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Physical Sciences and Mathematics Commons

Open Access. Powered by Scholars. Published by Universities.®

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Full-Text Articles in Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Work Order And Subassembly Identification And Tracking System, Israa El-Sabbagh Jul 2021

Work Order And Subassembly Identification And Tracking System, Israa El-Sabbagh

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

The research encompassed in this thesis includes the development of a work order and subassembly identification and tracking software system created in-house and tested at SPM Automation (Canada) Inc. The research is motivated by the significant losses the company is enduring and the recurring problems occurring at the facility (i.e., excess inventory, late ordering, reordering, misplaced components, etc.). These problems are critical in the progress and profits of the company.

An extensive literature review was completed, and the research gaps were presented. The optimal work order and subassembly process was created using Process Mapping Methodology, Cause-and-Effect Diagrams, and 5Why Analysis. …

Multifaceted Environmental Enrichment In Industrial Fish Hatcheries: The Influence Of Enriched Rearing On The In-Situ Behaviour And Post-Stocking Success Of Juvenile Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar), Justine Elizabeth Mcadrews Jul 2021

Multifaceted Environmental Enrichment In Industrial Fish Hatcheries: The Influence Of Enriched Rearing On The In-Situ Behaviour And Post-Stocking Success Of Juvenile Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar), Justine Elizabeth Mcadrews

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Hatchery fish reared and stocked to sustain or restore wild populations often perform poorly in novel environments compared to their wild counterparts. To combat maladaptive hatchery-acquired traits environmental enrichment is an emerging tool used to provide ‘life skills training’ to hatchery fish prior to release. Through the application of simple yet multifaceted enrichment protocols in an industrial fish hatchery, this thesis aimed to demonstrate how enrichment could be applied to improve the ecological viability of stocked fish. At a provincially-run fish hatchery, a subgroup of juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) were subject to 10 weeks of environmental enrichment …

A Framework To Study The Impact Of Interventions On Social Isolation During Pandemics Using Multi-Agent Simulation, Simranpreet Kaur Jul 2021

A Framework To Study The Impact Of Interventions On Social Isolation During Pandemics Using Multi-Agent Simulation, Simranpreet Kaur

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

The spread of Coronavirus, widely known as COVID-19, has posed detrimental effects worldwide, affecting almost every primary sector. Due to its asymptomatic behavior and non-early diagnosis, government and health organizations implemented interventions such as physical distancing, lockdown, and quarantine, to mitigate the spread of the virus. Studies have shown that a connection exists between social isolation and health risks experienced by individuals. Thus, this research proposes an agent-based model to address the impact of varying interventions in our society. For simulation purposes, the SEIR model is followed, and agents are categorized into two classes based on their pace of movement, …

Shutterplot: An R Package To Display All Summary Statistics Of A Simple Linear Regression Model, Siddhanta Phuyal, Mamunur Rashid, Jyotirmoy Sarkar Jul 2021

Shutterplot: An R Package To Display All Summary Statistics Of A Simple Linear Regression Model, Siddhanta Phuyal, Mamunur Rashid, Jyotirmoy Sarkar

Student Research

A shutterplot depicts all summary statistics in a simple linear regression model. Instead of reporting their numerical values, a shutterplot gives their visual representations. In this paper, we provide a step-by-step description of how the shutterplot package constructs a shutterplot and the options the user has in customizing it.

Ivy Plot: Enhancing A Dot Plot By Representing Observations As Leaflets, Tri Ha Minh Nguyen '23, Mamunur Rashid, Jyotirmoy Sarkar Jul 2021

Ivy Plot: Enhancing A Dot Plot By Representing Observations As Leaflets, Tri Ha Minh Nguyen '23, Mamunur Rashid, Jyotirmoy Sarkar

Student Research

For a large data set, a dot plot poses a challenge—albeit unintended—in counting the dots. To overcome this shortcoming Sarkar and Rashid (2021) proposed an IVY plot, which represents tied data in batches of five by depicting an IVY leaf with five leaflets. These leaves are bottom-justified and stacked vertically, with the topmost leaf possibly having fewer than five leaflets, until the number of leaflets equals the frequency at each value

