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Physical Sciences and Mathematics Commons

Open Access. Powered by Scholars. Published by Universities.®

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Articles 67531 - 67560 of 302619

Full-Text Articles in Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Classification Of Some First Order Functional Differential Equations With Constant Coefficients To Solvable Lie Algebras, J. Z. Lobo, Y. S. Valaulikar Dec 2020

Classification Of Some First Order Functional Differential Equations With Constant Coefficients To Solvable Lie Algebras, J. Z. Lobo, Y. S. Valaulikar

Applications and Applied Mathematics: An International Journal (AAM)

In this paper, we shall apply symmetry analysis to some first order functional differential equations with constant coefficients. The approach used in this paper accounts for obtaining the inverse of the classification. We define the standard Lie bracket and make a complete classification of some first order linear functional differential equations with constant coefficients to solvable Lie algebras.We also classify some nonlinear functional differential equations with constant coefficients to solvable Lie algebras.

Accurate Spectral Algorithms For Solving Variable-Order Fractional Percolation Equations, M. A. Abdelkawy Dec 2020

Accurate Spectral Algorithms For Solving Variable-Order Fractional Percolation Equations, M. A. Abdelkawy

Applications and Applied Mathematics: An International Journal (AAM)

A high accurate spectral algorithm for one-dimensional variable-order fractional percolation equations (VO-FPEs) is considered.We propose a shifted Legendre Gauss-Lobatto collocation (SL-GLC) method in conjunction with shifted Chebyshev Gauss-Radau collocation (SC-GR-C) method to solve the proposed problem. Firstly, the solution and its space fractional derivatives are expanded as shifted Legendre polynomials series. Then, we determine the expansion coefficients by reducing the VO-FPEs and its conditions to a system of ordinary differential equations (SODEs) in time. The numerical approximation of SODEs is achieved by means of the SC-GR-C method. The under-study’s problem subjected to the Dirichlet or non-local boundary conditions is presented …

The Binomial Transform Of P-Recursive Sequences And The Dilogarithm Function, Stephanie L. Harshbarger, Barton L. Willis Dec 2020

The Binomial Transform Of P-Recursive Sequences And The Dilogarithm Function, Stephanie L. Harshbarger, Barton L. Willis

Applications and Applied Mathematics: An International Journal (AAM)

Using a generalized binomial transform and a novel binomial coefficient identity, we will show that the set of p-recursive sequences is closed under the binomial transform. Using these results, we will derive a new series representation for the dilogarithm function that converges on its domain of analyticity. Finally, we will show that this series representation results in a scheme for numerical evaluation of the dilogarithm function that is accurate, efficient, and stable.

Stability Analysis Of Circular Robe’S R3bp With Finite Straight Segment And Viscosity, Bhavneet Kaur, Sumit Kumar, Shipra Chauhan, Dinesh Kumar Dec 2020

Stability Analysis Of Circular Robe’S R3bp With Finite Straight Segment And Viscosity, Bhavneet Kaur, Sumit Kumar, Shipra Chauhan, Dinesh Kumar

Applications and Applied Mathematics: An International Journal (AAM)

In this paper, the effect of viscous force on the linear stability of equilibrium points of the circular Robe’s restricted three-body problem (CRR3BP) with smaller primary as a finite straight segment is studied. The present model comprises of a bigger primary m*1 which is a rigid spherical shell filled with a homogeneous incompressible fluid of density ρ1 and the smaller primary m2 lies outside the shell. The infinitesimal mass m3 is a small solid sphere of density ρ3 moving inside m*1. The pertinent equations of motion of m3 are derived …

Heat And Mass Transfer In Micropolar Model For Blood Flow Through A Stenotic Tapered Artery, Moses S. Dada, Funmilola Alamu-Awoniran Dec 2020

Heat And Mass Transfer In Micropolar Model For Blood Flow Through A Stenotic Tapered Artery, Moses S. Dada, Funmilola Alamu-Awoniran

Applications and Applied Mathematics: An International Journal (AAM)

