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Social and Behavioral Sciences Commons

Open Access. Powered by Scholars. Published by Universities.®

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Articles 40501 - 40530 of 713450

Full-Text Articles in Social and Behavioral Sciences

مدى توافر مكونات الحمض النّووي التنظيمي Dna وأثرها في تحقيق الأداء العالي لدى العاملين في قطاع التعليم التقني الفلسطيني, Amal Elhela, Samer Arqawi, Waseem Al-Habil Jun 2022

مدى توافر مكونات الحمض النّووي التنظيمي Dna وأثرها في تحقيق الأداء العالي لدى العاملين في قطاع التعليم التقني الفلسطيني, Amal Elhela, Samer Arqawi, Waseem Al-Habil

Palestine Technical University Research Journal

The research aims to uncover the relationship and impact between the availability of the organizational gene components and the level of achieving high performance of the technical education employees. The researchers used the descriptive analytical method and the sample consisted of all employees of the Palestinian technical education sector who are working in the Technical University of khadori (419 employees), and Palestine Technical College –Deir El-Balah (190 employees). The random simple sample participants consisted of (236), and (194) questionnaires were received, with a response rate of (82.2). The results showed a relationship and impact between the components of the organizational …

الاستراتيجيات المقترحة للحلقة المفقودة بين مخرجات التعليم العالي ومتطلبات سوق العمل, Rawan Damaira, Jehan Damaira Jun 2022

الاستراتيجيات المقترحة للحلقة المفقودة بين مخرجات التعليم العالي ومتطلبات سوق العمل, Rawan Damaira, Jehan Damaira

Palestine Technical University Research Journal

The study aimed to know the proposed strategies for the lost loop between higher education outputs and labor market requirements from the perspective of Palestinian university graduates. The study sample consisted of 200 respondents, a constructed questionnaire was distributed to four Palestinian university graduates' students in north West Bank namely: (Al-Quds Open University, Anajah University, -Al-Khudouri University, and The Arab American University). The descriptive analytical method was used in this study, as the study used several statistical tools, such as frequency distribution, percentage, mean and mean average, T-test, and the one-wayanalysis of variance, and the equation for calculating Cronbach's alpha …

تحليل واقع التعليم الإلكتروني في الجامعات الفلسطينية: دراسة حالة جامعة فلسطين التقنية – خضوري/طولكرم, Hiba Khalil Almbayed Jun 2022

تحليل واقع التعليم الإلكتروني في الجامعات الفلسطينية: دراسة حالة جامعة فلسطين التقنية – خضوري/طولكرم, Hiba Khalil Almbayed

Palestine Technical University Research Journal

The study aimed to analyze the reality of e-learning at Palestine Technical University-Khudouri/Tulkarem, and to identify the most important challenges facing students when using the education system, as well as to analyze the extent to which university students interact with the e-learning system, and to show the differences between the average opinions of the study sample on e-learning according to the study variables due to the nature of the study, the descriptive analytical approach was used, in order to reach practical results, and to achieve and analyze the reality of e-learning a questionnaire consisting of (34) paragraphs was designed, where …

أثر أنظمة المعلومات المحاسبية على القرارات المالية للمنشآت التجارية في مدينة طولكرم, Ammar Salem Jun 2022

أثر أنظمة المعلومات المحاسبية على القرارات المالية للمنشآت التجارية في مدينة طولكرم, Ammar Salem

Palestine Technical University Research Journal

This study sought to highlight the effect of information accounting systems on the financial decisions (fund decisions, investment decisions, deviance earning decisions, special decisions) of commercial establishments in Tulkarem Governorate and to show which variables have the greater impact on these decisions. The researcher conducted the study using a questionnaire. He distributed questionnaires covering 300 accountants and auditors depending on the statistics of Tulkarem Chamber of Commerce and Trade in 2019. The study sample composed of 50 accountants and auditors in October 2019. To achieve the end of the study, the researcher employed arithmetic means and standard deviation. The study …

