analytica: Influencing The Public In A Cold War, Robert Joshua Howard


No abstract provided.

Clinical Trainees' Experience Of Burnout And Its Relationship To Supervision, Amanda Weaver Jul 2020

Clinical Trainees' Experience Of Burnout And Its Relationship To Supervision, Amanda Weaver


Burnout is a phenomenon that has recently gotten a lot of attention in research and media, but there is still a need to understand burnout among clinical trainees. Burnout is characterized by emotional exhaustion, a sense of cynicism, and a reduced sense of personal accomplishment. This qualitative study attempted to understand clinical trainees’ experience of burnout, the factors they believed were contributing factors to their burnout, and how supervision impacted this experience. The participants included six trainees who were enrolled in a clinical or counseling doctorate program, have experienced or are currently experiencing burnout, and had at least six months …

Two Suggestions To Wp Mp Jamus Lim, Zhengxiao Wu Jul 2020

Two Suggestions To Wp Mp Jamus Lim, Zhengxiao Wu

Research Collection School Of Economics

In a commentary, SMU Senior Lecturer of Statistics Wu Zhengxiao discussed the arguments presented by Workers’ Party’s candidate Associate Professor Jamus Lim during the live broadcast of a political debate, and put forth two suggestions for Assoc Prof Lim.

The Workplace Integration Of Veterans: Applying Diversity And Fit Perspectives, Jorge A. Gonzalez, Joseph Simpson Jul 2020

The Workplace Integration Of Veterans: Applying Diversity And Fit Perspectives, Jorge A. Gonzalez, Joseph Simpson

Management Faculty Publications and Presentations

Military veterans are a valuable part of the human capital resource pool. Nonetheless, veterans often struggle with their transition into civilian life and workplaces. This problem often limits the extent to which work organizations utilize their talents. Here, we briefly review relevant work from outside the management field and nascent work within the field to build a conceptual model for understanding the integration of veterans into the workplace. We do this by applying diversity and person-environment fit perspectives. A diversity standpoint helps us to understand veterans as a social group and their inclusion in the workplace, while the person-environment fit …

2020 July, Morehead State University. Office Of Communications & Marketing. Jul 2020

2020 July, Morehead State University. Office Of Communications & Marketing.

Morehead State Press Release Archive, 1961 to the Present

Press releases for July of 2020.

Beyond Climate Impacts: Knowledge Gaps And Process-Based Reflection On Preparing A Regional Chapter For The Fourth National Climate Assessment, Scott Lowe Jul 2020

Beyond Climate Impacts: Knowledge Gaps And Process-Based Reflection On Preparing A Regional Chapter For The Fourth National Climate Assessment, Scott Lowe

Economics Faculty Publications and Presentations

The Fourth National Climate Assessment (NCA4) provided the most up-to-date understanding of climate change and its effects on the Earth system and on consequences for the United States, including impacts and associated risks, along with approaches to coping with these effects. It is intended to provide guidance to decision-makers in governmental sectors while, in practice, providing guidance for nongovernmental actors. Its regional and topical chapters highlight current knowledge, uncertainties, gaps in knowledge, and emerging threats. The current knowledge and gaps can help set a research agenda to inform future national, regional, and local climate assessments and thereby support better decision-making. …

Covid-19 And Systemic Racism, Rachel Robinson-Greene Jul 2020

Covid-19 And Systemic Racism, Rachel Robinson-Greene

Languages, Philosophy, and Communication Studies Faculty Publications

As more information about COVID-19 and its effects comes to light, it is clear that the impacts of the disease are not the same everywhere or for everyone. Some communities are hit harder than others. In many cases, COVID-19 hot spots highlight systemic problems that existed before “coronavirus” was a household word. The public action that a society takes when things get rough reflects its values, in this case, its judgments about who and what is really important. Unsurprisingly, the circumstances of marginalized groups are not sufficiently taken into account in the construction of social programs and systems. When these …