Heat and mass transfer in blood flow through a tapered artery with mild stenosis is examined. The blood is considered to be an incompressible, micropolar fluid flowing through a vessel with nonsymmetric axial and symmetric radial axes. The geometry of the model takes into account the shape parameter, tapered angle and height of the stenosis.The variation in the shape parameter is used to describe the changes in the axial shape of the stenosis in the artery. The governing equations for the model, comprising the continuity, momentum, energy, and mass transfer equations are transformed and simplified under the assumption of mild …

Effect Of Induced Magnetic Field On Mixed Convection Flow In A Vertical Channel With Symmetric And Asymmetric Wall Heating Conditions, Hasan N. Zaidi Dec 2020

Effect Of Induced Magnetic Field On Mixed Convection Flow In A Vertical Channel With Symmetric And Asymmetric Wall Heating Conditions, Hasan N. Zaidi

Applications and Applied Mathematics: An International Journal (AAM)

The present paper concerns the study of the induced magnetic field effect on mixed convection flow of viscous incompressible electrically conducting fluid in a vertical channel with symmetric and asymmetric wall heating conditions with heat generation. A steady, laminar, and fully developed flow is considered. Through the appropriate choice of dimensionless variable, the governing equations are developed and three types of thermal boundary conditions isothermal-isothermal, isoflux-isothermal, and isothermal-isoflux for the left-right wall of the channel have prescribed. The analytical solutions for the velocity field, temperature field, magnetic field, and induced current density have been acquired for three types of thermal …

Dynamical Behavior Of An Eco-Epidemiological Model Incorporating Prey Refuge And Prey Harvesting, Dawit Melese, Ousman Muhye, Subrata K. Sahu Dec 2020

Dynamical Behavior Of An Eco-Epidemiological Model Incorporating Prey Refuge And Prey Harvesting, Dawit Melese, Ousman Muhye, Subrata K. Sahu

Applications and Applied Mathematics: An International Journal (AAM)

In this paper an eco-epidemiological model incorporating a prey refuge and prey harvesting with disease in the prey-population is considered. Predators are assumed to consume both the susceptible and infected prey at different rates. The positivity and boundedness of the solution of the system are discussed. The existence and stability of the biologically feasible equilibrium points are investigated. Numerical simulations are performed to support our analytical findings.

Internet Of Things (Iot): Cybersecurity Risks In Healthcare, Ruhi Patel Dec 2020

Internet Of Things (Iot): Cybersecurity Risks In Healthcare, Ruhi Patel

Cybersecurity Undergraduate Research Showcase

The rapid growth and investment in the Internet of Things (IoT) has significantly impacted how individuals and industries operate. The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a network of physical, technology-embedded objects that communicate, detect, and interact with their external environment or internal state (Hung, 2017). According to Tankovska (2020), IoT devices are estimated to reach 21.5 billion units by 2025. This technological boom is leading various industrial sectors to notice a quick increase in cybersecurity risks and threats. One industrial sector has been particularly vulnerable to numerous cyber threats across the globe: healthcare. Oliver Noble (2020), a data encryption …

Chandra Spectral Measurements Of The O Supergiant Ζ Puppis Indicate A Surprising Increase In The Wind Mass-Loss Rate Over 18 Yr, David H. Cohen, Jiaming Wang , '22, V. Petit, M. A. Leutenegger, L. Dakir, C. Mayhue , '23, A. David-Uraz Dec 2020

Chandra Spectral Measurements Of The O Supergiant Ζ Puppis Indicate A Surprising Increase In The Wind Mass-Loss Rate Over 18 Yr, David H. Cohen, Jiaming Wang , '22, V. Petit, M. A. Leutenegger, L. Dakir, C. Mayhue , '23, A. David-Uraz

Physics & Astronomy Faculty Works

New long Chandra grating observations of the O supergiant ζ Pup show not only a brightening of the X-ray emission line flux of 13 per cent in the 18 yr since Chandra’s first observing cycle, but also clear evidence – at more than 4σ significance – of increased wind absorption signatures in its Doppler-broadened line profiles. We demonstrate this with non-parametric analysis of the profiles as well as Gaussian fitting and then use line-profile model fitting to derive a mass-loss rate of 2.47 ± 0.09 × 10−6[Math Processing Error]⁠, which is a 40 per cent increase over the value obtained …