ملامحُ المقاومةِ الشعبيَّة في ديوانِ "المجدُ ينحني أمامكم" مُقتَرباتُ الموضوعِ والَّتشكيل الشعريّ, Khalel Qatanani Jun 2022

ملامحُ المقاومةِ الشعبيَّة في ديوانِ "المجدُ ينحني أمامكم" مُقتَرباتُ الموضوعِ والَّتشكيل الشعريّ, Khalel Qatanani

Palestine Technical University Research Journal

The study deals with the "Glory bends before you" by the poet Abdel Nasser Saleh, as an appropriate model to study the subject of popular resistance and its role in confronting the occupier through the use of popular resistance methods and means, and the statement of its foundations, and objective and poetic features. He lived the experiences of struggle and arrest in the Uprising. He practiced peaceful resistance on the homeland by his pencil and actions. The study attempts to dismantle the vocabulary of the texts of the Diwan by employing the analytical methodology in order to demonstrate the extent …

مفهوم الذات وعلاقته بالتكيف النفسي لدى الأحداث الجانحين المسجلين في وزارة التنمية الاجتماعية, Iyad Abu Bakr, Salim Odeh Jun 2022

مفهوم الذات وعلاقته بالتكيف النفسي لدى الأحداث الجانحين المسجلين في وزارة التنمية الاجتماعية, Iyad Abu Bakr, Salim Odeh

Palestine Technical University Research Journal

This study is aimed to identify the self-concept and its relation with psychological adaption in the delinquent juvenile, who are registered in the ministry of social development, andthe impact of some demographical variants (age, and monthly income), on the self-conception and psychological adaption on them, from the delinquent juvenile who are registered in the ministry of social development point of view ،in Ramallah and Tubas governorates. The study sample consists of all juvenile who are registered in the ministry of social development in 2016, whose number is 2460 delinquent juvenile, among them a clustered and Random sample which has been …

واقع الصحة المدرسية في مدارس محافظة الخليل الحكومية وسبل تطويرها, Hakam Hijje, Aseel Abu Zneid Jun 2022

واقع الصحة المدرسية في مدارس محافظة الخليل الحكومية وسبل تطويرها, Hakam Hijje, Aseel Abu Zneid

Palestine Technical University Research Journal

This study aimed at investigating the status of school health in the Governorate of Hebron and the way to develop them. The study population consisted of all teacher members of the health committees and their coordinators, in Governorate of Hebron. In academic year 2017/2018, (1482) committee members. The researcher used questionnaire to collect data. The questionnaire sample was randomly stratified, and consisted of (250) members. The researcher developed (40) items questionnaire that covers the aspects of the status of school health. The study results revealed that, the degree of estimation of the teacher members of school health and the coordinators …

درجة تطبيق مهارات التفكير التأملي في تدريس التربية الرياضية في المدارس الحكومية لمحافظة نابلس من وجهات نظر معلمي التربية الرياضية, Islam Mohammad Abbas Jun 2022

درجة تطبيق مهارات التفكير التأملي في تدريس التربية الرياضية في المدارس الحكومية لمحافظة نابلس من وجهات نظر معلمي التربية الرياضية, Islam Mohammad Abbas

Palestine Technical University Research Journal

This study aimed to identify the degree of applying the thinking skills in teaching physical education in public schools in Palestine from the perspectives of teachers of physical education themselves. The study found that the degree of applying the thinking skills in the field of thinking during the event received the highest degree of approval from the point of view of the teachers of physical education, followed by the field of thinking of the event in the second place. The field of reflective thinking in general received a high degree of approval, with a percentage of 73.3%. The study also …

نظرة تقييمية لآراء الخبراء في كرة الطائرة نحو تطبيق نظام الاحتراف في أندية الضفة الغربية, Ahmad Nassar, Ismael Zakarneh, Husein Qadoumi, Ghait Nassef Jun 2022