Structure And Reactivity Of The First Row Transition Metals Bearing Redox-Active Ligands And Tunable H-Bonding Interactions, Khashayar Rajabimoghadam Jul 2021

Structure And Reactivity Of The First Row Transition Metals Bearing Redox-Active Ligands And Tunable H-Bonding Interactions, Khashayar Rajabimoghadam

Chemistry Theses and Dissertations

Metalloenzymes, as natural catalysts, can break a reaction with high activation energy to multiple small reactions with lower activation energies; in these small reactions, multiple bonds form and dissociate rapidly, some metalloenzymes use redox-active ligands in their active site to provide the needed electrons for these multiple small reactions. Additionally, in the secondary coordination sphere in the vicinity of the metalloenzymes, the hydrogen bonding interactions facilitate the transfer and interaction of the substrates and the stabilization of the active intermediates. These unique features in metalloenzymes inspired chemists to design molecular models that can partially mimic the structure and reactivity of …

Inteligjenca Artificiale (Ai) - Benefitet Dhe Frika Ndaj Së Ardhmës, Ardit Azemi Jul 2021

Inteligjenca Artificiale (Ai) - Benefitet Dhe Frika Ndaj Së Ardhmës, Ardit Azemi

Theses and Dissertations

Këtë temë diplome e kam përzgjedhur sepse është teknologji relativisht e re, inteligjenca artificiale është e ardhmja e njerëzimit, dhe në një të ardhme të afërt do ju ndihmoj shumë njerëzve duke u lehtuar shumë punë, mirëpo ekziston edhe frika se mos do i zëvendësoj në disa raste të caktuara edhe vet njerëzit, pra punën të cilën ata bëjnë, pa dyshim në disa fusha përkatëse do të ketë ndikim revulucionar.

Pasiqë është një teknologji e cila ka një degëzim shumë të gjerë po thuajse në çdo sferë të jetës dhe po ashtu për shumë kë termi “Inteligjencë Artificiale” është i …

Integrimi I Sistemit Të Menaxhimit Dixhital Të Pasurive Të Patundshme Bazuar Në Arkitekturën E Pastërt Mvc, Mynevere Hyseni Jul 2021

Integrimi I Sistemit Të Menaxhimit Dixhital Të Pasurive Të Patundshme Bazuar Në Arkitekturën E Pastërt Mvc, Mynevere Hyseni

Theses and Dissertations

Integrimi i sistemit të menaxhimit dixhital të pasurive të patundshme është shumë i rëndësishëm për menaxhim të mbarë të pasurive të patundshme dhe pozicionimin e tyre në treg si dhe luan rol të veçantë në sigurimin e avantazhit të një kompanie ose të një individi të vetëm ndaj konkurrentëve. Kur një individ apo kompani dëshiron të shes/jep me qira ndonjë pasuri të vetën, është mjaft e nevojshme që ta prezantojnë atë me botën në mënyrë të zhurmshme. Po ashtu në anën tjetër kur ndonjë individ dëshiron të blej/marr me qira ndonjë pronë kërkon mundësi më të lehtë dhe më të …

Zhvillimi I Seo-S Ndër Vite, Berna Zehri Jul 2021

Zhvillimi I Seo-S Ndër Vite, Berna Zehri

Theses and Dissertations

Duke e pasur parasysh kërkesat e bizneseve që të jenë më të ekspozuara në rrjetet sociale dhe në motorët e kërkimit si Google, thuhet që SEO është thelbësore që të ndihmojë të arrihen shumë nga qëllimet e bizneseve. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) ndihmon të krijohen marrëdhënie më të mira me audiencën, të përmirësohet përvoja e klientit, rrit autoritetin e biznesit, ndihmon në rritjen e klikimeve në faqe, jep përparësi ndaj konkurrencës dhe i rrit konvertimet, që do të thotë më shumë shitje, klientë më besnikë dhe më shumë rritje për bizneset e fushave te ndryshme.