The Consequences And Correlates Of Racial Identity Discordance: An Explication Of The Social Construction Of Race, Eli X. Ornelas Jul 2020

The Consequences And Correlates Of Racial Identity Discordance: An Explication Of The Social Construction Of Race, Eli X. Ornelas

Department of Sociology: Dissertations, Theses, and Student Research

The current study analyzes the rates at which different racial groups experience identity discordance, or the phenomenon of one’s self-ascribed racial identity not being commensurate with external perceptions of one’s race. While previous research has documented the possibility of discrepancy between self-ascribed and external classifications of racial identities, few empirical studies have sought to determine which racial groups are most susceptible to experiencing identity discordance or investigated specific mechanisms that may contribute to that discordance. Utilizing the 2006 wave of the Portraits of American Life Study (PALS), the current study investigates the rate of identity discordance for Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, …

Individuals Responses To Economic Cycles: Organizational Relevance And A Multilevel Theoretical Integration, Nina Sirola Jul 2020

Individuals Responses To Economic Cycles: Organizational Relevance And A Multilevel Theoretical Integration, Nina Sirola

Research Collection Lee Kong Chian School Of Business

The state of the economy represents a concern for individuals and shapes their behavior in profound ways. The current review of studies on how individuals respond to economic cycles reveals that organizational relevance of such responses has often not been considered, and the literature is characterized by a variety of seemingly disconnected explanations for how and why individuals respond to the perceived state of the economy. I develop a theoretical framework that systematizes the literature and accounts for the seemingly disparate findings, highlighting the underlying functionality of such responses for individuals. I then integrate the literature on individual responses to …

Covid-19 And Management Education: Reflections On Challenges, Opportunities, And Potential Futures, Steve Brammer, Timothy Clark Jul 2020

Covid-19 And Management Education: Reflections On Challenges, Opportunities, And Potential Futures, Steve Brammer, Timothy Clark

Research Collection Lee Kong Chian School Of Business

COVID-19 is having profound impacts on tertiary education globally. Border closures, cuts to aviation capacity, mandatory quarantine on entering a country, restrictions on mass gatherings, and social distancing all pose challenges to higher education (HE) institutions. Business Schools (BSs) have larger and more internationally diverse cohorts of students and staff, generating particular challenges, but also often have more mature digital and remote education capabilities that enable responses to COVID-19. Therefore, exploring emergent evidence on how BSs are likely to be affected by COVID-19 over the short, medium, and long term is of significant importance to our community. In this commentary, …

Bermudan Option In Singapore Savings Bonds, Kian Guan Lim Jul 2020

Bermudan Option In Singapore Savings Bonds, Kian Guan Lim

Research Collection Lee Kong Chian School Of Business

The Singapore Savings Bonds (SSB) is a unique investment program offered by the Singapore government whereby retail investors can earn risk-free tax-free step-up interest closely matched to Treasury bond rates for up to 10 years and can redeem on any business day prior to maturity without any early redemption penalty. This study analyses the unique design of the SSB and provides a valuation of the Bermudan option for early redemption that is embedded in the SSB. The Black-Derman-Toy model is used to build the interest rate tree, and an iterative method is employed to avoid arbitrary specification of the pre-determined …

Spatial Panel Data Models With Temporal Heterogeneity, Yuhong Xu Jul 2020

Spatial Panel Data Models With Temporal Heterogeneity, Yuhong Xu

Dissertations and Theses Collection (Open Access)

This dissertation studies the fixed effects (FE) spatial panel data (SPD) models with temporal heterogeneity (TH), where the regression coefficients and spatial coefficients are allowed to change with time. The FE-SPD model with time-varying coefficients renders the usual transformation method in dealing with the fixed effects inapplicable, and an adjusted quasi score (AQS) method is proposed, which adjusts the concentrated quasi score function with the fixed effects being concentrated out. AQS tests for the lack of temporal heterogeneity (TH) in slope and spatial parameters are first proposed. Then, a set of AQS estimation and inference methods for the FE-SPD model …