نظرة تقييمية لآراء الخبراء في كرة الطائرة نحو تطبيق نظام الاحتراف في أندية الضفة الغربية, Ahmad Nassar, Ismael Zakarneh, Husein Qadoumi, Ghait Nassef

Palestine Technical University Research Journal

This study aimed to an evaluation look at the opinions of experts in volleyball towards the application of the professional system in West Bank clubs, and to achieve this, the researchers used the descriptive approach due to its suitability and the nature of the objectives of the study. Organization and planning, capabilities and playgrounds, media and marketing, and game components (coaches, players and referees), the study population consisted of (70) individuals, and the study sample reached (37) individuals, accounting for 52% of the study community as follows: experts (15), and managers The technicians (trainers) (9), team administrators (7), and referees …

دَرجَةُ اسْتخدامِ نُظُمِ الْبَحْثِ والرّضا عنْها في الْمكتباتِ الفِلَسطينيّةِ في ظلِّ البيئةِ التّكْنولوجيّةِ منْ وِجْهَةِ نظرِ أُمَناءِ المكتباتِ وَالباحِثينَ, Ibrahim Khader Jun 2022

دَرجَةُ اسْتخدامِ نُظُمِ الْبَحْثِ والرّضا عنْها في الْمكتباتِ الفِلَسطينيّةِ في ظلِّ البيئةِ التّكْنولوجيّةِ منْ وِجْهَةِ نظرِ أُمَناءِ المكتباتِ وَالباحِثينَ, Ibrahim Khader

Palestine Technical University Research Journal

The present study aimed to identify the extent of using research systems that are the new generation for the library index, similar to the interface of the beneficiaries that allows access to all information, and satisfaction with it in Palestinian libraries in light of the technological environment from the viewpoint of librarians and researchers. It also aimed to identify whether there is any difference between the respondent’s occupational stress levels which can be attributed to their (Gender, major, library type, experience). The study’s population consists from all the all the Librarians and researchers in Palestine (West Bank and Gaza Strip). …

التأثيرات السلبية الناتجة عن استخدام الأجهزة اللوحية الذكية على الصحة الجسمية والنفسية لأطفال من عمر(13-16) سنة من وجهة نظرهم, Nuha Iter Jun 2022

التأثيرات السلبية الناتجة عن استخدام الأجهزة اللوحية الذكية على الصحة الجسمية والنفسية لأطفال من عمر(13-16) سنة من وجهة نظرهم, Nuha Iter

Palestine Technical University Research Journal

The study aimed to explore the negative effects of using smart devices on the physical and psychological health of children aged (13-16) years from their perspective. The study was applied to a random sample of children aged (13-16), consisting of (102) male and female students. The descriptive method was used to answer the study questions, and a questionnaire was developed to collect data, which contains (3) sections, first section asked about the most used and preferred devices by children aged (13-16) years, and the number of hours the child used the smart device, the second one asked about the negative …

Uniaxial Strain And Optical Properties Of Gap Nanowires, Rezek Mohammad Jun 2022

Uniaxial Strain And Optical Properties Of Gap Nanowires, Rezek Mohammad

Palestine Technical University Research Journal

The optical properties for wurtzite (WZ) Bulk GaP and GaP nanowires (GaP-NWs) in hexagonal(circular), triangular and square cross sectional are investigated by using full potential linear augmented plane waves and local orbitals (FP-LAPW-LO) method based on density functional theory (DFT). The wurtzite nanowires are investigated with diameters limited to ~27 oA. The optical functions as a function of photon energy have been investigated for unstrained bulk WZ-GaP and WZ-GaP-NWs in the first part. Finally, the optical functions are investigated for WZ-GaP-NWs by applying uniaxial strain from -5% to +5%. The effect of cross sectional variation in the area and shape …