Lyerja E Kushinetave Rrëshqitëse Dhe Rrokullisëse, Natyra Kololli Dec 2020

Lyerja E Kushinetave Rrëshqitëse Dhe Rrokullisëse, Natyra Kololli

Theses and Dissertations

Historia e kushinetave dhe e lubrifikimit është pothuajse aq e vjetër sa historia e njerëzimit. Forca kryesore lëvizëse që u lehtësoi njerëzve aktivitetet e përditshme, mirëpo duke ulur fërkimet. Këtu hyjnë në punë kushinetat, rëndësia e të cilave rritet me njohjen e lyerësve, e që është çështje me interes për të gjithë sepse kushinetat kanë nevojë për lubrifikim. Për të eksploruar botën, apo edhe më tej nevojiten pajisje mekanike që kërkojnë lubrifikim. Të gjithë kemi nevojë për lyerës, prandaj duhet të kemi njohuri për to sepse qoftë në shtëpitë tona ose në punë, kemi pajisje që kanë pjesë lëvizëse që …

Implementimi I Devops Strategjisë Në Kompani Të Vogla Dhe Të Mesme, Diellza Shabani Dec 2020

Implementimi I Devops Strategjisë Në Kompani Të Vogla Dhe Të Mesme, Diellza Shabani

Theses and Dissertations

DevOps është një kornizë konceptuale për riintegrimin e zhvillimit dhe funksionimit të Sistemeve të Informacionit. Unë kam kryer një studim për strategjitë e ndryshme të implementimit të DevOps në kompani të ndryshme. Unë vërejta se DevOps nuk është studiuar në mënyrë adekuate në literaturën shkencore. Ekzistojnë relativisht pak kërkime në dispozicion në DevOps dhe studimet shpesh janë me cilësi të ulët. Unë gjithashtu vërejta që DevOps mbështetet nga një kulturë e bashkëpunimit, automatizimi, matje, shkëmbimi i informacionit dhe përdorimi i shërbimit në internet. DevOps përfiton nga SI dhe zhvillimi i operacioneve. Ajo gjithashtu ka efekte pozitive në zhvillimin e shërbimit …

Ndërtimi I Një "To-Do" Aplikacioni Me Teknologjinë Flutter, Emnolina Brahimi Dec 2020

Ndërtimi I Një "To-Do" Aplikacioni Me Teknologjinë Flutter, Emnolina Brahimi

Theses and Dissertations

Aplikacionet për telefon mobil viteve të fundit kanë filluar të zëvendësojnë shumë veprimtari që në të shkuarën i kemi bërë në mënyrë primitive te themi. Nevoja për të kursyer sa më shumë kohë, energji dhe para ka bërë që të krijohen aplikacione të ndryshme, inovative dhe mbi të gjitha aplikacione që ofrojnë zgjidhje të problemeve.

Smartphone-ët por edhe shumë pajisje të tjera elektronike si tabletet dhe smartwatch janë bërë aq të nevojshme sa që pothuajse secili person i rritur mund të posedoj një të tillë.

Duke parë kërkesën dhe nevojën në tregun tonë për zgjidhje të problemeve përmes aplikacioneve, si …

Analiza E Efekteve Shëndetsore Gjatë Përdorimit Të Rrjetave Pa Tela Në Kushtet E Jetës Reale, Hashim Sahiti Dec 2020

Analiza E Efekteve Shëndetsore Gjatë Përdorimit Të Rrjetave Pa Tela Në Kushtet E Jetës Reale, Hashim Sahiti