Në këtë punim, analizohet zhvillimi …

Analizë E Testimit Të Aplikacioneve Të Telefonave Mobile, Deliza Muharremaj Jul 2021

Analizë E Testimit Të Aplikacioneve Të Telefonave Mobile, Deliza Muharremaj

Theses and Dissertations

Testimi i aplikacioneve softuerike është një proces i cili shërben për të kontrolluar nëse aplikacioni është pa gabime ose jo. Është proces i verifikimit dhe vlerësimit të shërbimeve softuerike, duke kontrolluar nëse aplikacioni softuerik është duke i plotësuar kërkesat e përdoruesit dhe nëse funksionon sipas karakteristikave. Qëllimi i testimit është të identifikojë gabimet, boshllëqet ose kërkesat që mungojnë në raport me kërkesat aktuale.

Testimi është i rëndësishëm sepse nëse ka ndonjë gabim ai mund të identifikohet herët dhe mund të zgjidhet para dorëzimit përfundimtar të produktit. Testimi i aplikacioneve mobile është një grumbullim i aktiviteteve të lidhuara për gjetjen e …

Zhvillimi I Një Ueb Aplikacioni Duke Përdorur Arkitekturën E Mikroserviseve Dhe Kubernetes, Fisnik Zejnullahu Jul 2021

Zhvillimi I Një Ueb Aplikacioni Duke Përdorur Arkitekturën E Mikroserviseve Dhe Kubernetes, Fisnik Zejnullahu

Theses and Dissertations

Në këtë punim diplome do të shqyrtohen mënyrat e ndryshme që përdoren për zhvillimin e aplikacioneve, e sidomos do të shqyrtohen mënyrat dhe teknologjitë moderne që po përdoren dhe që janë të preferueshme të përdoren në ditët e sotme. Lexuesi në fillim do të njoftohet me një hyrje rreth mënyrave dhe teknologjive që përdoren për zhvillimin e aplikacioneve, pastaj do të njoftohet me problemet dhe vështirësitë rreth zhvillimit të aplikacioneve e si mund t’i zgjidhim ato probleme. Do të vazhdohet me shqyrtimin e literaturës për këto teknologji, dhe diskutimi më në detaje rreth tyre. Do të flasim për të mirat …

Stem Afterschool Club - Lava Lamps, Dylan Hiser Jul 2021

Stem Afterschool Club - Lava Lamps, Dylan Hiser

Honors Expanded Learning Clubs

Afterschool Club that builds upon what students already know about science with fun and interactive experiments.

Campbell Penetration Depth In Low Carrier Density Superconductor Yptbi, Hyunsoo Kim, Makariy A. Tanatar, Halyna Hodovanets, Kefeng Wang, Johnpierre Paglione, Ruslan Prozorov Jul 2021

Campbell Penetration Depth In Low Carrier Density Superconductor Yptbi, Hyunsoo Kim, Makariy A. Tanatar, Halyna Hodovanets, Kefeng Wang, Johnpierre Paglione, Ruslan Prozorov

Physics Faculty Research & Creative Works

Magnetic penetration depth, λm, was measured as a function of temperature and magnetic field in single crystals of low carrier density superconductor YPtBi by using a tunnel-diode oscillator technique. Measurements in zero DC magnetic field yield London penetration depth, λL(T), but in the applied field the signal includes the Campbell penetration depth, λC(T), which is the characteristic length of the attenuation of small excitation field, HAC, into the Abrikosov vortex lattice due to its elasticity. Whereas the magnetic field dependent λC exhibit λC ~ BP with p = 1/2 …

Collaborative Research: A Fossil Ecosystem Under The Ice: Deciphering The Glacial And Vegetation History Of Nothwest Greenland Using Long Lost Camp Century Basal Sediment, Tammy M. Rittenour Jul 2021

Collaborative Research: A Fossil Ecosystem Under The Ice: Deciphering The Glacial And Vegetation History Of Nothwest Greenland Using Long Lost Camp Century Basal Sediment, Tammy M. Rittenour

Funded Research Records

No abstract provided.