إثر استخدام شبكات التواصل الاجتماعية على الأداء الأكاديمي للطلبة, Abeer Qashou, Rania Abdalla Jun 2022

إثر استخدام شبكات التواصل الاجتماعية على الأداء الأكاديمي للطلبة, Abeer Qashou, Rania Abdalla

Palestine Technical University Research Journal

Social Network Sites (SNSs) are widely used by university students these days. The underlying reasons behind this use vary between academic and nonacademic purposes. The question is whether this use influences the students' academic performance or not. The aim of this study is to answer this question by examining the impact of five potential variables on the use of SNS, and the influence of this usage on the students' academic performance at Palestine Technical University-Kadoorie (PTUK). Five variables are included: the gender, age, faculty, duration of use, and computer self-efficacy. Stratified sampling technique was used to gather the required data, …

التحلل الضوئي للميثاميدوفوس (مبيد حشري) في الماء باستخدام اكسيد التيتانيوم النانوي البلوري المعدل بالصبغ المدعوم على أسطح الكربون المنشط, Lamees Majd, Nidal Zatar, Sameer Amereih, Hikmat Hilal Jun 2022

التحلل الضوئي للميثاميدوفوس (مبيد حشري) في الماء باستخدام اكسيد التيتانيوم النانوي البلوري المعدل بالصبغ المدعوم على أسطح الكربون المنشط, Lamees Majd, Nidal Zatar, Sameer Amereih, Hikmat Hilal

Palestine Technical University Research Journal

Anatase TiO2 surfaces have been treated with 2, 4, 6-triphenylpyrylium hydrogen sulfate (TPPHS) or tripyridylporhpyrinatomanganese(II) (MnP) dyes to yield the modified TiO2/ dye surfaces. The modified TiO2/dye surface was then supported onto activated carbon (AC) surfaces to yield a new class of catalytic system AC/TiO2/dye. The catalytic activities of naked TiO2, dye solution, TiO2/dye, and AC/TiO2/dye systems were examined in photo-degradation of Methamidophos (insecticide) in water, using both UV and visible light. All examined systems showed catalytic activity when used either in the UV or the visible regions, but the AC/TiO2/ dye showed the highest activity. The dye role, in …

التحقيق والتحليل التجريبي لتشغيل المحركات الحثية ثلاثية الطور في ظل حالة المرحلة الواحدة, Basem Alsayid Jun 2022

التحقيق والتحليل التجريبي لتشغيل المحركات الحثية ثلاثية الطور في ظل حالة المرحلة الواحدة, Basem Alsayid

Palestine Technical University Research Journal

A three-phase induction motor will continue to operate when a disturbance of some sort causesthe source voltages of the motor to become unbalanced. When an induction motor is operated at unbalanced voltage supply the performance characteristics like efficiency, power factor, input power, output power and losses are affected. The single-phasing occurs when one phase fails as a result of a fuse blowing, protective device opening on one phase of the motor, open phase on one terminal of the motor or other causes.This paper will analyze the operation of a 3-phase induction motor under normal balancedsource voltages first, then under single …

تحسين الإنتاج الزراعي باعتبارات اجتماعية واقتصادية: دراسة حالة من فلسطين, Fathi Annaya Jun 2022

تحسين الإنتاج الزراعي باعتبارات اجتماعية واقتصادية: دراسة حالة من فلسطين, Fathi Annaya

Palestine Technical University Research Journal

Agriculture is not only the main source of income to most Palestinian families; it is also the link to connect them to their valuable land and water resources. Farmers seek assistance from agronomists and decision makers to cultivatethe proper products. In this study, the best selection of agricultural crops is addressed in the multiple-objective context. The study deals with three conflicting objective functions: net benefit, agricultural production, and labor employment. Four-stageprocedure is adopted combining multiple-objective optimization, simple valuation methods, cluster analysis, and multiple criteria decisions making (MCDM) methods. Pareto optimal curves are used to evaluate the marginal prices of both …