Theses and Dissertations

Teknologjia Wireless u ideua në 1880 nga Alexander Graham Bell dhe Sumner Tainted kur u zbulua telefoni fotografik. Në ditët e sotme, ka shumë lloje të pajisjeve pa tela që përdoren për të komunikuar. Telefoni celular dhe Rrjeti Wireless janë pjesa e jetës sonë të përditshme në të gjithë botën. Pajisja Wi-Fi lejon shkëmbimin (marrjen dhe dërgimin) e të dhënave përmes pajisjeve pa tela dhe Wi-Fi lëshojnë valë radio. Pajisjet që përdorin Wi-Fi janë kompjuterët, tabletat, celularët, audio player, aparatet fotografikë digjital si dhe pajisjet përcjellëse te kompjuterit si printerët, tastiera, miu e etj. Pajisjet pa tela janë të bazuara …

Ndikimi I Ueb Aplikacionit Dhe Aplikacionit Për Telefonë Në Menaxhimin Dhe Shperndarjen E Informacionit Në Ditët E Sotme, Jetmir Feka Dec 2020

Ndikimi I Ueb Aplikacionit Dhe Aplikacionit Për Telefonë Në Menaxhimin Dhe Shperndarjen E Informacionit Në Ditët E Sotme, Jetmir Feka

Theses and Dissertations

Në kohën tonë teknologjia po ecën me hapa shumë të shpejtë, sidomos në fushën e pajisjeve elektronike si: kompjuterët, tabletat, telefonat e mençur etj. Numri i përdoruesve të internetit dhe pajisjeve elektronike është shumë i madh dhe është në rritje të vazhdueshme. Qëllimi i këtij hulumtimi është identifikimi efektiv i strategjisë për zhvillimin e sistemit të menaxhimeve të portaleve online, si dhe efikasitetin në shpërndarjen e tyre. Një kompanie i nevojitet një sistem për menaxhim të lajmeve i cili është një element kryesor në zhvillimin e kompanisë. Shumica e kompanive mediatike sot kanë krijuar ueb-sajte online në mënyrë që punën …

Vitrina Virtuale E Librit, Genti Sheholli Dec 2020

Vitrina Virtuale E Librit, Genti Sheholli

Theses and Dissertations

Zhvillimi i aplikacioneve moderne në ditët e sotme nuk është vetëm proces i ndërtimit të aplikacionit. Procesi përfshin zhvillimin e shërbimeve në anën e serverit dhe aplikacionit në anën e klientit. Teknologjitë dhe opsionet për të zhvilluar një web aplikacion janë të shumta dhe varësisht se cfarë web aplikacioni duhet të zhvillohet mund të vendosim edhe për teknologjitë në secilin aspekt.

Qëllimi i këtij web aplikacioni është hulmtimi në teknologjit të kohës që kanë marrë hov të zhvillimit në aplikacionet moderne dhe hulumtim në zhvillimin e aplikacionit me struktura moderne.

Ky web aplikacion është një sintezë e proceseve, procedurave dhe …

Analizimi Dhe Zhvillimi I Sistemit Për Komunikim Në Telemjekësi Duke Përdorur Teknologjinë Webrtc, Fitim Mehmeti Dec 2020

Analizimi Dhe Zhvillimi I Sistemit Për Komunikim Në Telemjekësi Duke Përdorur Teknologjinë Webrtc, Fitim Mehmeti

Theses and Dissertations

Sistemet softuerike për komunikim në përgjithësi e në veçanti telemedicina që për qëllim ka ofrimin e kujdesit shëndetsor në distancë janë duke u bërë aset i rëndësishëm në shtetet e zhvilluara. Kufizimet në kohë, vendndodhja, kushtet atmosferike, tash së fundmi edhe pandemia COVID-19 janë ndër arsyet kryesore për zhvillimin e sistemeve të tilla. Ky punim është përqëndruar në hulumtimin, analizimin dhe krahasimin e sistemeve për komunikim online, mënyra se si funksionojnë këto sisteme, gjithashtu është fokusuar në zhvillimin e një aplikacioni për komunikim me video për pacientët dhe mjekët duke përdorur teknologjinë webRTC, ky projekt do të zhvillohet në bazë …