Predicting Road Quality Using High Resolution Satellite Imagery: A Transfer Learning Approach, Ethan Brewer, Jason Lin, Peter Kemper, John Hennin, Daniel Runfola Jul 2021

Predicting Road Quality Using High Resolution Satellite Imagery: A Transfer Learning Approach, Ethan Brewer, Jason Lin, Peter Kemper, John Hennin, Daniel Runfola

Arts & Sciences Articles

Recognizing the importance of road infrastructure to promote human health and economic development, actors around the globe are regularly investing in both new roads and road improvements. However, in many contexts there is a sparsity—or complete lack—of accurate information regarding existing road infrastructure, challenging the effective identification of where investments should be made. Previous literature has focused on overcoming this gap through the use of satellite imagery to detect and map roads. In this piece, we extend this literature by leveraging satellite imagery to estimate road quality and concomitant information about travel speed. We adopt a transfer learning approach in …

Towards Understanding The Temporal Accuracy Of Openstreetmap: A Quantitative Experiment, Levente Juhasz Jul 2021

Towards Understanding The Temporal Accuracy Of Openstreetmap: A Quantitative Experiment, Levente Juhasz

GIS Center

No abstract provided.

Metal-Assisted Catalytic Etching (Mace) For Nanofabrication Of Semiconductor Powders, Kurt W. Kolasinski Jul 2021

Metal-Assisted Catalytic Etching (Mace) For Nanofabrication Of Semiconductor Powders, Kurt W. Kolasinski

Chemistry Faculty Publications

Electroless etching of semiconductors has been elevated to an advanced micromachining process by the addition of a structured metal catalyst. Patterning of the catalyst by lithographic techniques facilitated the patterning of crystalline and polycrystalline wafer substrates. Galvanic deposition of metals on semiconductors has a natural tendency to produce nanoparticles rather than flat uniform films. This characteristic makes possible the etching of wafers and particles with arbitrary shape and size. While it has been widely recognized that spontaneous deposition of metal nanoparticles can be used in connection with etching to porosify wafers, it is also possible to produced nanostructured powders. Metal-assisted …

Knowledge Extraction And Inference Based On Visual Understanding Of Cooking Contents, Ahmad Babaeian Babaeian Jelodar Jul 2021

Knowledge Extraction And Inference Based On Visual Understanding Of Cooking Contents, Ahmad Babaeian Babaeian Jelodar

USF Tampa Graduate Theses and Dissertations

In this dissertation, we discuss our work on analyzing cooking content for the ultimate goal ofautomatic robotic manipulation. For a robot to perform a cooking task, it will need to both have an understanding of the scene and utilize prior knowledge. We will explore two main sub-problems: knowledge extraction and inference, and visual understanding of the scene in this dissertation. Visual understanding of a scene, requires algorithms that can visually infer information from a single image or video. Many algorithms in the area of image classification, object detection, or activity recognition can be used in this area. Although great advances …

Examining The Effects Of Race On Human-Ai Cooperation, Akil A. Atkins, Christopher L. Dancy, Matthew S. Brown Jul 2021

Examining The Effects Of Race On Human-Ai Cooperation, Akil A. Atkins, Christopher L. Dancy, Matthew S. Brown

Faculty Conference Papers and Presentations

Recent literature has shown that racism and implicit racial biases can affect one’s actions in major ways, from the time it takes police to decide whether they shoot an armed suspect, to a decision on whether to trust a stranger. Given that race is a social/power construct, artifacts can also be racialized, and these racialized agents have also been found to be treated differently based on their perceived race. We explored whether people’s decision to cooperate with an AI agent during a task (a modified version of the Stag hunt task) is affected by the knowledge that the AI agent …

Ahr Expression On Rorc-Expressing Immune Cells Is Essential For I3c-Mediated Protection Against Colitis, Michal C. Williams Jul 2021

Ahr Expression On Rorc-Expressing Immune Cells Is Essential For I3c-Mediated Protection Against Colitis, Michal C. Williams