تأثير استخدام أنواع مختلفة من الأسمدة على نمو ونوعية الخس (Lactuca Sativa L.), Basel Natsheh, Nawaf Abukhalaf Jun 2022

تأثير استخدام أنواع مختلفة من الأسمدة على نمو ونوعية الخس (Lactuca Sativa L.), Basel Natsheh, Nawaf Abukhalaf

Palestine Technical University Research Journal

The experiment was conducted during the period from March to the end of April 2019 to observe the effect of different fertilizer regimes on the growth, quality and yield of lettuce under field conditions. The experiment was consisting of four treatments as well as a control without fertilizer T1, compost T2, compost tea T3 and chemical fertilizer T4, in each treatment 50 replicates were planted. The measurements included wet and dry weight for shoot and root, plant length, and chlorophyll percentage. The study revealed that lettuce's best growth values were obtained with the use of eco-friendly organic fertilizer accompanied by …

التنبؤ بأداء الطلاب بناء على ملف الطالب الأكاديمي, Hadi Khalilia, Thaer Sammar, Yazeed Sleet Jun 2022

التنبؤ بأداء الطلاب بناء على ملف الطالب الأكاديمي, Hadi Khalilia, Thaer Sammar, Yazeed Sleet

Palestine Technical University Research Journal

Data mining is an important field; it has been widely used in different domains. Oneof the fields that make use of data mining is Educational Data Mining. In this study, we apply machine learning models on data obtained from Palestine Technical University-Kadoorie (PTUK) in Tulkarm for students in the department of computer engineering and applied computing. Students in both fields study the same major courses; C++ and Java. Therefore, we focused on these courses to predict student’s performance. The goal of our study is predicting students’ performance measured by (GPA) in the major. There are many techniques that are used …

توصيف المجتمعات البكتيرية في لحم الضأن الفلسطيني بواسطة التنميط الظاهري و تحليل جين 16s Rrna, Wafa Masoud, Mahmoud Hamdan Jun 2022

توصيف المجتمعات البكتيرية في لحم الضأن الفلسطيني بواسطة التنميط الظاهري و تحليل جين 16s Rrna, Wafa Masoud, Mahmoud Hamdan

Palestine Technical University Research Journal

The main purpose of the present study was to isolate, identify and quantify bacteria in Palestinian fresh lamb meat. Phenotyping and 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis was used to identify bacteria present in lamb meat samples. Thirty-four bacterial isolates were obtained from 20 samples of fresh lamb meat collected from 4 meat shops in Tulkarem city in Palestine. Bacterial counts were in a range of 3 x 103 -1.5 x 105 cfu / g with Staphylococcus aureus being the highest in numbers among other bacteria. Enterobacteriaceae and Staphylococ-caceae were the predominant bacterial families detected in fresh lamb meat samples. Two …

تخليق وتقييم إمكانات مضادات الليباز والالتحام الجزيئي لـلمركب الجديد N '- (2-Hydroxy-5-Nitrobenzylidene) Naphthalene-2-Sulfonohydrazide, Sameer Amereih, Abd Daraghmeh, Ismail Warad, Mohammed Al-Nuri Jun 2022

تخليق وتقييم إمكانات مضادات الليباز والالتحام الجزيئي لـلمركب الجديد N '- (2-Hydroxy-5-Nitrobenzylidene) Naphthalene-2-Sulfonohydrazide, Sameer Amereih, Abd Daraghmeh, Ismail Warad, Mohammed Al-Nuri

Palestine Technical University Research Journal

N’-(2-Hydroxy-5-nitrobenzylidene) naphthalene-2-sulfonohydrazide (SB) was prepared by condensation reaction, of naphthalene-2-sulfonylchloride with 2-Hydroxy-5-nitrobenzaldehyde. The Schiff base product (SB) was isolated, purified and then spectrally characterized via UV-Vis, FT-IR, 1H and 13C NMR analysis, where strong evidences confirmed the formation of the desired product. Pancreatic porcine lipase inhibition of the Schiff base product was evaluated and compared with the reference “Orlistat”. The product was an active as a lipase enzyme inhibitor with IC50 42.65±0.97 mcg/ml. The molecular docking of the compound with porcine pancreatic lipase was investigating, the results of theoretical docking explained the experimental one since several hydrogen bonds between the …