3-D Fabry–Pérot Cavities Sculpted On Fiber Tips Using A Multiphoton Polymerization Process, Jonathan W. Smith, Jeremiah C. Williams, Joseph S. Suelzer, Nicholas G. Usechak, Hengky Chandrahalim Dec 2020

3-D Fabry–Pérot Cavities Sculpted On Fiber Tips Using A Multiphoton Polymerization Process, Jonathan W. Smith, Jeremiah C. Williams, Joseph S. Suelzer, Nicholas G. Usechak, Hengky Chandrahalim

Faculty Publications

This paper presents 3-D Fabry–Pérot (FP) cavities fabricated directly onto cleaved ends of low-loss optical fibers by a two-photon polymerization (2PP) process. This fabrication technique is quick, simple, and inexpensive compared to planar microfabrication processes, which enables rapid prototyping and the ability to adapt to new requirements. These devices also utilize true 3-D design freedom, facilitating the realization of microscale optical elements with challenging geometries. Three different device types were fabricated and evaluated: an unreleased single-cavity device, a released dual-cavity device, and a released hemispherical mirror dual-cavity device. Each iteration improved the quality of the FP cavity's reflection spectrum. The …

Aerial Mineral And Organic Particulate Deposition In East Texas, Sarah Caton, Sarah Caton Dec 2020

Aerial Mineral And Organic Particulate Deposition In East Texas, Sarah Caton, Sarah Caton

Electronic Theses and Dissertations

This study determined the monthly amount, particle size distribution, and chemical composition of particulate deposition in East Texas over a one-year period. It also recognized the seasonal patterns of this deposition as well as its primary origins as either mineral or organic particulate deposition.

The study recorded the monthly mass of deposition, particle size distribution, and the chemical makeup of deposition throughout a period of twelve months at seven sampling locations. SEM-EDS technology was used in conjunction with PCI programming to measure the sizes of depositional particles throughout this time period and identify their chemical composition.

The total yearly deposition …

Implementation Of An Electronic Alert For Improving Adherence To Diabetic Foot Exam Screenings In Type 2 Diabetic Patients In Primary Care Clinics, Ruby Denson Dec 2020

Implementation Of An Electronic Alert For Improving Adherence To Diabetic Foot Exam Screenings In Type 2 Diabetic Patients In Primary Care Clinics, Ruby Denson

Student Scholarly Projects

Practice Problem: Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) are at an increased risk of complications including foot ulcerations (Harris-Hayes et al., 2020). Preventive care is essential for the early detection of foot ulcers but despite the advantages of preventive screening, a limited number of primary care providers perform annual foot exams (Williams et al., 2018).

PICOT: The clinical question that guided this project was, “In adult patients with T2DM receiving care in a primary care setting, will the implementation of an electronic clinical reminder alert (ECR) increase provider adherence to performing an annual diabetic foot exam and risk …

Davis Creek Dredge Channel Data Report, C. Scott Hardaway Jr., Donna A. Milligan, Christine A. Wilcox, Nicholas Dinapoli Dec 2020

Davis Creek Dredge Channel Data Report, C. Scott Hardaway Jr., Donna A. Milligan, Christine A. Wilcox, Nicholas Dinapoli


Introduction Davis Creek is located in Mathews County, Virginia (Figure 1) and empties into Mobjack Bay, a small bay in the lower Chesapeake Bay. The creek has a narrow mouth that splits into three prongs (Figure 2). The eastern prong is shortest at 2,200 ft from the mouth, and the western prong is the longest extending about 3,000 ft from the mouth. The Marina on Davis Creek occurs on this prong. Land use adjacent to the creek is mostly residential with some agriculture and wooded properties. The headwaters do not have extensive marsh. Instead the creek terminates soon after the …

Structure, Neutrostructure, And Antistructure In Science, Florentin Smarandache Dec 2020