Senior Theses

Colitis is an inflammatory bowel disorder (IBD) whose etiology is attributed to modification in the luminal microbiota and dysregulation in the immune response. Indole is a signaling molecule which is naturally produced by gut luminal microbiota. Indole-3- carbinol (I3C) is a compound commonly found in vegetables and a ligand for the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR). Previous studies have detected decreased expression and activation on the AhR receptor in colitis patients, thought to possibly alter gut microbiota metabolism, subsequently promoting colitis. 1 AhR, expressed in a variety of immune and epithelial cells, contributes to gut homeostasis by affecting vital mediators such …

"Negative" Results -- When The Measured Quantity Is Outside The Sensor's Range -- Can Help Data Processing, Jonatan Contreras, Francisco Zapata, Olga Kosheleva, Vladik Kreinovich, Martine Ceberio Jul 2021

"Negative" Results -- When The Measured Quantity Is Outside The Sensor's Range -- Can Help Data Processing, Jonatan Contreras, Francisco Zapata, Olga Kosheleva, Vladik Kreinovich, Martine Ceberio

Departmental Technical Reports (CS)

In many real-life situations, we know the general form of the dependence y = f(x, c1, ..., cm) between physical quantities, but the values need to be determined experimentally, based on the results of measuring x and y. In some cases, we do not get any result of measuring y since the actual value is outside the range of the measuring instrument. Usually, such cases are ignored. In this paper, we show that taking these cases into account can help data processing -- by improving the accuracy of our estimates of ci and thus, …

So How To Make Group Decisions? Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 70 Years After, Hung T. Nguyen, Olga Kosheleva, Vladik Kreinovich Jul 2021

So How To Make Group Decisions? Arrow's Impossibility Theorem 70 Years After, Hung T. Nguyen, Olga Kosheleva, Vladik Kreinovich

Departmental Technical Reports (CS)

In 1951, Kenneth Arrow proved that it is not possible to have a group decision making procedure that satisfies reasonable requirements like fairness. From the theoretical viewpoint, this is a great result -- well-deserving the Nobel Prize that was awarded to Professor Arrow. However, from the practical viewpoint, the question remains -- so how should we make group decisions? A usual way to solve this problem is to provide some reasonable heuristic ideas, but the problem is that different seemingly reasonable idea often lead to different group decision -- this is known, e.g., for different voting schemes. In this paper, …

Extending Nanoscale Patterning With Multipolar Surface Plasmon Resonances., Issam Kherbouche, Danielle Macrae, Théo Geronimi Jourdain, François Lagugné-Labarthet, Azedine Lamouri, Alexandre Chevillot Biraud, Claire Mangeney, Nordin Félidj Jul 2021

Extending Nanoscale Patterning With Multipolar Surface Plasmon Resonances., Issam Kherbouche, Danielle Macrae, Théo Geronimi Jourdain, François Lagugné-Labarthet, Azedine Lamouri, Alexandre Chevillot Biraud, Claire Mangeney, Nordin Félidj

Chemistry Publications

Plasmonic excitation of metallic nanoparticles can trigger chemical reactions at the nanoscale. Such optical effects can also be employed to selectively and locally graft photopolymer layers at the nanostructure surface, and, when combined with a surface functionalization agent, new pathways can be explored to modify the surface of a plasmonic nanoparticle. Among these approaches, diazonium salt chemistry is seen as an attractive strategy due to the high photoinduced reactivity of these salts. In this work, we demonstrate that it is possible to trigger the site-selective grafting of aryl films derived from diazonium salts on distinct nano-localized area of single gold …

A Study Of Sparse Representation Of Boolean Functions, Yekun Xu Jul 2021

A Study Of Sparse Representation Of Boolean Functions, Yekun Xu

FIU Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Boolean function is one of the most fundamental computation models in theoretical computer science. The two most common representations of Boolean functions are Fourier transform and real polynomial form. Applying analytic tools under these representations to the study Boolean functions has led to fruitful research in many areas such as complexity theory, learning theory, inapproximability, pseudorandomness, metric embedding, property testing, threshold phenomena, social choice, etc. In this thesis, we focus on \emph{sparse representations} of Boolean function in both Fourier transform and polynomial form, and obtain the following new results. A classical result of Rothschild and van Lint asserts that if …