Leadership Doctorates Newsletter: Volume 8, Number 2, Larry Starr, Phd Jun 2022

Leadership Doctorates Newsletter: Volume 8, Number 2, Larry Starr, Phd

Leadership Doctorates Newsletter (Formerly Strategic Leadership Newsletter)

In this Issue:

  • Doctor of Management Commencement
  • Updated Dissertation Proposals and Defenses
  • Strategic Leadership at Sea
  • Award-Winning Respiratory Therapy Department
  • IESE Faculty Appointment
  • Leadership Appointment: Dr. Scott Koerwer
  • Leadership Appointment: Dr. Rume Joy Azikiwe-Oyeyemi
  • Conference Invitations
  • Korean-American Publication
  • Memorial Weekend Writing
  • Interested in Earning Another Jefferson Doctorate? Announcing the Doctor of Health Sciences (DHSc) Degree
  • Online Conference from University of Hull: Systems Approaches to Child Protection
  • The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academic of Management: A Hybrid Experience
  • Summer Strategic Leadership Means...

Summary Of 2022 Public Acts, Elisha D. Hodge Jun 2022

Summary Of 2022 Public Acts, Elisha D. Hodge

MTAS Publications: Full Publications

This document summarizes the year's public acts that have the most impact on municipal operations in Tennessee.

Wang Xitian And The Chinese Experience In Imperial Tokyo, 1899-1923: Class, Violence, And The Formation Of A New National Consciousness, Isabella Yihan Yang Jun 2022

Wang Xitian And The Chinese Experience In Imperial Tokyo, 1899-1923: Class, Violence, And The Formation Of A New National Consciousness, Isabella Yihan Yang

Student Work

A 2021-2022 Williams Prize for best essay in East Asian Studies was awarded to Isabella Yang (Saybrook ‘22) for her essay submitted to the Department of History, "Wang Xitian and the Chinese Experience in Imperial Tokyo, 1899-1923: Class, Violence, and the Formation of a New National Consciousness” (Daniel Botsman, Professor of History, advisor).

Drawing upon a remarkable array of sources in Japanese, Chinese and English, Isabella Yang, in her thesis “Wang Xitian and the Chinese Experience in Imperial Tokyo, 1899-1923: Class, Violence, and the Formation of a New National Consciousness,” has crafted a genuinely path-breaking account of an aspect of …

The Role Of Adverse Childhood Experiences And Associated Features On Criminality In Emerging Adults, Jessica L. Harangozo Jun 2022

The Role Of Adverse Childhood Experiences And Associated Features On Criminality In Emerging Adults, Jessica L. Harangozo

ETD Archive

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are associated with a variety of negative outcomes, including criminal and violent behaviors (Milaniak & Widom, 2015). Prior research indicates that antisocial personality traits such as callousness may play a mediating effect on the relationship between ACEs and criminality (Baglivio et al., 2020). Further, the developmental period in which childhood maltreatment occurs may be related to greater criminality (Thornberry et al., 2010). This research project aims to examine how ACEs relate to criminality in emerging adults, with consideration of antisocial personality traits and the developmental period of experiencing childhood abuse. This study hypothesizes: (A) Both higher …

Wright State University Libraries Annual Report 2021, Wright State University Libraries Jun 2022

Wright State University Libraries Annual Report 2021, Wright State University Libraries

University Libraries' Annual Reports

The 2021 annual report by the Wright State University Libraries highlighting the various happenings at the University Libraries including staff updates, public services highlights, events, and the newly formed Student Advisory Board.