Structure, Neutrostructure, And Antistructure In Science, Florentin Smarandache

Branch Mathematics and Statistics Faculty and Staff Publications

In any science, a classical Theorem, defined on a given space, is a statement that is 100% true (i.e. true for all elements of the space). To prove that a classical theorem is false, it is sufficient to get a single counter-example where the statement is false. Therefore, the classical sciences do not leave room for partial truth of a theorem (or a statement). But, in our world and in our everyday life, we have many more examples of statements that are only partially true, than statements that are totally true. The NeutroTheorem and AntiTheorem are generalizations and alternatives of …

Chemical Investigation Of Avocado (Persea Americana) Seed Husk (Testa): A Waste Of Waste, Orlando A. Castillo Scheren Dec 2020

Chemical Investigation Of Avocado (Persea Americana) Seed Husk (Testa): A Waste Of Waste, Orlando A. Castillo Scheren

Theses and Dissertations

Food chemistry is a new field in the world and is currently still expanding into the types of market in which it can be tapped into. There are about 1.3 billion tons of food waste produced in 2016 in the world, and food chemistry is going to help get rid of that waste by finding new and exciting applications to the things currently considered as waste. In these products, there might be new and undiscovered drugs that can be used in the market to help treat diseases for which might not have a cure at the current moment. The avocado …

Developing A Uhf/Vhf Phased-Array Satellite Ground Station, Brent K. Cole Dec 2020

Developing A Uhf/Vhf Phased-Array Satellite Ground Station, Brent K. Cole

Theses and Dissertations

Earth-satellite communications and tracking of spacecraft are accomplished using ground stations. Traditionally, this has been achieved by using a large parabolic antenna or pair of antennas that point at a source of interest and mechanically steer the antenna(s) as the source moves throughout the sky. Phased arrays, which have often been used in radio astronomy, can provide multiple benefits when used as a ground station including fast scanning speeds across the sky, tracking and communication of multiple sources simultaneously, and significant improvements to overall gain, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and data bandwidth. This thesis presents a preliminary analysis of a 20-element …

Neural Network Development In An Artificial Intelligence Gomoku Program, David Garcia Dec 2020

Neural Network Development In An Artificial Intelligence Gomoku Program, David Garcia

Theses and Dissertations

The game of Gomoku, also called Five in a Row, is an abstract strategy board game. The Gomoku program is constructed upon an algebraic monomial theory to aid values for each possible move and estimate chances for the artificial intelligence program to accomplish a winning path for each move and rounds. With the utilization of the monomial theory, winning configurations are successfully converted into monomials of variables which are represented on board positions. In the artificial intelligence program, an arduous task is how to perform the present configuration of the Gomoku game along with the past moves of the two …

Bivariate Markov Chain Model Of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (Ibs) Subtypes And Abdominal Pain, Ricardo Reyna Jr. Dec 2020

Bivariate Markov Chain Model Of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (Ibs) Subtypes And Abdominal Pain, Ricardo Reyna Jr.

Theses and Dissertations

Researchers use stochastic models like continuous-time Markov chains (CTMC) to model progression of morbidities of public health impact, like HIV and Hepatitis C. Most of the research in that area is done for a single disease. In this research, we use a bivariate continuous-time Markov chain (CTMC) to model progression of co-morbidities. In particular, we use a bivariate CTMC to model the joint progression of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and abdominal pain. Symptoms of IBS are known to change throughout the duration of the disorder. Hence, patients are normally asked to make a journal of the stool type, symptoms, and …

Artificial Intelligence In A Main Warehouse In Panasonic: Los Indios, Texas, Edison Antonio Trejo Hernandez Dec 2020

Artificial Intelligence In A Main Warehouse In Panasonic: Los Indios, Texas, Edison Antonio Trejo Hernandez

Theses and Dissertations

The Panasonic Company warehouse is located in Los Indios Texas. The warehouse presents the limitation of the great distances between its headquarters and the Main Warehouse for supplying the branches and main customers, which requires a considerable amount of time to maintain effective communication in the inventory area. In addition, during an online review, it can be confirmed that the website is disabled, contradicting its corporate policy.