Covid-19 Impact On Radiology Students’ Distance Learning (Summer 2021), Mary Lee, Jason Chan, Cheryann Jackson-Holmes, Renzo Marmolejo, Zoya Vinokur Jul 2021

Covid-19 Impact On Radiology Students’ Distance Learning (Summer 2021), Mary Lee, Jason Chan, Cheryann Jackson-Holmes, Renzo Marmolejo, Zoya Vinokur

Publications and Research

The Radiological Technology students have adjusted from the urgent distance learning that was enacted in the Spring of 2020, to the hybrid distance learning that is currently in place. This hybrid distance learning is the same way the incoming class of radiological technology students were taught. Both cohorts of students were tracked over the year by online anonymous surveys. We wanted to know how students were adapting to distance learning, if their focus and motivation varied over the course of the year due to changing pandemic conditions. For the students that were working, what impact did it have on their …

Range-Wide Declines Of Northern Spotted Owl Populations In The Pacific Northwest: A Meta-Analysis, Alan B. Franklin, Katie M. Dugger, Damon B. Lesmeister, Raymond J. Davis, J. David Wiens, Gary C. White, James D. Nichols, James E. Hines, Charles B. Yackulic, Carl J. Schwarz, Steven H. Ackers, L. Steven Andrews, Larissa L. Bailey, Robin Bown, Jesse Burgher, Kenneth P. Burnham, Peter C. Carlson, Tara Chestnut, Mary M. Conner, Krista E. Dilione, Eric D. Forsman, Elizabeth M. Glenn, Scott A. Gremel, Keith A. Hamm, Dale R. Herter, J. Mark Higley, Rob B. Horn, Julianna M. Jenkins, William L. Kendall, David W. Lamphear, Christopher Mccafferty, Trent L. Mcdonald, Janice A. Reid, Jeremy T. Rockweit, David C. Simon, Stan G. Sovern, James K. Swingle, Heather Wise Jul 2021

Range-Wide Declines Of Northern Spotted Owl Populations In The Pacific Northwest: A Meta-Analysis, Alan B. Franklin, Katie M. Dugger, Damon B. Lesmeister, Raymond J. Davis, J. David Wiens, Gary C. White, James D. Nichols, James E. Hines, Charles B. Yackulic, Carl J. Schwarz, Steven H. Ackers, L. Steven Andrews, Larissa L. Bailey, Robin Bown, Jesse Burgher, Kenneth P. Burnham, Peter C. Carlson, Tara Chestnut, Mary M. Conner, Krista E. Dilione, Eric D. Forsman, Elizabeth M. Glenn, Scott A. Gremel, Keith A. Hamm, Dale R. Herter, J. Mark Higley, Rob B. Horn, Julianna M. Jenkins, William L. Kendall, David W. Lamphear, Christopher Mccafferty, Trent L. Mcdonald, Janice A. Reid, Jeremy T. Rockweit, David C. Simon, Stan G. Sovern, James K. Swingle, Heather Wise

United States Department of Agriculture Wildlife Services: Staff Publications

The northern spotted owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) inhabits older coniferous forests in the Pacific Northwest and has been at the center of forest management issues in this region. The immediate threats to this federally listed species include habitat loss and competition with barred owls (Strix varia), which invaded from eastern North America. We conducted a prospective meta-analysis to assess population trends and factors affecting those trends in northern spotted owls using 26 years of survey and capture-recapture data from 11 study areas across the owls' geographic range to analyze demographic traits, rates of population change, and occupancy parameters for spotted …

Testing A Bite-Shortened Hook To Minimize Fish Handling In A Recreational Fishery, Holden E. Harris, Brian K. Whalen, Andrew G. Gude, Michael S. Allen Jul 2021

Testing A Bite-Shortened Hook To Minimize Fish Handling In A Recreational Fishery, Holden E. Harris, Brian K. Whalen, Andrew G. Gude, Michael S. Allen