Fair Use Or Transformative Work? Music, Figure Skating, And Copyright, It Depends…, Kerri Bottorff Jun 2022

Fair Use Or Transformative Work? Music, Figure Skating, And Copyright, It Depends…, Kerri Bottorff

Scholarly Communication Brown Bag Series

Have you ever been curious about how figure skaters choose their music? Do they reach out to artists directly and ask for permission? Does U.S. Figure Skating, our National Governing Body, or our local member clubs, have protections or agreements in place? Or are we all just happy little copyright violators? Say it with me…it depends!

Resilience Is Low Among Both Military And Non-Military Populations With Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Kelsey Roberts, Janet Wilmoth, Shannon M. Monnat Jun 2022

Resilience Is Low Among Both Military And Non-Military Populations With Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Kelsey Roberts, Janet Wilmoth, Shannon M. Monnat

Population Health Research Brief Series

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects the lives of 12 million people in the United States. While commonly thought of in relation to military personnel and veterans, PTSD is also common among the general public. Resilience - the ability to cope with stressful events - is essential for recovering from PTSD. This data slice uses data from the National Wellbeing Survey to examine resilience among U.S. working-age adults with and without PTSD by their relationship to the military. Results show that those with PTSD have less resilience than those who have not experienced PTSD. In addition, those with military experience are …

Rumination And The Gut Microbiome:Effects Of A Brief Mindfulness Intervention, Moeka Kamiya Jun 2022

Rumination And The Gut Microbiome:Effects Of A Brief Mindfulness Intervention, Moeka Kamiya

Lawrence University Honors Projects

Recent work has found relationships between the gut microbiota—the community of organisms that inhabit an animal’s digestive tract—and psychological health. In particular, the gut microbiota of individuals with depression shows a different genetic composition to those without depression. Thus, this study explored how rumination, a predictor of depression, and gut microbiota composition are correlated to detect possible gut microbiota alterations present before depression develops. This study also examined whether a brief mindfulness mobile application intervention, which has been shown to reduce rumination, can increase beneficial bacteria abundance and decrease pathogenic bacteria abundance. Participants were 16 first-year students. They engaged in …

Evaluating The Moderating Effect Of Gender On Adolescents’ Internalizing Symptoms Throughout The First Wave Of Covid-19, Naomi C. Curran Jun 2022

Evaluating The Moderating Effect Of Gender On Adolescents’ Internalizing Symptoms Throughout The First Wave Of Covid-19, Naomi C. Curran

Lawrence University Honors Projects

In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic sent adolescents home to shelter-in-place in relative social isolation, potentially disrupting support networks, and compromising youth mental health. This may particularly impact already vulnerable groups, such as girls and transgender/gender diverse (TGD) adolescents, who experience a greater risk for depression and anxiety disorders than their peers. The present study investigated the moderating effect of gender on adolescents’ internalizing symptoms throughout the first wave of COVID-19. I hypothesized that the onset of the pandemic would increase TGD adolescents’ internalizing symptoms to a greater degree than their cisgender peers, and girls’ internalizing symptoms more than boys’. Data …

A Look At Contributing Factors That Affect Female Underrepresentation In Management, In The United States, Nushine W. Hosseini Jun 2022

A Look At Contributing Factors That Affect Female Underrepresentation In Management, In The United States, Nushine W. Hosseini

FIU Electronic Theses and Dissertations

This study examines contributing factors that affect female underrepresentation in management, in the United States (U.S.), within the U.S. workforce. The primary variables of interest are intrinsic motivation, work life balance and organizational climate support, which have typically not been reviewed in depth, in prior research.

Using a framework of varied theoretical approaches, this research studies the relationship between the above-mentioned constructs and gender effect, as related to interest in career advancement opportunities and female leadership underrepresentation within organizations.

The results of this study further validate existing research and highlights the importance of establishing programs, geared towards shifting mindsets and …