The structure of the thesis proposal is arranged in four chapters from the Introduction, Statement of the Problem and Purposes; Previous Studies and Definition of the literature; the Research Methodology and the resources …

Road Map Generation And Feature Extraction Algorithms From Gps Trajectories And Trajectories Data Warehousing, Tariq Alsahfi Dec 2020

Road Map Generation And Feature Extraction Algorithms From Gps Trajectories And Trajectories Data Warehousing, Tariq Alsahfi

Computer Science and Engineering Dissertations

Advanced technologies in location acquisition allow us to track the movement of moving objects (people, planes, vehicles, animals, ships, ..) in geographical space. These technologies generate a vast amount of trajectory data (TD). Several applica- tions in different fields can utilize such trajectory data, for example, traffic control management, social behavior analysis, wildlife migrations and movements, ship tra- jectories, shoppers behavior in a mall, facial nerve trajectory, location-based services (LBS) and many others. Fortunately, there are now many trajectory data sets avail- able that collected from moving objects such as cars with enabled GPS devices. Two main challenges arise when …

P450 Cyp17a1 Variant With A Disordered Proton Shuttle Assembly Retains Peroxo-Mediated Lyase Efficiency, Yilin Liu, Ilia G. Denisov, Yelena V. Grinkova, Stephen G. Silgar, James R. Kincaid Dec 2020

P450 Cyp17a1 Variant With A Disordered Proton Shuttle Assembly Retains Peroxo-Mediated Lyase Efficiency, Yilin Liu, Ilia G. Denisov, Yelena V. Grinkova, Stephen G. Silgar, James R. Kincaid

Chemistry Faculty Research and Publications

Human cytochrome P450 CYP17A1 first catalyzes hydroxylation at the C17 position of either pregnenolone (PREG) or progesterone (PROG), and a subsequent C17−C20 bond scission to produce dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) or androstenedione (AD). In the T306A mutant, replacement of the Threonine 306 alcohol functionality, essential for efficient proton delivery in the hydroxylase reaction, has only a small effect on the lyase activity. In this work, resonance Raman spectroscopy is employed to provide crucial structural insight, confirming that this mutant, with its disordered proton shuttle, fails to generate essential hydroxylase pathway intermediates, accounting for the loss in hydroxylase efficiency. Significantly, …

Fate Of Ayeyarwady And Thanlwin River Sediment: Relative Importance Of Oceanographic And Tectonic Controls - Associated Dataset, Steven Kuehl, Courtney K. Harris Dec 2020

Fate Of Ayeyarwady And Thanlwin River Sediment: Relative Importance Of Oceanographic And Tectonic Controls - Associated Dataset, Steven Kuehl, Courtney K. Harris


Data set archive associated with Kuehl et al. (2019) collected as part of NSF award OCE-1737221. Core and CTD data are from a two-week oceanographic research cruise which was conducted in December 2017 in the Northern Andaman Sea and Bay of Bengal, using a locally hired vessel. Overall, we occupied 30 stations and collected ~50 sediment cores (kasten, gravity and box), along with CTD profiles on the shelf and inside the Yangon River estuary. The area covered includes both the western and eastern sides of the delta, almost 250 nm across, and southward across the continental shelf to a major …

Digital Transformation In Higher Education: A Framework For Maturity Assessment, Adam Marks, Maytha Al-Ali, Reem Atassi, Abedallah Zaid Abualkishik, Yacine Rezgui Dec 2020

Digital Transformation In Higher Education: A Framework For Maturity Assessment, Adam Marks, Maytha Al-Ali, Reem Atassi, Abedallah Zaid Abualkishik, Yacine Rezgui

All Works

© 2020 Science and Information Organization. All rights reserved. —Literature in digital transformation maturity is scarce. Digital transformation in higher education, especially after COVID-19 is seen as inevitable. This research explores digital transformation maturity and challenges within Higher Education. The significance of this study stems from the role digital transformation plays in today’s knowledge economy. This study proposes a new framework based on Deloitte’s 2019 digital transformation assessment framework with Petkovic 2014 mega and major higher education process mapping. The study triangulates the findings of multiple research instruments, including survey, interviews, case study, and direct observation. The research findings show …