United States Department of Agriculture Wildlife Services: Staff Publications

Discard mortality can make fishing unsustainable, even in catch-and-release or highly regulated fisheries. However, fishing practices and gears that minimize hook injury, handling, and air exposure can considerably improve fitness and survival in released fish. This study tested whether modified hooks could allow anglers to successfully land and then release fish in the water and without handling. Standard, barbless, and bite-shortened hooks were used to catch Spotted Seatrout Cynoscion nebulosus (n > 75 per hook type), and logistic models were used to assess the differences in landing success and hook self-release success by hook type and categorical fish size. Average landing …

Landscape Of Stress: Tree Mortality Influences Physiological Stress And Survival In A Native Mesocarnivore, Jennifer R. Kordosky, Eric M. Gese, Craig M. Thompson, Patricia A. Terletzky, Lorin A. Neuman-Lee, Jon D. Schneiderman, Kathryn L. Purcell, Susannah S. French Jul 2021

Landscape Of Stress: Tree Mortality Influences Physiological Stress And Survival In A Native Mesocarnivore, Jennifer R. Kordosky, Eric M. Gese, Craig M. Thompson, Patricia A. Terletzky, Lorin A. Neuman-Lee, Jon D. Schneiderman, Kathryn L. Purcell, Susannah S. French

United States Department of Agriculture Wildlife Services: Staff Publications

Climate change and anthropogenic modifications to the landscape can have both positive and negative effects on an animal. Linking landscape change to physiological stress and fitness of an animal is a fundamental tenet to be examined in applied ecology. Cortisol is a glucocorticoid hormone that can be used to indicate an animal’s physiological stress response. In the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California, fishers (Pekania pennanti) are a threatened mesocarnivore that have been subjected to rapid landscape changes due to anthropogenic modifications and tree mortality related to a 4-year drought. We measured cortisol concentrations in the hair of 64 …

Risks Of Introduction And Economic Consequences Associated With African Swine Fever, Classical Swine Fever And Foot-And-Mouth Disease: A Review Of The Literature, Vienna Brown, Ryan S. Miller, Sophie C. Mckee, Karina H. Ernst, Nicole M. Didero, Rachel M. Maison, Meredith J. Grady, Stephanie A. Shwiff Jul 2021

Risks Of Introduction And Economic Consequences Associated With African Swine Fever, Classical Swine Fever And Foot-And-Mouth Disease: A Review Of The Literature, Vienna Brown, Ryan S. Miller, Sophie C. Mckee, Karina H. Ernst, Nicole M. Didero, Rachel M. Maison, Meredith J. Grady, Stephanie A. Shwiff

United States Department of Agriculture Wildlife Services: Staff Publications

African swine fever (ASF), classical swine fever (CSF) and foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) are considered to be three of the most detrimental animal diseases and are currently foreign to the U.S. Emerging and re-emerging pathogens can have tremendous impacts in terms of livestock morbidity and mortality events, production losses, forced trade restrictions, and costs associated with treatment and control. The United States is the world's top producer of beef for domestic and export use and the world's third-largest producer and consumer of pork and pork products; it has also recently been either the world's largest or second largest exporter of pork …

Barriers To And Uncertainties In Understanding And Quantifying Global Critical Mineral And Element Supply, Brian A. Mcnulty, Simon M. Jowitt Jul 2021

Barriers To And Uncertainties In Understanding And Quantifying Global Critical Mineral And Element Supply, Brian A. Mcnulty, Simon M. Jowitt

Geoscience Faculty Research

The critical minerals and elements are natural substances that are essential to modern life but have insecure supply. This lack of a secure supply clashes with the increasing importance of these elements, especially given their use in technologies needed to reduce global CO2 emissions and mitigate against anthropogenic climate change. In this contribution we review the by-product nature of the critical minerals and elements and the inherant uncertainties in reported critical mineral and element annual production as well as the relationships between these commodities and main-product metals and associated concentrates. We explore the geological and geographical barriers to critical mineral …